100% DxD:Zero / Chapter 2: Chapter 2

บท 2: Chapter 2

Looking at the girl hugging him, Max could only stare as he wondered what he should do. He had no idea what to do in this sort of situation and he was getting a bit flustered because of it.

It became doubly awkward when he could feel two wet spots growing on his chest where the girl was hugging him. His mind became completely clouded as he realized that the girl was crying. Not knowing what to do he decided to trust his instincts, his mother always told him to trust them if there was ever any problem magic couldn't solve.

Not that Max believed that magic couldn't make him understand the mind of the girl, it is just that his father always used to say that a woman's mind is something no man should ever or could ever understand and no magic could help with that. Max did ask his father if, in case he created a magic that could create that, would it be helpful and his father said it would save many lives, which was one of the reasons why Max studied magic so much.

Regardless, he had to do what his mother said but his instincts were virtually nonexistent right now when in regards to dealing with the crying girl. Max was a complete loner, the only girl around his age that he interacted with regularly enough was Latia, but she would likely shout at him about what he did wrong or just leave him alone for a time before coming back and demanding for him to... Oh, he could do that.

Nodding to himself Max patted Beatrice's head while releasing his devil wings and transforming them into draconic ones with the power of the Brune clan, Dragon Transformation. His wings were covered on the outside by shiny pale blue scales which gleam like jewels and seem sharper than most swords, but the wing's insides were soft like silk and were very comfortable for the touch. He used those wings to basically hug the girl while he gave her head some affection. It was clear that he wasn't overly used to this, but it was still quite a calming effect for Beatrice's stressed mind.

After a while, Beatrice calmed down and realized the position she was in. She would have said something but she realized something of considerable importance at that point.

"... Why do you have dragon wings like those of Volcanica?" Beatrice questioned in great doubt and Max tilted his head.

"... Who?"

"You really come from another world, I suppose." Beatrice said and took a step back. Looking around she wanted to sit down to talk but the only table and chair was the one she used and there was not a second chair for Max to sit at.

If it was up to Beatrice she wouldn't mind sitting in his lap, she was just that starved for affection after all, but she feared to spook him off if she did that and she had a lot to talk about with him.

Thinking for a bit she came to a decision. Despite her best efforts, she decided to do something she hardly ever did. Going to the door of her library she opened it and gestured for Max to follow her. As soon as he left the library she closed the door and opened the same door again, only that, this time, it was not a library that was on the other side of the door but a meeting parlor.

She was about to say something when Max was upon the door, his eyes positively shining as he observed it in wonder and she could swear she was seeing things as his reaction was extremely similar to those her mother sometimes had when she saw something that caught her fancy.

"This, how did you make this? Is it spatial magic? Pocket dimension? No, neither would work quite like that. Maybe some sort of illusion magic or maybe something else?" Max said and he began to ramble about magic possibilities, energy cost, how space could change so seamlessly, and lots more.

Beatrice only stared as she realized that her (future) contractor was likely very similar to her mother. He had a clear interest in magic that was beyond most normal people, that was obvious enough.

'Maybe this is what makes him the one that was destined for me, I suppose.' Beatrice thought as she smiled a bit at the thought she finally found it, the person that she belonged with.

Coughing at her hand to make Max get out of his magic research stupor she saw him get out of that state and give a sheepish smile.

"Sorry, I just really enjoy magic in general and, sometimes, I get lost in thought. So, what did you want to talk with me about?" Max questioned as he sat down where Beatrice pointed and observed to see if there was anything to drink or eat. He was quite nervous for his first contract so he didn't really eat anything beforehand and now he could really go for something to eat.

"I, I am honestly not sure where to start. We could exchange some information about our worlds and go from there, I suppose." Beatrice said and Max nodded his head.

"Then, how about if we introduce ourselves first? We should try and explain ourselves the best we can and then we each ask questions from what we didn't understand from each other's introductions." Max suggested. In all honesty, he could say that this 'contract' was a bust for a while now but he was highly interested in this strange world he found himself in. These sorts of things were extremely rare and he really wanted to understand more about it.

"Very well. My name is Beatrice and I am a spirit. I work in taking care of the library we just came out of, taking care of the magic books there, and wait for my destined person that will come here. I know a lot about magic but my specialty is Yin magic and healing magic. Personally, I dislike annoying clowns, I suppose." Beatrice said and Max widened his eyes, cursing himself for not having a book and paper to note down all this information and what he would want to question. So many questions floating in his mind that, if someone could look into his mind, they would only be able to see questions.

However, regretfully he lacked the book and pen to write down his questions. As such he, instead, did what he agreed with Beatrice to do.

"My name is Maximilian Vassago and I am a pureblood devil. I am a young devil who just reached high class and am not really experienced but I hope to one day be amongst the strongest of my race to re-establish the Vassago house. I am decent with devil magic but have an understanding with Norse, Greek, Astec, White, Black, Fairy, Vampiric, Draconic, and Egyptian magic. I have three house traits, one allows me some control over the power of time, even if what I can actually use it with is rather limited. Another allows me to detect others and connect with them through a distance. And the final one allows me to turn into and control dragons." Max explained and, if before Beatrice's face was showing undeniable shock, then by the end it was as white as a sheet of paper.

"Y-Y-You can control a dragon?" She questions for confirmation. "And you can turn into one?!"

"I mean, yeah I guess I can. I can do partial transformation into a dragon, I still haven't been able to fully transform into one but I am getting there. But, regarding taming a dragon, well I never really tried in one to be honest. I could have tried, but if I did that and failed before they could try and kill me and I would rather not risk training that particular skill until I am a bit stronger to handle some weaker dragon." Max admitted and Beatrice started to sweat cold.

Dragon, that was a legendary existence in her world and a being that could easily take down even her own mother. For Max to claim to be able to tame an existence like that, she could not help but shiver in fear.

Maybe he would not accept her when he realized she was not good enough? After all, if he could tame a dragon then he could get a much stronger partner instead of someone like her.

Clenching her fists tightly under the table so Max did not see her unsightly fears and worries Beatrice's mind wandered in high speed trying to see a way to ensure Max would accept her as his contracted spirit.

She could offer the library but he clearly knew so many different types of magic she hasn't even heard of, Beatrice wasn't sure he would be interested in something like that. Beatrice's confidence was, deep down, almost non-existent and she feared being left alone in that library forever if she lost this one chance.

Taking a deep breath she decided to continue the conversation instead, trying to see if there was some way to make him make a contract with her.

"On that book I used to summon you it was said that devils make deals that have for price eternal servitude when the deal is completed. It says it is a rather normal way of paying can't be done. Is that true? Would it mean I now have to serve you." Beatrice questioned, hoping he would say yes so she could make the contract. Her loneliness and desire for companionship overflowing from her so much that she would even take slavery over being abandoned forever.

However, much to her disappointment, Max shook his head.

"No, that sort of this was mostly just in the past. You see, devils are a being of desire so when we used to take people's souls we would actually just extract all the desire someone has at that moment to grow stronger. However, that practice is no longer done.

"Some people say we don't do it anymore because it is an evil practice, but it would be better to say that, if we don't go around killing others and instead just realize their desires, we get some of their desires and the person doesn't die or anything like that. We also get a better reputation and more contracts as more people would be interested in making contracts with us since, beyond the little amount of desire we obtain, we get a smaller monetary fee that you could likely get from other people doing the same job. Even if the person in question can't pay the monetary reward that was stipulated it is always possible to discuss alternative payment methods, no need for taking someone into eternal servitude or something like that." Max explained and Beatrice tried to understand everything he said.

Honestly, Beatrice thought this was all rather fascinating. This race sounded very intriguing for her and she wanted to question some more but, before she could, Max spoke up.

"Now, for my question. When you say you are a spirit, what does that mean? Are you a ghost or something?"

Beatrice looked at him as it was stupid for asking such an absurd question but reigned in her desire to lash out at the sheer stupidity of it.

Potential contractor, he may be but she did NOT take kindly to being compared to a ghost of all things.

"A spirit is a manifestation of nature itself, we exist everywhere and are born naturally in the world. We are a noble race that can form contracts with others in agreements not too unlike what I understood your devil race does, I suppose. I am a slightly special case since I depend on obtaining magical energy from my surroundings or a contractor if I am to be able to fight or continue existing." Beatrice explained and Max nodded his head.

These spirits sounded very interesting in his eyes. Before he could continue questioning her, Beatrice decided it was her time to question.

And thus they began talking about their races and worlds, both fascinated with each other's words and Max feeling more and more like he wanted to go and investigate this world. He looked at the watch on his wrist and saw they had spent around 3 hours talking now, his next tutor in magic should arrive in only an hour or so, as such he should still have time before he had to leave and return to his own world.

Thinking thus he decided to go and take a look, telling as much to Beatrice. However, as he was about to leave, Beatrice held onto his hand.

"Can, can I come with you, I suppose? I want to talk with you more, in fact." Beatrice said and Max nodded his head but stopped when he realized a problem.

"Sure, but won't you coming along weaken you considerably seeing as you would be out of the mansion where you obtain your magic? Would it be safe for you?"

Beatrice nodded, happy that, while Max shared her mother's curiosity about magic, he was also much more empathetic with her.

"It will be hard, but it should be easy to take care of that, I suppose. We just need to make a temporary pact so you can share some of your energy with me, in fact." Beatrice said and Max looked pensive at that.

"Well, that could be interesting. Well, no pain no gain so let's try this. Let's make this contract." Max said, not being able to resist the desire to mess around a bit.

As for Beatrice, hearing those words almost made her tear up in absolute joy, such were her emotions at this point. She extended her hand for him to hold so they could do the ritual and just as Max put his hand on hers-


The door of the room opened and two girls entered the room. Both looked no older than 10 or 11 years old, wore cute maid outfits, and were clearly twins even if they had different colors.

The two looked at the scene in shock and spoke up.

"Rem, Rem, Beatrice-sama is trying to have a steamy affair in secret."

"Nee-sama, Nee-sama, the morals in the mansion are in decadence."

The two girls spoke and Beatrice felt like she might just kill someone, probably Roswaal for having brought these two to the mansion.

"Can you two leave right now, I suppose? We are rather busy right now and need to do something, in fact." Beatrice said and turned to Max who was looking at the two maids in curiosity.

Not that the two made any mention of this as they continued on.

"Sorry, but we can't do that. As maids of the Mathers mansion, we can't simply ignore an unknown person in this place." Ram said in a stoic face, she was trying really hard to look professional but a 10 years old kid really can't quite pull off that look no matter how much she tries.

"Yes, we have to stay vigilant regarding it. As he was not someone we were informed would be coming tp visit it is to be expected that we would need to ascertain who this person is." Rem said, also trying really hard to show professionalism.

However, at this moment, Rem's nose twitch, and her eyes widened instantly at what she felt. The energy in the room was not normal, tainted in some way, and Rem only knew one type of energy that could be considered tainted by nature. It was faint, but she was rather sensitive to these sorts of things and her mind went to the one possible conclusion over what was before her. Her eyes grow feral as a horn surges from her head and she launches herself at Max, not a single care about anything else besides ripping the head of the offender out of his neck and then crush said head like a watermelon.

Ram looks on shocked as she sees her sister doing such a thing. She knew her sister was rather unstable, but she doing such a thing was something Ram has never seen before and is so shocked that she was too late to try and do anything to stop Rem.

Beatrice, as well, was shocked by that action. However, said shock changed to outrage as she saw the maid of that damn leach was now trying to attack the person Beatrice has been looking for for the last 400ish years.

She would have stopped the maid, but before she could do that Max was already up and both his arms turned into dragon palms and managed to hold on as Rem's fists tried to punch him. He held both her fists with his palms and was looking at her not with hate or anything like that but instead with interest and curiosity.

"Release me and die, cultist! Die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, DIE!" Rem yelled as her eyes went even more bloodshot as ice spears formed around her and tried to attack Max who was still observing her.

However, by that point, Beatrice has already had enough and acted. All the ice spears were neutralized by Beatrice as she used a spell.


As Beatrice said this her spell activated and several stakes made out of crystallized mana surged and countered all the ice spears without failure.

Rem was about to try something again but Beatrice was having none of that and decided to continue again.


With this spell Rem went to the ground, pressed by the sudden increase in gravity as she could not help but fall to the ground. Ram was about to help her sister as she thought she was in danger but, before she could, Beatrice glared at her as well and the magic extended to her too, taking her to the ground.

Beatrice was about to speak with Max, try to explain things up, but by then Max was already examining the two twins as if he was trying to understand them. His eyes the same as Beatrice's mother when she finds something interesting she has never seen before.

Similar, the two are similar and Beatrice relaxes when she realizes that this impression was truly correct. This fact, the fact her future contractor shared similarities with one of the worst witches ever born, did not bring any discomfort for Beatrice. Instead, it made her happy since it meant, at the very least, he would be interested in the library she has with her. She had hope, the first true hope of the last 400 or so years.


Meanwhile, back on Earth, things were decidedly NOT going peacefully.

One must understand that Max was a rather important person for the devil race. Due to his unique origins, he was not only the ONLY possible head and inheritor for the Vassago house, he was also the best heir for the Brune house since he was the only pureblood devil with the Brune house trait and, thus, the only one currently suitable to reposition the clan as one of the 72 pillars.

Not only that, he was also the only nephew of the head of house Agares, the second strongest and, arguably, the most influential and relevant house in the entire Underworld considering it was the house that balanced the senate, the house of Bael, and the four Satans and ensured peaceful coexistence.

As such Max was sent to manage a fairly simple and safe city that was not considered of any actual danger considering it was in a country so heavily influenced by the devil race. Christianity basically controlled the continent of America as a whole since a few hundred years back, even if Heaven's influence was rather limited in many places there. As such, when a young devil needed to practice or obtain contracts it was considered normal to go to friendly territory in the form of America. Many devils even owned companies there to learn about business and the economy, both rather important things for devil nobility to have a notion of.

Regardless, just the place being considered safe would not be enough for the peace of mind of the New Satan faction. While Max did not agree in any way to join them they were still rather desperate in that they wanted Max to join their political block and reclaim the Vassago house and, potentially, the Brune House as Pillar houses.

Right now, the Old and New Satan factions' influence in the senate is somewhat in a balance of sorts and the passing of any big laws was hard due to how both sides had almost equal influence. Currently, there are three political groups in the Senate, the New Satan Faction, the Old Satan faction, and the neutrals who did not sign up to either side but were willing to work with either depending on what they could get. If Max re-establish those two clans as Pillar Houses then he could be the vote breaker that would allow the New Satan Faction to fully take over as the majority regardless of what the Neutrals voted.

If that happens then the government would be fully in the hands of the New Satan Faction and they would be able to put forth their own agenda freely without a care for the Neutrals or the Old Satan Faction.

As such, they put several trackers around the entire town to see if Max was ever in danger and, if someone were to try something, who was it that tried and stop (read eradicate) the said person.

However, a few hours prior, Max completely vanished from the face of the Earth. Needless to say that, when this was noted, several investigator teams were sent out. Among the teams was a little girl with long green hair and a determined expression, fully decided on 'saving' Max, and beside her a girl with black hair and two cat ears.

"Come on, Kuroka. I have to find out what happened to my darling before anything bad happens." The little girl with green hair said and the nekomata sighed.

She knew she was so indebted to this girl and her fiance that she could never truly repay them considering what happened a few months prior, but would it kill the girl to not just drag her along the moment she hears something might have happened to the boy she likes?

'Well, being led around by a little girl still beats being hunted down by killing that bastard, nyaa.' Kuroka thought as she went after the girl who was already running off ahead.

After all the girl was Latia Astaroth and she would not just let anything happen with her darling. She would find out where he was with her time magic and, if anything happens to him, she would make sure to make whoever tried anything pay for it. Her mother was teaching her this 'balls crusher kick' that little Latia was anxious to try out on someone soon.

The original plan was to use it on her cousin Diodora, but he could have this honor later she supposes.



Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter. It took a bit longer than I wanted but I hope it was good enough.

Anyway, about the Kuroka situation, it will be explained soon enough so no worries there.

Well, hope you guys enjoyed the chapter. Thanks.

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








เขียนรีวิว สถานะการอ่าน: C2
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รีวิวโพสต์สําเร็จ! อ่านรีวิวเพิ่มเติม
โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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