15.92% Bread For My Family / Chapter 25: Decisions Are Permanent!

บท 25: Decisions Are Permanent!

A week later, A Star Mall is the same as ever, flooding with shoppers within the hour, so far the summer line season is exceeding Belen's expectations. Sales are surpassing last year's sales day by day. Its been a week since the heads of the departments got fired, and without them, the departments are becoming confusing. The employees don't know who or what to do when supplies run out or are restocked. Therefore Everest is working around the clock filling in the position of the heads of the departments. While Noah is upstairs in his office dealing with other affairs that need his attention.

Noah steps back to relax on his chair nonchalantly in deep thought, "since that day, Belen has not been talking to me. But Everest has been close to her. Just seeing him next to her gets on my nerves," he makes a fist slamming it onto the desk.

He profoundly sighs, "it feels as if she's avoiding me, but…maybe it's just me thinking that. I can see she's swamped, tch! I can't stand seeing him clinging onto her like gum."


Meanwhile, Everest is continuously going from department to department to collect the employee's reports towards the evening sales. At the same time, Belen is in her office waiting for Everest when Noah knocks on the door.

"come in."

"Madam, I've received an important email from your dress designer…unfortunately, he won't be able to make your ball gown for Miss Annalise's wedding."

"What?!" she shouts, feeling a headache about to start, "what do you mean he can't?"

"He asked for you to call him immediately."

She sighs relieving her annoyance, "ugh, the wedding is in a month, how can I? whatever, you may leave now." But as Noah turned away, he felt now was the perfect time to talk with her but overhears her already talking on the phone with her designer that it only makes him walk out of her office dejected.

As soon as he did, he looks up displeased only to meet Everest's eyes, "Hey, secretary Noah, are you coming out of Madam's office just now? Is she busy?"

Noah's glare is enough to send chills down anyone's spine, but not Everest. Because he's gotten used to his glare that he stopped minding it, "well then, have a nice day."

He casually walks into her office without having to knock, seeing this only infuriates Noah.


Belen can't stop sighing when Everest asks, "Is something the matter, Madam?"

She ignores him when she sits back on her chair, mumbling to herself, "I have to call this other designer. But I don't know anything about her, and not only that but she only makes wedding gowns, will she make my dress? Ugh, why if it weren't for the damn contract, I wouldn't bother attending…"

Everest leans against her desk like a curious puppy, "is something the matter? You look distraught."

She quickly notices him when she leans forward, meeting his beautiful dazzling eyes, "it's my designer. Unfortunately, a relative of his passed away and he won't be able to make my dress for the wedding. He said he has a designer friend who he can recommend and trusts in her work, but I don't know, its honestly discouraging. And if the woman agrees to do my dress, I'll have to meet her for measurements and augh! That just takes away more time!"

Everest moves away, expressing his concern, "why not give it a try?"

"what?" she glares, making him nervous, "It'd be best to try new things, maybe this designer is different?"

She smirks, "you don't have to try and make every situation good, Everest…sometimes new problems arise, it's okay to take it this way."

"Yes, you may be right, but doesn't that just exhaust you more?"

Hearing this makes Belen wonder narrowing her eyes, "are you prepared for the interviews you'll be conducting tomorrow?"

His confidence suddenly drops as his shoulders slump, "actually, I'm nervous."

Belen chuckles, walking over to sit down across from him, "what about it is making you nervous? The process? Questions?"

"I'm afraid they won't take me seriously. In everyone's view, I'm nothing more than Belen Astares's fiancé. Do you know that people think I'm clinging to you because I want to ride on your fame? Since that day, Fox theaters sales have risen…"

Belen simply nods with cold eyes, "well, it doesn't matter to me what others say. You are the one who announced our engagement to the public when it could've been kept a secret. Instead of blaming yourself, just take responsibility for your actions. I don't care what low-lives say or gossip about when I know the real you. If you were actually to betray me," she pauses with a dark complexion like a demon, "I'd get rid of you" seeing this makes Everest quiver when she reverts backs to her natural expression and puts on a fake smile, "but I know that won't happen."

He silently nods, understanding her threat when she says with a sad glint in her eyes, "there will always be stories, rumors, and gossip, but what's important is living and earning money. As they say, only the weak try to prey on the strong…"

Everest corrects her, "I thought it was only the strong prey on the weak?"

She laughs, "are words weak? Are the rich strong? Take the Statue of Liberty, its vast, beautiful, and meaningful, one can say it's 'strong,' but what happens when millions of poor, uneducated, self-righteous people try to destroy that very 'strong' statue? It'll break, or at least crack, don't you think?"

Everest nods, understanding her point of the weak vs. the strong. Her words make sense encouraging his confidence when she says, "that is why you must never look down, while others try to destroy you. Just ignore them. You'll soon get used to it," her eyes turn soft as she whispers under her breath, "like me."

Everest's eyes transform surging with determination, when Belen asks, "okay, now practice on me. How will you interview me?"

Everest is flabbergasted to think he'd practice with Belen. Instead of feeling honored, he's scared and anxious than before, making him gulp his saliva.

They continue late into the night when Noah tiredly locks his office, finishing for the day walking over to Belen's office but overhears their laughs through the door making his heart sink. He musters up the courage to knock when Belen coldly replies, "enter."

Even her sudden change of tone towards Noah makes him realize that she's still mad at him when he greets her with a faint smile trying to hide his distressed expression, "Madam, I am finished for tonight."

Belen does not bother to glance at Noah once when she gestures him to leave, "very well. You may leave."

Noah nods, gritting his teeth as he left, "Goodnight Madam."


Noah arrives home but stops in front of his door, making a deep sigh and glances at Belen's house with longing eyes. After spacing out for some time, he finally comes back to his senses and opens the door to his home. He walks through the darkness of his living room to his bedroom, like a cat.

The night seems darker than usual, and the crescent moon's light dimmer. Noah lays on his bed, lifeless, not knowing what to do or think. It's as if without Belen, he's nothing. The stillness of the night continues to sweep his inner darkness when he tries to distract himself, "I should wait for her to come home, maybe we can talk…"

Though time continues when he notices, "3:20 am… she's not here, did something happen to her? No… she's with him. Hmm, maybe, just in case I should contact Everest, they couldn't have stayed at A Star this late!"

But as he was about to call, he hears the gates open, making him sigh in relief when he peaks over to notice Belen entering her house. Just as Noah walked outside, he sees someone in the distance outside of her home, near the gate.

"Everest Fox? What is he doing here?" Noah murmurs with threatening eyes.

Though as he got closer, Everest turns to the noise of approaching footsteps when he tilts his head, "Noah?"

But Noah reacts strongly, "what are you doing here?"

Seeing how bothered Noah is makes Everest sneer, "why do you care? I don't have to explain myself to you!" he turns, walking away. But Noah stops him grabbing on to his wrist with force. But Everest does not react. Instead, he turns, unbothered, glaring at him with the same expression Belen uses to look down on others. Noah feels his glare, "you think that hurts? Why do you care what I'm doing here? It's not as if you're Belen's bodyguard, are you?" he says, mocking him.

Noah can't hold back his rage, "I'm concerned as a fr-ahem as a secretary!"

"Ha! Oh really? A secretary concerned about the time their boss comes home? What are you, her parent? Or perhaps do you like her?"

Noah lets go of his grip, making Everest widen his eyes in shock. He points, "wah! Don't tell me…is that what it is? You like her?!"

Seeing Noah's anxious expression makes Everest tease him when he whispers, "that's too bad. I'm her fiancé, you know. It won't be long before she throws you away," he waves, disappearing into the darkness.

Noah's speechless, grunting, shaking with anger, "fuck'n bastard! I should've made you disappear when I had the chance!"

That night Noah decided that it was about time he stopped trying to get Belen's forgiveness. Instead, he thought of taking advantage of the situation, "Hello, Mabel, Its Noah Alvares from A Star Mall, I'm sorry for messaging you at such a late hour. But I was wondering if you can call me anytime today, I'd like to meet with you if possible, Thank you."


The next day, Everest reads Belen's plan, "Today you don't have any meetings, but you do have five case files that need your reviewing before sending them off the board of directors and three new contracts from the investors for the winter seasons line."

Noah suspiciously frowns, "Madam, perhaps Everest made a mistake!"

They both look at him, confused, "a mistake about what?"

"During this time, you'd usually be booked with meetings before entering into your vacation!"

Belen shakes her head, "that's not it, secretary Noah, I've decided to work the first two weeks into July and take my vacation then."

"But Madam! That won't be enough! Afterwards, you'll need to get things prepared for Lady Annalise's wedding!"

Belen shoots a death glare at Noah, making him cringe, "this is my final decision, nothing anyone says will change my mind! Now leave!"

They both bow, but as Everest was about to leave, Belen stops him, "not you Everest, just Noah…" as she said this, Noah turns back confused but quickly becomes annoyed to see Everest's coy face.

At last, Noah's gone when Everest asks, "Yes, Madam?"

"Is everything ready for today's interviews?"

"Yes! I was just about to go downstairs and check, but…"

"I stopped you?" she calmly stares at him.

"Kind of," he awkwardly smiles.

"Okay, good, do you need my help?"

"N-No! R-Really it's fine! Please don't worry!"

She stares, making him feel somewhat guilty, "are you confident?" she asks seriously.

Though bewildered by her tone makes Everest respond late "…Y-Yes! Y-Yes, I am!"

Belen softly presses her index finger against his lips, "then next time don't stutter" she makes a flirty smile making him step back. "Yes," he firmly responds as he leaves her office.

But at that moment, Noah enters, "Madam, please excuse my intrusion earlier, but is it wise to postpone your vacation time to two weeks?"

"Why should it matter to you when I decide to take my vacation?"

Noah groans out of frustration, "Belen! Don't you know how important that vacation month is to you? For the past four years you've never missed that month, and now to suddenly say it'll be for two weeks? Do you think that's enough time for you to mourn?"

Belen cannot control her emotions when shouting at Noah, "STOP!!" He's startled but continues carefully in a low voice, "why are you doing this to yourself, Belen? I-I'm only saying this because I care about you…I care about your well-being. You and I know just how important this month is, especially that day! So please, reconsider, will you?"

Belen bites her lips while staring at him with sad eyes, "can't you see I'm trying? Can't you support my decision?"

He disagrees, "then who are you doing this for?"

She looks away, "I want to train Everest so he can learn to manage A Star along with your cooperation once I'm gone. That way, in the future, I'll be able to take longer vacations without worrying."

He scoffs, "so you're sacrificing your time for him? He won't be here for more than a year why" he can't even finish his sentence by how shocked he is to learn that she's doing so much just for Everest.

Belen sighs trying to calm her composure, "I think it's time you return to your duties, I have important documents to read" but on the inside, she wishes for Noah to leave because she does not want to continue fighting. Instead, she looks away into her computer as he left her office.


Noah goes downstairs to check on the employees, when he asks the VIP floor department, "how are the sales going? Has anyone called in sick? is everything running smoothly?"

"Yes don't worry secretary Noah,"

"That's right. Ever since Mr. Fox came, he's helped a lot with our crazy demanding customers."

"the VIP floor is usually the most chaotic one of all."

"That's right, not even Miss Rona was able to handle the customers and would always give in to their demands!"

"It's a good thing we have Miss Astares's fiancé. He really knows how to make them quiet."

"by the way, Secretary Noah, I thought you'd be conducting the interviews today? Why is Mr. Fox?"

Another employee responds, "I heard from the other departments that Everest Fox is not only Miss Astares's fiancé but her secretary as well."

They all gasps staring at Noah, "is that true Secretary Noah?"

Noah responds with a fake smile, "Yes, he's helping. I don't think he's going to be around for long, so don't worry about it."

The employees try to make Noah spill the truth but instead he reacts coldly, "Well, since everything is fine, I'll take my leave, there are other departments I need to check on. Have a nice day."

Though as he walked away from their sight, the employees gasp, "did you see that?"

"He obviously got mad!"

"But, he was smiling."

"it's all fake."

"I don't think so. I mean, he's really nice, what's the difference between him and Everest?"

"girl! Everest actually smiles."

"haven't you noticed?"

"Noah is always smiling like a gentleman, isn't that too creepy? I never see him angry."

"Maybe he's just that type of guy whose always happy?"

"Leave the damn guy alone, don't ya'll women have a life? Get back to work!" the manager intercepts as the employees rush to their stations. "honestly, these damn bitches can't keep their mouths shut!" the manager murmurs under his breath.

As Noah left to check on the other departments, he overhears the other employees gossiping right in front of him.

"I heard Everest was the one who got the heads of the departments fired!"

"What?! No way! Bitch, you're lying~!"

"I still can't believe Everest is her secretary!"

"Wait, you serious?!"

"then what does that make, Noah?"

"Who knows, but don't you think it's weird?"

"I mean, who makes their fiancé a secretary?"

"What if…they role play in the office?"

"Oh, My God!! Don't!"

But they hear a slam on the counter when they hush and find out that Noah is there when he turns to them, smiling. "I don't think it'd be appropriate if someone else heard what you two are talking about. If you'd like to have that kind of talk, please have it in the lounge," he says with cold eyes yet does not miss to strike his dry smile.


At the same time, Everest is diligently preparing the waiting room and paperwork of the interviewees with the help of the employees from the first floor. But while moving tables and chairs, the employees ask, "Everest, are you conducting today's interviews?"

He carefully rolls his eyes when he turns to them with a faint smile, "yes, I am."

"Actually, Everest, I want to ask something."

"go ahead," he smiles with ease.

"is it true you asked the Madam to fire the heads…"

Everest scares the employees when he slams the chairs on the desk, "oh! Sorry, what were you saying? If I got the heads of the departments fired?" he begins to laugh, breaking the ice within the room.

The employees start laughing along with him when he asks, "And what if I did? Is that a problem?" his smile quickly disappears into a stern expression. The employees present freeze in shock for the first time witnessing his cold face without a smile. But noticing how quiet they've turned makes Everest break out in a smile, "come on, do you think I have that kind of power? I'm indeed a secretary, think of it as a part-time job. But I also wonder, how did they get fired? It was my day off that day, did you guys happen to witness it?"

The employees laugh, "of course. We knew those rumors couldn't be true!"

"I mean, your not the type to be snitching on them."

"See! I told you guys it was all fake news! He wasn't even here that day!"

"Hahaha! that's true!"

In the distance, Everest gets a flashback to the day he came into work after his day off,

"WHAT YOU FIRED THEM ALL?!" Everest shouts, surprising Belen and Noah.

"Are you finished yelling?" Belen coldly responds, making him zip his mouth.

Noah asks, "Madam out of curiosity what did they do to make you fire them?"

But Belen says, "Noah leave Everest and me alone, there is something essential I have to discuss with him."

"Yes, Madam."

As soon as she heard his footsteps become faint, she asks Everest to sit down, when he nervously asks, "umm Madam, like what Noah said, why did you?"

She sips her tea so elegantly as if she has no worries or feels the least bit of guilt explaining, "your thoughts…" she smirks, making him feel embarrassed. His "thoughts" is a diary he keeps in his tablet, always keeping a record of his days and reflections while working at A Star.

"I couldn't ignore what you wrote in those 'thoughts' so I said to myself maybe I should ask the heads. But…when I tried looking for them, I've learned that they've been out for almost 2 hours on break. Imagine getting paid while relaxing for 2 hours of no work? Ha! That's a dream, a fantasy that I cannot tolerate."

Everest gulps his saliva "because of what I wrote? Of those heads name-calling secretary Noah, a 'dog-killer'?"

She sighs, looking disappointed yet sad, "I get the name-calling but discriminating? That just makes me speechless to think I have such lowly, disgusting, uneducated, disgraceful kind of human beings working for me. They not only carry A Star's image but mine as well."

Everest agrees, "I couldn't take it either. Bullying? That kind of person has no idea what the other suffers through, yet they think as long as the other does not say anything, it's okay…"

Belen stares at him with widened eyes, as she releases a sincere smile, "I'm glad you understand" she sips her tea, "that is why I want you to handle the hiring process."

"Me?!" he asks stunned.

End of flashback.

An employee asks, "Excuse me, Everest! There are people in the waiting room already."

He nods, determined, "right, bring them in."


Meanwhile, somewhere in downtown LA within a small one-bedroom apartment lives Ernestina Perez with her boyfriend.

"Don't you have to go to work today?" Ernestina asks while cooking and packing her boyfriend's lunch like a routine.

"If I leave now, I might make it on time."

"Bueno pues" (okay then)

Suddenly her phone rings but its an unknown number, Ernestina decides to ignore it since she gets many phone calls from unknown numbers. But it continues when her boyfriend asks, "just answer the phone, why are you afraid of answering it? Are you hiding something from me? Is that why?"

Ernestina shouts, "what the fuck are you talking about? I don't know the fucking number! That's why I'm not answering! You can answer if you want. I'm not hiding anything! Shit!"

He groans, "well, just block the number then" he prepares his bicycle to go out but suddenly hears the doorbell ring and constant knocking.

They both stare at each other scared, "why are you looking at me? Go check!" Ernestina whispers. But her boyfriend acts dumb, "I'm just going to work."

But Ernestina's phone continues to ring when she answers, "hello?"

At the same time, her boyfriend opens the front door when Ernestina's tears begin to flow down her cheeks, "Ma, soy Mabel, Estoy afuera de tu casa…" (Mom, it's Mabel, I'm outside your house).

Immediately her boyfriend runs to see Ernestina already crying without a sound gripping onto the phone. "Mi Chula!" she sobs as if in pain running to the door to see Mabel, her eldest daughter like an angel an invisible light that Ernestina's been trying to find for years and quickly embraces her. They're both sobbing. No words are needed, all that matters to Ernestina is having Mabel in her arms.

"I missed you! Mi Chula! My beautiful Mabel!" Ernestina cries tightly, embracing her while Mabel snuggles her head into her mother's arms, "me too, ma!"

Deep inside, Mabel smiles, feeling relieved yet comforted, missing her mother's scent, face and warmth after all the years she's been gone. She whispers, "I missed you too, mama bear."

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