Andromeda sipped on the expensive wine that she brought to her ace's penthouse. She peered at the window like she used to and turned to him. He's busy on his computer at the moment while fixing his eyeglasses. She looked at Freya who was busy tapping on the sofa.
"Okay, so what now?" Andromeda asked. "We already have time to show them the president for his campaign… then we disabled the bombs. What are other threats?"
"I just checked something," The man spoke and he clicked the enter key. Andromeda and Freya's phone chimed. They both checked it at the same time. "They are up for distribution. How about let's sabotage that?"
"So, Ilya doesn't have the energy to take care of business and Jacob is the one facilitating it?" Andromeda asked.
"But, dude, we can always dethrone them most easily."
"Lady Freya, we are doing this to torture them and drain them." The man said. Freya rolled her eyes.
Hello dear readers. Please support me on my other books. The Werewolf Series and Mystical Academy: Goddess's Rebirth