53.48% The cutest omniversal shopkeeper. / Chapter 23: Distruction and creation, DC verse

บท 23: Distruction and creation, DC verse

"Ladies, ladies I like your attention but I prefer!!" Grindlewald was about to say men but since he looked like me and had a genjutsu on him. I couldnt have him say it, so put another so he said "-if we snuggle in bed." This knocked them out of their stupor and then began to beat him up. I undid the genjutsu and said "Enough that wasn't me, I replaced myself with him and made him look like me. Unfortunately he said that, for that I'm sorry but could we get back to buisness?" Clones I made came back with the three deathly hallows and they burnt to a cinder.

As we hear a wail from the ring that held the stone "Ahhhhhhhhh". After this they both hurumphed and they said "Very well, we will take a look around, and get our two items each."

They walked around for a bit, then they found the items they wanted. One was an operational tardis and an item that can banish away anything to another world. Limited up to lower gods ranked items or people. The other was a omniversal tv/game console box, along with a book on the yggdrasil teir magic system up to 7.

I was drooling in greed looking at some of their items. 'Since I'm jealous of their items let's make them pay.' I thought.

"Normally you wouldnt be allowed to share items with eachother ,but I will consider this two packages. Since you two are a pair of opposing gods that keep balance, thus considered a group. Now for the payment I want knowledge on your respective fields ,being creation and destruction. Now before you say anything about "but that's our lively hood or That's our lifes work ect.", I will throw in one item for free. This is a modified baby kirby, normally it's a divine ranked being ,but this one doesnt have the powers of a kirby. It looks like me and has a large appetite so be careful. With your creation powers I doubt that be a problem. Also ,to make sure he doesn't consume planets, here is a magical ring of sustenance. It will allow him to not have to sleep and eat, but this doesnt mean he wont get fatigued. Do we have a deal? If so place your hands here." I asked with a smile

They didn't even take a second and said

"Deal!!!!" they said in unison then placed their hands in the circle.

"Well I hope you have good luck with your items and do take good care of the kirby. As their species are linked and will come hunt for you if you mistreat them. Even I wouldn't dare even sell one ,to a unworthy customer. So enjoy."

I warned as I was notified mentally by the shop, just like any item it has warnings. They left the shop and said "Goodbye cutie, we will take good care of him. Every time we see him we will think of you, I hope you visit us again!" They both said in unison like twins. As they leave I then hear.

*Ding congratulations on selling items to them while getting something great out of the deal. Legendary items are now unlocked in all worlds we visit. This is not of the omniversal level and the omniverse shop has been changed. Now all the items from rare and up are locked, but after the first purchase; the rare section will be unlocked. This is due to the need of using more omni energy to transport and keep anonymous in higher tiered worlds. The reason is the use of extra omni-energy to keep the gods lower in power; then the creator from noticing us.The creator doesn't like using his energy like this, so he has placed this restriction as a challenge. As it will be harder to sell good items to gods, that have better items. At least till you have dealt with 10 gods, then you will have this restriction released. Transporting*


We are transported while grindlewald is sent to my mansion of a house ,on the higher floor. As its during his hours off.

The doors open to the shop and in comes,

Barry Allen before he became the flash.

He looks around and is dumbfounded as he thought 'This isnt cc jitters' he then looks at me and yells."GAHH WHAT THE HELL A KIRBY?!"

"Welcome to my magical emporium of desires, where you can buy anything you could want. Even super powers or important life changing knowledge of the future!!! Don't worry about the changes it could cause, as my shop ensures this won't be considered time travel." I announced with a Sarutobi like voice.

'Got to love creation magic, plus the laws of creation. Much better then a cute little kirby voice.'

After he collects himself, after many many reality checks. He says "Are you real.... no scratch that of course you would say so." he says while I hold my hand and say.

"Does any if it matter, so what if I am or am not real. If you can get knowledge or any other item to help your life out. Then why not, what do you have to lose. Also just so you know, I tend to not go for payments of currency ;as I travel the omniverse. Sometimes they change, anyways I chose what I want while you choose yours. I do suggest future knowledge, I'll even through in acting knowledge from the most stoic man in the omniverse ;itatchi uchiha himself. As you wouldn't want your enemies knowing ,that you know. It will also come with his espionage knowledge, as if you were to do things diffrently you might be found out. If that's what you want that is. I recommended this as it's what you would want most, to prevent your family and friends from getting hurt. The shop helps guide me to suggest the best item for you. If your wondering, no I didn't read your mind or stalk you." 'In the traditional sense anyways haha.'

He thinks about what I said and says

"Why do you look like a variation of kirby?"

he asked.

I sweatdropped "Sigh, I met a being who could grant wishes, got to greedy here I am. A human in a kirby body as a punishment for my greedy wishes. And no it doesn't have its powers, except its hunger."

He nodded and thought 'He must eat alot!!'

Then said "As you said I would do anything to protect my loved ones and extra knowledge to help me doesnt seem bad. Unless the cost is too steep."

"The cost is to promote my future world I wish to connect to here. It will be a utopia in the truest means, now before you ask. Villians and heros will be allowed to visit, unlike Gotham no crime will ever occur to begin with. Noone in the city ,will be able to be taken into custody from outside forces. As we both know the justice system is corrupt, it will take 1hr for a transfer. Anyone that visits cant visit for nefarious purposes, including escaping the law. Unless they were innocent, I have various magical techniques along with science; to make it happen. I will also allow you to visit and learn about it more before you are to advertise. This will be in your hero identity, also if you wish not to advertise it because you disagree. Then you can at least advertise ,the cool tech and items we sell at that place. Place your hand here if you agree." I finished my monologue and he stared at me in disbelief but said.

"If you were to truley do this, as a payment that would be agreeable. Also I do beleive this world needs a place where people falsely accused, can seek salvation. Also those who want a chance to better themselfs, to be. This all depends if it does what you say, if so I would be able to agree with the first option, if not the second. Normally I would say, that this would be bad and they should seek out legal help. I am not stupid, and know there is corruption out there expecially Gotham. I just hope your ready, for the world to bust down your door."

He said after giving it alot of thought.Then placed his hand there and information invaded his brain, the shop made sure to prevent harm by healing and speeding up the process.

"OW Definitely not a dream, Wow the pain it's gone. So Harrison Wells of star labs is the reverse flash huh, this is alot to take in." he said gripping his head till his pain was gone, but now he 100% beleived this was real.

"Well I hope you enjoy your item, as I have other places too go and people to visit. I need you to get going." I said motioning him to leave.

He noticed Mr.Sauron and said.

"Who's the kid?" he asked getting a glare from the 'kid'.

"Watch who your calling kid, I'm billions of years old." He said with a scowl.

"Now,now that's not how you treat customers. This is someone I saved from a universe, that existed in the god Azathoth's dream ;from the cthulu mythos. Perhaps you heard of him, his name is nyarlathotep the crawling choas. He actually tried to take over my body, but ended up being converted to the good side ;by the power of my cuteness. Well more specifically a deal we made, he gets freedom from that world In exchange he serves me. I treat him well and as for payment were filthy rich so... Ha." I explained while Barry's face went pale. Then he said

"You cant be serious right?! You must be pulling my chain?" He said unsure what to do or think about this.

"Give me a high tenticle five." I said to the small boy and his hand turned into serrated tentacles and slapped my hand. A cling sound was made, as normally that could have made a human bleed. Barry looked in horror and says

"Please make sure he doesn't destroy the world.... no the universe!" He pleaded.

"Oh well you see he gained his power from the energies in the dream, so hes actually not that powerful. He cant destroy the universe and wont do anything I dont aproval of. Think of it as a magical contract, he will be notified and will be sent back if he does something I dont approve of. Even if he doesnt know of it, the contract will notify him how to avoid it."

'He can still destroy worlds thou hehe.'

He visibly calmed down at this and couldnt help but ask. "Why does he look like that?"

"I converted him to the cute side of the force." I said earning a chuckle out of him but Mr.Sauron said "The shop punished us ,for taking to long on our training trip. So now he cant look human and I have to look like this." He said grumbling.

He chuckled at this and said "Well it's best I be off as my family is waiting." 'Weird fellows but I guess it's fair ,as who would be insane enough to be greedy with a god like being.' He left and as he did he forgot about that specific conversation.

[At cc jitters]

"Barry your late as usual." Iris greeted.

"Yeah, I just got a bit hung up. I visited a very nice shop, the owner said it was a magical shop. I didn't beleive it and left ,but the shop disappeared afterwards." He said getting a giggle from her "You will have to do better then that, for an excuse."

Joe then added "Your getting better at lying, as I didnt notice this time. Unless that was not a lie." He said laughing. They were inturrupted by a blond haired British man saying.

"Oi, magical shop you say; did it transport you there from here? Did you see any magical circles or symbols?" He said lighting up a cigarette. While Barry replied "Y-yes but I don't know of any symbols, that look nearly like that."

This surprised his family, but they thought he was playing along. John Constantine thinks

'Hmm it seems I was right about the disturbance. But to cause something like that to happen ,is on the level of Angel's or demon generals.'

"Your bloody lucky to not have bought anything from there, as it could have been cursed. Even if you did and lied ,I dont sense a curse on you. Mind looking at these symbols, to see if you seen anything like it." Constantine said holding up a notebook ,that apeared out of thin air.

"N-no nothing like that, like I said before I've never seen anything like it." He said stoically as he was internally thinking 'Thank goodness I wasnt cursed!' Joe then spoke up

"Hey pal, if you want to do a magic show ;do it somewhere else. We are having a conversation here."

Constantine just huffed and replied "Thanks for your help. I will be going now and just so you know ,magic is real and mainstream magic is dark. You've been warned." He then left as Joe was about to say something else and Iris held him down.

He nodded and said. "Barry your a natural, where did I go wrong in raising you....hahaha."

he laughed as he finished his joke.

"No seriously, when did you learn to lie like that."

"I bought magical acting knowledge , and the shop imprinted the knowledge in my brain." he then laughed at his new found prowess.

While they laughed with him, as he said that with a stoic face.

[Meanwhile back with the mc.]

"Alright that's the last seal, this should even keep out lower gods. Haha now we have a utopia, all it took was grindlewald using magenformatics to code it this well. Also two years in the chamber, to do the millions of lines of code to create the laws and excetera. Now with the place finished ,he can take a mini-vacation; while you go and spread the seal papers."

'I also had the shop remove any s**ual clauses*

*Now opening employee shop, where your employees can get a reward for their hard work! Any item up to legendary across the whole omniverse is available!*

I fall into a great depression and think 'Noooooo why must you tease me so'

"I would like immortality." Grindlewald says cackling.

*Very well, you will regenerate from just a cell to be whole again ;also be reverted back to 21 in age. You will no longer age anymore, also you can change your appearance in age ;as you wish. I recommend the age of 6-8, as I will add an additional cuteness effect for free.*

"Noone wants your cuteness shop, so shove it where it dont shine!" I said irritated.

*I know your jealous but there is no need to be rude!* It said and I grew a tickmark

"Fine you win!!" I huffed as I knew it was me vrs a primordial overseer, as creator of the shop always backs it up.

He replied "21 Is fine as I dont like little boys!"

Mr.Sauron replied "Its not my fault!, I was drunk and you were trying to get in bed with me! I am not gay, so I had borgin come over and transform into me. Then had him use tentacles, so I had a good laugh! It's not my fault you like to r**e people."

Grindlewald face was red in rage " I knew your older then you look ,so dont go thinkin I r**e boys!! Also when I'm drunk, I sorta lose all common sense. You didnt have to go that far, you knew those tentacles where serrated ;with razor sharp teeth!! If it wasn't for the shop, I would have died! Also why did the shop prevent me from dying ,but not stop the event from happening?" He asked.

"Welcome to the pranks by the one and only shop. I hope you enjoy what you signed up for."

Me and Nyarlathotep said in unison smiling and laughing. We knew this would happen eventually!

*In my defence I dont read minds without permission and I seen you continue so I figured you were kinky.* It said telling the truth as it thought 'Permission from my creator that is!'

Grindlewald just grumbled as he was in a awkward position. He gains power and wealth from being here, but at the cost of pranks. Should he be glad or unhappy and if he was to Express it. It could all be taken away.

'Dang shop and its cruel jokes.' Everyone thought.

"Well let's get to work, we have a world to change!" I commanded him and his avatars and we all seprated ways.

Wrathos Wrathos

Tomorrow is one chapter,hope you enjoyed today's chapters.

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