33.33% some fanfic recommendations / Chapter 1: Overwatch (tracer)
some fanfic recommendations some fanfic recommendations original

some fanfic recommendations

นักเขียน: _6_6_6_

© WebNovel

บท 1: Overwatch (tracer)

Somewhere in the ether of cosmos there are three large human shaped cosmic entities just floating there in the middle of space.

One of them, being made out of blue stars and comets was the entity named Alpha. The one in the middle, being made out of radiant stars and quasars that varied in all colors was the more peaceful and creative entity was known as Ohm. Lastly there was the problem child, the cosmic entity made out of black stars and asteroids, was the embodiment of chaos simply known as Omega. These three spectral beings oversaw the expanse of creation, which was splintered into infinite numbers of parallel universes and dimensions; they were beset with this duty for all time until one of them asked a very peculiar question.

"Hey…" Alpha( Think Church's voice) asked looking to the side at Ohm.

"Yes?" Ohm (Think Monty Oum's voice) responded.

"Have you ever wondered why we're here?"

"Honestly that has been on my mind lately, we've been overlooking all of creation for what feels like an eternity for a designated time of…an eternity. We've been here all this time and we never once wondered just how we got into this, it's really bumming me out to be honest. I actually want to take part in creating universes myself with worlds of dynamic colors, action, and badass gal warriors making it all look stylish. Kinda like how I did with my own personal project; Remnant, but to answer your question yes. How about you?" Ohm explained.

"On some metaphysical standpoint I guess it's our sacred duty or whatever, but yeah this is really fucking boring. Maybe all three of us should take up that hobby of creating out own pet universes to meddle in, to ya know, kill time."

"Well we do have to prevent universes from suffering incursions, which happen by letting any of them ram into each other, but we also got to keep an eye on him, ya know." Ohm added gesturing his constellation of fingers over to Omega, who was cackling evilly.

"Mua hahahaha, yes! Any second now this black hole will collapse and take this one universe with it, such destruction of all life is so delightfully evil! Hahahaha!" Omega( think O'Malley's voice) cackled like a cartoon villain.

"Oh right I forgot about him. I guess if he's left alone he might terrorize a few universes just for the kicks, at least he's amusing himself." Alpha stated then noticed Ohm holding the universe of his custom made world of Remnant between his star-made hands. "Aaaanndd you're looking at something else again, what is so fucking fascinating about this one world you made anyway?"

Ohm looked to the side where his two eyes, which were white suns, directed their gaze at Alpha. "It's my own personal universe, why wouldn't I be fascinated by it? Besides there's something…usual in the world of Remnant that has my attention."

"Is it those delightful Grimm that spawned there? I love those creatures, made out of pure malice wreaking havoc on the people, bwa hahahaha! What's so special about it anyway? Is it another apocalypse? I love watching those." Omega chimed in when it included itself into their conversation.

"No…it's a young man there that's something peculiar even amongst the countless different realities." Ohm answered catching the Alpha's attention.

"Pfht! I doubt that, there are literally infinite universes with plenty of 'unique' properties. What makes one person so special? Everything is constants and variables after all." Alpha retorted.

"That's just it; he's a constant that's…multiversal. Somehow this one being is compatible with any life form he meets, especially the female variety. Usually there's a variation of everyone and anyone in the infinite worlds, but oddly enough there isn't one for him. He's the only variable that's also a constant, he basically has a place hold in every world for himself exclusively. For some reason he is literally an 'everyman', not unlike the anomalies before like the kid with whisker marks or the boy with the bolt scar, if I dropped him into another universe he would immediately assimilate and be compatible with his choice of mates there right on the spot. It's remarkable really." Ohm explained catching faint interest from his two associates.

For a moment neither of them said anything until Alpha spoke up again. "Want to make a bet?"

"What did you have in mind? Remember that we have nothing to offer each other regardless of who wins." Ohm answered.

"It'll just be to amuse ourselves, dude. I mean we got like nothing to do for fucking ever, let's liven things up a bit." Alpha added.

"Okay, I'm game, what's your idea?"

"You said this special little guy on Remnant is somehow compatible with all these universes, why don't we test that theory out? We could take him from his world and drop him into another to see how it plays out with him and the women of said universe, we keep doing it until we either get bored or something else happens. What do ya say?" Alpha finalized letting the other two cosmic beings mull it over.

"I would be interested to see my little subject interact with potential mates from different universes…I'm in!" Ohm replied energetically with hopeful thoughts of shipping the boy with millions of potential mates.

"I would like to simply watch in case chaos happens in this little venture of yours; either your little human causes an incursion or the 'mates' as you call them follow him back home. Sounds delightful, mwa hahahaha. Besides, watching planets explode is getting rather tiresome I might add." Omega added in with them as Ohm held up the plane of Remnant's universe between his 'hands' for all three of them to see.

The sparkling form of a tall blonde teenage student came up from the planet to hover between Ohm's fingers. He was unconscious obviously, another world moved in place near him and with a swish of cosmic energy the tiny human was pulled into the designated world.

"Now we wait and watch, it should be amusing us for at least a little while. On you go Jaune Arc to worlds beyond your wildest imaginations." Ohm declared.

"I'll go get some us milky way shakes for us to drink, we're gonna want to kick back for this." Alpha added.

'Hmmm, build-up between the subject and others may get tedious, how about I spruce things up a bit?' Omega thought to himself and shifted some cosmic energy around Jaune's form during his descent to Earth. 'There we are, with that the 'mates' should hunger for you a great deal faster. Mwa he he hehe yes.'

World of Overwatch- Tracer (Lena Oxton)

"What the-? Where am I?" Jaune asked himself groggily as he shakily stood up from the ground to analyze his surroundings. It appeared to be very lively city with lights everywhere, but among it all what stood out the most was the large clock tower with holographic dials on display. He was in a place called London, England. Not that he knew what that was. 'That is pretty cool and high tech, maybe I'm in Atlas.'

He looked around and noticed various citizens and bizarre human shaped robots all eying him like he was some bizarre disturbances, because he actually was.

'Huh, I wonder they're so worked up about. I better ask someone where I am so I can head back to Beacon.' Jaune reasoned and looked to the nearest person, one random old man wearing a blower hat and a flashy suit with a monocle.

"Excuse me? Could you help a guy out here? I uh seem to be lost, one minute I was lounging around in the school library and the next thing I know is I wind up in the middle of a city I don't know." Jaune innocently asked clearly confused as to his own situation. His scroll wasn't working either and there didn't seem to be any recognizable faces in the crowd.

"Lost? Have you conked your head perhaps? You're in London, England, lad." The man answered popping an eyebrow in confusion. The crowd around Jaune was still gawking at the boy as though he were an alien. Jaune couldn't help but notice them but paid it no mind and focused on what he was told.

"London…England?" Jaune repeated with uncertainty in his voice and put a hand on his hand in thought. "Where on Remnant is that?" He muttered to himself when suddenly red and blue sirens blared with two hover police cars landed into the area.

Jaune panicked when he noticed several men and women in futuristic looking cop uniforms come out of them with their strange looking guns held out. He heard a chorus of 'freezes' and 'Don't move' out loud from them and Jaune didn't know what to do or even what he did to warrant this.

Looking at his side at the old man for answers he directed a questioning look. "Uh…what did I do? Is it the sword I have on me or my clothes?"

"My boy, you came out of the sky in a flash of green energy and landed right there in that spot making quite a large crater in the process." The old man gestured to the pavement beneath his shoes. Jaune saw that he was standing in the center of a huge crater dent in the pavement.

That wasn't the point however; the point was that Jaune appeared as an anomaly from literally out of nowhere, and thus sparked fear and curiosity from the crowd. Obviously someone phoned the fuzz about a potential enemy landing in the middle of a city, or someone freaked out about an alien, but luckily a pair of goggled eyes witnessed the whole scene and decided to finally intervene.

"He he, I guess its damage of public property then." He uttered with a sweat drop. The law enforcements were about to close in on him to detain him until a bright streak of blue blurred into the space between them.


"Hold it, luvs! Overwatch is on the job here!" Shouted a spunky woman; who wore a stylish bomber jacket with a tight yellow jump suit highlighting her lithe physique after she had appeared in a blue flash of energy. Jaune also noted that the energy she blazed in was the same color as whatever was strapped to her chest; which is some sort of power core device. He didn't understand basic stuff let along science technology. "This bloke behind me is under my watch now, so don't fret and go on about your business. From what I gather he's just another harmless teleporter like me and I would have a few words with him." She added casting a sideways glance at Jaune with a cute wink.

The lad blushed and nodded in appreciation, the moment she turned her attention back to the police he found his eyes wandering down to her tight fitted buttocks being exposed to him. Quickly his hands went down over his crotch to cover up any embarrassing reactions the view of her rump was creating.

The crowd cheered at her arrival and the cops, although reluctantly, lowered their weapons but held questionable looks directed at both her and Jaune.

"What makes you so sure this is your case, Tracer? This 'unknown' just fell out of the sky in a blast of energy right in the middle of town!" One of them shouted.

The girl, apparently known as Tracer, simply shrugged with a wry smile. "You got me there, luv, but it's better for me and my chum Winston to get a good look at him. We could find out more than your lot could especially since Overwatch specializes in the 'crazy', besides I have a feeling I can understand the bloke more anyway." She argued and the cops reluctantly resigned allowing the goggled girl to take Jaune's hand along with hers as she led him out of the clearing in a certain direction.

"Come along with me, handsome. We're getting a lot of funny stares here." She added with a chipper tone.

"Um…Tracer, is it? Where are we going?" Jaune asked feeling really out of place with nearly everything going on around him.

Tracer tossed another look his way and with a cute smirk this time. "We're going to the pub to get to know each other, luv. By the way just call me Lena. Tracer's my superhero name after all."

He nodded and felt a light blush after seeing her adorable smirk, he relaxed and went along with wherever she was leading him to.

"I'm Jaune…Jaune Arc." He introduced himself and she smiled sweetly at him while they left the area.

Inside a restaurant/bar sitting across were Jaune and Tracer waiting for their food. Neither of them said anything for a few minutes until Tracer leaned forward with her head propped up by her hands. Her goggles were up over her forehead letting Jaune see those beautiful hazel eyes of hers.

He didn't understand it at first, but he was crushing really hard on this perky gal when his gal pals back at Beacon didn't vex him as badly. Not even Weiss or the paragon known as Pyrrha. Quickly shaking off his thoughts he stirred up conversation to avoid the awkwardness.

"So…you're a superhero?" He asked and she gently shook her head.

"Actually I'm an agent of Overwatch; an organization dedicated to keeping chaos locked up and order in the streets. We've been disbanded years ago but recently more of us are coming out of the woodwork to reunite since a lot of violent nonsense has taken to the world as of late." She summarized and he found himself completely engrossed by the story. He still had not grasped that he was no longer on Remnant and instead was more focused on the girl and her story, now it was time to tell his.

"So what's your chapter, love? Where do you fit in this crazy world of ours? From what I gathered with the civvies who witnessed your arrival; you came out of the sky and landed in a blur of green energy." Tracer answered for him and Jaune nodded although he looked lost.

"That's what I hear, I mean I don't even know how I got here. One minute I'm there in the library with my friends and the next thing I know is I'm in the middle of a city in whatever kingdom this is." Jaune explained causing her to prop an eyebrow.

She was about to go on and explain where he was and question why wouldn't he know that, but at that moment their order came and distracted them. Jaune's order was simply a plate of grilled fish and French fries coupled with a drink while Tracer's was a singular milkshake of vanilla strawberry mix.

"Quite a story, mate, but first let's help ourselves before we get to know each other more. This English gal would certainly be interested in that now." Tracer stated flirtatiously and begun to sip on her straw as Jaune nervously ate away at his food with a blush.

He didn't know it but she slipped off one of her shoes and lifted a bare foot to his lap nestling on his package.

Jaune nearly choked out his food when he felt it, but did nothing to demand that she stopped. Tracer didn't want to stop either, for some reason, a very cosmic one at that, the two felt an intense attraction to each other.

And now Tracer, truly known as Lena Oxton, was throwing all caution to the wind and aiming to set claim on a cute boy she barely knew.

After eating and finishing their food the two talked and got to know each other a bit more, each of them a feeling a little more comfortable and special around each other. They did this while Tracer continued stroking her foot along his now thickened bulge. Jaune gulped and felt his system overload, suddenly he desperately wanted to lunge at her in the middle of the café, but he held himself in for their sake.

Somewhere in the cosmos a certain maniacal being was chortling evilly as his magic went to work.

"Should we be worried about him? Alpha questioned Ohm.

"Nah, probably not. I'm sure he's done something to our little project, but right now let's just enjoy the show." Ohm reasoned and went back to the scene of Jaune and Tracer.

"How about you follow me back to my home where we can both relax ourselves, luv. What do ya say?" Tracer asked softly with her head once again propped up by her hands. She wore a very cute expression with those lovely brown eyes and delivered a flirty wink as she brought her left foot down from his lap. She then took the straw out of the milkshake and seductively licked the cream off it in front of him, making it harder for him to keep his bulge in check.

Jaune felt his heart string itself painfully when she did all that, suddenly making that decision was a lot easier. He may have had a crush on Weiss, one that he got over, but that didn't mean he could stave off from certain needs.

'Plus she's really really cute, alright I'm doing this!' He resolved with himself and leaned forward to give his answer.

"S-sure, okay, uh Tracer?" Jaune answered hearing her giggle while she slid her foot back inside her tennis shoe.

"Call me Lena, love." She purred and suddenly launched herself across the table to grab Jaune by the hem of his armor plate.

She startled him at first until she grabbed the back of his head so as to aggressively suck his lips into hers in an intense exchange of flesh and tongue, one that caught the attention of a few onlookers around the pub.

The longer the kiss the more passionate it got with both of Tracer's hands locking behind his mop of a blonde head. Her tongue aggressively sloshed around giving his oral space a thorough cleaning, eventually Jaune reciprocated with just as much passion by pursing his lips on her tongue and sucking it tingling her body quite a bit.

The hostess was about to go over and insist that they stop snogging in public, but Tracer picked up on that and let go of Jaune's face. The two reluctantly broke off with a red faces and n eager looks in their eyes.

"Check please." Tracer called out to the hostess and eventually the two left the cafe with the girl leaving the full payment on the table. Jaune honestly offered to pay but she reminded him that his Lien wasn't a viable currency in this place. Jaune still hadn't grasped that he was in another world, just another part of Remnant he wasn't familiar with, but that revelation will hit him soon enough.

"Let's take this to my place where we can more than snogging, love." She uttered close to him and delivered a quick lick around his ear lobe sending shivers up his spine.

"Yes, ma'am." He managed to say as they made their way out of the diner.

After traversing the marvels of London Jaune and Tracer arrived at her moderate yet stylish apartment where she hold the boy's hand with both of hers pulling him in with an alluring gaze.

Off came her bomber jacket which revealed the smooth elegant skin of her backside with the smaller version of that bizarre chest embedded into her chest and back. Jaune wondered about that but chose not to question les it be an unpleasant thing to bring for her.

She had sat down with her bare back exposed to him whilst Jaune was without his armor plates; his hoodie was still on for now, but with Tracer's ideas in mind that would soon change. Jaune took the initiative and started massaging her shoulders sensually eliciting a mewl of contentment from her as he gradually moved his hands down her backside around the metallic piece.

Her hands came up around to feel his hand pressing against her skin affectionately stroking his knuckles with her fingers. She had loving smile on her face and twisted herself around to face him while she started undoing the top straps of her tight suit.

Jaune started sputtering and felt his erection thicken, Tracer took notice and giggled in a playful tone before saying something. "Let's skip foreplay for now, mate. I really want your other 'sword' inside my front pocket." She said licking around her lips tastily.

Jaune noded and puleed her face into his hands for a surprise kiss that startled her until she receded into it lovingly. They snogged passionately for a few minutes until Tracer gently pushed him off by the chest so that he could see her modest C-cup sizes globs staring back at him. His mouth watered at the sight since he never saw real life boobs before, not counting the times he accidentally walked on his sisters changing.

"Go ahead and touch them, luv." She started then removed the rest of her yellow tight suit so that she could do a pose with her chest sticking out. "They're all yours."

He took off his own hoodie and let Tracer gleam the sight of a well-toned body that she couldn't help but gawk at. Jaune 's hands went to her breast squeezing those soft globes in his fingers causing her to breath heavily.

He energetically groped and squeezed her nipples with his hands causing her to writhe and moan under her grasp. She could feel her own sensitive moisten every growing second.

Jaune's mouth came next and he nibbled on her right breast making her to howl his name loudly as he continued, he got more into it and made her lose her balance causing to lie on her back atop the bedside. He recomposed himself and looked down at her breathing with a heaving chest and a pleasant smile.

"Do me a favor, luv." She started then spread her legs far apart with her left hand's finger prying apart her vulva. "Use that magic tongue of yours to eat this girl out." She softly pleaded and Jaune, while feeling hypnotized by the sight of her pussy, obeyed without a word.

He leaned down and placed both his hands around her mound when his face zoomed in close on the heated snatch waiting for him. He wasted no time and kissing around the sensitive flesh before pursing his lips on the nub of her clitoris, this caused a brief pleasure shriek from her. She was breathing harder now and pleaded him to continue, which he did with gusto. His lips kissed and suckled on her nub whilst his fingers prodded her opening before they slide inside her quirm. The taste of Lena was sweet and tart and he felt like a natural at what he was doing, it was really odd considering he's never done this before.

Seconds passed and Jaune escalated his treatment of her cunt by gripping her ass with both of his hands so that he could kiss and suckle on her cunt with his tongue worming around inside. This sent Lena to immeasurable levels of bliss and caused her to writhe around on the bed with her back arching up. Her cheeks were red and her breathes were heavy and heated, her hands let go of the sheets and latched onto the head of Jaune to hold him there while he ate her out.

He continued sucking and tonguing her out until her hips thrashed along the surface with her legs clenched tight on his skull as she delivered a mighty holler of orgasm. "Jaauunnneee….!!!!" Her lower body kept thrashing as her climax hit her like a truck; her pussy spritzed juices all over his mouth and face allowing him to taste more of her until she finished cumming.

Her legs relaxed letting him come up for a breather, he grinned when le saw her elated face breathing heavily with that chest of hers heaving up.

Tracer suddenly bolted up and lunge at his pants desperate to tear them off, fortunately she only succeeded in pulling them down to unveil the thickened log of Arc that slapped her lightly on the face.

"Positively delightful. Now…" Tracer began and placed herself back onto the bed with one leg hiked up in the air in a provocative pose displaying her pussy. "Jam that log inside her, mate! I need it!" She cried out with an ecstatic expression and Jaune complied as he loomed in over her.

Their bodies embraced and the boy carefully guided his member to the quivering moist hole of Tracer's smooth cunt, once he was inside Jaune plunged all the way forward causing the girl to elicit another blissful cry.

"Yes! That's it love! Now pump me like you mean it and don't dare yank it out!" She called out as her walls starched to accommodate his tool. Jaune himself was reeling from the insane pleasure he was getting from being inside such a tight girl, but nonetheless he persevered and started rocking his hips.

Tracer's head reeled back with the pleasure of his appendage repeatedly shoving itself into her depths, her hands came to his backside and her legs wrapped arou his buttocks safely keeping him snug inside her. She could feel Jaune's warmth and it was very inviting, she could feel everything about him and he felt like nothing she had ever encountered, she wanted more of him plain and simple.

The skin of his body made that sound of flesh slapping flesh in constant rhythm in sync with him pounding his cock into her tightness. It was an unbelievable feeling he got lost in, Jaune soon increased the strength and speed of his strokes with hard thrusts of his hips.

Tracer's mouth was agape in profound pre-orgasm state as he continued, minutes came and more sounds of two bodies pounding itno each other soon became rampant.

Jaune had sat up at this point with Tracer in his lap with all her limbs wrapped around his body as well as her lips wrapped around his tongue. His tall form continued jutting up into her pussy for sevral more inutes until he felt the encroaching climax coming from her body.

She breathed and moaned and suddenly all her limbs clenched tight around his torso as her pussy muscles wildly convulsed on his member. "Hhhagagghh!!! Jaune!!"

Jaune grit his teeth and gripped her buttocks tightly when he felt his climax happen in reaction to Tracer's pussy muscles squeezing his length.

'Here it comes!' He thought when his hips twitched and undulated underneath with shi member pumping payload after payload into her unprotected pussy.

Tracer bore an ahegao expression with her eyes rolled to the top and her tongue lolling, her face became like this the moment she felt his semen pump endlessly into her depths. Of course she briefly worried about pregnancy risks but shrugged it off in the throes of orgasm.

After a minute or two of nonstop cumming the pair relaxed with Jaune laying back on the bedspread with Tracer laying atop his chest purring.

"That was exquisite, luv, I might consider introducing you to a few chums of mine in the agency. I know for certain they'll like you, even this one troublesome sniper with purple skin I run into." Tracer breathed and craned her face up to kiss along his jawline and onto his lips.

"Yeah…that huff sounds like fun." Jaune said back and felt her rose up off him. He wondered where she was going until he saw her place her hands against the wall and wriggling her scrumptious rump at him teasingly.

"If you're ready for round two then I would certainly love it if you plundered this right here. I know you've been eying it ever since I arrived." She cooed excitingly and Jaune didn't need telling twice. He looked down at his phallus and noticed it immediately regained its hardness, his body was also feeling rejuvenated thanks to his aura, thus he was ready for round two.

Getting up off the bed he made his way over to him and fondled the cheeks of her delicious ass with his hands. She giggled mewling her contentment as she bended herself a little to stick it out a bit more for him.

"Don't keep a girl waiting, mate." She egged him and Jaune held her rump in both palms while aiming his member at the ring of her anus.

Tracer grit her teeth when she felt her second hole stretch gradually fitting the head of his cock, she was new to this sort of thing and it was certainly something else, but she really wanted it. Gradually his girth buried itself all the way into her anal cavity causing her to shriek in a mixed tone of both pain and pleasure!

If anyone were watching this from the scene of an animated series there would be little hearts aglow in her pupils when she felt it.

"Huaah…!! That's the ticket! Haaggh!! Now pump my bum, love!" She called out in a heavy breath. Jaune acknowledged by suddenly slamming his hips forth then back in rampant succession!

Tracer let out another loud cry of blissful agony until she bit down on her lip, the feeling of his cock plunging into her sensitive anus sent her senses soaring!

Again and again he rammed deep into her anal orifice sending spikes of pleasure into her system, again her face twisted into an ahegao expression as soon as his pace increased. Her upper body raised a bit more with her tits squishing against the wall surface.

Jaune hammered way for several more minutes and brought his left hand over underneath her hips to cup her mound, those magic fingers of his started furiously rubbing her off sending dual waves of pleasure into Tracer's system!

It wasn't long until she started cumming and spraying juices all over the floor, her anus clenched tightly too in sync with her undulations. This caused Jaune to groan loudly just before delivering a final slam of his hips against her ass depositing a generous helping of sperm into her ass.

After both finished cumming they had once again collapsed back on the bedspread near them with Tracer curling up at his side circling her finger around his chest.

"That was beyond measure and I loved every bit of it, love. Did you stroke me off because you were about to burst?" She inquired nestling her head against his neck.

"Hehehe, yeah, I guess I did. Honestly I think I just got caught up in the moment, but I also just wnted to bring you to the finish at the same time. Hope you didn't mind." Jaune answered truthfully hearing a giggle from her.

"I didn't mind at all, mate, you took me around the bloody world just now and if you're bound to stay here then maybe we could see more of each other on a daily basis." She suggested in case Jaune couldn't make his way back home to wherever 'Remnant' was. Neither knew the situation regarding that they were both from different worlds until….it happened.


A soft green glow suddenly washed over Jaune as though it were a whole nother level of aura, but instead he felt some kind of pull over him. He looked up and noticed a round circular portal opening in the ceiling gently levitating him up off the surface towards it.

"What the bloody hell is going on?" Tracer asked clearly in shock and in fear that whatever this is was going to make Jaune vanish.

"It's the same thing that happened to me in the library back home. I remember now; I was doing nothing until this portal thingy opened up above me to suck in! It must've been how I wounded up here." Jaune surmised and Tracer got to her feet so as to latch her hands onto his and keep him tethered.

Jaune didn't realize what the glow truly meant for him, but to Tracer it as all too familiar with the experiment that gave her powers went down. He was going away to somewhere else and she did not like it one bit.

"No! I don't want you to leave! Why can't you stay?" Lena begged and struggled to keep a hold on Jaune's hands as he ascended skyward into the mysterious blue portal. His clothes and gear thankfully going along with him in case he ended up naked in the middle of a populated area.

Jaune saw her distress and put his hands over hers in a gentle reassuring manner. "Lena…I don't know if or when I'll come back, but I just feel that I will somehow. I can't explain it, but I can promise I'll return and we can spend more time together! An Arc never goes back on his word, I promise!"

Tracer seemed reluctant but hesitantly nodded and brought herself up to pull into one last loving kiss before slowly letting go of his hand. Inch by inch her fingers lost their grasp on his and Jaune looked upon the saddened face of the spunky peacemaker to log into memory.

"I know you will, but please be quick about it, love. There won't be anybody else but you…" She said with finality and he nodded with a somber smile until the green light of the portal swallowed him whole transporting him to some other world.

When the light died Tracer was left alone wishing that whatever weirdness that brought him over in the first place would've waited longer before taking him back. She wrapped her arms around herself wishing for his touch until something caught sight in the corner of her eye. She blinked over to a place on the floor and picked a certain item that brought a smile to her face.

Jaune's light blue boxers.

"At least I have something to remember him bye until he gets back." She said to herself then snuggled the underwear close to her chest as though it were a momento.

"Huh, that was intense. I mean I know how it happened and why it happened so soon…" Alpha trailed off casting an accusing glance at Omega, who was busy cackling evilly, before continuing. "…but I gotta say that was incredibly entertaining. Addictive too."

"Indeed, I'm really interested to see how he does in other worlds with other potential mates. This is sure to kill the boredom especially since his shipping potential is really high." Ohm added levitating an unconscious naked Jaune between his star-made fingers before selecting another world for him to teleport into.

"Y'know what, might as well call it like it is; Shipping wars or shipping potential. I mean it's not even about the world 'constant' stuff anymore is it?" Alpha added while Ohm magically redressed the boy.

"Nope, this is just for fun after all. Let's see which world we should send him to…" Ohm said to himself cycling through the different universes around them at random. "…ah here we go!"


_6_6_6_ _6_6_6_

I don't own this at all I just want to share it.


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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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