33.12% Bread For My Family / Chapter 52: Problem Solved, For Now...

บท 52: Problem Solved, For Now...

"Uh, hmmm…no, that's not it, then what about?" Belen struggles, whispering to herself in frustration while scribbling on her desk, "damn! Why can't I get the answer!" her irritated tone makes Everest shiver as he entered the office.

"What has she been doing for the past two hours? She's been scribbling and wasting paper since I left," Everest thinks to himself while staring at Belen, intensely concentrating on nothing else but whatever it is she's trying to solve.

"Madam…dam…Ma…Madam!" Everest carefully raises his voice when she annoyingly looks up, "WHAT?!" he flinches.

"Umm, I need to finish a few reports. Do you mind if I do it here?" he points at the sofa across from her desk.

She helplessly sighs, "do what you want," she says calmly, going back to work on the same thing as before.

"Why do I keep getting the same number? It's not the answer!" she grits her teeth while typing something into the computer. Seconds later, Everest flinches at the sound of her shouting, "STUPID COMPUTER! ARGH! I CAN'T SEEM TO GET THE FREAKING ANSWER!! UGH!" She angrily stomps out of the office.

Everest secretly prayed not to get noticed and pretended to look as if he were doing something profound so that she wouldn't take her anger out on him, and it worked.

Once she left, he couldn't help but tiredly sigh, "this is the first time in a while since I've seen her storm out of the office. I wonder what was it that made her that angry?" he sighs again, "oh well whatever, as long as I can survive today I don't care." He says, picking up the white crunched up papers on the floor that came from her desk.

"She's messy too!" Everest claims to throw the paper inside the mini trashcan beside her desk, "it's not that hard!"

He groans, straightening his back when his curiosity gets the best of him, "What was she doing anyway?" he peaks over her desk, noticing a bunch of scattered paper with repeated numbers scribbled all over it. The numbers are placed in decimal form, square root, pretty much any mathematical term.

"hmm?" he cocks his head, "this is…" he hesitates, "it's a math problem?" he shockingly puts everything together, "don't tell me, this whole time. Was she trying to solve this problem almost all day? But what for?" he turns to the computer screen making his eyes widen. Still, a laugh slips out, "pfft!! HAHAHAHAHA!!"

But his laugh stops after hearing someone at the door. He pretends to pick up the rest of the trash when Belen marches back inside.

She sighs, slumping her shoulders back, "What am I going to do?" she says annoyingly, clicking her tongue. Her irritation grew when she saw Everest picking up the paper on the floor, "I wish he weren't here," she pouts, relaxing her chin on her hand.

Suddenly a voice enters her ears, shaking her from a trance, "mm? yes, Everest?" she asks, dumbfounded.

He carefully asks, "Is something the matter?"

Belen's eyes narrow unsurely, "I doubt he knows," she thinks to herself when finally letting out a deep sigh, and says, "oh, it's nothing, just a stupid problem I'm having trouble solving. I doubt you know anything about it."

"Is she saying I'm stupid? When she can't even solve that simple problem?" Everest internally screams, feeling offended but swallows his pride with a smile, "if this is what's causing her mood swings, then I might as well help her," he thinks when finally saying, "Can I see what you're trying to solve?" with a smile.

Belen gives him an arrogant look as if saying, "I'll let you see for yourself."

But in that instant, Everest's eyes seem to glow as he made his way to Belen's side, "pen, or pencil!"

Belen unknowingly hands it to him, making way for him when he comes close to her side, "can you see?" he asks worriedly, turning to see her almost breaking her neck to look over his long arms.

He can't help but chuckle when going on his knees, "like this?" he turns to see her nod, "good, so this is how you solve it," he begins showing her step by step until finally, he finishes solving the problem. "It's always important to place the decimal correctly because if it's misplaced, that will ruin your answer."

He turns to see if she's paying attention when he gulps, almost biting his tongue when he notices her face super close to his face, but her eyes intent on the problem he just solved.

"…Wow," she says lowly, "you solved it just like that?" her eyes widen brightly when her lips curl into a smile, "Everest!" she exclaims, meeting his eyes, "you're amazing!!" she says refreshingly making him blush. When Belen immediately pulled out her keyboard and typed in the answer, "It's CORRECT!!" she gasps, turning to Everest with a bright smile, "WOW! It's correct!" she excitedly celebrates, making him chuckle at the sight of her childish behavior.

"Cute," he says aloud, wearing a warm smile.

Belen asks, "huh? Did you say something?"

He unknowingly said something aloud. He quickly moves away from her side, rushing to the sofa when he stammers to say, "t-then I'll be on my way," he awkwardly laughs, touching the back of his head, "see you home!" he shut the door.

"Well, that was strange…" Belen says aloud, tilting her head, "did he say something?"


"Noah, aren't you tired of coming back and forth to the hospital and work?" Mabel genuinely asks, feeling sorry for him.

"Not at all," he waves, "It's convenient for me actually," he lightly laughs, "and I never know when Emma might just wake up," he gently smiles.

Mabel feels his desperation because she also hopes Emma can wake from her coma state. Even so, that doesn't mean Noah should sacrifice his free time here with her when he could be doing other things. She likes his company a lot. She views him as a friend who can sometimes seem mature but is lots of fun to talk to.

She cautiously asks, "h-how is everything going with Belen?"

His eyes widen in surprise at her sudden mention of Belen but soon his eyes sullen, "not that great if I'm completely honest," he fidgets with his fingers.

They both simultaneously sigh, as they did, they both couldn't keep from laughing, "what are you planning to do?" she asks.

"About?" Noah asks.

"Belen…she just can't let things go as easily, huh."

He profoundly sighs, "…yeah. That's just how she is," he lightly smiles, "but I don't blame her. I lost my mind back there."

"I did too!" Mabel sighs, "I-I just hate when men try controlling their partner," she says, clenching her fist.

Noah realizes, "you sure shocked me," he says, amazed, "I never would've thought you'd do something like that. It's very admirable" he smiles.

"Hmph!" she scoffs, clenching her fists, "I bet you don't know this but back then, I used to take boxing classes, haha."

"I'm not surprised, but you sure are talented," he says astonishingly.

"Boxing is something I choose, for the first time," she explains with a sad look in her eyes while staring at her fists, "My dad always picked out my talents or at least what he wanted me to excel. I also played soccer, a lot" she lightly chuckles. "Those were good times. Soccer was my sport, my stress reliever."

"Stress reliever?" Noah questions.

"Yes," she says lowly, "and being in the marching band. It was fun, I don't know if you've noticed yet, but I can be pretty competitive," she says shyly.

"I had no idea. Belen doesn't seem that way in anything she does. It's more of a game, something that she must have, but she doesn't care about winning, I think."

Mabel smiles, "no surprise there. I'm sure she got that from my dad."

"What do you mean?"

"My dad does not care about winning. He most likely tried to make Belen do the same thing he tried to put me through."


"Perfection! My dad once tried to make me take multiple classes at once. When I failed them, he'd often say, 'Mabel, you have to learn these things,' and I'd ask, 'but why? I don't find it important to know these things, dad!' but he often said, 'it doesn't matter as long as you have a basic knowledge of these subjects, that way, you won't be looked down on.' Knowing my dad, he most likely did the same to Belen, and she took it," Mabel annoyingly grunts, clenching her fists angrily.

Noah is unable to believe everything she's said so far as his eyes widen, "as surprising as that may be, that explains a lot."

"Explains what?" Mabel asks.

Noah nervously gulps, "Belen knows almost everything! She's won multiple awards in swimming, theater, music, writing, science, math, history, and well pretty much in any area, especially with sports! I-I always found it hard to believe, but she seemed too perfect to be true. But with what you revealed to me, it makes so much sense. Belen…" he hesitates with sad eyes, "she was only a doll to her dad, and you too" he looks up to meet Mabel's painful eyes.

Mabel bitterly smiled, "It seems my dad was able to make Belen into his perfect vision of an heir."

Noah asks, "what?"

But before they can continue talking, they're interrupted when someone opens the door, "Que hacen aqui?" Ernestina asks in a scolding tone.

"Hey, mama bear, why are you here?" she asks, confused.

"Mmm!" Ernestina storms inside, pulling both Noah and Mabel's wrist, pushing them out the room, "Go rest! Eat something! Go to the house! Do something!"

"B-But ma, I'm not hungry," Mabel claims.

Ernestina does not listen and turns to Noah, "can you cook?"

Noah innocently nods.

She smirks, "good! can you please take Mabel away and cook her something to eat at your home?"

Mabel's expression widens, "ma! I can't leave. I need to stay beside Emma," Ernestina's tone calms down, "Mabel, please. Just go eat something that is not hospital food. Just eat something home-made, okay," she says gently.

Mabel gives up, "fine, but we can just go to my apartment."

"No!" Ernestina shakes her head, "no! that's too close to here, go eat with Noah!"

"But mom!"

"I won't let you inside if you continue!" Ernestina says demandingly.

Noah pulls on her wrist, "let's go," he smiles. Mabel's shoulders relax, "okay."


Belen is driving home with Everest when he asks, "what are we going to eat?"

"I don't know."

"what about tortas! I've been craving it!"

"Sure," she says casually, but Everest is unable to believe her answer when he asks again, "a-are you sure? I can order them right now, but I don't want you to change your mind then."

After a long pause, she quietly replies, "I'm not necessarily hungry, but I need food to live another day. So anything will do."

"What the heck kind of answer is that?" Everest wonders scrolling through an app full of food.

"What about burgers? Or Pizza?"

"If that's what you want," she shrugs bluntly.

Everest decides to take a risk and asks, "What I'm really craving are carne asada tacos with some birria," he cautiously peeks over to see her expression.

She casually answers while driving, "okay, tell me where to go."

Everest couldn't believe his ears. Did he hear correctly? Did Belen actually say yes to tacos? When this whole time, she made him think that she did not like any kind of food.

It freaked him out but at the same time made him somehow happy, "I wonder why?"

He immediately put the GPS in her car. After a long silence, he asks, "was that everything you needed to solve?"

"Hmm?" Belen seems to ask with her head tilted.

"The math problem from earlier, was that all?"

"Ooh! Yes, that was all."

"You don't normally handle those things, do you?"

"The revenues? Well, Noah usually solves them and afterward gives them to me, and I input them into the computer. But he forgot to solve one."

"Why didn't you call and ask him to do it then?"

"Because I know how busy he must be," she says calmly, knowing he must be tired with going back and forth from the hospital to work and home. She didn't want to bother him over forgetting to solve a problem she could probably solve.

Though she struggled to solve the math problem earlier, she realized just how essential Noah is compared to her because when she is not at A Star. Somehow Noah handles everything correctly. She started feeling sorry for him because if she couldn't solve a simple problem that even Everest could, then what is she? She felt useless.

"So you decided to give it a try yourself?" Everest sincerely asks.

She awkwardly chuckles, "why? Was I that bad?"

"Yes," he bluntly answers, making Belen choke a little on her saliva. Usually, people always kiss up to her and try to get on her right side by showering her compliments, but the only one who can say anything to her truthfully is Everest. It's a little strange because when she asked Noah for help in the past, he did his best to tutor her, but she'd often forget the steps, and he took it upon himself to do the revenues. When she tried, Noah stopped her and said that it doesn't bother him to do these simple tasks because that's the secretary's job.

But hearing Everest's blunt truth felt refreshing yet surprising as well. This puts her in a good mood when asking, "so, what was your favorite subject in school?"

Everest immediately answers, "I was always great in math, but my favorite subject? Hmm…I think it'd have to be history."

"Really?!" Belen exclaims, shocking Everest when she turns to him with a smile, "mines too!"

His eyes widen in shock, "seriously? You do?"

"I love learning about history! All of my history teachers made it even more enjoyable. Gosh, I miss learning about World War 1 and 2. Or!" she says excitedly, "the Cold War too!!"

Everest's face lightens up, "haha! The Cold War is my favorite! It's awesome how JFK handled it too! But I always found World War 2 uncomfortable. It's detestable how Germany did that to the Jewish population."

"Not only the Jewish people but many non-Jews also suffered as well. It's terrible," she says in a low tone.

Everest then asks, "I've heard that not even Germany wants to recognize the horrendous things they did. The events don't even exist in their textbooks."

"Well, you know how the world can be. Those in power just love changing history. They want to make it work in their favor. That's the dark side of history. It's difficult to know what is accurate and what if fabricated."

"Sadly, that's true," Everest agrees when the car stops, "huh? We're here already?" he gets down to pick up the food.

As he left, Belen couldn't keep her excited heart from beating. It was the feeling of connection.


Noah is making a home cook meal for Mabel to eat but little do they know that Belen is also at home with Everest eating.

At Belen's home, she has just finished eating when Everest is cleaning up and asks, "did you like the food?"

In a better mood, Belen casually answers, "it wasn't bad. I kind of forgot this taste."

Everest grins, "the birria made it all the better with those tacos," he cheekily smiles.

Belen smirks while staring at him clean the table, "that's right, I missed that too…"

"Are you the only one from your family who does not like eating these kinds of foods?"

"Family?" Belen asks coldly.

"Yeah," he stops to look at her cold eyes, "I mean, your sisters."

"I don't know," she tries distracting herself with a glass of water when Everest asks, "how could you not know? They're your sisters," he says half-heartedly.

"Everest," Belen says sternly, "don't bring up my sisters around me, just as you don't like speaking about your mother. I expect you to understand," she says coldly glaring at him, "don't try to cross the line," she says heading to her room, "once you're finished you may leave, good night."

Everest felt a bit embarrassed and mad because everything was going so well. Why did she always feel so distant when it came to her family. Not only that, but Everest saw no problems between her and her sisters since they looked quite close. But he guessed wrong.

When she mentioned his mother, he cringed because she was right, though it pains him to admit it. He was shocked that she was able to read him as quickly when it came to his mother, but he had no idea she disliked talking about her sisters, especially her mother as well.

Well, it's no wonder since Belen's mother cheated on her father, Everest understood clearly that Belen perhaps still holds some hatred in her heart. But when it came to his mother, Everest just did not want her to be mentioned at all either.

In a way, he felt that maybe deep down, he and Belen share the same feelings when it comes to their family matters.


Once Belen closed the door to her bedroom, her energy felt sapped out. She is so exhausted mentally and physically all she can do is continuously sigh, "my legs and back feel sore. Should I have Noah contact my trainer?" she raises a brow dragging herself to plop on the queen-sized bed.

As she fell into the bed, it looked like a vast marshmallow slowly swallowing her inside the mattress. "Ahh, I love you, my bed~!" she screams internally, nuzzling into her pillows while letting out a sigh, "Keebo," her voice gently shifts. "I don't know what to do" she stretches her arm to the ceiling trying to grasp something. Still, in the end, as she checked her hand, it was empty.

"I don't feel like doing anything, but at the same time, I do. I guess you can say, I'm bored," she says, muffled while looking out the balcony doors, "I just want to break free…"

As she closed her eyes, her little brother's image popped up, showing a warm smile while calling out her name, "Belen, don't forget! What do you love doing the most? What makes you feel the happiest in any moment?"

Belen slowly opened her eyelids, revealing a soft, sincere glimmer in her eyes, "…writing" she quietly utters, "writing is what helped me through high school and college. But what I really want to do is finish the story I started when you were here, Keebo."

She walks into her closet, rummaging through a few sealed boxes, when finally she pulls out a thick journal and starts flipping through it, and silently sat down reading.

A smile escaped her mouth as her brows eased, and eventually, her whole body looked relaxed sitting on the ground as she read through the journal, "these were all my ideas, mm, I miss writing."

At that moment, she recalls Keebo's words, "You will become a writer Belen! I just know it!" as she remembered his sincere words, tears began to trail down her cheeks as she hugged the journal tightly into her embrace. "Heuk…" she bites her lower lip to prevent her from wailing, "…Keebo, I can't. I'm scared, I can't continue, I am too scared," she says in a broken tone, trembling like a leaf on a winter branch.


"T-This place is massive!! If it weren't for the light posts, I know I would've gotten lost at this point," Everest claims, walking past the bridge underneath a pond.

When Everest left Belen's mansion, he didn't feel like walking back home just yet. He hoped to take Belen on a late-night walk because he wanted to continue their conversation from the car.

Instead, he was forced to leave, but like a cat, he became curious and started exploring her estate and came to find himself a little lost, but to his surprise, there was a map on every corner showing him every location, like an amusement park.

"You can't be serious. It has everything, from a tennis court to basketball?" he gasps.

He stares at the pond beneath him, noticing the full moon illuminating on the water so beautifully, bringing him a sense of peace. "It's so nice and quiet," he whispers to himself, walking along the trail with his hands in his pockets and recalls the last time he conversed with Leena.

"Has she left yet?" he's about to take out his phone when shaking his head, "no, I shouldn't…did she end up taking them?" his brows furrow, thinking about his parents.

"Sun-young," he says brokenheartedly, "I, I want to see you" he stares at the flowers around him, entering the garden, "these are your favorite," he says tenderly, grazing the lilies.

"I even proposed to you in lilies," he hesitates, biting the tip of his tongue. "Was that all an act too?" he looks at the sky with an anguish expression—his sad droopy eyes, lifeless with the moon reflecting on his watery pupils.

At that moment, he overhears shouting from a distance, "what was that? It sounds like someone is fighting," he says, alarmed, twisting and turning side to side, "it's coming from over there?" he turns in the direction of Belen's mansion.


"Are you sure you don't want me to come with you?" Noah worriedly asks Mabel, walking her to Belen's mansion's front gate where the driver is waiting.

"You should stay home and rest. I'll be fine," she reassures him when suddenly they both hear footsteps approach them, "So this is where I'd find you, Mabel?" says a tall, pale skin man with short hair and a beard.

His appearance frightens Mabel when Noah raises his tone protectively, "who are you?! How did you get in here?!"

The man's brows furrow, examining Noah from top to bottom, letting out a low scoff, "I should be asking you that, well, Mabel! Who is he?!"

Mabel frightenedly mutters, "O-OS-OSCAR!"

"Oscar?" Noah wonders when Oscar maliciously grins, "I'm her husband!" he proudly shows off, "And Mabel is MY wife!"

Noah turns back to Mabel, who is shaking uncontrollably, "what are you doing here, Oscar?" she says, trying to look brave.

Just then, Oscar nears his steps when Noah moves in front of Mabel with a strong glint of hatred in his eyes.

"MOVE!" Oscar scowls, but Noah does not comply when Oscar angrily shouts, "GET OUT OF MY WAY!!" he threatens Noah.

But he firmly plants his stance to prevent Oscar from looking down on him just because he is a centimeter taller. Their eyes are heavily interlocked, just waiting for one of them to get distracted for an opening.

Mabel rushes to separate the two when Oscar takes the chance to pull her to his side, "Mabel, what is the meaning of this?"

"Stop! Oscar! Let me go!" Mabel struggles to release herself from his grip when Noah was about to help her. Oscar lets go.

"Are we really not going to work this out?" Oscar rashly asks.

But Mabel takes a step back, shaking her head, "no! I don't want anything to do with you anymore! That's why I left!" she shouts.

"Then why haven't you divorced me yet? Huh? I told you before!"

"You were seeing that bitch for more than a year!!" she cut him off with tears streaming down her face, "how do you expect me to see you? When all I can imagine is you sleeping with that whore!?"

"…Mabel, I said I'd stop," he softens his voice, "please, let's work this out. It won't happen again…" he says beggingly.

But Mabel continued shaking her head, "no, I can't forget what you said to me that time! You said you prefer to be a bachelor! You said you wished we didn't have Emma!!" she screams at the top of her lungs.

Noah couldn't believe it when his eyes spark with hatred when they overhear the gates open. They all turn in the direction of a sound when they see Belen confidently walking out.

"What is going on here?!" she says coldly, staring at their speechless expressions, but the one who caught her attention was the strange bearded man near Mabel. His eyes met hers when she gasps, "O-Oscar?" she narrows her eyes.

He annoyingly scoffs, "ha! Well, if it isn't the famous Belen Astares. I should thank you for making Mabel appear on TV. That was one way of finding her whereabouts," he turns to see her flinch.

Belen sharply replies, "I did it for myself, not for a sorry excuse of a man like you," she says with a mocking smile.

Oscar is angrily shaking when Noah walks near to protect Mabel, unknowingly giving Oscar a chance to walk straight up to Belen, "this has nothing to do with you!"

Belen coldly smirks, "Oh really~? You're trespassing into my property. Get out now before I decide to involve the police!"

"What is a little girl like you going to do?! I'm not scared of you! Call them! I'll gladly tell them that Mabel is MY wife!"

"I feel bad for Mabel, seeing that she hasn't left you just yet. It's a shame. She could've married someone better," she says with a malicious grin.

"I never liked you! Stay out of this! Before you get hurt!" Oscar threatens her the closer he got.

Belen did not move at all. She stood firmly with her arms crossed, wearing a cold expression, "lowly scum like you deserve to live a life full of misery!" she spits out.

This makes Oscar angry when he rushes to Belen, but in the nick of time, Everest interfered, pulling her back into his embrace, "are you alright?!" he says, panting with worried eyes.

"Hahaha!" Oscar laughs, "You say things about me, but then what about that cheater?" he points to Everest, making him nervously gulp.

"He's not better than me! He slept with prostitutes! And you still keep him close to you? Doesn't that make you hypocritical?!"

Just as Everest was about to say something, Belen stops him by getting out of his embrace and boldly stands, "only an idiot would try to make is a competition. Don't you see? You're outmatched! Get out of my estate right now! Or else!"

"Or else what? You'll call the police?" he says mockingly.

Belen amusingly smiles, "I'll have you imprisoned! For allegedly trying to hit me, just now."

"You have no proof! You're not a queen!" Oscar makes fun of her claim.

But security immediately shows up surrounding Oscar when Belen points to the cameras. "Everything is on camera, see! Right there, there, and here…my estate has surveillance cameras. And I can report it to the police at just a simple push of a button," she says authoritatively. "Just like a disgusting roach, I can have you killed!" her eyes evilly glow thanks to the moon's light.

Oscar slowly releases his fist while gritting his teeth and turns away but is quickly annoyed to see Mabel near Noah, "Don't think that'll be the last time you see me, Mabel! Now that I know where to find you, it does not mean I can't reach you!" he pauses. "And I doubt you'll be staying here since I don't see Emma with you. I'm sure you left her with one of your parents," he walks out of the gates escorted by security.

He soon disappeared from their sight. When Mabel relaxes her shoulders, Noah asks, "are you okay? He didn't hurt you, did he?"

Belen turns away when she realizes Everest in front of her, bitterly smiling, "I…um, uh" he scratches his head, unable to meet her cold gaze.

"Why did you do that? I was purposely trying to make him hit me…" she sighs, rubbing her temples.

His eyes widen in shock, "but you could've gotten hurt! why were you agitating him?"

Belen annoyingly points to the cameras, "you heard me earlier right? If he hit me, then I could've charged him for it, but you've gone and done it," she sighs disappointedly.

"Oh, whatever!" she says in an irritated tone walking back into her home when Noah approaches, calling out her name frantically, "Wait! Belen!"

She turns confused, "…"

"Please! Please don't go yet! I have a favor to ask you!" he gulps, "Please let Mabel stay the night with you, Please Belen!" he bows, beggingly shocking everyone, including Belen.

"H-Hey Noah, c-come on" Everest tries to stop him.

Belen sharply narrows her eyes to Noah and Mabel, "She has a mouth, doesn't she?" she pauses for a moment to see Noah straighten his back, looking flabbergasted, "B-Belen!"

She raises her hand to stop him from talking, "It's only common courtesy. If she wants to stay with me, then she can ask me with her own mouth" after a moment, she continues walking away.

That is until Mabel shouts from a distance, "BELEN! BELEN! CAN I STAY WITH YOU! JUST FOR TONIGHT!?"

Belen simply waves her hand mid-way, gesturing her to follow, and Mabel happily smiles, running after her and bidding them a good night.


Everest and Noah quietly walk back to the house, but as soon as they entered, Noah went straight to his room, but before he can, Everest stops him.

"What do you want?" Noah asks annoyingly, looking back at him.

"I know this isn't any of my business, but," Everest shakes his head, "do you like her?"

Noah's brow twist in confusion, "what are you talking about?"

Everest meticulously asks, "Do you like Belen's older sister, Mabel Astares?"

Noah's eyes widen when he whispers underneath his breath, "I-I, what?"


"You can take any room. I'll be going to sleep now," Belen nonchalantly says, walking up the stairs when Mabel says, "oh no, it's okay, I can just sleep on the couch."

Belen annoyingly sighs, "you don't have to act modestly. Just take a room and sleep in it. It gets pretty cold at night."

"Ooh…Okay, thanks Belen," Mabel says timidly, feeling a bit of warmth in her heart. That is when Belen mentions in a cold tone, "I want you out tomorrow morning."

"mm, yes…" Mabel nods sullenly.

"and another thing, I don't know what your situation but stop getting everyone involved."

"you mean?" Mabel innocently asks.

"You're not stupid, Mabel, you know exactly what I mean," she says coldly, glaring, "Noah and maybe even Everest, don't you dare think about involving them in your problems…or else they'll suffer the consequence you left me. Like that day, you ran away."

"B-Belen! I-!" Mabel tries speaking, but Belen cuts her off, "good night!" she shuts the door to her room, leaving Mabel in the silence of the mansion.

"I ran away…she's still too young to understand," Mabel exhaustedly says, entering a random room to sleep for the night.

An_Rome An_Rome

Enjoy this slightly longer chapter! Thanks for being patient, winter semester really has me busy but I will continue to update.

I am happy to announce, Volume 3 is about to end. So I am working hard to finish up the last few remaining chapters.

Enjoy reading! Have a great day/night.

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