58.69% The Fastest Man Alive - Marvel / Chapter 54: Chapter 54

บท 54: Chapter 54

The Fastest Man Alive

Chapter 54


Eric Magnus


Eric didn't know how to feel; he had planned everything down to the last details. He had gathered allies from all over the world and made deals to see his new Kingdom prosper. Yet here he was again on the losing side. The start of the battle happened like no other, but for some reason, his powers were less effective here then they were anywhere else in the world.

It was infuriating, and Eric wanted to lash out at those before him, but he couldn't as he realized he was now stuck here. By the time Blake arrived, he had taken out his teleporter, and the building had been brought forth shielding to stop his forces from retreating back into its halls. Eric had to grudgingly give it to Blake as he displayed his astonishing might. T'Challa's death left a mark with his Wakandan allies, but it was what he did next for Exodus that had Eric on the back foot.

The reports he was hearing sent a shiver down Eric's spine and from what he was hearing, Blake was tearing through his forces. Namor was dead, and Exodus was nowhere to be found. Before he could do anything, a flaming bird appeared in the air before the forces gathered. He couldn't help but take in the long red hair and the outfit she wore. Eric almost swore when they locked eyes because he knew that this was the moment that he knew; he fucked up. This island was not going to be his throne, no, this island was going to be his end.

Not today, Eric told himself as he brought his spheres to hover around him. He had steely determination in his eyes as he floated up into the standoff against her floating frame. Eric watched as she kissed Ororo before turning around and facing him. She had that same cocky smirk playing in the corner of her lips like the rest of them, Eric noticed.

He knew that there was no time for words, so Eric attacked. The eight metallic spheres that floated around him boomed forward, creating sonic booms in their wake, throwing around those unfortunate souls beneath them. He didn't care about anything around him because his instincts screamed across every fiber of his being.




Everything was silent erriely so as Eric waited for the dust to clear. There was a flash of red, and his instincts screamed once more forcing him to jump to the left. The ground cracked and broke as whatever it was destroyed where he previously floated. Pulling deeply on his knowledge of the magnetosphere, Eric moved one hand in an attempt to crush his enemy.

His false arm was loaded, but he needed to be a lot closer to do what he wanted. Pulling back two of his metallic spheres, he had them flatten and spread out as a distraction and covering as he flew a lot closer. He found it odd that she did not move from her location, but Eric refused to allow her a chance to counter-attack.

Eric got within a meter of her before swinging his false arm forward in preparation to fire. The metallic sphere he had blocking the view shifted, and the dust cleared. On the other side all he could see were glowing golden eyes framed by beautiful flowing red hair.

Scowling at that infuriating smirk on her lips, Eric gritted his teeth before firing.


Eric's eyes widened as he looked at the round he fired stopped less than a meter from his target. Before he could do anything else, a wave of her hands scattered his spheres, and another wave slammed unimaginable forces into his chest. He didn't know what was happening as the world spun around him, what he did know was that unbearable pain came shooting out of his right side.

"You threw a car at me and Ben took your left arm. Well, I think I'll take your right for trying to shoot me in the face."

Eric had no words as he passed out.


Natasha Blake

Black Widow

Natasha couldn't help but shake her head as she listened to the command line as Jean worked Magneto like a beaten five-dollar drum. Putting that aside, Natasha turned to face what was left of Magneto's little brigade. Not many of them were left standing after Ben, and Jeans little displaces of power. Hell, they were lucky that Ororo hadn't decided to bust out her own abilities on a grand scale as she laid down the law.

Twisting as she jumped into the air, Natasha went invisible as her web slung her way around a corner for cover. There was a solid thump at the location that Natasha had just left, but she paid it no mind. Twisting dexterously within the air, Natasha fired out another web line at the rooftop before pulling herself forward. Perched on the corner of the building, Nat looked down at her little Prey calling herself the Stunner. Stunner or Angelina Brancale, as she was known out of costume, was a powerhouse that Natasha was looking to recruit for one of her Oni teams. From what Natasha could see, Eric had solved the issues of her other form, and Stunner was here to pay back what he had done for her.

Then again, from the way she had looked at his broken form, Natasha was confident that she would be able to sway Stunner. Since they had invaded the island, Natasha had her eyes out for any exciting person that might have tagged along with Eric, but besides his little power club, only a few others stuck out to Natasha. Stunner was one such person that had stuck out to her, and from the distance and body language she was reading, Natasha was sure that she would be able to pouch her today.

The lady was easily seven feet tall with blonde hair with some natural blue eyes, hell, she might look a little bit like a larger than life female powerlifter, but her demeanor didn't scream attack dog to Natasha senses. Natasha was so sure of this that her next attack was not aimed at maiming or killing Stunner. Pulling out one of her Widow signets, she carefully aimed before throwing it with such precision, that Natasha wanted to pat herself on the back. The Widow signet bounced off a light fixture, windowpane, then off the back of Blob before sticking into the neck of Stunner.

For a brief moment, Natasha watched as she looked around for where it came from, but before she could take a step in anger, the tranquilizer kicked in. Chuckling to herself, Natasha jumped down from her perch performing a flawless Kamen Rider kick into the side of Blob's head, sending him ass over end onto another of the Evil Brotherhood of Mutants. Natasha pulled out an RFI teleportation tag from her utility belt, placed one on Stunner before getting back into the mix to see who else she might be able to collect before the battle ended.


Faora UL

Right Hand of the King

Military Leader

Faora turned around and looked down at the bloody parts of what used to be Namor. Namor's armies were starting to surrender on the beach, and her troops were rounding them up. Shaking her head as she heard the boom as her King took off to complete his battles, Faora moved her attention to her own. There was a beep coming from her omnitool, and looking down at it reminded her of why she followed her King, and no, it was not because he gave her life.

Her King Benjamin Blake took being prepared and his paranoia to such a level that even she was stunned once she understood what the world they lived in was capable of. Pushing those thoughts aside, Faora sent commands to her underwater troops so that they may prepare themselves. This was the time to strike while the iron was hot. This was because Namor, in all of his wisdom, decided to bring a large majority of his troops for the invasion.

They numbered in the thousands, but her troops were killing them twenty to one when the battle had started. The only reason why her troops had not culled the other army was that her King had arrived. The king's arrival had put a stop to the slaughter. Namor and his troops were unaware that the Neptune protocols were in effect, and his Kingdom was now entirely under Pandorian control.

Her King had made the Neptune protocols after meeting Namor for the first time a few months back. It was then improved and refined when Namor had made his first visit to the island. During that visit, Namor was given water laced with both nanoscopic trackers with a trace of magical tracking to be certain. Once the King was certain that the location of Atlantis was found, he had the magical division come up with a set of ward stones that would conjure and power a dome type shield that even went underneath the ground. The dome was based on the same that protected the island but was built with something else in mind.

The dome was built to lock down and contain a city to starve them out if they must, but here it was going to perform another job entirely. With the Neptune protocol in effect, each of the cities to Atlantis under the ocean was now completely isolated. Faora knew that the only ones with the key were her and the King. The Atlanteans might be able to get into the cites, but they would not be able to get back out.

Faora had noticed that one of the side things that the wards stone provided was that it played a projection over the city about them laying down arms to surrender. The other thing that she noticed was that the current projection was playing the death of Namor.

Faora had an idea of who placed that video on a loop and knew that it would either play a demoralizing effect for the anime forces in the coming battle or bolster their resolve. Leaving herself a mental note to speak with her King's mother for another time, Faora brought up her omni-tool.

Sending a message and a command to one of her Spartans, Faora took towards the sky as her transport flew overhead. Once she was inside, Faora took in the blue skin of the leader to her underwater troops. Looking over the rest of the team at her command, Faora made her way to the med bay inside the Pelican dropship as her second in command walked behind her. Like the other hundred thousand of his brothers and sisters, Chris was created by her King not too long ago. These Spartans were made when they had apprehended a criminal Atlantean from the undercity. They had made sure to have their magical agents laid in wait until they could capture a criminal from the underworld of Atlantis.

Her King then paired that DNA with the X-gene of Pearl Pangan, her King had allowed for an amazing variety after saying something about not wanting robotic soldiers or clones. Besides his proclivities on not wanting identical soldiers, these Spartan Atlantean hybrids were powerful either in or out of the water. They also came with none of the drawbacks of being above the water like the normal Atlanteans.

Faora looked at the hologram hovering over her omni-tool as she walked into the med bay; for some reason, there was a red flashing tab labeled breaking news. Faora's jaw almost dropped as she sat at the nurse's table reading the report informing her about thirty-eight percent of the moon being broken. The image she was looking at was that of a one-sided battle as the King vented what was clearly his frustration upon Exodus and the Inhumans.

Smiling to herself, Faora watched as her King proved his power and dominance over those that stood in his way, now it was her turn. Closing down the hologram above her omnitool, Faora then stretched out her hand for the nurse to do her thing. Faora knew what was next, she had read many reports on the MGH that she was about to be injected with.

The MGH was a power augmentation and permanent enhancement drug that they had perfected after pulling a stash off the streets of York City. Gwen had busted a nasty little safe house that hid the stuff while she was out on patrol a few months back. No one said anything about it until she and Susan had begun to experiment with the substance. Faora was of the mind that it was only used for military purposes, but she was overruled by Gwen when she had gone to their King.

The MGH was going to be allowed for purchase in the market, but only after the military had at least one year head start with the substance. It was interesting to note that Gwen and Sue had perfected the MGH, allowing them to pick and choose the type of power they wanted and how soon they would like it to kick in. The variant Faora was getting today was made for underwater warfare while also giving her a kick of hydrokinesis.

Luckily for Faora, the magical department had done their own thing to the MGH, so now it came with a magical form of information dump on how to handle and use these new powers. Ignoring the needle as it slid right into her skin, Faora double-checked her battle plans and the location of the five cities she would be conquering in the name of her King. Once she had finished going over her plans, Faora and Chris, her second in command, made their way to the armory. There was an announcement overhead as her fleet prepared to dive into the ocean. Grabbing hold of the emergency straps, Faora looked into her omnitool and watched as her fleet got into formation before diving into the water. With the turbulence of the ship settling done, Faora went to the weapons rack with her name on it.

Like those used to defend their home, these weapons would work underwater the same way they would work out in space. They were made with the same magical protection that prevented tampering from other sources. Even her suit was made and rated for advanced battlefield usages. Unlucky for the Atlantean's they were packing some interesting firepower for this excursion. Due to this battlefield being underwater, they were not going to use their weapons in the conventional slug throwers configuration, instead. They were going to shoot a hyper condensed charged particle. Their firing rate of eight hundred rounds per minute was cut in half because of the battlefield's nature, but Faora was alright with that since their weapons packed such a punch.

The battle rifle in her hands was of the standard stock and sixteen-inch barrel, but what set it apart from the standard ammunition rifles were the four floating rails. The top rail carried the smart sight while the bottom was attached to the weapon stock, firing mechanism, and power source. The two side rails worked as stabilizing and cooling fins Faora noted as she looked the weapon over.

Attaching one of the standard battle rifles to her back with a nod of appreciation, Faora turned and pulled off one of the swords in the racks. The balance was perfect, but with a twist of her wrist and intent, the blade changed to that of a short one, before another twist had the blade turning into a trident. Giving the nod in confirmation, Faora twisted her wrist once more to shrink the blade back down. Once that was completed she replaced the hunting knife on her back with the magical blade.

"How much longer before we reach?" Faora asked Chris as she took a sidearm from the rack next to the rifles.

"ETA ten minutes, General." Chris replied back as he stood off to the said with a holo-tablet in his hand.

"Good, once I start my attack from the outskirts of Atlantis, I want you to take ten thousand and start a sweep for any who we might have missed before our arrival." Faora commanded, sitting on the table before her was the helmet to her armor. Looking up, Faora waited for Chris to give his confirmation before picking her helmet up. Once she had her helm in hand, Faora gave it one last once over before leaving the armory.

As Faora walked down towards the cargo bay where the rest of her troops waited, Chris went towards the teleportation station. Standing at the door leading into the cargo bay, Faora took a deep breath before slowly releasing it. Before her was a forcefield that held the water back, on the other side of the force field was the cargo bay where the rest of her troops waited on her. This was the same cargo bay that was currently flooded with the water of the ocean.

The beep at her wrist told Faora that the MGH should have already done its work and that it was fine for her to enter the water without her helmet. Steeling herself and releasing the breath she was holding, Faora stepped forward with grace and total confidence. Instantly the force field enveloped her before moving along her person as she entered the cargo bay. With no way back and pushing forward, Faora took her first breath under the ocean.

Water filled her lungs, for a moment, Faora almost panicked, but then all of her worries were washed aside as her body didn't react negatively like she was expecting. Instead, oxygen entered her lungs and she had to breathe out after some time. Glad that she wasn't going to drown today, Faora proceeded to test her suit's functions. Once she was certain that she wasn't going to have any suit failures under the ocean, Faora stretched out a hand.

Above her palm, a small vortex of water started to form as she flexed her hydrokinesis. The vortex transformed into a sphere, then cube, triangle, numbers, then letters. Complex forms took shape over her hand before Faora was confident with the application of her newfound powers. A light hop had her up floating in the water by the railing before she willed herself forward, her powers moved and obey. Faora moved through the water as if she was flying untouched by gravity itself. Moving above the troops down below, Faora joined the command team that was waiting on her by the exit to the cargo compartment.

As she came to a float beside them, her command team snapped to attention with a salute.

"At ease," Faora commanded before turning to the holo-image that floated in the middle of the group. "How are they positioned?"

The Spartans in command looked at each other before the one with blue skin and orange hair spoke.

"Our ships are holding in position here about one thousand meters from the entrance to the city." David answered as he waved a hand over the holo-image. "With the plan's you have sent us, we are prepared for a three-pronged attack on the city. We placed ten thousand at the back while we have another ten waiting at the west for our signal. From what we have seen of their tactics, we extract a token force of resistance."

Faora looked over the map, the plan before she chose to respond, "I want you to send in two fast movers to blow a hole so that we can enter through the front. Have the other two attacking points enter through stealth means if they can."

She watched as they gave her a nod before going to relay her orders, turning around. Faora made her way to the exit of the Pelican Dropship. Tapping the command key on her arm bracer, Faora activated her mic.

"Once this battle starts, I want everyone with their teams. Check your corners and don't get pinned down, stun shots unless you run into a powerhouse. If you do, team up and take them down or eliminate the threat. Now, let's go conquer this city in the name of our King."

Faora smiled to herself under her helm as she bay doors activated and lowered themselves. The sight before her was breathtaking, but she had a job to do and a nation to conquer.






Benjamin Blake

Father, Lover, King


Sitting on the throne up high, I watched as everyone knelt before me. Silence descended, but the sounds of gunfire could be heard from the outside as my Spartans went about doing their grim work. I looked down at the kneeling form of Medusa, and she looked me back in the eye holding my gaze steadfast with not a waiver in her posture.

"What is your name?" I asked as I motion for her to rise. Oliver motioned around for the spartans within the throne room to spread out and take up positions. As Medusa rose, I took in her form. Just like in my memories from the comics, Medusa had ridiculously long flowing scarlet red hair that she folded over and braided onto itself. She wore a dark purple skin-tight suit that showed off some of her shoulders, along the front and back were lines of neon purple. The gloves on her arms were also of a dark purple bodysuit type that also came with an arm bracer.

Upon her head was what looked like a crown of silver metal, but from the way it framed her face and wrapped around the back of her head, it gave off the feel of a helmet. My eyes wandered over her finely arched brows and her red painted lips.

"My name is Medusalith Amaquelin, great king," Medusa spoke, voice loud and carried for all to hear. "As part of the Nobel court, it is my job to look after the lower caste and distribute resources."

"Then, answer me this," I said as I brought up a holo-image above my omni-tool. "Why is the city of Attilan in such disrepair, and why do the citizens appear to be so malnourished?"

Before she spoke, I could feel the spark of anger that radiated off her person, but I ignored that and allowed my senses to pick up on those around the room. Some held disdain towards some of the images I held up, while others held themselves up in self-importance, interesting.

Turning my attention back to her, I watched as Medusa held her head up high but spoke through gritted teeth.

"Our previous Monarch felt that since their genetic material was of lower quality, their quality of living was not of our concern." Medusa spoke slowly yet surely.

"From your reaction, I take it you do not feel this way?" I asked, leaning forward in my seat.

"Genetic stock or not, they are our people, and we should make sure they are cared for regardless." Medusa spoke back with steely determination in her voice. She held my gaze, and I felt her emotions empathically. She was telling the truth, but those around her did not share the same mentality, that was alright, I could work with this.

"Oliver, contact medical, I want them here to check out the population and write up a report. Then contact someone to bring up some supplies for the civilians." I spoke as I got up from my conquered throne. Spinning my ax in one hand, I waved my other in a cutting motion opening a portal back to Pandora. Soldiers poured through with some medical personnel to bolster the ones I had brought with my troops.

"Let's go, Medusa; we have places to be," I said as I looked at her from the side of the portal's entrance. Turning, I looked at Oliver and sealed the fate of those in the noble court. "Clean up here, make sure to double-check each of these so-called nobles, purge those who don't fall in line. Once the civilians are cleared by the medical team and have a decent meal in them, I want you to start moving them to Pandora."

Medusa querk an eyebrow at me, Oliver, on the other hand, moved to carry out my orders. I motioned a hand forward, but Medusa stayed where she was. What I did notice was that she was whispering under her breath testing the name I had called her. Medusa then shook her head, held it high, and then walked through the portal that I was keeping open.

Oliver received a side glance from me before I walked through the portal. The last thing I heard before I closed it was a scream from one of the nobles before they were killed. There was no need for a noble class like the medieval ages, my woman and I were in charge and that's how it was going to be. Walking through the portal placed me in the plaza before the portal station next to the emigration center.

Looking around, I noticed that the battle had already concluded here on my island and the Pandoran Police was rounding people up with some of the soldiers. Mixed in with them were the trainee Avengers, alongside them were Steven Rogers, Bucky Barnes, and Clint Barton, strange I don't remember giving the okay for him to be on the island. Not with the whole Loki mind control thing happening down the road, might have to fix that.

Sighing to myself, I turned right in time to catch Natasha as she came swinging around a building aimed at my back. Swinging her around in my arms, I pulled up the mask on her face and was greeted with a smirk. Rolling my eyes, I pulled Nat in for a kiss, before I knew it, there was a cough at the side pulling Natasha and my attention.

At the side, Medusa was looking at us both with a slight blush to her cheeks. Swinging Natash around to my back, I allowed her to put her arms around my neck and latch on there as I spoke to Medusa.

"Medusa, this is Natasha, one of my queens. Natasha, Medusa, an Inhuman from Attilan from the Darkside of the Moon." I said as an introduction to both of them. Natasha hopped off of my back and went to shake the hand of Medusa, but I noticed the look she was giving her. Ignoring them, I went over the information gathering in my personal omni-tool as the AI collective started to shunt my status updates from all over the island.

As I was reading through the latest reports, there was a crack of lightning overhead and a flash of red mixed with a bird's caw. Looking up, I spotted Ororo in her armor as she flew down to meet me with Jean in her Phoenix garb in tow. I was stunned by their beauty for a moment, but as I took them both in my extrasensory senses washed over them. I knew that I was powerful, for that there was no doubt in my mind, but what I felt from the two before me, the powers I wield paled in comparison. I could feel the link to Gaea through Ororo, and the primordial force of power almost overloaded me until I felt the one beside her. The radiance of Phoenix force that Jean gave off was staggering in of itself.

I was barely able to turn away from the sheer force of life energy and primordial rebirth. With a sigh, I pushed those thoughts aside as I made some more introductions. As I gave each of my women a kiss that curled their toes, another person decided to show up. For some reason, Raven had come driving up in a hover car and gave me a chagrined smile. Just the look on her face already had a few million ideas zing through my mind. Urgh, hell, I bet she was the one that sprung the trap and let them in before strangling him with the rope.

"You gave him the rope that he was strangled with today?" I asked Raven with clear neutrality.

"I don't know about hanging, but I did help him with his handy situation." Jean piped up as she hung off my shoulder.

"I'm for one am glad you showed such restraint, Jean." Ororo said from her position in my arms. Applying a little bit of my gravity manipulation, I picked up Ororo and started to walk towards the captured assailants' direction. I gave Natasha a look and she looked the other way and whistles as I noticed some of them were not in stasis cuffs and kneeling.

"Nat, am going to want a list of those you decide to have my spare the rod on." I spoke as I came to stand before the would-be crowd of invaders. At the front of them all was Eric Magnus without either of his arms courtesy of Jean. Hell, I could tell which one she took from the burnt and cauterized flesh of a stump. Putting Ororo down, I have Jean leave her perch on my back before I walked up to his form.

The Magneto, one of my favorite childhood villains, had no words, but that was then and this was now. I had died and joined a death universe and I refused to be on the end of the grindstone. So here he was before me because I was not only prepared I was also ruthless enough to see a threat through.

"I did tell you that the next time I saw you, I was going to kill you did I not?" I asked the man before me as I knelt down to meet his eyes. The hard hate and anger that greeted me spoke far more than any of his words could convey.

"Then kill me and get it over with." Eric spat at me as he held himself up with his sheer force of will. I looked him in the eye and felt the truth of his words before releasing a snort of derision. Standing up, I held my arm out to summon my ax. My arm swung upwards as I felt it materialize in my palm, I readied myself to swing my ax down in one fluid motion. Everything was silent around me, honing my focus, I swung downwards.


Ignoring the scream from the side, I swung down hard. Constructs that should have been invisible to the naked eye sprung forth in the path of my ax in an attempt to obstruct me. Ignoring them, I powered through slicing construct after construct. This lasted a split-second before the constructs tilted away from Eric's necks and down into the ground.

"WHO DARES?!" I bark turning to the side in search. Sue wasn't here since I had a report of her going to Attilan to run medical checks on the people we found there. There was a lady standing at the side with blood running down her nose with the Professor at her side. "WHY?"

"There has been enough killing for one day." Xavier spoke as he walked forward. I looked at him, I really looked at the man before me. I almost couldn't believe the shit that I was hearing. This man sat and allowed Eric to do all of his shit for numerous years. So many people were killed and removed because they stood in Eric's path. I knew my hands were covered in blood, but I cared about the common people even though some were not meta-humans. Eric didn't care about anyone if they were not a part of his so-called homo-superiors.

As I looked Xavier over and felt his good vibes telepathic waves try and influence me, my anger started to boil over the edge once more.

"Where were you when this man killed innocents to carry out his plots and plans? Hmm, tell me that?" I commanded the man before me. Patrick Stewards face or not; I was not going to accept any bullshit today. My eyes bore into Xaviers own and he said nothing. "You can't, can you?"

"What I can tell you is that I will not stand by as you slaughter this man. His peers should try him in a court of law, not whatever this is." Xavier answered, holding my gaze. That pushed my anger with him to another level.

"You think that just because you want to say a few little flowery words in his defense, I will just let his terrorist actions slide. Not happening, he had too many years to learn and grow, to change but he did not, and today he crossed the line. He deliberately crossed that line when he attacked us unprovoked. So yeah, I am going to show him what happens when you cross my line." I spoke authority dripping from my voice.

"Benjamin, there has to be another way." Xavier pleaded with me.

I looked at him; then I noticed my mother walking out of the crowd with a revolver. She gave me a slight nod and that was when I made my decision.

"There is, but this will prove a point." I replied to Xavier as I shifted my attention back to him.

"And what points us that because all I see is senseless violence," Xavier spoke as if he was a disappointed father to his son, but jokes on him. I had a dad and wasn't one of his brainwashed kids that he picked up off the street.

Shaking my head I replied back, facing Xavier as I bared down on Erik. "The point is, you can't afford to pay the price of crossing my line. No one will get away with attacking my nation. Not even the master of Magnetism."

"Are you not concerned that so many are watching this?" Xavier asked as he wavered back towards the crowd of people that had started to gather outside the police tape.

"Good, let them watch," I spoke with finality as I stood before Eric's form. "I shall mark you a traitor to our kind. And for your judgment, I shall take from you that in which you value more than life itself.

A hush fell over the crowd of onlookers as my words carried over them. Out of the corner of my eye, I had noticed Natasha holding an omni-tool at the ready as the video played live for all to see. Reaching forward, a spell circle formed as my will sprang forth. This wasn't a spell I was looking to use but that extra power that had always been inside of me. There was one thing when others told you about your Godhood, and there was another in discovering that power. And right now, I was using that extra God power I possessed over all meta-humans.

I didn't know when it started, but I did know that it sometime after the creation of my island. I had fully discovered and mastered my godhood type powers while I was in the hyperbolic chamber training. Pushing aside those thoughts, I willed my power into action. The circle finally formed before encircling Eric's body, he was in the center of three rings while the rest of his minions were in the center of only one ring. The runes that ran around the outer edges of my spell circle were those of the speed force and strength force.

This was helpful for me since no one else could read the language of my magic. There were other scripts mixed in but there were no others that could read my god language since it was made of my own making. A snap of my fingers had my powers get to work as a large T was branded into Eric's chest. Then as his screaming started blue streams of light started to leave his body.

"No! No! You can't do this to me!" Eric screamed trying to struggle as everyone watched while I took his power from him. My mastery of magic and my godhood was to such a level that I wasn't just pulling the power from his genes but from Eric's actual soul. There would never be a Magneto ever again, this day would go down in the history books as the last attempt of a man too scared to adapt.

The lights stopped flowing out of his body and everyone watched as Eric Magnus released a blood- curdling scream before passing out.

Looking down at the ball of power in my hands, I absorbed it into myself before turning to the others that made up his Brotherhood of Evil Mutants. They looked at me in horror as I took from them what made them, well them.

Turning around, I looked for more EVIL MUTANTS that had come with Eric but found none. What I did find were the ones that Natasha had pulled out for her own purposes were kneeling on the ground. I ignored them as Smoke and Neon came running over towards me with a certain silver-haired prick between them. Delson, also known as Smoke, was racing over going in and out of phase as Pietro tried as he might but was unable to escape his predicament.

The two of them threw the kid before me and I got to work on taking his powers from him. I made sure to lock down his soul and DNA so that his sister wouldn't be able to tamper with my work. Snorting down at the little prick I turned away.

At a distance, I notice my mother giving me a small nod before slinking back into the crowd. Ignoring that, I spied Natasha turning with me as she changed the video angle as I stood before Xavier.

"You are to leave my nation," I spoke in rumbling tones forcing back my anger at the man before me. But the look in my eyes dared him to argue back. All I wanted was an excuse to take his powers from him. He couldn't read my mind, but he could read the crowd's expression, and not many look at him in a favorable light. "Salem will stay under the protection of my spartans and I will accept every transfer from your school as they look to better their lives, but you are finished here."

When I finished speaking a group of spartan cops came to escort Xavier to a portal so he could leave the island. He gave Eric a look, but I was already ahead of him and had some spartans taking Eric to a holding cell. One that would be able to hold him until I can sell his lousy caracas to bolster my position on the world stage Hell, I knew that my little moon stunt had attracted some unwanted eyes and someone out there had the video footage to share.

Pulling up my omni-tool, I shut down the video footage as I walked over towards the location my ladies were waiting on me. As I walked up Medusa gave me a small nod of acceptance while my ladies gave me a smile. Ororo was looking at the back of Xavier as he was escorted away, but I didn't say anything to stop her if she wanted to go after him. Ororo noticed what I was doing before leaning in for a hug, she sighed at my touch and we both turned to walk towards the hovercar that Raven had driven over.

Medusa was looking over the hovercar while Natasha was explaining to her about its usages. On the other hand, I walked my way to the trunk and took out my spare utility belt. After I put the belt around my waist, I pulled out a spare t-shirt. Pulling out a classic black T with a lightning bolt on its front, I wore that before checking the ding I received from my omni-tool.

Pulling up the video, I found Faora in her armor with a grand city behind her.

"Yes, Faora?" I asked, looking at the hologram hovering over my forearm.

"I would like to ask for your assistance, my king?" Faora asked and I could hear the strain in her voice. "We have run into a situation with the last city."

"Dig in I will be there soon." I replied to her request.

Looking over the video, I noticed some Shark guy in the background tearing through the water. Interesting, I thought to myself as I looked him over. Behind him and leading the enemy army was a beautiful blue-skinned lady. From the reports I had read, Namora was already in custody with a few of their politicians, so this could only be one other, Andromeda. From what little knowledge I knew about her, Andromeda was loyal to Atlantis and not the throne. She was not only the king's right hand but also a member of his team, Defenders Of the Deep.

Closing down the holo-call, I turned to the ladies waiting with the hovercar ready to go.

"Well, ladies, it looks like I am not finished for the day." I said as my eyes started to blaze and power flowed off of my person.

"Well, what are you waiting around here for?" Jean asked me as she gave me a smile in return. Releasing a chuckle, I looked them over before vanishing from my spot. Upwards I flew until I brushed the outer edges of the Earth's atmosphere. Performing a smooth parabolic arc, I came back down on the ocean as if I was a kinetic missile launched from a hidden satellite.

I plunged through the ocean's surface with my ax in hand, water flowing over my body, nothing standing in my way. I was moving at such speeds with such fine control, there wasn't even a ripple along the surface of the ocean as I slipped beneath her waves. My eyes shifted and adjusted to the low levels of light as if I was still on the surface, but I paid the beautiful lights no attention. As I flowed through the water, I moved as if I was born to the ocean.

My wrist beeped as it showed me the proper coordinates for Faora's location. Once I was certain I was on the right path, I shot off from my current position. Water moved for me and micro-vortexes churned in my wake, but I cut through the water as if it was not there. I went over an underwater mountain and found a domed and walled city at its base. Taking a moment to look at it and take in the beautiful flora beneath the ocean, I smirked before my attention was drawn to an explosion.

I hovered over the ward doom and took in the battle that Faora was fighting, being completely honest. Faora was actually winning the battle, but the others were fighting in retreat, costing us soldiers as their suit functions activated and teleported them out. Once I was certain of who was the linchpin to this battle, I struck.

The first to lose his head was the ten-foot-tall hybrid known as Tiger Shark. He never saw me coming as I decapitated him, then with a twist of my wrist cut him into one hundred meaty chunks. Turning around, I sent a kinetic punch towards the living jellyfish also known as the Manowar. My blow traveled through the water before busting the jellyfish and disintegrated him with some applied gravity.

Twisting, I leaned backward as I kicked out, killing Dragonrider and her mount. As I righted myself, I noticed how the battle had halted at my display of power. No one said anything, but I ignored all of that as I swam to my General's side.

Faora floated at my side with her helmet off as I looked over the cities' last defenders. As I looked them over, I noticed the green man in the red speedo with odd leather wings at his ankles. The other I noticed was blue, tail at his back with some funky gold and black pants. Now, I knew who that was and that could only be that asshole by the awful name of Sea Leopard. It was surprising to know that Krang wasn't here because I would have loved to get rid of all my problems in one day.

All I could see when I looked at them was defiance in their eyes, but I had come all this way and would not be deterred, not today.

"Kneel to my throne and I will spare you your lives," I spoke, voice commanding while traveling for all to hear.

"You have no right to the throne of Atlantis, you surface dweller." Sea Leopard yelled as he pointed a finger at me. The one in green looked at Sea Leopard and then looked at me, but I could see that he was choosing his words wisely.

"I do not believe I would like to give up my rights to the throne to an outsider." The green one spoke, and I started to think he might be Llyron from the way he looked. He had on a red speedo with a gold belt, there was even a Kraken motif on the front of his golden belt.

"What say you General of Atlantis?" I asked Andromeda in the back. The look of surprise on her face told me that she was not expecting to be asked anything.

"Atlantis can only be ruled by the strong, but I care not for that. What I care about is her people, what can you do about the ocean's pollution problem?" Andromeda asked me.

Sea Leopard scoffed before answering her. "That's simple girl, just kill them all and kick them out of my ocean."

"Agreed," Llyron spoke as if it was that simple.

I snorted at them before speaking, "You're both full of shit, you know that." They got angry and postured like they were about to fight me.

"What do you mean?" Andromeda asked, voice loud.

"Their way will only create war and that's not a war your people can win if they are affected by the pollution like I believe they are," I answered with a shrug. Then spoke some more before anyone could stop me. "If you want your people to be safe and healthy, the best thing to do is to repurpose the dome overhead to clean up the ocean's pollution and garbage. Hell, I know of at least ten more ways to help the people of Atlantis, but I will only do that once they bend the knee."

"LIES!" Sea Leopard yelled as he launched himself towards me. Letting go of my ax, I allowed it to sink down into the city as I met Sea Leopard halfway. Shifting out of the way as his punch came flying towards my head. I laughed as he attempted to catch me with his tail on the follow-through.

Gripping the end of the man's tail, I fired off two rapid punches into his ribcage from an awkward angle. There was a crunch under my fist as I felt both ribs break. Moving out of the way, I allowed a kick to whiff past me as Llyron took his shot. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed that Andromeda hadn't joined in and had kept the Atlantean army back, she had balls.

Paying her no mind, I focused back on my own fight as Sea Leopard typed some ice magic against me. A swipe slapped his shitty excuse of a spell away and I watched his face twist into shock. Ignoring that, I moved, one hand gripping tightly around his tail and the other on his shoulder. Before he could react, I applied a little strength yanking his tail upwards. Sea Leopard didn't get a chance to scream as I pulled his spine out.

Ignoring the blood from my kill, I turned, then bitch slapped the shit out of Llyron with the spine of Sea Leopard. Llyron didn't get a chance to recover from his daze as I moved to wrap the spine of Sea Leopard around his neck. The bones along the spine ripped into Llyron gills as I strangled him with vertebrae of life. He struggled gasped and then died a sad pathetic death.

Letting the body float for a moment, I summoned my ax back to me before making sure that he was dead. One swing later and Llyron was bisected into two parts. Tossing the dead bodies to the side, I looked at Andromeda as she talked with her fellow Atlantean soldiers. Once they were finished, I waited for her to swim her way over to my location.

Floating there, I waited for her to gather her thoughts before saying her piece. Overhead, I noticed that I was still on video and everyone was watching me in real-time. I just hope the ladies had kept the kids from watching me battle, one of the reasons Eric was still alive was because I was live across Pandora and other locations.

"The people of Atlantis bow to their new king." Andromeda proclaimed loudly.




They were allowed to cheer before I made a hand motion to cut them off.

"Faora, coordinate with Andromeda and have someone clean up the battlefield. I want portals leading back to Pandora and to each of the other cities. Let's get our personal medical down here to check over every citizen; they must have some type of pollution issues." I spoke with a command to my voice. "Also have someone contact Namora, I want someone to get started on digitizing the knowledge of Atlantis and adding it to Pandoras. We also need someone to go over the Finance before Emma gets down here."

They both replied in the affirmative as I looked them over. Once they gave me the answers I was looking for, I opened another portal this time back to Pandora. It was easy to hold back the ocean as I stepped through, but a little bit of applied magic and I was dry.


A day had gone by since Eric had tried to invade and take my throne. Since then I have allowed my people to do their thing and get everyone organized. From the reports I had looked over in the morning, Sue stayed up on the moon overnight working. Once she was finished with a few of the medical checks she was already moving down some of the Inhumans to the island. The other thing that I found interesting was all of the genetic manipulation scientific studies found on Attilan. Sue was far too excited when she had made the discovery, before I knew what was happening Gwen had joined her up on Attilan. So far they have been up there for the last sixteen hours, but with someone there to make sure that they didn't overdo it, I was alright not disturbing them.

Releasing a sigh, I shifted my head in the direction Ororo wanted as her fingers rubbed up against my scalp. My eyes closed as I enjoyed Ororo rubbing some natural oils along my scalp, turning my head to the side, I placed a kiss on the inner parts of her thighs. Currently, one of those beautifully toned thighs were wrapped around my chest while the other was lazily hanging over my shoulder as I sat on the floor of our living room.

Ororo had volunteered to oil up my dreads as we got up for the morning once we had all enjoyed our morning activities out of the way. It was funny to see that Medusa could blush so red that she started to match her hair. I paid her mind even as Natasha and Raven tried to joke with her about them already having a large and filling breakfast to start their day. That one had me almost snort my hot chocolate back out, but Medusa had run away to explore the island when Emma had come for her to discuss the financial situation of Attilan. Well, it was more like their lack of a financial situation from what my reports already told me.

I sigh once more as Ororo's fingers find a really nice spot causing me to relax into her lap some more. Smiling as I indulged with what Ororo was doing, I rubbed my hand up the underside of Natasha's thigh since she had her legs in my lap as she leaned up against some pillows from the couch. Sitting on her toned stomach was a small holo-disc emitting an operation that Natasha was working on. She gave me a grin before pulling my hand up underneath her shorts, this caused my hand to brush across her inner thigh. Natasha released a small moan as my fingers roamed her flesh.

"Did you not get enough this morning?" Ororo asked from behind my head as she pulled a silk tie from somewhere to wrap my dreads into a ponytail.

"Sigh, you know how it is when he starts to rub his hands all over you, Ro'." Natasha replied with a breathy tone.

"Snort, pay Ro' no mind because if I remembered correctly. She was face down ass up less than an hour ago before we got into the shower and got herself the last load before we got out of the bed." Raven spoke with some mirth in her voice. Chuckling at Ororo's scandalized look, Raven used the levitation mod on her omni-tool to bring her fellow sisters their coffee.

"Yes, well, time your orgasm better next time and you can catch more cream." Ororo answered with a smile as she took the floating cup of coffee. Natasha stretched and then rolled over like a lazy cat before sitting up and taking her coffee cup.

Rolling my eyes at the three of them, I pulled up my omni-tool and started to input commands for my plans for the day. As I was about to finish writing, the racket started as I heard little feet pounding from up above our heads. Surprisingly it wasn't Maya that came flying down the stairs first, no it was one of my triples that came down the stairs first. On her back and around her waist was what appeared to be a flight harness and on her back were wings made of hard light.

Closing down my omni-tool, I put a finger in the air and rotated it, this caused Phoebe to get pulled into my gravitational control. Rotating my finger in a circle, I had her spin within the air, but her laughter told me enough.

"No flying contraptions in the house little lady." I spoke, then using some fine manipulation to remove the harness from her person. Phoebe pouted then stuck her tongue out at me before rushing towards the kitchen for her breakfast. Alfred came down the stairs next, and then the rest of my girls followed behind him. Each of them had a mass of bed head and I was distinctly happy that Alfred had hair like mine. The look of Raven, Natasha, and Ororo spoke more than enough as they took in the girls lion's mane styled hair almost put me into a fit of laughter, but I pushed it aside.

The ladies got up and started their own thing with the girls oddly synchronized movements of their own. Shaking my head at them, I got up myself and then made my way to the other side of Celeste. I found her looking over a sheet of music on her smart band. Smiling at my little musician, I gave her a kiss on the forehead and then gave on to each of my kids. Maya tried to do like her brother and lean away from the father's kiss of love, but I was far too quick for her.

Taking up a seat at the other end of the table, I decided to enjoy the rest of the morning with the family. It had taken a while for the ladies to fix the girl's hair, but it was right on time for them to leave for school. There was a honk out front and when I opened the door, I found a hover-bus waiting outside. My face split into a grin when I noticed the words on the side of the bus. Interestingly, it would seem that they had made some changes while I was in the hyperbolic chamber, well not going to worry about it.

Turning around, I zipped around the house and gathered my kid's things so I could kick them out of the house. Turning around after closing the door, I found Natasha already pulling on a combat harness with Raven doing the same. The only one not dressed and ready for our little dance was Ororo, I querk an eyebrow at her and she shrugged in return. Shrugging myself, I gave her a kiss, then the other two before going to get myself ready also.

Once I was dressed, I walked out to the garage and the open portal was waiting for me. On one side was Natasha waiting with the helmet to my MJOLNIR armor. Taking the helmet in my hand, I looked it over before putting it away in one of my utility pouches. I would not need my face covered this day, what I was about to do, I was going to do with my head held high and my back straight.

On the other side of the portal was the tarmac of my military base. On this same tarmac were at least twenty other Pelican VTOL and in the center was a massive airship with a flaming wolf on its front. Standing before the massive airship were my spartans ready and waiting for me.

Damn, they look amazing in their armor, and I had no words for how I felt knowing that they were my people. I was sure there wouldn't be any fighting for what I had planned, but a show of force would get my point across. I didn't need a flashy cape or a big speech, I just needed to be me.

Giving my spartans a manic grin, I then turned towards the massive airship.

"Spartans, let's ride!"


The ride to the borders of Wakanda was far smoother than I thought it would have been. The massive airship that I was riding in was a flagship made for the royal family of Pandora. Sadly I was certain that it was not going to get a lot of use since I was more of the utilitarian styled traveler. I might stash it and use it for an Ambassador or something or other later on.

For now, though, I was sitting in a throne on a raised dais, at my side, Raven sat in her own throne looking very much a Queen in her court. Natasha wasn't on her throne though, she was walking around the pit looking over the spartans in the troops bay.

In the center before me floated a map of the world in hologram form, on this map was our current location and I could tell automatically that something was wrong. A wave of my hand brought up a hologram over my chair's arm, and I looked over the readout of what the sensors were picking up. I had to suppress a smile as I looked over the data. It turns out we were picking up on the power running through the hologram that cloaked Wakanda's true capital. Using that, we were able to outline the limits of the capital.

I had a hand on my chin thinking things over when I noticed everyone was waiting on my orders.

"Well, let's get this over with." I said with a wave of my hand. With that command, the airship moved forward with the Pelican wings in tow. The moment we breached the cloaking field, I could feel the anticipation in the air. My soldiers were ready for a fight and were slowly ramping up their anticipation of one.

There was motion of movement at the controls, but I didn't say anything and allowed them to do their thing. What I did do was put in my earpiece so that I may listen in on the command channel. From what I was getting, it seemed that Wakanda air control was now aware of us entering their air space. Raven gave the command to push forward so that we may land at their airport landing station. As we ignored their calls to turn away, Wakanda decided to send out some of their fast fliers to try and intercept us. The pelicans did their own intercepts as we flew over Warrior falls.

With my pelicans flying intercept, the airship pushed forward until we were over the landing pad of their airport. Raven then came to stand beside me and held out a hand for me to take. Smiling at her, I accepted her hand and we walked side by side. We took the elevator down and walked into the troop bay to find Natasha tossing a spartan with a judo throw while she was sticking to the roof of a three-dimensional battle chamber. Shaking my head at the spectacle, I decided to knock on the door to pull her attention.

Natasha gave me one of her savage grins before it turned into a frown, she then gave me a nod as she got out of the battle room. As I was looking Natasha over, Jacob walked up to us with three caps hanging over one arm. Looking at the capes, I shook my head at him, but Raven took the blue one since it matched her armor. Natasha decided to go about it the same way I didn't and not wear a cape.

Once we had gotten over that little bit of show and tell, we then made our way to the exit of the troop bay. The ship touched down as we made it to the other side of the carrier and I couldn't help but find that interesting. I sent a command to the deck to keep the airship in low powered mode, with what was about to happen next. We might have to leave post-haste.

On the other side of the doors to my airship was what I would consider a decent-sized army. There had to be at least one thousand Wakandan soldiers assembled before the airship. For a moment, I had the urge to flatten and crush all before me, but I pushed that thought and idea to the side. Instead, I raised an arm summoning those behind me.

There was no need to turn and look behind as those that survived the fight started to walk down the ramp in cuffs. Behind the contingent of disgraced soldiers floated a coffin. On top go the coffin was the helm of the Panther habit. Before anyone could say anything Queen Ramonda came forward from the crowd and I could see tears upon her features.

Shuri came out next yelling Brotha and the King walked behind her with a stoic demeanor. I stood at my position as the coffin made its way to the waiting party of Wakandan royals. King T'Chaka slowly approached the coffin, silence descended as he walked. He lifted the lid and found half the body of his son. Shuri yelled murder in tandem with her mother but I paid them no care. My sight, my focus was all on the man before me. The tightness of his jaw, the set of his muscles. Sorrow radiated off the man in waves, but then there was an abrupt shift.

A fierce determination in his eyes replaced the sorrow. I didn't like that determination at all, it was time to crush it.

"King T'Chaka, today I had come to crush your nation beneath my heel, but as my ships parked outside of your cloak. I realize that this was nothing but a nation of cowards. You have spent so many generations hidden in this valley, shut off from the rest of the world that you have been left behind." I spoke eyes ablaze, voice carrying far and wide for all to hear.

I shook my head in derision before continuing.

"All of your advanced weaponry and bluster couldn't stop me from brushing aside all of your defenses." I snorted at the memory of how easy it was to breach the border. "I realized, your nation was already beneath my own, and I there was no need to destroy your people."

"At first, I thought your nation was strong enough to stop me but I was wrong," I said looking him in the eyes. "I was worried, but when the chips were down, victory was mine. You allied with an enemy of my nation and your son died. After the battle, I found out that he wanted my queen as his own and made such a deal for her hand."

"Lies!" Shuri screamed.

"Believe what you will, little one," I replied as I shifted my attention towards her for a moment before going back to T'Chaka. "When I learned about that little fact, I had come with vengeance in my heart. I was going to kill you, your wife, your daughter. From there, your nation would have been laid defenseless before me and my army. I would continue by slaughtering the other tribes' leaders before forcing your nation to bend the knee. An example was going to be made of you and your nation's leaders. The lesson was going to be such that others would shudder at the mere thought of wanting to attempt the same as T'Challa."

"So what, this is your mercy?" T'Chaka asked, looking at me with hate.

"Snort, understand, I am not giving mercy," I said before waving a hand to order my spartans back onto the airship. "I just want you to have a fair understanding, step into my business again and I will crush you and your nation of cowards."

Raven did a cape flair that made me damn jealous, but I kept my face straight as we all walked back onto the airship. Within moments, the airship took to the sky heading back towards Pandora. They never even noticed when I snuck Erick Stevens into the mix of prisoners. Heading back to my throne, I opened my omni-tool and did something I have never done before. I decided to write a personal log.

Benjamin's Kings log

I worry that I am becoming a tyrant. I went and destroyed Wakanda today and my only reason was that the Prince pissed me off and got himself killed. Wakanda was a nation against my own and the Prince wanted Ororo as his queen. That was the only reason I had for what I did to their nation.

Wakanda is or was a nation that rivaled my own. Sadly that's no more not after what I did. Their new soon to be royal family has been indoctrinated by Emma and Faora to my way of doing things. There was no more Eric Stevens not after I had my ladies pull out what was there and then reconstruct an entirely new personality for our goals.

Over the next five years, Eric would work to remove all opposition to my goals and work to integrate Wakanda with my own. During his five years, Eric will most likely kill those who sow dissent against him for being an outsider. Sadly that wasn't even the worst of what I have done to this once grand nation.

Before the night was over Queen Romanda would pass in the night due to a spell Selene had provided me. Then in a few months, Shuri will either die or fall into a coma from a magical explosion in her lab. Either she would be one less issue I would have to deal with or gain a new view. A bad case of luck paired with sorrow over her brother to be sure. Then last but not least, the King will pass in his sleep within the year from a heart attack.

With one visit I had thoroughly destroyed a nation, I wonder if it was the right thing to do. Emma told me none should stand in my path as I brought Pandora to greatness, but I couldn't help but feel like a tyrant. Jean was of the mind that it was best that I remove them now instead of later when they get the chance to become real problems.

I guess only time will tell, because the moment anyone from Wakanda stepped out of line. I was going to bury that nation.

Authors Notes:

It's a FanFiction so I plan to explode this path with maximum badassitude.

I hope everyone is as excited as I am.

Because this is the year that the Stark Expo goes down and also Hulk comes out of hiding.

Nothing can ever go wrong.

Please leave a review with your thoughts, I enjoy those because they help me understand how people view the story as a whole. Also please think about leaving a nice rating.

You can reach me here at my discord or join my patron because there will always be early chapters.

Removes the - for the internet links

www - DISCORD - GG - p2QJNck

www - Pat - reon - com - TheToFu

P.P.S. For those new to reading my story, I generally update on a biweekly base. That means every 2 weeks for those without google.

Also early chapters are of course posted on Pat / reon with new and interesting stories birth from my madness.

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