After the competition, Lesley and Uranus were immediately given the title of a royal assassin and royal protector under King Estes. Lesley looked at the crowd happily and it happened that she made an eye contact with Guinevere who is frowning and giving her a glare. She simply smirked at her. Right beside Guinevere is Gusion. Lesley ignored him for she could not forget how he turned his back on her when she was in need of help. The crowd dispersed after the ceremony and Harley happily greeted his sister. Lesley thanked him for being the person she could lean on when her hope seems to deplete. They were about to leave the Swan Palace but King Estes stopped them. The king invited the two to join the royal banquet which is for the winners of the competition. Lesley was about to turn down his offer but Harley insisted on going for he wanted to see Diggie and Angela. This left her no choice but to go as well.
Upon entering the banquet hall, Lesley saw the royalties gathered in one, long table. The king of Land of Dusk, King Argus, is there as well as a commemmoration of the two lands' successful collaboration. Harley left his sister at the corner of the hall to join Diggie. Guinevere is alone at one table, her brows almost meet at the center of her forehead due to her frowning. She still could not accept the fact that she has been defeated and what is more annoying her is that Gusion left her alone at the table just to join Lesley.
"Hey," Gusion said to start the conversation but Lesley simply gave a small nod.
"I'm sorry for what happened last time," he apologized, another nod came from the blonde girl. A moment of silence followed.
"Aren't you going to ask anything why I did that?" Gusion asked who is now annoyed.
"No," Lesley replied. "I do not want the word useless to be rubbed on my face by a jerk like you."
"What?" Gusion asked in confusion, just then he remembered the words he left before banning her from the Paxley mansion. He felt his guilt devouring him but he could not bring back the time and change his actions.
"I'm sorry I dragged you into my problem. My grandfather threatened me that time saying he'll cast another spell unto you so you could have both eyes blinded. I knew your eyesight is very much important especially that you're a sniper. I backed out so he could no longer do anything to you," Gusion explained which earned him no response from Lesley.
"Hey, say something," Gusion said.
The two were seen by Princess Odette so she went near them and greeted them with a sweet smile.
"Having a good time?" she asked with a smile.
"Yes, Your Highness," Gusion replied. The princess complimented how Lesley look good with her General Rosa outfit which is agreed by Gusion.
"Anyway, I've got some mission for the teo of you," said the princess. The two paid attention to her for they'll be having their very first mission as a royal assassin. "There had been threatsof invasion here in our Land of Dawn. So I am sending the two of you away from the borders to be spies to the outside world. You shall collect all the necessary information and report back to us."
"Shall we depart tomorrow?" Lesley asked and the princess nodded. "But why us?"
"Because the two of you are the Perfect Pair," Princess Odette replied. "Though you haven't showed your skills together in the competition, I saw your training back in the Paxley mansion."
Lancelot came to their table and offered a hand to the princess. Princess Odette happily accepted his hand and they make their way to the dance floor. The two were left alone but the awkwardness lurked around them.
The next morning, Lesley and Gusion are ready to leave the Land of Dawn. They took one last glance of their hometown before taking their exit on the borders. On their way, Gusion said, "I've got a gift for you."
"No, thank you," Lesley replied but the brown-haired guy grabbed her hand and forced her to face him. Lesley blushed upon realizing that they are way too close with each other. Gusion held her eye which was covered by the eyepatch.
"Though you look good with an eyepatch on, I'd still want to see your whole face," he said as he runs his thumb across her covered eye. He, then, removed the eyepatch and Lesley was filled with joy for she could see with both eyes once more.
"Why did you not heal me yesterday if you already knew the cure?" she asked as she gives him a sharp look.
"It would be unromantic if I did that yesterday," Gusion replied as he continued to walk. He grabbed Lesley's hand which made her blush like hell for she hand never thought that her feelings would be reciprocated. Gusion liked her reaction and he ws even more ecstatic that Lesley has the same feelings as her . The two continued to walk down the path of a new journey they'd be facing with their hands intertwined with the hope they'd be back at the Land of Dawn as early as possible.
- End -
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