81.81% Peak Human In An Anime World / Chapter 9: Thinking and Talking

บท 9: Thinking and Talking

Unaware of what Monika was thinking, I was on my way to my classroom. I knew I'd have to explain myself to Hiratsuka and Miu but quite frankly, I was just going to be stubborn and force them to accept that I had my reasons.

After explaining it to Monika, I really couldn't be bothered to explain such an embarrassing scene again. Especially to Hiratsuka who would no doubt tease the hell out of me.

On the way to the classroom, I went through my thoughts on the Literature Club. I knew that the extreme things that happened in the game wouldn't necessarily happen now, mainly because Monika wouldn't be changing any of the girls' code this time.

(Spoilers ahead~)

But still, Sayori would still be depressed, Yuri would still commit self-harm and have horrendous anxiety issues, while Natsuki would still have an abusive father and a very deep craving for attention from anyone.

But...I'd help them. I'd be a support for them and help them through it. It wouldn't be easy, by any means actually, but I'd still try my absolute best.

Though it is a bit daunting that it's not a game anymore; I can't save and load if something goes wrong. If it goes wrong I'll have to deal with my decisions.

Haah~ I'll have to think about this more in detail later. Right now I should focus getting to class and resolving myself for the bombardment of questions I'll be receiving off of Miu and Hiratsuka.

By the time I reached the classroom, I was a fortress of secrecy and I knocked on the door and waited for someone to answer it.

The door opened to let me see a surprisingly frustrated black-haired woman who I instantly recognized as my lovely teacher Hiratsuka.

Her frustration quickly changed to anger as she laid eyes on me, "Ahh? You've finally decided to turn up, huh?" not waiting for an answer, she snapped at me, "Get inside the classroom and sit down!"

Not wanting to argue with her, I slipped past her and walked to my seat where I saw Miu and surprisingly Touka looking at me with worried eyes. Though Touka's worry was much more hidden in classic Tsundere fashion.

Sitting down I expected to be bombarded by questions from Miu but she only looked at me a few times before concentrating on the lesson being taught by our short-fused teacher. Though she did seem much more irritable right now. I bet that I've got something to do with it because...well, I don't know, it's just a hunch.

A very strong one at that.

With that thought settling in my head, the lesson and the next few lessons passed by quite quickly. Mainly because my head was filled with useless thoughts, so my time passed by in a daydream. It's weird how daydreaming can make hours feel like minutes.

Not that I was complaining. Whenever I was mentally present in the lesson, I had Hiratsuka glaring at me. It wasn't exactly fun.

By the time lunchtime came around, I was shaken out of my daydreams by Miu who was now smiling at me.

"Kurosawa-kun, let's eat our bentos together!" her excited eyes injected some energy into me and I smiled back before nodding in reply and reaching into my bag for the bento she made me this morning.

Haah~ Thank God for Miu~ She will always soothe my weary mind~

Sitting the bento down on my desk, a pair of hands slammed down on my desk nearly knocking over my bento. Seeing Miu's hard work nearly get ruined, I glared to the owner of such a rude pair of hands only to see Touka.

"Ah, Kirishima-san, please don't do that again - you nearly ruined my food~" smiling but not really smiling at Touka, I saw the Ghoul girl flinched slightly before she reaffirmed herself and glared at me.

"Why...Hmph, whatever," with this she walked off and left us. I was quite confused but at the same time I couldn't quite care that much - I knew she'd tell me what was bothering her in time, pushing the issue would have the opposite effect.

Miu seemed equally confused but she decided to leave it and instead started to dig into her bento. Not one to be left behind, I furiously started digging in as well.

The food was absolutely sublime, both incredibly filling and tasty. I could get used to eating this and no doubt that it has the perfect nutrition for a growing boy such as my self.

Or more accurately, for my growing cells. Mwuhahahaha Evolve, evolve my little cells for I have given you sustenance!

Speaking of my cells, I've come to the conclusion that the adaptation of my cells is a constant, just that the fight against Sakaki seemed to awaken the ability to do so. It's within reason that if I face harder fights, my ability to adapt and evolve will also increase.

In this kind of way, I'm a lot like Garou from One Punch Man* - Always adapting until I'm strong enough to not need adaptation anymore. But if more Anime gets added to this world, I'll never stop adapting...How fun~

(*A/N - I was just thinking about Garou and how he and the MC have some similarities in terms of abilities; Incredible Adaptation and Amazing Learning Ability, along with the both of them being Geniuses in Martial Arts. Then I thought that Garou is the template for the MC's appearance, at least in terms of how the MC's body looks. Garou's body is perfect from a fighting point of view - the dude's not too bulky and not too lean, he's the perfect balance - so if you're ever wondering what the MC's overall body looks like, just look for an image of Garou's, though the MC is taller than Garou. I'd say the MC's face looks incredibly similar to Garou's as well. The only thing they don't have in common is hairstyle, hair color, and eye color.)

A crazed smirk appeared on my face as I stuffed my mouth full of the nutrition I needed. I guess I'm slowly turning into a battle maniac because of my genes and the thought of constantly evolving and fighting stronger and stronger opponents...I guess it's got me really excited.

Bringing me out of my stupor was Miu who was shaking my shoulder with a curious look on her face.

Looking over at her and her expression, I tilted my head at her, "What is it, Furinji-chan?"

"You Ki is going wild and I was wondering if you knew it was. It's affecting some of the people in the class," she pointed a finger at some of the people around us who were shaking slightly with a small sheen of sweat on their faces.

Seeing this, I was a bit shocked. I know that Ki is a thing in this world, at least in 'History's Strongest Disciple's world.

Focusing my attention on myself, I found that I was indeed projecting some sort of energy outward from my body into a type of aura. Feeling this aura, I felt that it was like the aura of a predator, the apex of the food chain and rightful heir of nature. It didn't give a bloodthirsty feeling but it did indeed give off a very deep promise for violence and destruction.

It seems I know what Ki I have, though I never doubted for a second what my Ki Type would be.

You see, there are two different types of Ki - Sei Ki and Dou Ki.

Sei Ki is calm and observant leading to a Sei-Type Martial Artist hiding his/her intention to fight, they would instead focus on sensing his/her environment, then releasing it quickly in response to danger. This type of martial artist fights not with power or anger, but with talent, skills, and wit, though that isn't to say they lack brute strength or physical ability. But most importantly this type of Ki requires a state of calmness and clarity of mind to be used to its full effectiveness.

Dou Ki, however, is ferocious and bestial leading to a Dou-Type Martial Artist to use his/her anger to exceed their limits. As such, they tend to be aggressive in combat, and very rarely stray from the offensive. Dou-Type Martial Artists seem to rely heavily on instincts and brute strength when fighting, though that isn't to say they have lower martial technique then Sei-Type Martial Artists, just that they implement it in a different way.

Getting myself under control, I let out a deep breath before looking thankfully at Miu.

"Thank you, Furinji-chan, I wouldn't have noticed otherwise and I would've continued to trouble you and the class," smiling at her, I gave her a quick pat on the head before going back to eating my lunch.

Though she looked reluctantly at the hand leaving her head, Miu did what I did and continued to eat, even if she did want to talk now she realized it'd be a bit rude to speak while the other person was trying to eat.

Soon enough both of us had finished and I looked at Miu with a grateful glint in my eye.

"Thank you for the delicious food, Furinji-chan~!" knowing she'd like it, I placed my hand on her head once more and gave her head a nice stroke and pat. She pushed her head up into my hand, her face lighting up with a joyful expression.

Her beautiful blue eyes were half-closed as she let the nice sensation of my hand rubbing her head flow through her.

We sat there, doing this peacefully for a while. People noticed and started staring and whispering between themselves but I didn't care:

When did the Lion trouble itself with the opinions of the sheep? It doesn't, so I won't.

...Maybe my cellular evolution is making me develop an arrogance but...Whatever. All I need to do is gain the strength to back up such arrogance.

Though the same couldn't be said about Miu because as soon as she realized people were talking about us, she quickly moved away from my hand even though she did look incredibly reluctant to do so.

Smirking at her red face, I decided to let her get her composure, so I moved the conversation to a different direction.

"It's the time of year to join clubs, right? So, Furinji-chan, have you thought about a club you're gonna join?"

Hearing a way out, most of the redness on Miu's face dissipated and she went into a cute thinking pose, humming slightly to concentrate.

Before long, Miu clicked her fingers before looking at me dead in the eye, "I don't know!"

Hearing her I had to suppress the desire to slam my head off my desk. This girl...she can be a real air-head at times.

Without missing a beat, and being oblivious to my inner thoughts, Miu carried on, "What about you, Kurosawa-kun? Any clubs caught your eye yet? Maybe we could join the same club!"

Hearing that I felt a bit of reluctance as I'd rather not introduce too many people to the Literature Club as it might have a negative effect. So, smiling gently, I looked at Miu with a bit of seriousness in my eyes.

"I'm thinking of joining the Literature Club but...You don't need to join it as well, Furinji-chan. You can follow your own likes and the Literature Club might not be one of those. In any case, I'm sure there's something you like in this world that has a club in this school," looking tenderly at her, I saw her nod at what I said before she really started to think about what club she wanted to join.

I knew this school had a Gymnastics Club, and I know that Miu would like it, and not only like it but excel in it, so I decided to bring it up.

"Furinji-chan, what about the Gymnastics Club? You'd probably do really well in that club and I bet you'd soon become its star member."

She heard me and instantly went still before her face lit up in realization, "Yeah...I think I'd enjoy that...but..."

"What?" is what I asked but I already had an inkling on why she was hesitating:

Her low self-esteem.

She'd been outcast before because of her abilities, so who's to say now would be any different, right? Well, it would be different because I'd wreck their world if anyone upset Miu over stupid things like her being good-looking or better at Gymnastics than them. People can have envy, jealousy, and disagreements, but it's a personal code of mine to try and keep those emotions on a low if it involves less-than-important things. I guess it just annoys me to see people act out over stupid stuff, I guess.

Anyway, Miu was anxious about this ruining her like it did in Middle School. 'If she shines too brightly, would she attract too much attention again?' is a thought probably whirling around in her head.

Before she could speak any further, I decided to use my foreknowledge to something not so important, at least in the grand scheme of things - otherwise, it was pretty important to me.

"Furinji-chan, you need to take risks in life, you can't stop yourself from advancing purely because of something that happened in the past. If I'm gonna take a guess at why you're hesitating, it's probably for the same reason you braid your hair and wear fake-glasses," my words seemed to freeze her and she looked at me in worry. Her lips quivered like she wanted to explain but I put my hand on hers and softly smiled at her, calming her down almost instantly, "I know you're not doing it to deceive me, or with malicious intentions. I understand that it must have been hard for you to make friends with such outstanding looks - It's a guarantee that the girls in your school were envious of you looks and jealous of you taking the limelight away from you."

My words sat in the air between us for a while before Miu just nodded her head before looking down at her desk, with a forlorn look on her face like I was about to hate her for the exact same reason those girls did.

And I can't let such my wonderfully cute Miu be like this, can I~?

Bringing a hand underneath her chin, I brought it back up so she'd look me in the eyes. She seemed reluctant to look at me, probably expecting me to have the same sneers those bitches did when they bullied her.

I'd have to do some research on who bullied her. They can't get off scot-free (without punishment) can they~?

But instead she saw my smile and it seemed to ignite something in her chest. She thought of it as proof she and I were friends. Only time would tell her how wrong she was.

"All I can say is - Forget those bitches. We're in high school now, people have grown up a lot and I doubt you'll come into any trouble because of your looks. If anything, you'll become incredibly popular!" trying my best to cheer her up and embolden her self-esteem, I injected some energy into my voice, my face, my smile, my everything.

And it seemed to be quite contagious.

Miu seemed to have never been unhappy in the first place as she nodded with a smile so bright and innocent, I felt like I was a demon being exorcised. She grabbed my hand and held it close to her chest and dangerously close to her abundant cleavage.

"Thank you, Kurosawa-kun!"

...I honest to God think she's an angel. So pure, so innocent, so, funnily enough, angelic!

I really must be the devil in this story if I want to corrupt such a person, huh?

Oh well, at least I know Hell will be warm and I won't have to worry about it raining down there. Tropical Hawaiian shirts and board shorts are the only things I'll need to pack~

By now we were finished with our food and before I could reply to her, Miu took my empty bento box and put it into her bag. She stood up and looked at me with a smile on her face and in her eyes, "I'm going to go sign up for the Gymnastics Club then, Kurosawa-kun!" she then rushed to the door before turning around and ignoring the looks from everyone else still in the class.

She went red and looked down before pressing two of her fingers together in an incredibly cute gesture, "Umm...I'll, uhh, make you another bento for tomorrow, okay, Kurosawa-kun?"

But before I could reply, she darted off.

Haah~ What a cute girl. Sorry Elder, but one day I'm gonna take your granddaughter away from you~

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Stone -- หินพลัง








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