Later Darren offered to drop her off to the office but she didn't agree. As much as she wanted to spend this day with him, she didn't want to trouble him. Also, she needed some alone time to think about what Darren said.
Opting for a taxi over the bus, when she sat alone in silence, Xiu finally understood what he meant. If he had replied that day to her text, she would have definitely taken his words as a joke. But today was different. Now when he send that text, all she felt was a pleasant surprise in her heart along with a giddy feeling.
Yesterday, when she heard Zhou Jinhai's voice after five years, she didn't cry. She thought it meant she had grown up but now when she thought about it again, she realized that she didn't feel like a traitor for crying anymore either. Because if she hadn't decided to give herself another chance to rediscover love, then she'd have definitely been a traitor… Of her own happiness and future.
Meehee's words of the day:
Nothing is complicated in life except for your own very self.
Traveling is hitting me badly. I so want to sleep for 48 hours but I still wrote this chapter. And please you don't have to mention the mass release, I promised to give one on Sunday and I'll deliver it.
Thank you!