After talking to Grant her mood instantly brightened. she was happy to know that she is not alone and their will always people there for her that got her spirits up that's when she saw her living room .
She was flabbergasted, due to her light OCD of cleanliness, but when sad she doesn't care when she is sad but,
after the initial period of sadness is over comes the suffering of pain for cleaning. So she got to work of cleaning when she was almost done her phone blared indicating a call she was both happy and scared
"hello. ."
"Alora , Where the hell are you? Don't you have any responsibility , you are a freaking co-owner of this god dam place,
can't you be here and you didn't even informed that you would take a day off. Have you become so irresponsible don't you have any work ethics"
Katherine was frustrated and she search for Alora the moment she came wanting complain but she didn't find her resulting in her outburst
Alora was shocked beyond , nonetheless a tear escaped her eyes in a firm voice "I am sorry for not informing before hand. I will be there in 10 min max" I ended the call
Alora quickly took a bath, her puffiness of eyes has decreased simultaneously. she applied some natural makeup .
She wore a peach short skirt coupled with twisted front crop top and drape-front and nude heels her look was complete
I took my car and drove as fast as I could . I reached office parking lot . 'phew took 15 min to reach not bad ' *happy dance * took my hand bag and got down of the car there she stood , with a box of my favorite chocolates and white lilies, like a boyfriend asking for an apology after a fight .
'awww.. how cute'
That moved my heart. So I ran to her just like a cliché movement happens in movies
But it all got ruined in a sec. Why, you ask? As I was about to embrace her
*I fell* that's right
literally I fell dowm 'damn you heels' that's right, I fell like an idiot in front of her and that 'oh so great friend of mine' is hollering like a maniac clutching her stomach, tears were rolling down her cheeks .
A disaster , an emotional movement turned into comedy channel bhoo-woo I want to dig a hole and hide myself, how embarrassing
one movement I was running happily towards her ,next I am face kissing the cement ground .
what day ? what a luck? *mental facepalm*
I had enough of her laughing "Katherine honey..! your mascara is smeared all over your eyes and same goes to you lipstick too. Did you attend zombie apocalypse my dear " I smirked
That got her attention. She is conscious of her appearance in public. So she dashed to parking lot washroom to fix herself ,finally some peace
exactly after 20 minutes she came back glaring and smirking at a time towards me but I was angry,
how she spoke to me in the morning I was really hurt, I glared back and turned away that's when her expression softens. She came towards me held the chocolates and lilies giving me her best puppy dog face
" I am sorry Alora . I was frustrated and couldn't see you, many things happened. I swear, I will make it up to you and there is even a huge white teddy bear waiting for you in your office so please forgive me "
Katherine was sad and guilty for the way she spoke she was sorry
so how can I stay angry with her, I was happy I hugged her tight "it's alright kat besides, if I should really forgive you then 3 tubes of ice cream will cost too"
kat was relived she hugged back stayed there for few minutes. Where our photo of hugging circulated like a virus to whole staff like crazy virus by a passing employee caught us hugging but hey we are that I am emphasizing *WE ARE NOT GAY I MEAN LESBIANS God...!*
but they don't want to clarify so it spread like a wild fire with caption `heart breakers hearty love`
the male employees were so heart broken and female employees felt envy and pity as such beauties but can't be seen with handsome hunks. Alas love is blind and can happen to anyone anywhere
hii yo
lovely reader hope you are enjoying it
let's see what happens next