After they have taken away, Peter turn to Margaret and Jane.
Peter: "Good job. That's it for today. Have some fun, be back by 10pm." Both smile and left. Peter has given the girls a break.
Peter: "What's your plan Harry?"
Harry: "Flying back tomorrow afternoon after filing all the necessary documents."
Peter: "Ok. Will arrange the plane for you."
Harry: "Thanks. I'm going back to cottage to prepare those documents. See you at dinner." Peter nodded. Then Harry left.
Jo: "I'm. famished." Peter smile, took her hand and walk to his car. They got in, and the driver drove to Uncle Joe's eatery.
Jo: "Uncle Joe, I want a tenderloin steak, well done, Root Beer float and a Mint Ice Cream Apple Pie for dessert."
Peter: "Same for me."
Joe: "Boss, it's nice to see you here. Do you want that bottle of red wine to go along?" Peter ponder and look at Jo.
Peter: "Not today. Thanks."
Joe: "Ok. Tell me when you want it." He smiles and went to cook up the order.
Jo: "You know uncle Joe?"
Peter: "He was my Butler previously. If not because of his son sickness, he would still be working for me."
Jo: "Where is his son?"
Peter: "He died."
Jo: "Ooo...!"
Peter: "Cancer. His last wish is to open a eatery and runs together with Joe. Joe is fulfilling his wish." Jo looks at uncle Joe.
After they have eaten, they went home to rest. Peter is flying with Harry back to his home for a visit. At the same time, He intend to divert the attention of the Mastermind of the enemy's of his whereabout. He will be flying here and there and be back after 10 days.
While he's away, his people will be preparing the necessary things according to the plans that Peter has come up with. A series of attacks on the enemy will be launched after Peter returns.
As for Jo, Peter has ask her to think of an idea to deal with. Thus, during his absent, Jo is to come up with something. Jo is not allow to step out of the house. She can only go to office by the secret tunnel to use Peter's office only. And she can ask anyone of the people there of their opinion or anything so that she can come up with a plan.
In fact, when that particular pile of documents that Peter gave to her, she was shock with the information. She was in a dilemma when Peter had ask her to plan. She must be wise about the way to handle it. One wrong step, she could jeopardized Peter's life. The fact that Peter let her do this plan is that Peter himself is in dilemma. He has a plan, but it will be dangerous to him and those people he loves. Therefore, he wanted Jo's opinion.
While Jo was thinking hard with her brain, there's a knock on her door. "Enter." Jane walks in with a tray of dinner.
Jane: "Miss Wei, have your dinner first. You have not eaten the whole day."
Jo: "Thanks Jane. I'm really not hungry."
Jane: "You got to eat something. If anything will happen to you, how are we to answer boss. On top of that, you can't think of a good plan too. Who knows you might come up with a plan after your dinner."
Everyone in Peter's core team under his leadership knows that Jo has a hard time. When Peter came of with his plan, the core members know the danger and it may involve Jo. So, they suggested that let Jo comes up with a plan too. Maybe something better might turn up. Peter has 30 elite core members who were all trained by him. Including the 7 in the house.
Jo got no choice but to accept the tray and began to eat.
Jane: "We know it is a very difficult task. But do consider all factors. Do not miss anything out, for alot of lives are at involved here." Then Jane walk out of the room.
Jo looks at her back as she walks out.
After Jo finished her dinner, she went downstairs to watch a movie that was aired over the television. The bodyguards already went back to their room. Margaret came down silently and sit at the kitchen area to protect Jo. All around the house was already locked. Though Jo was watching the movie, her focus point was not there.
Jo's eyes suddenly widen when she saw a scene in the movie that the situation the lead character faced has a similarity to Peter's situation. Jo watches with attention how he cleverly turn the situation around till the end of the movie.
Jo switch the television off and was about to return to her room, she suddenly notice that Margaret is sitting in the kitchen.
Jo: "Margaret, how long have you sitted here?"
Margaret: "Since you came down."
Jo: "I didn't notice."
Margaret: "You are occupied." She smiles.
Jo: "Have a good rest. I see you in the morning. I'm going to Peter's office and sleep there. No need to follow me."
Margaret knows there's a bedroom in Peter's office which has a tight security, no one can penetrate that room without the code. Margaret nodded her head and returned to her room.
In the office, all are surprise to see Jo at that hour. They greeted her in acknowledgement and let her do whatever she wants. Jo went into Peter's office and began to draft out and outline of a plan. She approached this plan slowly and weigh it in all factors she can comes up with, then use those results to determine the outcome. Finally, the draft of the plan is baked. Jo went into the bedroom to have a rest.
The moment she opens her eyes, she found Peter besides her. Actually she was cuddling besides him. Peter's eyes close and he was asleep. She closes her eyes again and back to sleep. She slept peacefully inside Peter's bosom.
When the next time she opens her eyes, Peter's side of the bed is empty. She enter the bathroom to have a bath when she saw Peter was washing his hair. He was standing there naked with full view before her.
Peter smiles: "Good afternoon. Care to join me?"
Jo miss Peter for 2 weeks already. "Ok." She strips herself naked and join Peter. Peter gave her a deep kiss before he washes his hair. Peter rinses her and begin to soap her body and wash her vortex. Jo was hot over her body. Peter rinses her, turn off the shower, lower himself and started to lick and drink her juice. "Peter... Peter.....! I.... I.....! Arh.....!" She screams when she reaches her peak. Peter smiles. She leans against the wall and pants. Peter stood up and enter her. They are in perfect union till both are at the peak. They showered and went back to the house.
Jo: "Peter, why your enemy wants to kill you? He..." Jo was half way through her sentence.
Peter: "I'm next in line." Peter replied.
Jo: "What!"
Peter: "He knew my existence all along. He remain silence till my grandfather is sick. He has eliminated my stepbrother. So now is my turn. So far he has failed in all his attempts. He didn't know that my grandfather has secretly put me in charge of the army after he saw how I have established my business to the top. The army general is just a forefront, to cover up my existence in everything pertaining to the country's defense. Of coarse the enemy doesn't know that. He thought I'm just a businessman. My grandfather came in contact with me after my stepbrother died mysteriously. He suspected foul play and have me investigate. The end result is THE ENEMY. I told my grandfather of the result and I want him to stay as if unknown till I eliminate the enemy. After a year of investigation, it came to light only 6 months back. THE PROJECT only established 5 months back. A month after all evidence and plans are ready.
Jo: "Are you able to eliminate him when the time comes?"
Peter sigh.
Peter: "I have no choice. I will bring him before grandfather first. I have promised my grandfather."
Jo: "It's painful, I understand. That's why you are in dilemma. After all, he is family by blood."
Peter: "Yup. So, have you come up with a plan?"
Jo: "I've got only a draft. Let you know once the full plan is out."