98.83% Douluo Dalu: 9 Treasure Sword / Chapter 253: Epilogue

บท 253: Epilogue

"Clap" Sounds of footsteps resounded over, steps clapping over the marble floor. They were stables, strong and calm, in contrast, with the face of the one producing them. Bai walked over the halls inside his mansion at the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda Clan headquarters, his face reflected how nervous and worried he was, sweat falling over his neck.

Finally, by finished walking, stopping before a big double door made of oak. He breather profoundly, calming his nerves before leaning forward and knocking the door "Tock, tock!"

"""You can enter""" Three melodic voices surged from inside the room, letting him pass.

Bai gulped one last time, leaning over the doorknob, turning it and pushing the door open. Under his sight, three extremely beautiful young women stood sitting over luxurious chairs around a round table. Their beauty was so otherworldly that it wouldn't be an exaggeration calling them the most beautiful in the world.

Over the table, a set of tea was present, with a cup in front of every girl and some tea pastes.

In front of Bai, a blue-haired beauty sat in the middle, at her sides sat a golden-haired beauty and translucent-haired beauty whose hair shined with multiple colors. They were, of course, Xie Lingling, Qian Renxue and Bai Chenxiang, respectively.

Qian Renxue had a cold look in her face as her gaze changed from Bai and Chenxiang. Chenxiang had a fiery look in her as she looked at Renxue and Bai. Finally, Lingling was smiling warmly at Bai, seemingly completely ignoring the other two. Strong auras surged from the three young women, the crash between them was enough to kill any weak people near them. It was a miracle that they had it controlled inside the room!

The three young women signaled the chair in front of Lingling for Bai to sit. He walked towards them, sitting over the chair, trying his most to hide his nervousness.

This was a tea meeting between the three of them. The three of them greatly loved Bai and wouldn't give up him, so they need to 'talk' somethings alone, knowing each other, deciding how they would act in the future.

Bai was incredibly scared. If something wrong happened, with their divine strength, it wouldn't be impossible for them to destroy the continent in their fight! His only relief was that Lingling was there, luckily, she would be able to smooth them.

"So?" Bai asked with uncertainty "How did it go?

Aura flashed from Renxue and Chenxiang as they looked at each other with killing intent. Bai quickly reacted, pushing the chair behind standing up, extending his arms at both young women "Please, calm down!" said Bai with a nervous face.

Both of them turned towards Bai with furious looks. "Puff!" the angrily look of their faces broke down "Hahahahaha!" The three girls started laughing over Bai, even tears falling from their eyes "You need to see your face, Bai. Truly hilarious!" Laughed Chenxiang.

Bai realized that he was tricked, his face becoming serious "What's happening here?" He asked coldly.

"It was a simple joke, Whity" Lingling said with lightly giggling "We have talked to each other and had accorded to plan this joke. We wanted to see your reaction." Lingling took the teapot and poured tea to a new teacup, pushing it over, presenting it towards Bai.

Bai sighed "It seems that you all get along well" Bai sat again on the chair, taking a sip of the tea. It was truly delicious and seemed to warm his all body. Bai looked at Lingling "Your tea is always insuperable." Receiving a big smile from Lingling.

"So, now the truth. How did it go?" Bai asked now far calmer than before.

"There's no need to worry. After talking with each other, we found that we have a lot in common. I really like Rere like my own sister" Chenxiang stated looking at Renxue.

"Chenxiang is a little childish sometimes but has a good character. I do not mind Chenxiang being your wife. I would cope with it" Renxue said coldly as she sipped over her tea.

"How cold of you, Rere!" Chenxiang giggled at her, gaining a smile from Renxue.

"And about Lingling?" Asked Bai without any worried. Lingling was warm, it could be cheerful, she would enchant anyone that looked at her, it was almost impossible to hate her.

"I always thought Lingling as my sister, so there's no problem" Chenxiang answered.

"I cannot say anything bad about her, she is perfect. I could not desire a better sister" Renxue clammed.

"I'm glad that you all get along" Bai smiled at them "I was really worried about you all."

"Don't worry, don't worry" said Chenxiang "We will get along fine. I, as your first wife, can accept them as your wives. But never choose an-"

"WAIT A MOMENT!" The coldness around Renxue broke down, golden aura flashed over her as she hit over the table, completely destroying it. However, all things over the tables stood floating around, floating by a green aura coming from Lingling.

Renxue calmed a little and returned to her cold face, but not completely "I think that I listened it wrongly because it seemed to me that you said that you will be Bai's first wife?"

"Oh? You listened it well "Chenxiang as nothing happened answered without minding anything "I will be the first one to marry Bai, becoming Bai first wife. You can be the second or the third, you should talk about it with Lingling."

Renxue's golden aura flashed shooting towards Chenxiang "I will be the first wife! You are the one that must fall behind! If you follow my words, I might let you live!" she shouted angrily.

Chenxiang stood up, her light aura pushing forward clashing with Renxue's. The only avoiding the complete destruction of the mansion was Lingling aura surrounding them and soothing their effect, keeping them inside the room.

"Hah!" Shouted indignant Chenxiang "I was the first one that Bai declared his love. I must be the first one!"

"If it's about the order, I must be the first one" Renxue declared, her aura trying to push over Chenxiang "I was the one that first met Bai. I would have been declared long ago if it wasn't for me hiding my gender. Our feelings bloomed after a fierce enmity and a long friendship, they are much stronger."

"Stronger?" Chenxiang lifted one eyebrow "I took Bai first time while you continue being a virgin. How could be compared?"

Renxue turned deep red shy "I-i'm waiting after the marriage. I want it to be special" Looking at Chenxiang's face who was giggling, the red of her face changed to an angry one "You were too easy! How could Bai have a slut that most likely jumped to his bed as his first one? My pureness would be much better for his first wife."

"Don't call me that you, virgin!" Chenxiang shouted angrily the aura around her exploding.

"I must have hit the nail on the head" Renxue made a triumphant smile. "There's nothing more to talk, I would be the first one!"

"You almost killed him! You might even have some ideas now." Chenxiang incriminated "I won't be surprised, if you start trying to kill all of us!"

"Retire that!" Shouted Renxue "I love Bai and even if the one thing that I wanted to the most now will be killing you, I will refrain from him. But, be careful from it, my mood is very changing!" Renxue threatened.

"Y-you!" Shouted Chenxiang furiously.

""I will be the first wife!"" Shouted both at the same time, their auras flaring around, clashing between each other and evaporating their surroundings. A battle was immenent.

"Girls. I love you all" Bai tried to calm them "Why don't we have a ceremony all together, without any first, second or third. All of us the same."

Both turned towards Bai, glancing at him with a murderous look ""Shut up. Bai!"" The auras and killing intent pushing over Bai ""You don't understand anything!""

"Y-yes!" Bai was forced to back, lowering his head towards them.

Renxue and Chenxiang turned to each other, their auras clashing again.

A hand patted Bai's depressed back, it was Lingling who had appeared next to Bai. She smiled at Bai "Let them decide it. I would stop them if they go too far."

Bai smiled at Lingling "You're truly my healing factor, Lily."


Passing the mostly destroyed Heaven Spirit mountain range was the resplendent Spirit City. After the war, it was mostly abandoned as Spirit Empire dispersed. Today, not a single soul could be seen from their streets or inside the buildings.

Over the City, two figures stood floating facing each other with threatening divine auras. They were Chenxiang and Renxue.

"As we decided the winner would be Bai's first wife!" Renxue stated "We can fight with all our strength. Anyway, I decided to destroy Spirit City as a symbol of Spirit Hall's fall. What would be a better place to fight?"

"I will crush you!" Chenxiang dashed towards Renxue wielding her rapier, Renxue chasing towards her gripping her saber.

Both started rampaging around as they exchanged blows all around the city, the building collapsing in their way. Both fought without keeping anything, using their maximum strength towards the other, knowing that Lingling would stop them before its too late.

Their strength was incredibly similar, making almost impossible knowing the result of the fight. Normally, Renxue as a God-King would be far stronger than Chenxiang, however, after using Supernova and demolishing her sign of God-King in the Douluo Continent, her power regressed to a 1st class god, drawing against Chenxiang's divinity. While it won't affect Renxue once she ascended to the Divine Real where it would obtain all the power of a God-King, it would take some thousands of years before Renxue's Sun would recover itself.

""It's my win!!!!"" Both shouted at the same unleashing their strongest attack, thrusting their weapons. The world turned completely dark, as a light ray shot from Chenxiang's rapier while Renxue used her divinity over the Sun, commanding a mini Sun to fall over Chenxiang.

"BOOOOOOM!" Both attacks clashed, completely obliterating Spirit City, light swallowing all its surroundings.


{AN: The wedding would be short and it might be a mix of easter and western, don't focus too much in it}

In a beautiful white church near the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan, there was an important wedding ceremony. Why it was important? It was because it was the wedding between two who reached the peak, two gods!

Beautiful flowers decorated all around, even if it was considered a little wedding with only the closest friends and family attending, dignity, money and good taste could be sensed from it.

Inside the church, in a room, the bride was making her last preparations. She had a white long wedding dress, with her wings at her back, created a mystic and ephemeral image, making her stunningly beautiful.

"Tock, tock!" Someone knocked the door before entering. It was a seemingly average man, he had a very average face with short brown hair. It was the typical man that had so little presence that you would ignore in a crown, never remembering him.

"Are you ready, Renxue?" The man asked steeping forward.

Turning around, her long golden hair swirling, she smiled at the man "Yes, dad!"


<Flashback. When Bai was fighting against Yu Xiaogang.>

"All will start with the sacrifice of that little angel!" Darkness spears shot towards Bai.

Seeing the spears coming towards him, Bai kept a cool face, positioning his sword over his hip in an unsheathing stance. His sword opened, revealing a Chaos blade.

"Cut the crap!" Bai swung his sword, completely destroying the darkness spears, chaos the complete counter of any element.

"What are you both planning?!" Bai shouted demanding "I saw Bibi Dong's face when thinking about Renxue. It wasn't an angry face or murderous look. It was love and worry for her own daughter! Why are you doing all of this?!"

Xiaogang was stunned as Bai's declaration, for an instant, his control over the darkness wavered, unconsciously avoiding Bai's gaze.

Bai opened his eyes in shock realizing the truth "You are trying to die"


<Flashback inside the Flashback>

"Xiaogang, I committed too many sins" Bibi Dong said looking sadly at Xiaogang "Reaching the point of no return. This time together, remembering the past, I would treasure always. But I don't deserve a happy life with you. I made too many mistakes, hurt too many people. Especially my poor daughter, negating her infancy, my love."

Tears fell over Bibi Dong's eyes "I couldn't see her without remembering that bastard who raped me. I realized it too late, but she never was at fault, I shouldn't have treated her so bad, pushing her to the monster of her grandfather who only was interested in power."

"Xiaogang, she is my greatest regret, never showing her my love" Bibi Dong said with a sad expression.

"Dong'Er" Xiaogang said quietly "You can change. If you tell her your story she might forget you, you could start again you-"

"It's too late" Bibi Dong interjected "Renxue already hate me too much. I wasted all the time with her, I don't deserve even dreaming of being her mother. I hate myself" She laughed with a sad smile "I would pay for what I did to her, for all my sins."

"Xiaogang" She looked seriously at him "The only way to pay for my crimes is death. I will become the enemy of the world, attaining all the hate of the world. Finally being killed by Renxue. She would be forgotten of all her crimes, become a great hero while I would be always remembered as the cruelest enemy. She never!" She put emphasis "never must know this. I should die as her enemy, never even once recognized as her mother."

Bibi Dong turned away "Thank you for this time together, Xiaogang. Abandon me, you can return with your friends. You don't need to follow my path."

Bibi Dong tried to go away, but was stopped by Xiaogang who had gripped her arm "I won't let you alone, Dong'Er" Xiaogang warmly smiled at her, some sadness in it "I already told you. I accepted all your sins, our destiny is bond together. I would follow you everywhere. So" He smiled at her "Let's be together even at death, we will repay our sins."

Bibi Dong's body collapsed leaning over Xiaogang as she broke in tears over his arms "Sorry" She said between sobs "Thank you"


<Returning to the first flash back>

"You never stop surprising me, Bai" Xiaogang said with a sad smile "You even discovered our plan. It's true, all of this is our plan. We become the enemy of the world, both sides of war joining against us and when we are near to destroy the world, Renxue appears destroying the darkness"

"You both think that it would be the best for Renxue?" Bai asked glancing seriously at Xiaogang.

"It's all too late." Xiaogang said with a sad tone "We are too dark, too tainted, we would offer our lives for her. Paying our sins, cleaning Renxue's sins at the same time. Please Bai" supplicated Xiaogang bowing his head "Don't tell anything to Renxue. She must live happily in ignorance, killing evilness. Dong'Er had already resigned her life, don't make her sacrifice useless."

Bai clenched his hands tightly angrily "I am against, but" He turned his gaze away "I don't have the right to tell it, its Renxue's and her mother's talk. Even if I hate, I would play this twisted game of yours"

"Thanks, truly thanks" Xiaogang thanked Bai. At that moment both of them turned their faces to a direction, having detected two divine beings approaching them. Xiaogang quickly acted, his dark aura raging around, clashing with Bai, making it seems in the distance that they were fighting.

"You want another play?" Bai asked coldly.

Xiaogang smiled sadly "Make it a last wish of a dying man. I love Tang San as a son and I know that he thinks about me as a teacher and father. I had already decided to die with Bibi Dong, paying for our sins. I want Tang San to hate me, to want to kill me. But at the same time, I don't want him to kill me, he is sometimes too good for his own good. If he kills me, it would always be over his mind, blaming himself. Can you-?"

"Once Tang San is decided on killing you. Kill you myself" Bai interjected.

"Yes" Xiaogang smiled "I would make it to force him to want to stop me, even killing me without any way to save my life. In the end, please, finish me" Xiaogang bowed again "Together with Renxue, become the heroes of this war"

"Ahhh!" Bai rubbed his hair "I hate being played around. Tch!" He clicked his tongue "I would do it for your last wish. Make it as I disappear, fight alone against Tang San and Chenxiang. Knowing you, you must have something prepared."

Xiaogang made a forced smile nodding "Thanks Bai"


"<Dark Extinction>!" Darkness surrounded Bai. He could feel how it gripped around him, not a single killing intent from them, only trying to hide his presence.

"Bai, please" Xiaogang words resounded over the darkness "Take care of Renxue" Before Bai was surrounded by the darkness, hiding within it.


"Die!" Bai shouted as he thrust his sword one last time towards the weakened Xiaogang, making the decisive blow.

Seeing the sword approach, Xiaogang made a look full of anger. But inside, he was happy that their plan was a success and sad about the end of all. He looked at Bai's eyes and whispered only to Bai to listen "Thank you" The sword piercing over his heart, Bai having the gesture to bring him next to Bibi Dong, dying in the same place at her, what more he could desire?


<A little of flashforward, but before the start of this chapter>

Inside Star Duo Forest, near the core, there was a group of people walking towards the core. Bai at the lead, guiding Renxue, Tang San, Xiao Wu and Renxue all over the forest. Bai hadn't explained the reason, but he convinced them to follow him, saying that it was incredibly important, letting the mystery do the rest, all of them accepting to follow him.

Traveling over the forest, they finally arrived over Lingling's tree that had grown becoming enormous and was very close to giving fruit. Lingling's already waiting for them in front of her tree, next to her stood Di Tian at one side and Mei at the other.

"You're ready, Lily?" Bai asked turning to Lingling.

Lingling smiled nodding "I only need the last ingredients, Whity" Bai approached her, taking out a jade box from his storage, giving it to Lingling. Lingling opened the box, extracting a Crystal Blood Dragon Ginseng "Xiangxiang, would you give me your dowry?"

Chenxiang who instantly recognized what it was quickly nodded "I don't mind giving it to you if you need it"

Lingling turned to Xiao Wu "Xiao Wu"

Xiao Wu looked with some doubts, a little indecisive, but at the end nodded. She took out a beautiful flower that shined with bright light and strong aura, it was the Yearning Heartbroken Red "As we promised"

Lingling lifted her hand, the Yearning Heartbroken Red being attracted to her. Once it was completely over her sense, the Yearning Heartbroken Red started withered, having left Xiao Wu and her love that made it bloom.

Lingling bite her finger, letting a drop of blood over the Yearning Heartbroken Red as she thought about Bai. The Yearning Heartbroken Red instantly bloomed, recovering its strength, detecting her strong and unwavering love for Bai "Thanks" She turned around returning to her tree with both immortal herbs.

"I'm ready" She lifted her arms, both herbs floating around the tree.

"Shing!" a blindly light surged as both herbs fused with the tree and immense Life force surging from it. The tree started growing even taller, the fruit started developing, becoming a perfectly round green apple over 1 meter wide.

"Crack!" The joined part with the tree broke, the apple slowly falling to the ground, landing over Lingling's hands, the aura from incredible pure and strong.

"My inheritance" Lingling said looking at the apple. She turned to Di Tian "As we promised fro your help, I would give it to the spirit beasts".

Di Tian extended his arm, preparing to receive the apple that would certainly improve the quality and strength of the spirit beasts over ages. However, the apple never came. Instead, Lingling turned to the other side, giving the apple towards Mei "Take care of it, Mei" Lingling smiled at her.

"You!" Di Tian shouted in fury, letting his aura out. All the human gods around instantly reacted to the aura, preparing to kill Di Tian. However, they were stopped by Lingling lifting her arm.

Di Tian couldn't even move, thorned vines all over her body "If you try to even touch Lili, I'll kill you!" Mei glanced with killing intent at Di Tian. Her strength incredibly strong, much stronger than before as green Life aura of the apple flowing inside her body, Mei's roots wrapping all over the apple slowly assimilating with it. "I would make sure to plant it and take care of it, Lili" Mei said seriously.

"I completed our promise. Mei is part of the spirit beasts of the forest, she would make the forest flourish" Lingling said to Di Tian "You can leave now."

Di Tian clenched his teeth in fury, but he knew when he had lost. Looking furiously one last time at the humans, he turned around leaving them alone. There was nothing that he could do here.

Lingling leaned over her tree "Ancient Tree of Life" She stated its true name and the tree started shining brightly with a blindly light, once the light was gone, the giant tree was no longer there, leaving only a big hole in its place.

Lingling turned to Bai's group and smiled "I am ready, let's go"

Without knowing where they were going, all of them followed Lingling, arriving at a near shelter made of vines.

Entering, Renxue was shocked "What's the meaning of this, Bai?!" she said with an angry tone as she pointed two corpse laying there surrounded by pink flowers. "What is Bibi Dong and Xiaogang's bodies here?!"

Indeed, they were the corpse of Yu Xiaogang and Bibi Dong, they had a peaceful expression in their face and even with so much time had passed not a sign of rotting could be seen. Thanks to the vitality of the flowers surrounding them, they kept the bodies in perfect condition, even reconstructing the missing parts, it seemed that they were sleeping and at any moment they would stand up.

"You should learn the truth, Xuexue" Bai said seriously "But, I don't have the qualifications to explain so I would bring someone that have." Bai turned to Lingling "Lily, you can start"

Lingling approached the corpses, kneeling in the ground between them, extending her hands towards each other.

Green aura surrounded Lingling, a magnificent ethereal tree appeared behind her. Ultimately, the Ancient Tree of Life that she had taken care and had grown it was her spirit. Now that it had matured, the tree returned to her body. Now that she had recovered her spirit her cultivation had shot, the spirit energy around her was unmistakable of a rank 99 titled douluo. Just in a moment, she had became Life Douluo Xie Lingling.

The aura around her was incredibly strong, the vitality started filling all the room. Even at rank 99, Lingling's life aura was greater than Bai's own Life Intent even as a god. It was inconceivable, a human surpassing a god.

Green aura continuously flowed from Lingling hands towards the bodies, their bodies slowly recovering their color, losing their pale skin.

It was exhausting using such powerful energy just as she recovered her spirit, but Lingling's will didn't waver, pushing herself to her limits.

"<Revival>" Finally, from Lingling a green aura expanded, pulsing over the corpses.

"Badump! Badump!" Two hearts loudly beat again after to much time. Xiaogang and Bibi Dong slowly opened their eyes with difficulty, the minimum light was fatal for their unaccustomed eyes.

Both looked at their surrounding and at each other with a shocked and stunned face "H-how could it be? We were dead." Said Xiaogang shocked.

Bai approached at Xiaogang "I already told you. I hate playing other games. So now, you will play mine." Bai looked at both of them, then, turning towards Renxue who had tears on her eyes, close to break "You already paid your sins with your life" He turned to Bibi Dong "Don't run away again, she deserves to know the truth."

Bibi Dong broke in tears, putting her hands over her eyes in a futile intent to hide. Seeing it Bai knew that she wouldn't run, she was ready to confess. Bai turned around towards Renxue "Xuexue, go with your mother. You need to talk about it"

"She had never been my mother!" She shouted in fury "Why did you revive her again? Why hurt me again, after I decide myself to forget about her!?" Renxue cried with tears.

Bai leaned over Renxue, hugging her tightly, patting her head "I would never make you sad. Your mother had some twisted reasons, listen to her." Bai broke the hug, lightly pushing Renxue towards Bibi Dong "Go."

Renxue was full of doubt, but finally, she breathed profoundly and stepped forward towards Bibi Dong, wanting to know the truth.

Every other people seeing this, decided to let the pair of mother and daughter alone, leaving the shelter.

Outside Xiaogang approached Tang San and explained his circumstances, he didn't try to win his approval or his forgiveness, but he should explain him.

"Your mad if you think that was the best for me!" Tang San shouted angrily, turning away with Xiao Wu, preparing to leave the forest. Before leaving, he turned to Xiaogang one last time "I won't forget you so easily" he made a small pause "master" and flew away.

Listening Tang San calling him master again, Xiaogang made a light smile. He turned over Bai "You got me."

"I only did it for Renxue" Bai answered.

"Our most awesome feats are done for love" Xiaogang said smiling, disappearing between darkness.

Bai turned to Lingling "Thanks, Lily. I re-" He was silenced by Lingling kissing him, her tongue invading his mouth.

Breaking the kiss, Lingling smiled "There's no need to thank me. It's normal to help your love. Moreover-" she made a pause extending her hands to the sky. A green aura surged around her, shooting a green pillar that pierced the sky "Reviving to gods is enough qualification."

9 spirit rings raised over Lingling, all of them being green and exuding great Life energy. The pillar of energy continuously increasing, the energy around here becoming richer and stronger.

Over Lingling's forehead, an arrow pointing upwards appeared, her features smoothen, her smile became more radiant, her body slender and perfect with a strong green aura of Life over her body. She had become extremely beautiful.

Over her head a 10th spirit ring materialized with a golden green light, her power much stronger than any previous god. She had inherited one full God-King position. She had become the Life Goddess!

"Congratulations, Lily" Bai congratulated.

Lingling smiled "Now, I am stronger than you" She giggled. She turned serious "Now, I will repay it to the forest" Lingling extended her hands, her divine sense extending all over the forest, sensing all the life inside the forest, the breath of the forest.

Lingling's hands started shining with green aura "<Revival>!" Like a dome, a green aura expanded all over it, that seemed to beat with Life. Even if similar to before, the scale was too different, this time it wasn't a small area, instead, it quickly expanded all over the forest.

All over the forest, plants and spirit beasts could feel the great vitality healing them and making them strong, all of them bowing to the ground before the coming of the Life Goddess. The effect was especially apparent over the plants that started growing at an incredible speed, quickly covering and filling the previous barren area left by the ants' attacks.

With such a high vitality, the barren land became full of life and nutrients again. It wouldn't take much time for the death line to be filled with the previous or even stronger abundant life.

Lingling approached Bai and flicked his forehead, a wave of life surged all around his body, a warm feeling spread at his inside.

"They also have the right to be revived" Lingling said with a smile, observing as Bai's arms started shining, his two spirit bones reacting with a blindly light.

Over Bai, two young figures appeared. They were Fenrir and Mayi seemingly to have 11 years old. This wasn't an illusion or a projection. They had a real body, being fully revived, they didn't need to be bound with Bai anymore.

Mayi and Fenrir looked around surprised, touching their bodies, making sure that it was real. Fenrir bowed to Lingling "Thanks!"

Mayi, on the other hand, jumped towards Lingling hugging her and Bai in a tight hug "Thanks, big brother, big sister!"

Sweat fell over Lingling's forehead, but she had a radiant smile over her face.

After some time, all of them returned towards the shelter, they could see the pair of mother and daughter leaning over each other crying in each other shoulders. Having told the truth and let the feeling known, it seems that Renxue had given her mother an opportunity. There's need of some work, but for the first time, they recognized each other for what they truly were, a mother and a daughter.


<Returning to the wedding>

Xiaogang made a difficult expression "You shouldn't call me that, Renxue"

"You are mum's husband and I like you. I wouldn't choose anyone other as my dad. Especially that bastard raper of my semen donor" She said the last part gritting her teeth in fury.

Renxue shook her head forgetting about the bastard, smiling brightly again, it was the happiest moment of her life, she would marry Bai today, the love of her life.

Renxue leaned over Xiaogang, taking his arm "The father must guide the bride" she said smiling.

"I can't win against you and Dong'Er" Xiaogang smiled at her, guiding her out of the room, opening the door, entering the big hall with little guests, Renxue wanted an intimate ceremony, with a golden carpet guiding to the alter. In the alter, Bai stood handsomely wearing a black tuxedo, waiting for her with a smile.

At his side as the best man was Yu Tiangeng. Bai was a little embarrassed but he truly didn't have many males friends, choosing Tiangeng as the best man.

At the other side, stood the bride's maid, being Lingling, Chenxiang, Rongrong and Mayi, wearing a pink long dress to not eclipse the bride. Today was Renxue's day and she wouldn't let anyone take the focus!

Xiaogang slowly guided Renxue over the alter, her beauty blinding everyone. Leaving her at the alter, Xiaogang retired to the first row of seatings, sitting near a black-haired average woman who had a happy smile full of joy as she looked at Renxue. She was in truth, Bibi Dong, similar as Xiagang, she also was hiding her identity, changing her external form. It would need some God to break over her illusion.

At the other side seats, sat Bai's family with Fenrir, all of them with smiles looking at the ceremony. Behind them, there were little people, the little friends made over their adventures.

Finally, as the priest who was going to do the ceremony, it was Xue Beng. Renxue had chosen him because he was the emperor of Heaven Dou Empire, one of the highest-ranking people over the continent excluding gods and it was a reminder of her time as Xue Qinghe, even if it was strange moments, full of lies, she treasured them as only for them she was able to meet Bai.

Xue Beng had some feelings against Renxue for being the cause of his family's death but he didn't dare to go against the gods' will, so he didn't have other option than to accept.

Xue Beng started the ceremony "... Bow to the parents" Bai and Renxue turned to the first round, bowing towards Bai's family and Xiaogang and Bibi Dong. There wasn't any bow to Heaven, Earth or the emperor. They were gods who would dare to make them bow, Heaven and Earth bow before them! The only qualified were their parents.

"Qian Renxue. Do you take Ning Bai as your lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish for all eternity?"

"Yes! I do!" Renxue said smiling.

"Ning Bai. Do you take Qian Renxue as your lawful wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish for all eternity?"

"Yes, I do!" Bai said smiling.

They interchanged their rings both saying "I take this ring as a sign of my love"

"I declare you wife and husband. You can kiss the bride" Xue Beng declared. Both of them leaning to each other and warmly kissing before the applause of all the guest.


At the banquet, with all the people drinking, eating and dancing celebrating the wedding, Renxue and Bai leading the dance at the center of the dance floor. A woman brought a little girl to a corner, gaining a little of privacy, they were Rongrong and Mayi.

"At the end, you let it happen. I always thought you would act" Rongrong said to Mayi.

Mayi tilted her head and made a cute gesture smiling brightly "What are you saying, big sister Rong?"

"Cut the crap. Bai might have fallen for your act, but I am not so dense. You remember it all" Rongrong stated.

Mayi smile disappeared, glancing at Rongrong with an extremely strong killing intent causing her to flinch in fright. It was the power of a Goddess! After being revived, she had kept her qualification, with Fenrir, becoming the Gluttony God.

However, Mayi's killing intent only last an instant "You got me" quickly replaced by a sad smile "But Once Bai became a god, I recovered all my memories, but I discovered that I might have to pushy towards Bai. I love him and madly attack anyone in his surroundings making him sad. Seeing him with Renxue, Lingling and Chenxiang, I found that he truly loves them. I only forced him to me, more than love it was an obsession for my part" she said with a sad tone.

"Rongrong, you know..." She made a brightly smile "I love being his and your little sister, I can be together with him without hurting him, I prefer it like this. It's more than enough" Mayi clapped her hands and lowered her head towards Rongrong "Please, don't say anything to big brother!"

Rongrong could sense that it was the truth. She sighed "Okay, I will let you. You are family now, little sister" Rongrong smiled at her.

Mayi jumped at Rongrong tightly hugging her "Thanks, big sister Rong!" Breaking the hug, Mayi had a big smile over her face "And you know, big sister? I might have found another person that I love being with"

Mayi smiled turning around leaving towards a young boy sat in a corner. She took him by the arm, bringing him to the dance floor "Let's dance, Fenrir!" Fenrir grumpily accepting. Both of them starting dancing next to Bai and Renxue.


"Bai Chenxiang. Do you take Ning Bai as your lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish for all eternity?"

Chenxiang wedding was familiarly similar to Renxue's, her maids this time had the addition of Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing, guiding her to the alter being her grandfather, Bai He. There was also the addition of a great teasing from Renxue's part to her 'second sister', Renxue being the first and bigger one. Even with the anger of having lost towards Renxue in the first wife for Bai, all was forgotten looking at Bai's eyes this day. She was to marry the love of her life, she couldn't be happier.

"I do!" Chenxiang said without any doubt.

"Ning Bai. Do you take Bai Chenxiang as your lawful wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish for all eternity?"

"I do!" Bai said smiling.

After exchanging rings "I declare you wife and husband. You can kiss the bride" Xue Beng declared. Chenxiang launched towards Bai, giving him a passionately kiss.


Inside Star Duo Forest, close to its core, a wedding was occuring. It was the wedding of Bai and Lingling. Lingling didn't mind being the third wife, the most important for her was to be with Bai, not the order. She had decided that she wanted a more natural wedding celebrating it inside the forest.

From Bai's side, there were the same as the last wedding. On the other hand, on Lingling's side there was a very peculiar bunch of beings. Thousands of beasts and plants assisted wanting to see their goddess of Life's wedding, even Bi Ji and Zi Ji attended, Bi Ji being one of her maid with her other new sisters. The only great absence was Di Tian who was too angry at them.

Presiding the ceremony, Mei stood at the alter in an adult form. She could be now considered as the queen of the forest, so who could be better to do Lingling's wedding? At least it what Mei told every, threatening to kill anyone that tried to take her place.

At the same time, Mei in his little girl form appeared, Mei standing in two places at the same time. The little Mei was the girl of the flowers, throwing petals at Lingling's path. "Of course, I will do it. The best flower girl should be a flower!" Mei stated when they were talking about.

This time instead of a white long dress, Lingling was wearing a green dress made full of natural elements, leaves and flowers. She truly seemed a goddess of life with her beautiful dress and radiant aura and smile. Bai neither wore his usual tuxedo, being replaced by a more natural green tuxedo made of vines.

This time, the one guiding Lingling was Bai's father, Ning Fengzhi. Lingling's blood family not being in the wedding, Lingling completely hating them for caging her and only seeing her as a tool.

"I declare you wife and husband. You can kiss the bride" Mei finally declared, glancing with a little of killing intent at Bai at the kiss part and threatening him if he was to hurt Lingling.

Bai and Lingling kissed in a long and warm kiss full of applauses.


30 years had passed since the end of the war. Over the sky near the border between Star Luo and Heaven Dou Empires, floated a handsome gray-haired man with his eyes closed. Of course, he was Bai.

Under him a giant hole stood. This was precisely the place where the Giant Sword Mountain, Bai's Torso spirit bone stood before.

"I'm finally ready" Bai whispered slowly opening his eyes that shined with a strong myriad of lights. Looking at them could cause people to be sliced apart.

Bai lifted his hand, 50 enormous swords appeared all over him. They had different colors, intents, and size, the smaller being over a kilometer long. He swung his hands, the sword raining to the ground. The biggest ones, one black sword and a white one, each one over 10 kilometers, pierced over the hole, the other ones piercing the ground surrounding it. All of the sword, exuded a great intent, creating a multicolored aura all around. All of them covered by a thin film of gray aura that kept them from dispersing.

"You finally finished, Bai" Three figures appeared behind him. They were Bai's most important people, his three wives Renxue, Chenxiang and Lingling. The one that had talked was Lingling with a smile.

"It took you too much time, we are almost at our limit!" Chenxiang complained. It was true they were at their limit, from the sky, divine light bashed over the three, almost ignoring Bai. This was the way to ascend to the Divine Ream. After being so much time in the mortal world, the World's Will started attacking them, forcing them outside, needing their full concentration as they waited for Bai. They were reaching the limit.

"Come Bai!" Renxue smiled. The three extremely beautiful goddesses extended their hands towards Bai.

Bai nodded and smiled at them, taking their hands. The light over the sky became stronger, the four of them being pushed over the Divine Realm.

Bai looked with a happy yet sad smile under him, remembering the good and bad moments of his life. "Good bye, Douluo Continent"

picaco picaco

And END!

What do you think about the story. Please review now that is completed.

There will be a side chapter that I would post in a later date about the gods at the Divine Realm and maybe a side chapter about Renxue's first time. But the main story finish her. Later I would post a chapter explaining a little.

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