
บท 25: First Night!

After the announcement which shocked the school, Tenchi met back up with the girls.

Mary went and got changed and when she came back

Mary: I decided I will also be monitoring you from now on

Tenchi: okay...

Mary: That's all you have to say

Rin: heh

Mary: did you laugh at me

Rin: No it not like your existence was ignored

Tenchi: anyway... how about you girls come to my place tonight...I have some stuff I want to teach you...

Rin/Mary: Your place!

They couldn't believe their ears...they were thinking what does he plan to do at night

Tenchi: Yeah...it will be very hard...but I will walk you through it. After your first time, your body may be in some pain so I will keep an eye on you the whole day.

Rin: (first time) Well I'm reluctant to do it...but if I must

Mary: (all night) That's right

Tenchi told them just to wear their uniforms when they ask what to wear. Tenchi saw Chouka and Nono and left the two who had weird looks on their faces on their own.

Tenchi: Hey Nono, Chouka want to come to my place tonight to...

Before he could finish they ran saying they're too young...

Kuro ran after them...she seemed to have taken a liken to them...


While that was going on, in the 5 Supreme swords building.

The blond loli or Hanasaka Warabi was looking at pictures that were taken of Tenchi...the only thing is they all were messed up...either missed him or were blurry

Hanasaka: What is this...why are all the photos taken so messed up;...whatever...

She looks at the green haired member of the 5 Supreme swords and declares

Hanasaka: Mary and Rin have betrayed us. Therefore they are in need of correction! And I shall be the one who carries out their punishment. Yes, this is my proposal to the council

Her bear growled

Hanaska: Princes Tsukuyo isn't here...

Greened haired girl: You just noticed

Hanasaka: anyway I am in favor. What is your opinion princess Satori

Satori: I don't care either way...*she smiles* beside your believing that the opinion of a senior member matters more than the number of votes

Hanasaka: hehe, so you found me out

Satori: Well let me see what you got in store...one the one of the kind correction method

Hanasaka: Then get ready for a great show


That evening a nervous Rin and Mary came to Tenchi dojo...

Mary: What is this place...

They saw a farm and a little rabbit eating carrots ... tons of martial arts equipment, stuff they haven't ever seen before,

Tenchi is upside on a metal pole...using his spiritual powers to keep from touching the pole. He notices the girls and does a flip and lands in front o the girls.

The girls notice that he is wearing his martial arts Gi and start thinking

Mary: (Oh my)

Ren: (wow...he looks good infighter clothes)

Tenchi: Sorry about that I was in the midst of training

Mary: You're sweaty maybe I should wipe your sweat off

Tenchi: I'm good...oh Kuro's back

Kuro comes back with Chouka and Nono who were shocked to see this was Tenchi's place. They were playing with the cute cat and ended up here

Kuro jumps up and lands on Tenchi's head

Tenchi: So now that you girls are all here...let me ask does anyone know how to control your chi?

They all shake their heads

Rin: Whats chi?

Tenchi: They really messed up in your training...that should be something you learned as a disciple...or maybe because your all tradition...ok it's like the spiritual powers in your body...everyone has it...martial artist when awaken have more than normal.

Nono: Spiritual powers...next you'll be saying espers exist

Tenchi: They do but let's continue. Learning to control your chi will enable you to surpass your limits.

you can even walk on water and fly

They all started laughing

Chouka: Walk on the water...Nura-san I think that is too much...

Mary: Humans can't fly

Tenchi shakes his head and continues: Humans can if they utilize chi.

Tenchi: First let me ask you have you ever felt killing intent

Mary and Rin slouch there eyes and look at Tenchi and nod. both Nono and Chouka shook their heads

Tenchi: If you use spiritual chi you can pressure people and knock them unconscious if they are weaker than you..well that's an advanced level. If you temper your will onto others...Let me show you

Tenchi walked back about 20 feet away. he marked the starting point and end

Tenchi: Ok try to come here...I will block with my spiritual pressure

The girls looked at each other than at Tenchi Who sat down...

Rin led and was followed by the others but as soon as she tried to cross the start she felt strange something preventing her from moving forward. it was strong pressure. Rin and the others felt if they would take one more step they would die...

Nono and Chouko were unable to move and were frightened. Rin and Mary gritted their teeth and attempted to move forward

Botan: Don't be reckless...you will get hurt

They see a girl stop them

Botan: If you continue like this you will strain your body and you will die...

Tenchi: Botan your back?

Botan: This is the report... I think we should see your brother soon...

Tenchi: Sigh...huh you're leaving already

Botan: Unlike you, I'm not a little kid. I'm 16

Tenchi: weren't you 16 2 years ago an old lady

Tenchi had a shoe him and Botan flew away...

Tenchi looked at the girls drenched in sweat and wet themselves

Tenchi: Now what do you think of spiritual powers...fake?

Rin: who was that...she was able to handle that pressure than us

Mary: Yeah...she said she's 16 and she could easily do that...I can't allow this to continue.

Mary/Rin: I demand you teach us Chi

Tenchi: That's my intention...but first take off your blouses

The girls were about to say something but Tenchi interrupted them

Tenchi: Listen girls. If I want to eat you. I will do it later. Right now is training. I must train you... unlock your chi is up to your talent. I will tell you. You need to have great Chi control in order to enter the grandmaster level

Rin: Tenchi...are you

Mary: A grand...master

Tenchi just smiled and continued

Tenchi: Ok now hurry up and take off your clothes...

in their underwear

Tenchi: Ok take off your underwear too

Girls: What! Why

Tenchi: When I unlock it your clothes will burn away...you will feel hot all over your bodies...and anything your wearing would be burned away

Rin: You're not just trying to see us naked

Tenchi: I will see you naked later...now common

Girls: (Why is he active flirting with all of us)

Reluctantly they took off their clothes... trying to cover their bodies with their hands.

Tenchi Took out his cell and took pictures


Mary: *French* ARE YOU DOING

Tenchi: Oh sorry. I may do it later but this is for masturbating later. You four are really hot you know...


Tenchi: Sorry about that

Nono: You aren't a noble so you wouldn't be able to marry them anyway

Chouka: Yeah, only the best could

Rin: Nono

Mary: Chouka

Rin/Chouka: Stop talking about that...

They both were shocked at their soul sisters saying this...but they did stop talking about it...

Tenchi fired spiritual energy at the girls...and all the girls felt hot. their nipples went hard. they started breathing heavily and liquid started pouring out of them

they all felt blue energy around them

Rin: This is

Tenchi: that is your aura or life energy

Rin and Mary look at their hands

Rin: its like smoke

Mary: it's like every part of my body is full of new energy

Tenchi claps his hands

Tenchi: Listen to me. close your eyes. Use any stance that will help you focus

Tenchi noticed Rin and Mary already were awakening it...

Tenchi: (these girls are incredible...I want them in my team...)

//AN: Please rate, comment and review and check out my discord and P-tron

บท 26: Game begin...over...

That night the girls gained insight on chi...Tenchi was a little upset...

Tenchi: (Even Nono and Chouka was able to grasp it... I and Mari struggled to learn it...)*sigh*

Tenchi: Ok now that you all have grasped that how are you feeling...

Rin: Strange ...it feels like I feel the world around me...the birds..ants...but I can't sense you

Tenchi: That's the spiritual aura...the reason you can't sense someone is because they either are stronger than you, have more spiritual aura than you or are hiding it...

He sees that they all had strange looks on their faces

Tenchi: But spiritual power is just that. Don't think you will win just because you have a ton more. My friend's father was killed even though he was a grandmaster by a master. There are also techniques that may give you an advantage. In the future, you will be able to create your own unique technique. sometimes they manifest on their own which sucks...mine did...

Mary: what was yours

Tenchi: ..it makes someone act on their urges...

girls: (that is kind of a let down)

Tenchi was glad they didn't get his meaning and continued

Nono: so what kind of things are you going to teach us

Tenchi: (Oh that's right they are Elite level and master level..no wonder they got it so quickly)

He went and picked up a piece of grass


It was time for school the girls went to their classes with Mary and Rin went to Tenchi's class

Tenchi was beginning to wonder if they would be okay...not just because the Defense unit takes class in a different part of the school...but they were 2nd years...

There was a strange announcement that the class would have gym today so the class got changed into their gym clothes as they leave the school there was laughter on the roof. A girl who had a mike in her hands was heard laughing

Hanasaka: Kekekeke

Tenchi/ Rin/ Mary: huh

They look on the roof

Hanasaka: Heaven knows, the earth knows even I know one truth about this school and those ruffians disturb the peace hehehe*she wipes fake tears off her eyes* how very deplorable. If your moral standard gone then you mind will as well and your body will wither away with mind or morals. So you see I have no other option but to hold these games. The festival of Blood! the sports deathable. The main focus will be mainly on you commoner Tenchi Nura..

Tenchi: she keeps blabbering on...just get this shit over with... come down here and fight or do you want me to come up to you

Rin: Hanasaka what is the meaning of all this

Mary: I would also like to know what your angle here

Hanasaka: This was a council decision! These games were the will of the 5 swords

Rin/ Mary: Huh

Tenchi: ...how can she hear you from down here...

Hanasaka: three musketeers come forth

she snaps her fingers and three girls come out of the waterfall. the other girls were gone

Tenchi: huh whos that

The stood in The trio way

Mary: Do you realize who I am

A girl with a fan: How snobbish...I wash my tongue. I could be saying the same thing to you

A girl with a notebook: For your information were third years. were your upperclassmen. We rank higher than you in age alone

Girl with glasses: keke

A girl with a notebook: You have been ordered to take part in the war Olympics too

She showed that Satori signed that Mary and Rin participate in the Olympics too.

girl with glasses: We shall serve as your superior opponents

Rin: They did all this behind our backs

Mary: We have been taken for fools

Hanasaka: quiet. You stayed by his side. Showed affection for our target. The two of you both.. it's unexcepted that any of the 5 swords will...

Tenchi: Ok shut up!

Hanasaka: What!

Tenchi: The two of them are mine. So why are or you bothered by our relationship...wait don't tell me you're jealous...

Her face got a little red and she screamed shut up you commoner and then she said Raising Sumo and a sumo ring appeared

Tenchi: Oh a sumo ring...that's pretty impressive

Mary: this isn't the time Tenchi

Tenchi: What kind of games did she do for correction before

Rin: Well the most tragic one I can recall

Tenchi: tragic

Rin: It has to be the bucket relay right. the target for correction had a flaming torch to their back and everyone would through a bucket of gasoline at it during the relay. Half the old building was burned in a tragic fire...

Tenchi: umm are you sure you shouldn't have done something about her before...(wait...they said the old school...I'm going to have a word with the vice principal after this)

Suddenly the three upperclassmen threw sumo mawashi at them telling them that they would have to wear them

Chouka: Mistresses

Nono: Lets put a stop to this foolishness

Suddenly the two junior swords came in attacking the upperclassmen but were blocked.

Tenchi: they just started training...unlike Rin and Mary...

Chouka: this girl uses police Batons

As her whip was caught

When Nono was about to charge in The upperclassmen twisted nono arm and threw her...

Chouka was shocked Nono getting hurt an let down her guard and was hit with a baton in the stomach

Rin and Mary came in with a cool line however Tenchi didn't hear or see any of that. He was putting on his mawashi

Rin and Mary told their sisters to go to the nurse and while they were told by the blond loli to put on the mawashi

Tenchi came out with his mawashi

Tenchi: whew, it was harder to do with one person but I guess I can do it fine by myself

The both went to Tenchi telling him to help him tie one on them

The area where Tenchi put them on the girls was full of moans...The girls made a bigger deal off of putting on them than expected


Tenchi steps on the ring and declares he will be the first one fighting but to his surprise, the three upperclassmen didn't have mawashi on...

Suddenly a bear came out crashing into the sumo ring

Tenchi: ITS A BEAR

Hanasaka: hehehe don't worry its really quite a gentle bear. Meet Kyo-bo the brutal

Bear: Growl

Tenchi: Cute...oh yeah nice to meet you too Lulu-chan

Hanaska: Huh

Tenchi: NOW...

He stumps his feet and got into his sumo wrestling stance.

When Tenchi got into his stance...Kyo-bo felt pressure...

Hanaska: So he's not even afraid of Kyo-bo...but...did he understands what she said...

Tenchi threw his shirt to Mary and Rin

Tenchi: I will tell you I never lost an official wrestling match

Rin: Is he talking about nipple wrestling?

Mary: what!

Tenchi walks forward to the circle and Hanaska told them to square up

Tenchi: heh I always wanted to fight a bear...

She signaled them to start and Tenchi and charges fast

Tenchi: Right-hand throw. Demon wheel.

Tenchi grabs her belt from the mawashi with his right hand and using his left hand he places it on her neck and slams the bear to its back


Tenchi walks off the ring

Rin: Tenchi won the match

Mary; I knew he would

they both blush and look away from each other

Tenchi: That wasn't half bad right! let's keep up the winning streak in the next round

Rin: well I'm only doing this because I must...I'm still reluctant

Mary: That's right! the council practically forced our hands

They pounded fist


Hanaska was shocked at her bears lost and told her team she fell back and was caught by her henchwomen

Henchwomen: Princess are you alright

Hanaska: Tell them all to get change...and get inside. and then all personnel switch to red pepper power shift

She slams her sword into the ground

Hanaska: Playtime is over. This act means war!

DemonKingVan DemonKingVan

Lulu Yurigasaki is from Yuri Kumo Arashi

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