The back doors of my yacht opened and a ramp came out, I grabbed my bags and stepped out as a middle aged man in an all-black uniform came into the docking bay.
Short gray hair with a matching goatee, dark brown eyes and light skin, not as much muscle as a Guardian should have, despite his six feet of height the man looked more like a regular security office and not a Guardian.
"Ensign Nitche, welcome to the Horizon, Captain Noxt would like to see you right away."
"Yes sir," I said raising an eyebrow.
I followed the overly relaxed commander of Guardian, who didn't introduce himself, didn't follow procedure of conforming a now officer, especially one coming in a private yacht.
We walked for ten minutes before reaching the right elevator, went to deck floor twenty before walking for a while more and taking the elevator that went right to the command bridge, and that was the short way.
When the elevator doors opened, I was met with the main crew of the Horizon.
Captain Luis Noxt, five foot eight, short black hair and short graying beard with a very light tan skin making him look healthy. Okay shape for an officer, especially a captain, fifty two years old and been a captain for ten years, one of the youngest ever.
His service record made most over achievers look lazy, but being the sixth generation of G.U. officer it's a bit expected.
Commander Samantha Weller, six feet tall, long raven black hair and bright green eyes, toned with the right amount of curves, thirty three years old, the very embodiment of why the GU gets fucked, a hardcore pacifist that calls out for peace even when he people die, in other words a true coward scared to get her hands dirty, and also second in command in the Horizon.
Her service records reflect that, her main focus in the academy was all about diplomacy, language and culture studies of different planets.
LT. Commander Zig Hoomne, six foot two, dark tan skin, bald head and dark brown eyes, head of security and out of shape, has lost more than three dozen security offices under him in away missions during his seven years as head of security on Horizon.
LT. Commander Lucas Marino, five foot seven inches, conn officer, science officer and tons of other things, the guy had an accident as a child and half of his brain was replaced by experimental nanites to save his life, the outcome was a bit disturbing, he now has a computer inside his head that talks to him, but when in a bad spot that's they guy you want next to you.
Commander Su Davis, head of the mental health department, third in command and very scary, the five foot five inches tall blonde can read anyone like a book fully opened.
Huge blue eyes, curvy in all the right places with small toned waist.
Caring, level headed and beautiful, but scary as hell, he advice has saved the Horizon countless times both heling the crew and reading their enemies, predicting what they would do.
LT. James Butler, head of engineering and researcher, five foot seven nine inches tall, pale skin and short red hair with pale blue eyes.
Drinks a bit much, parties way too much, but reliable and up for a fight at any time and will come up with some very inventive ways to fight the Hive.
I didn't pay much attention to the others in the bridge, the other important members of the crew or with high rank are no present.
"Ensign Nitche reporting for duty sir," I said the moment captain Noxt looked at me and stood at attention.
"Weller, you have the bridge, I'll be speaking with Ensign Nitche in my office. Ensign if you will," Captain Noxt gestured to the door to my left as he walked to it himself.
I waited for the captain to open the door and walk in as I followed him in.
The office looked big, and full of items from deferent cultures on glass shelves, a couch on one side and in the other end of the office a large desk.
Captain Noxt took a seat behind the desk and looked over at me for a while before he touched the computer on the desk and a holographic screen came up.
"I spoke to an old friend in the academy when I got your transfer orders and I'm not happy with what I was told. Your training program is brutal and scaring, I don't want a violent wild card in my crew, especially one that I must send to away missions. So what should we do?"
"Sir, I'm here to do my duty and my violence is a tool not a disposition. Whoever you have spoken too, should learn how to observe others or simply keep his mouth shut about things that outside his understanding."
Captain Noxt looked at me for a while without saying a word then returned his eyes to the holo-screen showing my records.
"Your new living quarters are ready, but we have an away mission in an hour, have you read anything on the Callians?"
"As much as I could. Warrior oriented culture, weakness and dishonor is the most hated things in their eyes, disrupting your gods is the worst thing one can do and they love to fight for fun."
Captain Noxt looked at me with his eyebrows high in the air, after a few seconds of rubbing his chin, Noxt looked smiled a little.
"Looks like I will need you in this away mission even if I was not ordered to bring you. See you in docking bay two in half an hour, you may go ensign."
I picked up my bag and left, the information from my memories had it right. Overprotective over his crew, and thinks violent is never the correct way for things.
An idealistic man that in times of peace would make great choices, but in times of war he will get people killed before he wakes up.
"I should be able to speed things up and keep some of the important people from dying," I was thinking while heading to my new living quarters.
I stepped inside my new living quarters and give a quick look around, a large living room with dining table on one side and a few couches and even a holographic display on the far wall next to a door.
The bedroom looked to be half the size of the living room with a massive bed and lots of room, the bathroom looked to be the same size as the bathroom.
I placed my bag on the bed and made sure I looked how I should before placing my sidearm on my leg and pulling out a small box from my bag.
"This should break the ice even if I break a few Callians."
I walked to the docking bay holding the box and met, the Captain Noxt, Lt. Commander Hoome, LT. Commander Marino, Counselor Davis and three other security officers, but no Guardian besides me.
I followed behind the security officers and got inside the shuttle, besides counselor Davis everyone else gave a strange look.
We landed on the planet in minutes, copper colored temples that shared similarities with the Egyptians and Greeks spread all around us, tens of thousands of green skinned people walked around with weapons, both cold weapons and blasters, even the kids had their own weapons.
The Callians are great examples of what a warriors should look like, muscular and toned without going overboard on size, their copper green and sapphire blue skin only made the toned muscles stand out even more.
Males normally were born with copper green skin and females with sapphire blue, their height was what stood out the most. The shortest adult would grow to six and a half feet, the tallest on record reached ten feet tall.
The moment we stepped outside fifty man and woman came walking towards us, the five in front looked old and unlike the rest didn't have armor on.
Their hair and eye color tented to take after mineral colors, copper, gold, silver, bronze and a few solid black, and both male and female tended to braid their hairs.
"Zaiokor Kar," Captain Noxt said stepping forward towards the elder in red robes, "It's an honor to be greeted by the Zaiokor himself."
"Captain Noxt, It is good to meet one that has been in so many battles," Kar said while smiling.
"Zaiokor, they sent a child along with them, they must think we are weak," the man near Zaiokor said, young, full of muscle but stupid look on his face really said a lot, like a kid that thinks he did something good when in reality he did nothing.
They all looked at me and I look right into the eyes of the Zaiokor and walked forward, before anyone from my crew could say a word, Noxt held up his hand to shut them up.
I walked up to the Zaiokor and opened my box reviling a bottle with red liquid and gold two glasses.
"This is Voulorian wine, now that my father is dead, I'm the only person in the universe that knows how to make it, to honor a true warrior I have made it."
I grabbed the two gold glasses and the bottle out of the box, open the bottle and poured it before handing the Zaiokor one of the cups.
Everyone watched as I first drank and then the Zaiokor drank as well. His eyes went wide, his back straighten and in seconds he looked ten years younger, the sharps in his eyes became clearer and his presence even more so.
"Young one, what this heavenly liquid? I feel ready for battle once again."
"The Voulorian wine is something passed down in my family for a thousand generations, I can only make it once in a while, the ingredients have never been told to someone outside my family, so I'll I can say is that it's a wine given and made by warrior only."
"You honor me young one, this gift is one truly made for a warrior that wishes to return to battle."
"Thank you Zaiokor, now. May I please beat the fool that insulted me," I said with a smile and all the Callians smiled as well.
"Haha, good," the Zaiokor looked at the other old Callians to his sides and said, "We will watch a good battle today, ready the grounds in the temple, and afterword's we will discuss the seat in this senate thing."
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