When Pei Xian heard the question, his face became slightly red. Yu Qi caught that.
"You?" Yu Qi pointed to Pei Xian.
"Young Miss, I hope you give me chance to pursue Chu Xiao." Pei Xian bowed to Yu Qi.
Yu Qi was blinking several time before she managed to make a sound.
"What?" Yu Qi was very surprised.
"I really like Chu Xiao, Young Miss." Pei Xian said again confessed his feeling toward Hang Chu Xiao.
"You come to work here mostly because of Sister Chu Xiao?" Yu Qi asked.
"Well... Actually, protecting Doctor Tang Jiang Man does not require me to stay close like this. But..." Pei Xian could not finish his sentence.
"You stay here because of Sister Chu Xiao?" Yu Qi repeated her question.
"Yes." Pei Xian slowly nodded.
Yu Qi was silent for a few moment. Pei Xian was nervous to wait for Yu Qi's reply. Yu Qi's reply would determine whether he could stay here or not.
Daily Mini Scene
Yu Qi:I'm sorry.
Long Hui: What are you sorry for?
Yu Qi: For doing something weird to you.
Long Hui: Something weird? No! I am really like it. ヽ( ^Д^)ノ
Yu Qi: What? What am I doing? (;° ロ°)
Long Hui: I am not telling you. (─ ‿ ─)
Yu Qi:.... (≖_≖ )