Feng Xinying and Zhou Ah Ming came out of the StarManage office. Zhou Ah Ming said, "Madam, with the way my reputation is I feel I am going to be more of a burden to you than help. Even though Mr. Xie Yuansheng has given me a fantastic job offer, it would be wrong if I continue with you. I think you would be better off without me…"
Feng Xinying looked at him and replied, "If that was the case, Xie Yuansheng would have never employed you in the first place. Have faith in yourself. Soon all this will be forgotten."
Zhou Ah Ming exhaled heavily and then nodded. They sat in the car. As the car started, he told her that she should carefully read the contract terms so that she shouldn't be left in the dark. Then he started telling her his previous incidents regarding Wu Bosun. He spoke very nicely of him however at the end he became sad.
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FX: You are stupid.
Bi Yu: What? You cheat!
FX: Sorry, I hurt your feelings.
Bi Yu: Good. You should apologize.
FX: But I really thought you already knew that you are stupid.