27.9% The cutest omniversal shopkeeper. / Chapter 12: My Anti-hero Academia, Minetas transformation.

บท 12: My Anti-hero Academia, Minetas transformation.

In walked stain the hero killer, he looked around and saw all the amazing looking items.

"Welcome to the magical emporium of desires, where you can find anything you could ever want. The shop is big if you want I can suggest something for you."

"Oh and what would that be?" he asked in a careless tone."

"A diemension all to yourself, you can will it so that anyone seeking to harm it won't be able to enter. A true utopia if you wished. Who knows, you could probably start a anti-hero school there. Where they learn to be a true hero and kill the imposters. It comes with these papers ,that act as the transportation device; you just will it and they will spread across the world. So anyone that wants to enter, will gain an invisible tattoo and of they want to enter; will just have to wait 1 hr and they will be transported. Think of the possibilities, a place where outcasts of society can be safe. Where quirkless,heros, and villians can be without fighting. Only true heros of course, if you play your cards right ;you could become the richest man on earth." I explain greatly surprising him and he looked finnally intrigued.

"Now for the cost, I just want a 50% cut of any money you make there. It does come with a mini already set up society and laws/rules you can edit if you want. Trust me the entertainment section ,is out of this world. I think this is a fair cost considering."

Stain then finnally spoke.

"What you speak of seems like fantasy, but if it's real ,then why dont you just take it for yourself."

He asked unconvinced.

"Eeh Well truth be told, anything in my shop I cant take for myself. I cant even have someone buy it for me. However, I can choose any payment I want. This would be most beneficial to us both no?"

I explained and he scoffed.

"That's if it's real... but considering I have nothing to lose if it's fake. I'll take it."

He said

"Great just so you know every customer can only get one item. So are you positive you want this item?"

He nods and says "Yes just going around killing heros myself is pointless. Plus it helps having a means of escape, even if I must wait an hour."

"No actually since your the owner you wouldnt, Need to wait at all. I wish you good luck with the item, by the way this stack of papers does multiply; enough for everyone on earth."

"Hahaha Even better well I'm off to first check it out then go on a killing spree." He said licking his lips.


The door opened and a small boy with purple balls on his head entered. It was mineta in the future he belonged to class 1A.

"Welcome to my magical emporium of desires, where you can find anything you could want. Do you want a suggestion as the shop is huge and some people might get lost ,in deciding what's the best item for them is."

He looks at me with shining eyes and said.

"Is this really as you say? If it is would I be able to get a new quirk?" He asked as that's what he desired most.

"No, but i will give you something better. I will give you a power, they are more reliable then a quirk. What about this one, power of nature you will be able to transform into any animal. Hmm it says here that your quirk will change. Instead of having those purple things, you will have its ability added to your skin. You can will it on and off. Also any bodily liquid you excrete will act the same if you will it. For example spit,snot ect. I suggest turning into a giant tiger as ladies will love you. Also control your perverted look, as you could say of you overdo your quirk ;it will give you a bleeding nose."

I elaborated trying to sell the product. Mineta didnt take even a second to reply "I'll take it!!!.....oh but I dont have any money..." He looks depressed.

"Worry not I can take any payment I wish. Since your old adjusted quirk ,is great for experimenting. My shop will collect a sample of spit for payment. As I wonder if it could bond even atoms together ,creating a new metal.Just place your hand in the magic circle."

He looks up with shiny eyes and places his hand in the circle.

"There we go the Payment is done, have fun with your new power; also If anyone at UA asks just tell them you bought it from my shop. Also tell them I said hi, as nezu the principle has bought an item from here. So they will understand." Mineta nods and walks off, with a bloody nose thinking of his new future life.

"Next customer."


in walks Maijima Higari or power loader a pro hero working at UA. Power Loader is a short, skinny man with a very youthful appearance for his advanced age. He has spiky ginger hair, reaching just past his shoulders, and dull blue eyes, as well as a notably large mouth. His hands appear to be the largest part of his body, disproportional to his rather small frame, and, due to his Quirk, he has an orange L-shaped piece at the end of each finger.

His hero costume consists of a large yellow helmet in the shape of a rectangular excavator claw, the top piece of which protruding outwards to cover his head and most of his face, and the bottom piece left to act as something of a long jaw-guard. He leaves himself shirtless and also wears a pair of large, fingerless gray gloves with metal guards that extend down his arms, as well as a pair of plain cyan pants. He looked around then said

"Is this the famous shop I've heard about ,by the principle nezu. I have a Message for you, nezu said he is thankful you helped; a future student of his a while back. Also he is wondering if you have sold anything to the villians, as it would be horrible if they got something powerful." He said calmly.

"No anyone that I define as evil ,won't be able to enter my shop. So if they like to instill pain on others for no reason, or are just plain psycho then they aren't allowed. So all villians will fail this categorie, unless they are labeled a villian due to political reasons. It all depends on their true selfs and the actions they do or have done for said reasons really. As even heros can be bared from here, for example the number 2 hero


I explained getting a confused but nod of approval from power loader.

"That's relieving to hear, as for an item I want I was told to first hear what you suggest. As it would be to my best interest but might be not aligned to my morals. So I will decide whether to take it or not."

"Well considering your lab blows up on a regular basis, what about this item. It will integrate with your lab ,warning people when the sucess rate of their invention; will fall below a certain parameter. Also sheild everyone from any harm, it will also suggest; what could be done to improve the rate of sucess. Don't try to copy it as I said to nezu, you wouldnt like the consequences. Unless you want the creator of my shop, to come down and reap your soul."

Powerloader started sweating and said "I would do no such thing!! Seeing as your suggested item is not gray or evil, I will take it."

"Sigh that item was just suited to nezu, not all my items are immoral. I just try to guide the buyer and so does the shop. As for the payment, I want all your knowledge on inventions and anything knowledge you use; to create said items."

Power loader nodded and placed his hand in the circle as he was told by nezu. Also he didnt feel like stating a condition, as he already agreed to nezu and no evil people are allowed.

"Well since that's all done I will be going now. Thanks for the pleasure to meet your acquaintance." He said respectfully leaving.

"Next attract the teacher of class 1A."


In came Shota Aizawa when he first came in, he was startled; but then seen me and felt something off. He activated his quirk and....

Poof he disabled my henge jutsu!!!!

"H-how this isnt even a quirk!!!"

*Its simple the quirks of this world is caused by leaked energy from both the spirit world and imagination realm. So any spiritual ability is able to be negated.*

I was dumbfounded meanwhile Aizawa was looking for the voice, seeing nothing he said.

"Well it looks like you were hiding your true form. Why pry tell is that?" He asked intrigued

"Women and girls cant Handel my cute appearance ,then jump to hug cuddle and squeeze me. Then pet me....do you know how hard it is for me. I am a grown man not a damn Chinchilla, plus noone would take me seriously. Thus it would take longer to sell an item, my cuteness is even beginning to affect men. You know how awkward it will be if it gets worse!!!"

I then drop down and despire thinking of possible outcomes. While subconsciously clenching my but cheeks, as I think or the worse. However this would never happen with the shop here. Aizawa during this was thinking

'Th-is is his reason? Now that I think about it he is awfully cute, unnaturally so. I do feel bad for him a bit, as it's like I pulled a toupee of a grown man exposing him.'

"Cough well since I'm here I might as well get something." He speaks breaking me out of my stupor.

I look up then snap out of it and say.

"Yes of course what would you like to do, search the shop or ask for guidance."

"Hmm. Well it would be too troublesome to search this large shop. Expecially with all these good items, and I'm just too tired to do that. So what do you suggest?"

"I suggest this special small bottle of eye drops it made of spiritual water. After using the full bottle over time, it will change your eyes to produce more water. Also it makes them more resistant to drying out. After you finish it you will be able to use your powers ,for up to 12 hours straight without being affected."

Aizawa was surprised by the affects that it could have, and this would be a great help to protect the students. Also it would allow him to defeat villians alot easier and so he nodded and said.

"What would it cost."

"Well since you already showed me your ability, I guess ill take your knowledge on martial arts." I said.

He nodded and placed his hand in the circle and it was done.

"Th-this is alot diffrent then my taijutsu, to think this world ,would develop martial arts to this extent. To know exactly how the neurons would act ,thus attacking at certain points on the body. Causing them to pass out just with a few hits, this is quite impressive."

"Oh you know martial arts too? Just so you know the world doesnt know of this. This is my familys secret techniques, so dont go spreading it. At least not on this world, I could care less about the others you visit." He said with a bit more respect then before.

"Good luck and enjoy your new product, also be careful on field trips. Since UA is secure they will try elsewhere." I explained. Getting a short nod he then left the shop.

"Well I guess I'll send a clone to collect any other scientific knowledge, they have and gather supplies with the money from Stains Quirktopia. <Shadow clone jutsu>." The clones left the shop and spread across the world, they were henged as various people from naruto.


Next came in Ochaco Urakara she looked around in amazement. She heard rumors about the shop from Mineta, the only reason she beleives it; is because her home room teacher said they are to keep the matter a secret. As if the wrong people find out about it, it could cause unwanted problems.

"Welcome to the magical emporium of desires, what would you like to buy. Or would you like a suggestion perhaps?"

"Yes please." She said respectfully but she had a weirdest gut feeling ,that his looks are diffrent then what they seem.

"Well for you I suggest this potion, since the quirks of your world; are caused by spiritual and imaginative energies. This vial here is full of said energies and combined with spirit water. This should remove the weaknesses of your quirk, and if you train enough. You might be able to control how much gravity you take and be able to give something more gravity aswell. Potentially being able to lift mountains or cause a large 18 wheeler to weigh as much as a mountain. Do be careful and not do anything heavier on the same size. As if you do too much you might create a black hole. Unless you master your powers, you won't be able to get rid of it either. Thus destroying the earth."

She was surprised by how powerful she could become, then headed my warning about the dangers. She then asked "What's the payment, also why do I feel like you don't look like you should?"

I freeze at this question then say "The payment is to show me your powers, as for my appearance it would be troublesome to show my true form."

*Incomming message from the creator of the shop "Using your henge jutsus ,will now be strictly forbidden in the shop. As I feel it would be like deceiving your customers. This is never a good business practice ,so from now on you will be unable to do so in the shop." This is his full message commencing anti-henge protocol.*

Poof my henge then dissapears and my true form is revealed. This stuns both me and Ochaco Urakara, for me it was despair and internal rage. As for her she was shocked to see my form and was wondering why I would hide such a thing. Just as she snapped out of it she squealed and rushed towards me.

'Why!!!!! Why must the creator of this shop forsake me soo. That bastard did this on purpose, he could have done so with nezu or stain but he didnt! I'll get him back if it's the last thing I do.' Currently i was being squeezed, Huged ,petted and she was about to stroke my tail. "No my tail is off limits, it's too sensitive!!"

I said she noticed my angry expression ,as it made me even cuter then before.

"Soooo cute!!!! When your angry your cheeks puff up and your angry eyes are so adorable!!! I want to keep you forever and ever!!"

she said while squealing then I said

"I am not a pet and you can't as you wont get your item!" This knocked her out of her dreamland. She then looked at me like she was betrayed! 'What is with that look!! Just because I'm cute, doesnt mean I'm anyone's damn pet!!'

She then backs up and bows saying "Sorry I dont know what came over me."

"Its alright, now for the payment, like I was saying I want to to make this book float."

She looked at me skeptically then said "Okay."

She did as I said as I observed I thought

'Its similar to the Rinnegans abilities but alot more variable in its uses. As it doesnt just come to me and be pushed away. Perhaps I should go back and study the tenseigan instead. As it would be more like this. Maybe I could mold the three techniques together and get full gravity control. To a level where I can create black holes out of planets, and even destroy black holes by reversing its gravity.'

"Thank you, you see I have an ability like this but it's only destructive in nature. I can create a moon out of rock, then control it to fall destroying the planet. Or attract many aseriods, pull and push things away. However yours is more variable although less destructive. Anyways here is your product enjoy."

I said stunning her causing her to drop her jaw and say "What!!!?" She then looked at me and she could tell I wasnt joking. She now looked at me like I'm a cute ball of destruction, waiting to be unleashed. She thought 'To think I hugged him, if he was evil or a villian not even all might could save me from death.' she bows took the item and left but not before saying "Thank you".

'Weird girl, first she was attracted by cuteness now that she knows my power she is afraid? Huh if only I could start by antagonizing my customers, to bad the shop wont allow it.'

Just then my clones came inside and they all had grins on their faces they then poofed.

"Hahaha the solution to my cuteness was their all along. Hahaha finally people will no longer care that I'm cute and listen to me."

Wrathos Wrathos

Check out my other fanfics that are on hiatus.

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