3.52% Age of Adventure / Chapter 13: KINGDOM

บท 13: KINGDOM

He saw the stained glass windows with the image of his grandfather. He walks forward, there is a confidence in his steps and a certain aura of a ruler emanated out from him.

This is where his ancestors used to walk and rule the world. Now, he finally felt like he was a ruler of this kingdom.

George looked at this room and he smiles. He looked at that throne of his. It is just a simple chair. Other than the fact it was carved by wood of high quality, it is just a chair.

But how many people fought all their life to sit in that seat? How many bloods were spilled? How many innocent lives were sacrificed?

This is the most wanted seat in all of Vanheim…the throne of Vanheim

Then he laughed, his laugh reverberates inside the room. It was a laugh of pure joy. It was a laugh of a man who got want he wanted.

This is his throne room. This time…it is truly his throne room.

Behind him sharing his happiness is his three loyal generals, respectfully waiting on him.

This person is none other than King George of Vanheim.

George takes a deep breath like he was sucking it all in, the smell of the room, the sound of its step, the feeling he is feeling now and then he closed his eyes.

And opening it again the scenery didn't change.

He is still in his throne room….this time with absolute power at his disposal.

'It is not a dream' he thought to himself. He dreamed of this moment for so long and now that it happened, he almost feared that it was just a dream.

"I have returned" the King exclaimed.

The three generals bowed and they smile from the bottom of their hearts.

King George looked behind him and saw Aero, his strategist looking uninterested with the throne room as warmth filed the King heart.

Aero was looking at the painting that lined the walls of the throne rooms and the stained glass windows.

He was hoping for a quest or something but he was bound to be disappointed.

'Maybe if I am a painter looking at one of these painting would trigger a quest' Aero thought to himself.

Then someone crash onto him. Aero was startled. King George is hugging Aero. Then he releases his hug, there is gratitude in his eyes.

"Thank you Aero for your service to the Kingdom. We will reward you heavily for your help. Know that you are welcome anytime here in my Kingdom"

Aero smiles.

"It is my honor" Aero politely replied.




You have helped King George of Vanheim solved his problem in the court. His trust towards you increase. He regards you as someone trustworthy.

Fame increase by 400

Reputation increase by 500

Contribution point 5000 towards Vanheim Kingdom

Gold 30000

All stat increase by 10

Charm increased by 20

Honor increased by 50

Grace increased by 100

Aero smiles grew wider after looking at the rewards.

'YES! YES!' Aero was practically air fisting in his mind the moment he reads the status windows notification.

If he could dance in this throne room without caring about his image, he would've.

This is what he expected from a level A difficulties quest. It's worth it. Thank god it works. Thank God that after all that hard work and all that he risk, he is compensated fairly. He thought to himself.

People did not know but he sweated buckets that his plans will not work. The calm and confident image he always portrayed was a facade to make the King trust him.

And he also has to instils that same trust to those who follow the King. After all, no one wants to back a losing horse.

But thankfully his strategies work without a hitch.

But he already suspected it will work. King George must not face these issues with a bold move like many of his loyalist officials suggested.

Aero could already imagine what would happen if King George respond boldly and without a tact of diplomacy.

That would only lead to worse reaction which will become the spark to an already mountain fold of explosive keg that only needed that one spark to ignite itself.

And if that spark ignites those kegs, the explosion would be something that George would not be able to handle.

The flame resulting from that explosion will ravage the Kingdom

Aero understand the weakness of a show of force in a strained political tension

Main weakness of a show of force is that it stirs up resentment and eventually led to the response that will eat at the King authority.

Since a show of force won't work to quiet down the dissenting voice of the nobles, then Aero had to think of another way.

If he couldn't intimidate the nobles using punishments, then he must use another way.

Aero decided to show the example of how important their King really is to the stability of the Kingdom.

Of course this will only work in the premise that King was a great king in which his presence overwhelmed the other kingdoms and have done many deeds to the people.

And he has to be irreplaceable, that to replace him would invite aggression from other countries and kingdoms.

Fortunately, George fits the type of that person and so Aero could execute his plan flawlessly. If it's any other rulers, Aero had to use other tactics.

But because it was George Aero could use this strategy.

'I give them a glimpse of what will happen to their Kingdom if their King is gone. And it was like the sky has fallen down. Works like a charm'

This strategy work because this country has many threat.

Using this method at a peaceful Kingdom might have a different effect. Aero dare anyone to call his bluff, and no one did.

At least now looking at his status window his contribution is Peasant level.

Another five thousand and he will rose to Baron level contribution. One of the privileges of being a Baron is that Baron can buy land.

If he has lands, he also can hire a couple of farmers and that could help him gain money. Of course, he would never use it to form a private army.

After all he did not need to do such things.

First, Aero need to thank the King. He distances himself from the King and bow slightly before saying

"Thank you, Your Grace. However my work here is not done. The Orcs land has started to move."

Aero informed the King of the threat looming over the lands of Vanheim.

With 100 thousand Orcs marching to Vanheim this is a grave crisis that could wreck this Kingdom apart.

Aero believes that someone else is responsible for inciting the Orcs. The Orcs is one of the playable classes in Brave World.

Not many choose that class though because it's very hard to level up and many new players die many times.

Every player who chooses to be an Orcs will begin their journey at Nairhell in the East of Vanheim.

Nairhell is a land of vast dessert and filled with strong monster. Broly Clan once solved a quest involving the Orcs which in turn unlock the Orc class.

The Orcs ruling structure is a bit different than the human civilization but they do have a leader.

The Orcs are not ruled by a King but instead they have Orc Chief. Orc is a tribal community. The Laws of the fittest thrive there.

Only the strongest of the Orcs can become the Orc chief.

It is because of this the Orc have always been divided, warring against each other and while they raided the villages near the border, they were never considered a real threat to Vanheim.

But Aero has heard disturbing news from the messengers he sent to Nairhell and the spies of the King.

About ten of the influential tribes of the Orcs have banded together under one banner determined to march to Vanheim and break through to the other Kingdoms.

They convene the Meeting of the Orc Chief and crowned an Orc as the Great Orc to lead them against the enemies of the Horde.

They are now led by a player named Gruk, an Orc player who declared himself the Great Orc before he was formally crowned by the Great Chiefs of the Orcish lands

He ruled over a great vast army.

"Yes, I also heard the report "said the King while the expression of joy before turned to worries.

Aero on the other hand was not worried. Instead he said to the King.

"This is your chance, Your Grace" Aero said as he paced around the room, his hand behind his back as he smiles mischievously.

"What chance?" The King asked not understanding what Aero is talking about. Instead it only puzzled him more.

The Three Generals were used to this and now listen intently to Aero. They have given up trying to make sense Aero behavior.

Aero then stop his pacing all over the room and look at the King as he chuckles.

"This is the opportune moment for Your Grace to take military authority from the nobles.'

Hearing this statement the King was shocked. Then thinking about it, it dawned on him

He understands what Aero is trying to do and realizes Aero was right.

Now, that his position has solidified and the will of the people is behind him, he could truly do what Aero suggested.

He finally understand what his strategist wanted to do.

He didn't think of it before because he was overcome with fear of the impending crisis and the noble's adulation.

The King almost missed a great opportunity. He is thankful Aero is here to remind him. Aero then said

'Please declare that Your Grace will put all their armies under one banner, your banner, to fight the coming invasion. The nobles houses will not dare reject not at such moment, not at this early moment where they are pretending to be obeying Your Grace orders, when the people is still behind us and our cause is a just cause. The noble houses promised their support, watched by every representative of the Temple and people in this kingdom. To reject it is to invite universal condemnation"

Aero quickly give his idea unreservedly.

The King also is half convinced but then he remembered the noble's private armies and fear that they would also use this chance to rebel if they are dissatisfied.

"You don't think they will rebel?" He ask Aero.

Aero shakes his head, a relaxed smile on his face. To rebel at this juncture would put everything they have done to waste.

Aero understand the nobles thinking.

They only pretended to accede to the King request in public but they will surely find ways to curb the King authority once again.

To prevent that from ever happening, the military needs to sit only under one banner. The banner of the Kingdom.

The principle is the same whether in the ancient world or the modern world. Whoever controls the military controls the world.

It is time to abolish private armies if this Kingdom is to conquer the world. Aero did not treat this game half assed.

If he becomes the grand strategist, he will surely follow the path of the Grand Strategist. And what is that path?

To scheme against the world and deliver the world to a master he could acknowledge. A wise person follows a wise master.

And he will not forget to get himself a good position, fame and fortune along the way.

"They have no just cause. " Aero added.

It is very important to have a just cause when waging war, because if not you will only invite resistance from the people and the world.

Even the men under them would lose morale. IF that happens they would lost even before the fight began.

One of the General in the room was also passionate after hearing Aero plans and step out and said

"Sir Aero is right Your Highness. This is the chance. Duke Bradheim hold too much military power in the North East and who knows what he is thinking there? I fear he could be persuaded to turn his blade towards Your Highness" said Marco.

Arcturus who was standing beside Marco hesitated for a while. He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath and then he opens his eyes and nodded in agreement

"Your Grace I agree with Marco. If one day Duke Bradheim used that military power to rebel against us at our most vulnerable moment, what would happen?" Arcturus added.

King George is getting a headache.

He thought his problem was solved, but now hearing from his general and his strategist he just found out he couldn't even enjoy sitting in his throne for a moment.

He learned that a large horde of Orcs is coming to attack

Though one hundred thousand Orcs is not as big as Vanheim military, but Orcs is not a weak enemy.

They are strong, their physique is larger and stronger than humans and their horse units are formidable.

Attacking in horseback with their blunt weapons, they are a mighty force to be reckoned with.

In the past before the Horde try to attack Vanheim borders with ten thousands Orcs but they are easily squashed.

But the King knows it was not because his Kingdom army was overwhelmingly strong but because the Orc horde was weak and disorganized.

That's because they weren't united. Now there is talk about an Orc that manage to unify ten of the Orc tribes and leading them here.

What is he going to do?

He could use this opportunity to put all the military power under him. But his stepbrother Bradheim will clearly know this ploy and detected his scheme.

Aero look towards the King and saw the King is ruminating over something. Aero knows who Duke Bradheim is. The stepbrother of the King.

As the strategist of the King how could he not investigate the King family and the people around him?

'Duke Bradheim will know that George will never return the military power once it is handed to him. The other nobles would give it to him for now, fearing the backlash. Maybe even they would not see the scheme since it is a viable cause.' Aero mutters as he looked towards the King.

The nobles can be deceived into thinking that their armies will be returned to them but Aero knows that Lord Bradheim will be a tough cookie.

But King George knows Bradheim is not like that.

Even when all the nobles come to ingratiate themselves with George at his palace after his return, Bradheim didn't even come to congratulate.

He was about to ask Aero about taking Bradheim military power when Aero quickly shakes his head and said

"No, you must not do that" Aero could easily see through King George thoughts

Aero said breaking King George concentration.

"Lord Bradheim is protecting Fort Elken which is adjacent to Nairhell border. Taking his military power right now will only increase our own problem. We have to deal with him later."

The other Generals hearing this also quite down. Since the strategist said so, they will defer to him.

By now the Tree Generals truly believes in the strategist capability and they have the highest respect for him.

It was like the respect that was afforded to Zhuge Liang that made Guan Yu and Zhang Fei both listen to him

After all why wouldn't they believe Aero now? Their King gained back the throne without even a single bloodshed.

King George was about to have another headache but Then King George realized.

He has Aero. The adventurer that helped him regains his throne. The very same person that helped him gain supports from the people.

Why not use his intelligence and offer him to serve him?

George appreciates Aero talents and wanted to put him to use and Aero himself wanted to be put to use to gain fame and fortune.

After all which ruler did not want to recruit talents to their side?

"Sir Aero, I have a request for you." He hesitates for a bit before the King ask

"Will you lead my armies?"

Aero was shocked and he pondered the question for a bit. This is not what he signed up for.

Not that he hates war or anything it's just that he's not that confident leading an army.

With his sword, he does not fear duels.

But in a war, one man can't change the tide of war alone.

Even though he could kill one hundred of low level soldiers and even kills low level players like they were cabbages on a home garden that does not mean he can kill one hundred thousand of soldiers by his lonesome.

And there is still the mastermind behind this Orc threat. Sarah informed Aero that Gruk is communicating with someone.

There are too many factors at play.

Then the window quest popped up.



King George has asked you to lead the armies to defeat the Orcs army that is marching to Vanheim as his measure of trust towards you. The King views you as a great talent and wanted to recruit you in the upcoming war

Reward : Fame increase

: Reputation increase

: Contribution points

: Will be granted the opportunity to be a part of the nobility

: Gold 50000

: Will be granted the permission to see The Secret Archive (You see this message because

of your unique class)

: Friendship with the King increase.

Aero did not immediately answer as he closes his eyes. Then he said

"Your Grace, can you give me some time to think about this?" The King nodded understanding the request.

"Yes, you can. But I hope it will not take too long Sir Aero. I believe in Sir Aero ability and truly hope Sir Aero would help me in future undertakings"

Aero nodded. He believes he has left quite an impression on the King because of his success.

"Thank you, Your Grace. The next time I come, I will have my answer." Aero replies before he goes out of the Throne Room and logged off outside the Palace



The capsule opens up.

Daniel just logged out of Brave World. Getting out of the capsule, he looks around his room.

'This room looks like someone barfed all over the room'

Sighing he cleans his room which looks messy because he forgot to clean it many times before.

Sometimes he asks himself. Was it that he forgot to clean or whether he was too lazy to clean nowadays?

Smelling a weird smell, he decided to spray some air freshener before finally the room smell a little bit better, looking like a livable place and slightly neat enough to impress the people that come in that while he is living alone his cleanliness could be considered passable.

He then immediately take a shower with dust all over his body, eat and exercise his body. Daniel needs to maintain a healthy lifestyle to make sure he's not sick.

Sick means he can't play. And that means money wasted. He opens the TV sets and stream the channels when he stopped at the VMS channel

VMS media is broadcasting about Brave World events. This pique his interest. He decided to watch as he opens a can of beverage and laid his back on that old sofa.

A woman reporter seems to be reporting the events.

"Kate, what is the latest development in Brave World?" A tall young handsome man with slick black hair and wearing costume of magicians seems to ask the woman.

The woman was wearing a Witch costume.

"Harry, the big story is Leo Clan attempt to take Fort Regar at Redat Kingdom still isn't succeeding. It seems they have put a lot in their expenses to take the Fort. This has made their clans to experience internal problems.'

The male reporter nodded before saying

'That maybe because Redat Kingdom has many elite Knights players and NPC making the Leo clan attack ineffective with their current level of power. Redat military is led by a player named Aldwin a Knight Type warrior. Aldwin seems very experienced in war and he looked very strong too."

The screens show the players named Aldwin killing the soldiers in an ambush attack with a sword like he was slashing papers instead of people.

It was a scene showing how domineering Aldwin really is.

"But that is not all."

The woman reporter interjected.

'There also another big story in the Western continent. The Temple of Zeus was burned by a follower of a new teachings that originated in Zun kingdom. A player calling himself The Pope has arisen and many NPCs have already followed him. There are also a faction of players in Grata and Zun Kingdom that has followed this man."

"Well, I think, Kate, this could lead to a friction with the seven religious order of Brave World." The male reporter said seriously as the female reporter nodded in agreement.

"Yes, Harry, it seems so."

"In another story, the Orcs in Nairhell is marching to Vanheim Kingdom. Lead by Gruk, this new player manages to unite ten tribes of Orcs to fight under him. This also makes many new players wanted to try Orcs class as Gruk images of leading a great Orc Horde made a lot of men hearts boils."

"Harry, if they succeed and invading Vanheim player's interest in Orcs class will increase, don't you think?"

Daniel turns off the TV before they could say any further.

'Hmm, this is slightly troublesome' Daniel said as his mind is in dilemma whether to accept the quest from the King or not.


Chapter for today. If you like it cast some votes and give some reviews. hopefully a good one.

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    Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
    Stone -- หินพลัง








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    Stone -- หินพลัง



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