After she had stepped into the room after that strenuous training session, Soohyun found every part of her body aching, and stretching her limbs, she closed the door behind her.
Seeing that the lights to the room was on and Han Minhyun was still working on his laptop managed to surprise her. Glancing at the watch, Soohyun read the time— 5:12.
Then, looking back at him, she voiced out, "Working this late in unhealthy. You should be sleeping by now."
From what she had noticed, Han Minhyun got very little of proper amount of sleep, and after all that exhaustion he might feel after the amount of work he does, he definitely needed more sleep.
"I was waiting for you. Take a bath, and then, we can fall asleep," Minhyun stated.
"Waiting for me? I am not a kid, Minhyun, and I can manage on my own. You should try to sleep more," Soohyun vocalised— her voice showing how much concerned she felt at this moment.
I just wanted to point out on how Han Minhyun is as much as a human as us, and currently, he has so many things to worry on. Stressing out oneself and thinking too much can lead to depression and worse.
Although confiding to someone might not give him any solution, but it might make him feel better. At the end of the day, Han Minhyun is a human :-) Too much mental pressure is not healthy.
Thanks for your support, everyone!