When lisa fainted,james take lisa on his home(lisa woke up)
(lisa) Where am i?
(james) I take you in my house because you fainted
(lisa) Im really sorry to disturb you,but im going home now
(james) are you ok now?
(lisa) im fine
(james) ahh,ok,i just care about you
(lisa) you dont need to care about me,cuz i dont even know u
(james) i-im sorry
lisa went out to go home,when lisa arrived she saw Carl's
picture beside her bed,lisa cried again and questioning
(lisa) am i not enough?how can you do this to me?
lisa's phone ring,and it is carl
lisa answered
(lisa) meet me at the park
Carl waited for lisa
lisa showed up
(carl)*run towards lisa*
(lisa) dont be close to me,i really disgust
(carl) lisa,its not what you think
(lisa) THEN WHAT IS IT?!!!
(carl) she forced me
(lisa) but you enjoyed it?isnt it?
(lisa) Tell me!!!,are you that weak that you cant even
pushed her!!!!
(carl) lisa,im really sorry
(lisa) im sorry too,but i dont know if i can forgive you and i
really wish to not to see you again
carl hold lisa's hand
(lisa) let me go!!
(carl) no,never
james saw them
(james) let go of her!!
(carl) who are you?
(james) im her frie--
(lisa) he is my boyfriend
(james) *blushed*
(carl) lisa you know that your mom will not let this
(lisa) i dont care
(james) lets go
They walked together until....
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