The rarity of the materials
Basic materials (Crowns by rarity)
-Hawk claws (minerals)
-Serpent (Herbs and vegetables)
-Lotus (Meat and corpse/skin)
- Sun (Magical item)
-Leaf (Basic material)
P:S Difficulty levels depends on 1-10 stars
Specific materials
• Leaf(Basic material)
-Frugal Wool(3 Crowns)
Harvested from the Frugal sheep, it can be spotted to the Lirian Forest southeast from Kingdom of Belfast
Used: Under Garments/ Clothes for nobles/ Material Necessities
Monsters: Frugal Sheep
Difficulty: 3 Stars
-Utopian Silk (4 Crowns)
Harvested from the Silk trees that can be spotted to the forest of Jixian South East from the kingdom of Kisia
Used: Undergarmets purposes
Material/Based/Terrein: Silk Trees
Harvest Rate: 7.12%
-Leaf Leather (2 Crowns)
Harvested from the Trees of Leather that can be spotted from the forest of Octis North East from the kingdom of Rothia
Used: Mainly for low adventurer that want a light armor
Material/Based/Terrein: Trees of Leather
Harvest Rate: 78.3%
-Odd Paper (2 Crowns)
Harvested from the Odd Barks That can be spotted from the forest of Octis North East From the kingdom of Rothia
Used: Mainly used for deliver information by a bird or owl, also for printing grimoires or books
Material/Based/Terrein: Odd Barks
Harvest Rate: 83.21%
-Frugal Log (4 Crowns)
Harvested from the Trees of Hex that can be spotted from the forest of Polris North East from the kingdom of Kisia
Used: For making high density bow/ Light bow, Mainly usage also for other purposes like buildings and handles of a weapons or shield handles
Material/Based/Terrrein: Tree of Hex
Harvest Rate: 6.2%
-Bubble Leaf (5 Crowns)
Harvested from the Bubble Terrein that can be spotted from the plateu of Dills South east from the kingdom of Rothia
Used: Alchemy Purposes
Material/Based/Terreins: Plateu of Dills
Harvest Rate: 1.23%
• Lotus(Meat and corpse/skin)
-Neither Skin(4 Crowns)
Harvested from the Either Wolf that can be spotted through the Neit Cave North East from the kingdom of Ona
Used: Leather garments/ mostly as use from adventurer equipments and item.
Monsters: Either Wolf
Difficulty: 4 Stars
-Hollowed Bone (4 Crowns)
Harvested from the Jack the Skeleton that can be spotted to the Soul Forest South
West from the kingdom of Tidell
Used: It can be used from Alchemy usage also Summoner's catalyst
Monsters: Jack the Skeleton
Difficulty: 8 Stars
-Melting carapace (3 Crowns)
Harvested to the skin of Wax Snake that can be found to the Cave of Revenge, North East from the kingdom of Orphis
Used: Mainly used for Alchemy and Apothecary
Monsters: Wax Snake
Difficulty: 7 stars
-Sweet Hide (4 Crowns)
Harvested from the Sweet Bulls that can be found at the Mountain of Sugars South east from the kingdom of Orphis
Used: Mainly used as baiting material for insect monsters or mammal monster that can attracted to sweets
Monster: Sweet Bulls
Difficulty: 8 Stars
-Phantom Bone (4 Crowns)
Harvested from the Phantom Lion that Can be found at the Forest of Hexus North East from the kingdom of Siza
Used: Alchemy purposes or Artisan making of weapons and Armor purposes
Monster: Phantom Lion
Difficulty: 9 Stars
-Nether Fur (5 Crowns)
Harvested from the Chaos Wolf that can be found at the Cave of Shades South East from the kingdom of Siza
Used: Undergarments also armor, Alchemy purposes and weapon Handle purposes, mainly at the building purposes
Monster: Chaos Wolf
Difficulty: 10 Stars
-Bright Carapace
Harvested from the Luminescence Snake that can be found at the forest of Orgï North East from the kingdom of Belfast
Used: Accessories, Alchemy and apothecary. And under armor purposes also leather uses.
Monster: Luminescence serpent
Difficulty: 8 star
• Serpent(Herbs and vegetables)
-Phoenix Leaf (4 Crowns)
Harvested from the terrain called the Slumber of fire spotted through the Fire mountain spotted North east of kingdom of tamia
Used: Apothecary purposes and Alchemy purposes
Terrein/Base/Material: Slumber of Fire Terrein
Harvest Rate: 3.89%
-Blazing Flower (5 Crowns)
Harvested to the Cave of Flames that can be spotted lava zone activity, North east from of kingdom of Cirnia
Used: Apothecary purposes and Alchemy
Terrein/Base/Material: Intense lava activity
Harvest Rate: 2.21%
-Defiant Rose (4 Crowns)
Harvested from the forest of illusion that can be spotted to the terrain called the Grave of Souls, South West from the kingdom of Vadark
Used: Alchemy and Apothecary purposes
Terreins/Material/Base: Grave of Souls
Harvest Rate: 2.3%
-Sand Fairy moss (4 Crowns)
Harvested from the Sand Moss with a fairy dust can be spotted from the terrain called the Fairy Trees near to the forest of Fairies, South East from the kingdom of Spar
Used: Mostly used for Alchemy purposes or Apothecary but it can also be used for summoned catalyst
Material/Based/Terreins: Fairy Trees
-Twilight Cotton (5 Crowns)
Harvested from the Twilight flowers that blooms at the terrain called the Death Bed near to the forest of Hell , North East from the kingdom of Spar
Used: Apothecary purposes and Achemy purposes
Material/Based/Terreins: Death Bed
Difficulty: 10 stars
-Corrupted Rosemary (4 Crowns)
Harvested from the corrupted Beddings of Grounds that terrain called the Corrupted plateu near to the island of the Corrupteds, South East from the kingdom of Abia
Used: Apothecary and Alchemy purposes
Material/ Based/ Terreins: Corrupted Plateu
Difficulty: 9 stars
• Sun (Magical Item)s
-Ice Silk (4 Crowns)
Harvested from the 3 Devil legs Spider that can be spotted to the forest of Sian south east from the kingdom of abion
Used: Mainly used for garments with an ice attribute it can be benefit to the mages for the making of under garments
Monster: 3 Devil Legs Spider
Difficulty: 7 stars
-Blood Woods (5 Crowns)
Harvested to from the blood trees that can be spotted to the forest of Yian South East from kingdom of Atria
Used: Mainly used for creating staff for mage,magus, or sages. It can be also home for magical pets
Terrein/Base/Material: Blood Trees
Difficulty: 5 stars
-Tempest Fiber (4 Crowns)
Harvested from the Tempest Trees spotted from the mountain peak named the Storm Mountain, South East from the kingdom of Ada
Used: Mainly used for undergarments for resistance of lightning attack it can be benefit to making of robes of the magician or undergarments for knights
Material/Terrein/Base: Storm Mountain
Difficulty : 8 Stars
-Glamorous Silk (3 Crowns)
Harvested from the Rainbow Moth spotted from the forest of liks, South East from the kingdom of Acra
Used: Mainly used for undergarments or robes for magician or magus, that can resist poison attacks
Monster: Rainbow Moth
Difficulty: 7 stars
-Dust Silk (4 Crowns)
Harvested from the Dust Beatle that using it to hide himself, spotted from the Forest of Bius North east from the kingdom of Soland
Used: It uses for apothecary of Alchemy purposes but It can be used as an artisan making of robes or undergarments
Monster: Dust Beatle
Difficulty: 8 Stars
-Spark Velvet (5 Crowns)
Harvested from the Velvet leopard that spotted from the Storm Mountain, South East from the kingdom of ada
Used: Mainly Used for Alchemy and Artisan purposes, that can make an undergarments or Specialized to Armor or Weapon handles
Monster: Velvet Leopard
Difficulty: 10 Stars
• Hawk Claws(Minerals and Gemstone)
-Solar Clay (3 Crowns)
Harvested to Illusion Dessert that can be found to the beast called Solar Scorpion , North West from the kingdom of Gisk
Used: Mainly used as furnitures or entertainment material, but it can be used as material for making golems
Monster: Solar Scorpion
Difficulty: 6 stars
-Aqua Ore (5 Crowns)
Harvested to Ocean of Malice that can be found to the back of the Ore Shark, South East from the Kingdom of lvora
Used: It can be used as armor/weapon and also can be suitable for mages robes also it has benefits to breathe under water for a period of time
Monsters: Ore Shark
Difficulty: 9 Stars
-Dark Brass (4 Crowns)
Harvested to the Mines of the Undead that can be found to the tooth of the Undead Basilisk, South West form the kingdom of Bela
Used: It can be used as armor/weapons for the durability to undead attacks and it can also be used as material for buildings
Monsters: Undead Basilisk
Difficultys: 8 stars
-Spectral Sands (5 Crowns)
Harvested from the Back of the Sea Dragon spotted at the Trickster Bay North West from the kingdom of Exmia
Used: it mainly usage for making of glass or enchanted items
Monster: Sea Dragon
Difficulty: 9 Stars
-Gem carapace (5 Crowns)
Harvested from the Gem insect that travels with group of soldier insects that can be found at the Mimic Dragon lair South East from the kingdom of Glev
Used: Gem Artisan for making jewelries
Monster: Insect Gem
Difficulty: 10 Stars
-Star Titanium (4 Crowns)
Harvested from the Star Harpy that can be spotted to the Mountain of Stars North West from the kingdom of lris
Used: Mainly used for armor or weapons specialist it also hold luminaries attribute for resistance of the undead
Monsters: Star Harpy
Difficulty: 8 Stars
-Gold of the Skies (5 Crowns)
Harvested from the angel named ensorcelled that can be spotted from the city of the skies north east from the kingdom of Larp
Used: Luminaries attribute make of armor and under garments, mainly usage also weapons and resistance for Luminaries
Monster: Angel Ensorcelled
Difficulty: 10 Stars
-Dream Silver (4 Crowns)
Harvested from the Dream Bug that can be found at the cave of Dreams south east from the Kingdom of Cedia
Used: It used as Armor and Weapon sets it can be used to make a pot materials
Monster: Dream Bug
Difficulty: 8 stars
-Balanced Stone (5 Crowns)
Harvested from the Lake balanced elements spotted from the Cave of Maze south east from the kingdom of kiland
Used: It mainly used for staff making stone that can balance all of the excessive elements that individual used
Material/Based/Terreins: Cave of Maze
Difficulty: 9 stars
-Blazing Tin (4 Crowns)
Harvested from the back of the Blaze Boar spotted from the Mountain of Flames south east from the kingdom of Vania
Used: Mainly used for armor and weapon, it also can be used for building materials or gear monterials
Monster: Blaze Boar
Difficulty: 6 Stars
-Moon Silver (3 Crowns)
Harvested from the forehead of the Moon Elves that can be spotted from the Shore of Despair south west from the kingdom of Vania
Used: It mainly used for Staff power stability and also make for jewelries purposes
Monster: Moon Elf
Difficulty: 9 stars
-Doom Cobalt (5 Crowns)
Harvested from the Doom Hydra that can be spotted from the lake of Corruption, North East from the kingdom of fapan
Used: It mainly used for armor and weapon specialist and also can be alchemy usage and material for pot makings
Monster: Doom Hydra
Difficulty: 10 stars
-Glamour Stone (5 Crowns)
Harvested from the Rainbow Turtle that can be spotted at the deep sea ocean name, ocean of Hatreds, North east from the kingdom of ezeloth
Used: It mainly used for armor and weapon equipments or sets. Also it can become and alchemy material purposes or pot making purposes
Monster: Rainbow Tutle
Difficulty: 9 stars
-Luminous Clay (4 Crowns)
Harvested from the terrain called Solar Field that can be spotted at the island of Light, South east from the kingdom of iffha
Used: It can be used as the base material for making a pot for alchemy and apothecary, also it can be used to buildings or flower pots
Material/Based/Terreins: Solar Field
Harvest Rate: 5.2%
-Tranquil Steel (5 Crowns)
Harvested from the Steel Tusk mammoth that can be spotted at the Glacier Zone, North East from the kingdom of febia
Used: It been used as an armor or weapons also it can be used as an artisan craft or engraving steel
Monsters: Steel tusk mammoth
Difficulty: 10 Stars