Darren was dumbstruck at that adorable person beaming at him from the door. She didn't even take a minute before she skipped her way to his side and wrapped her arms around his neck. Darren looked over her shoulder at his mother who looked amused. He opened his mouth to tell her about another person in the room but his mother's narrowed eyes made him shut up.
As for Xiu, she was the perfect example of having eyes for only one person. Because as long as Darren was in her line of sight, the rest of the world could simply go to hell for all she cared.
Well, I didn't want Xiu's first meeting with Darren's mom to be conventional, so I opted for something just like her character... CRAZY! & WEIRD!
Now, let's see how much craziness comes out of this meeting because I assure you, this is gonna lead to some groundbreaking scenes. Hahaha! *insert evil emoji*