58.24% Douluo Dalu 2: Heavenly Eyed Douluo / Chapter 112: Special Chapter 1: Future Possibility

บท 112: Special Chapter 1: Future Possibility

Somewhere in a far and beautiful realm of the divine, five kids with mischievous and nervous looks as they entered a large room that was filled with all kinds of advanced tech, all beyond from the works of mortal hands.

The children curiously looked around, all of them seemed to be around seven-eight years old. They look around curiously, all fascinated by all the advanced technology surrounding them. Some of the devices emitted soft, pulsating lights, while others hummed with barely audible energy. The room itself seemed to have an ethereal glow, casting intricate shadows against the walls.

Then, they noticed a strange flying sphere-like vehicle standing in the far back of the room. Wires of all kinds attached to it. Curiosity sparkled in their eyes as they approached the mysterious vehicle, their steps tentative yet eager as they entered the strange vehicle.

One of the kids, a girl with long, silky black hair, a little baby fat on her small face, and big blue eyes wearing white dao robe rubbed her hands together in excitement. She glanced at her companions with a mischievous grin, her eyes sparkling with curiosity and adventure.

"Sis, are you positively sure that this is safe?" one of the boys asked, his voice tinged with nervousness. The girl pressed all kinds of buttons and the large screen before them lit up.

The girl shrugged nonchalantly. "Pfft, uh, duh? It's made by uncle Caitou. You know his Godly Position, everything he makes can't possibly be a failure." she then tapped on a button.

The whole vehicle they were in suddenly closes its doors, sealing them inside. The sudden closure startled the children, causing them to exchange nervous glances.

"But... it's shaking. Is it supposed to be shaking?! Why did it closed us in? Why is everything red?!" another child questioned, looking around in terror.

"Uh, probably? I mean, it's a flying vehicle! It's supposed to be moving, at least. As for why it's red..." The girl trailed on, her confidence wavering as she tried to find an explanation. Before she could finish her sentence, the vehicle lurched forward, causing the children to stumble and grab onto anything within reach for support.

They looked at the girl.


"Hmph! You guys, you two shouldn't be so chicken shit like this," another girl chimed in, trying to mask her own unease with bravado.

"Well excuse me for having a terrible experience with divine tools!"


"...Uh, guys? Why is there a, 'Incomplete Experimental Tool' note stuck on the side here?"

As the vehicle continued to shake and rumble, the children's nervousness grew, amplified by the flashing red lights and the bewildering array of controls surrounding them. They exchanged worried glances, uncertain of what to do next.



"Guys?! What–"

The siblings heard a familiar yell coming from outside before they only saw black for a moment, everything before them became a kaleidoscope of colors; space-time twisted and turned around them as they were engulfed in a whirlwind of chaos. They were thrown around inside the vehicle, their screams echoing in the confined space as they tumbled and spun uncontrollably.


Just as suddenly as it had begun, the chaos ceased, and the children found themselves floating weightlessly in the vast expanse of space. Stars twinkled in the distance, painting the cosmic canvas with their brilliant light.

Wide-eyed and breathless, the children gazed in wonder at the breathtaking spectacle before them. For a moment, all fear and uncertainty melted away, replaced by a sense of awe and reverence for the beauty of the universe.

Then darkness, as reality before them shifted.

When they woke up, they heard strange murmurs from outside of the spherical vehicle they were in.


'Just what is she doing!?' Huo Yuhao thought to himself in concern and frustration, looking at both the women in the arena that he both dearly cared for, one of them specifically. He gripped the armrest on the wheelchair he was using.

The two women in the arena looked like sisters, in fact, they could even be twins. They moved with grace and precision, their movements a seamless dance of combat as they fought against each other. One wielded a large war hammer with fluidity and finesse, while the other countered with swift thrusts and slashes with her golden spear, and occasional punches, her movements imbued with a fiery intensity.

They were beautiful ladies with a delicate face with fair white skin and a pair of big, light blue and pink eyes. Their similar colored, beautiful, long hair with pink and a mixture of purple ends. Their figures were both slender and... gifted in certain areas.

The only way to differentiate them were their clothes, the ornaments on their hair and their martial souls.

Wang Dong'er, Huo Yuhao's long time best friend and now girlfriend, had a butterfly hairpin and wore a white uniform as their official Tang Sect uniform. Also, she was using her second martial soul, the infamous once number one Martial Soul Tool in the entire continent; Clear Sky Hammer!

And her opponent was Wang Qiu'er, a mysterious girl that appeared in Shrek Academy that looked like Wang Dong'er and had a bit of a relationship with Huo Yuhao, she had a golden dragon-wing as a hairpin, a dragon-head shoulder pad on her right shoulder, and her martial soul is the long extinct Golden Dragon while using her family heirloom weapon, the Golden Dragon Spear.

The two were fighting in the arena for the annual Continental Elite Youth Soul Master Tournament, which was once limited to only academies before but the Sun Moon Empire, the empire which is hosting the tournament, changed it that any official organization with a soul master is qualified to compete; which meant that sects are now included on competing.

Sparks of gold and black light clashed between the two girls, theirs expressions serious and determined.

'Dangit, Dong'er! Stick to the plan!'

Huo Yuhao felt a tiny bit annoyed at his girlfriend. She wasn't suppose to face Wang Qui'er right now, it had suppose to be him and he had planned to deplete her soul power so that they can have a higher chance of victory in the team.

But now...

He wanted chastise her for her actions, but he also understood that she wanted to vent out her frustrations. 

Huo Yuhao admits that he's dense, sometimes. But that was back when he was just a child! But now, well into his young adult years(17 years old), he's gained a bit of experience in the affairs of love and understood Wang Dong'er actions.

She was feeling jealous, simple as that. And it was all his fault.

"Haa." Huo Yuhao sighed as their weapons clashed once more.

"50th strike!"

Purple lightning emerged from the large war hammer, generated from the cumulative soul power and strength that Wang Dong'er gathered up from using the Disorder Splitting Wind Hammer, she then jumped into air.

The space around her distorted as purple lightning and the power of Clear Sky Hammer caused the area around her to darken.


Not one to be outdone, Wang Qiu'er swiftly twirled her Golden Dragon Spear, the golden light around her intensifying and golden scales appeared over her skin.


The golden light surrounding her converged and condensed into a large, serpentine-like golden dragon, one of her self-created soul skills; Golden Dragon Shakes The Heavens!

The Golden Dragon roared and flew towards Wang Dong'er with incredible speed and power, its majestic form filling the arena with its presence.


The giant hammer and the Golden Dragon collided with an earth-shattering force, sending shockwaves rippling through the arena. The impact reverberated through the air, shaking the ground beneath Huo Yuhao's wheelchair as he watched with bated breath.

A moment later, fortunately, clearing away a cloud of dust in the, Wang Dong'er reappeared with a swipe of her Clear Sky Hammer.

Expectedly, she had some small injuries and cuts over her uniform.

"Come again!"

Wang Qui'er meet her gaze, her grip tight and ready.

With gritted teeth, Wang Dong'er raised her hammer up once more.

'This little troublemaker-!' Huo Yuhao's shone, preparing to intervene but stopped, when he notices something in the space above Wang Dong'er seemed to... shatter?

'What the fuck?'

Everyone who notices the strange event had the same thought, as they watched a rift tear open in the fabric of space above Wang Dong'er in disbelief.

The girl in question didn't notice as she gripped the shaft of her hammer tight.

"52nd strike-!"

"Idiot, get down!"

Wang Qiu'er shouted, her voice filled with urgency as she saw the rift above Wang Dong'er. But it was too late. The girl was already in motion, her determination driving her forward.

As Wang Dong'er swung her hammer for the 52nd time, a familiar energy suddenly enveloped her and a golden arm wrapped around her waist.


"Eh? Yuhao?"

It was Huo Yuhao, his spiritual avatar in fact. A golden copy of himself made entirely out of his spiritual power.

Without saying anything else, Huo Yuhao quickly brought Wang Dong'er away from the arena, his spiritual avatar protecting her from any harm. Wang Dong'er, surprised but relieved, held onto him tightly.

Wang Qiu'er clicked her tongue as she also hurriedly backed away from the distortion of space.

As the referee and many other experts hurriedly converge around the arena, the rift in reality suddenly expanded and... something came out, shocking everyone.

It was spherical, the top of it was entirely made of material similar to glass and glowed with a faint, otherworldly light. As it emerged from the rift, it hovered in the air, suspended in its own mysterious energy field.

"What is that? Some kind of soul tool?"

"Its round and... floating? What kind of soul tool is that?"

"Jing Hongchen, what do you think this is?" One of the experts asked.

Jing Hongchen furrowed his brows before shaking his head. "No clue. I can tell it's some kind of soul tool but... its far advanced than anything that I've ever seen before."

An old man with long hair and beard stepped forward, a gourd by his side. "Are you telling me, the Hall Master of Illustrious Virtue Hall, the organization that is decades advanced than any nation and organization in the continent, can't even identify this device? How is that possible?"

Jong Hongchen scoffed. "Elder Xuan, I will put my name and reputation on the line here and say that this soul tool... is the most advanced technology in the world that I've ever seen, and I daresay, there isn't anything else like it anywhere in existence."

The old man, Elder Xuan, stroked his beard and grunted.

"Its opening." Another old man, with silver long hair and face spoke up. His dark long robe fluttered as he observed the device with a piercing gaze.

There was the sound of hiss and smoke emerged from the spherical device as its top began to split open to reveal...

"Kids?" Everyone turned their attention towards the spherical device as it opened, revealing the five kids who had been lost in space-time just moments ago. The children stumbled out of the device, blinking in confusion and awe at their surroundings.

'Hm? Those kids look familiar...' Huo Yuhao thought to himself as he watched the children emerge from the spherical device. His spiritual avatar dissipated as he focused on the unexpected turn of events. He wheeled himself closer to get a better look at the children, his curiosity piqued.

"Y'know, one of those looked strangely familiar." Xu Sanshi muttered.


"Just who are they?"

The children, still disoriented from their journey through space-time, looked around with wide eyes, taking in their new surroundings.

"... Sis, I think we're no longer in the divine realm." One of the kids muttered, he has blue hair with a mix of purple and pink at end and mesmerizing deep blue eyes. Similar to his sister, he wore a blue colored dao robe with his family's symbol on his back.

Cold sweat broke out on his forehead as he saw the strange elderly people surrounding him and his siblings.

His sister nodded blankly. "Seems so, Zhanji."

"Hey, wait a minute." His other sister, a bit shorter than him with crimson spiky hair and blue eyes, and wearing a red dao robe, pointed her finger out. "Is it just me, or does that older sister over there look a lot like my mom."

Wu Feng blinked her eyes, confused at why one of the strange kids was pointing at her.

"Huh. Same." A boy with black hair and yellow eyes, wearing a golden colored dao robe, said as he looked at the girl standing besides Wu Feng.

"Brother Zhanji, what's happening?" The youngest one looking among them tugged on the sleeves of Zhanji. It was a young girl with long black tied into twin-tails and her eyes were close. "Where are we?"

Zhanji's expression softened as he looked down at his youngest sibling. "I don't know, Shui'er. But it seems like we're in a different place now." He glanced around at their surroundings, taking in the unfamiliar faces and the peculiar environment they found themselves in.

Then, his eyes met that of Huo Yuhao's. His eyes changed, turning red and a golden tomoe appeared in each of his eyes.

And in that moment, an invisible energy clashed against each other, making Zhanji flinch in shock.

Expectedly, Huo Yuhao was stronger than him. Fortunately, they were just surveying each other so Zhanji only had a momentary headache.

Huo Yuhao squinted his eyes, lightly surprised by what he saw and felt.

'That boy... he also has Spirit Eyes? And his spiritual power is at the level of a Soul King. Who are these children?'

The elderly experts exchange a look and the first to step forward was the old man with a gourd by his waist called Xuan Zi, only because the others didn't have much experience handling children.

Xuan Zi carefully approached the children with soundless footsteps.

Zhanji bravely stepped forward, his arms spread out, his expression wary yet determined. As Xuan Zi approached, Zhanji tensed slightly, ready to protect his siblings if necessary.

Xuan Zi noticed his cautious behavior and stopped five meters away from them, his expression softened and his eyes shone with curiosity.

'This boy... he looks a bit similar to Little Yuhao.'

Exhaling, he then squatted down to be at eye level with the children, offering them a warm smile to ease their nerves.

"Hello there, little ones," Xuan Zi began gently, his voice calm and reassuring. "You must be feeling quite disoriented after your.... unexpected journey. My name is Xuan Zi, an elder from Shrek Academy. Can you tell me where you're from and how you came to be here?"

"Shrek Academy...?"

Zhanji exchanged a quick glance with his siblings, surprise flashing in their eyes, before turning his attention back to Xuan Zi.

"We're from somewhere... very far. I'm sure you won't know where it is. As for how we ended up here, well, we entered this strange device an uncle of ours created and... well, let's just say things got a bit chaotic," Zhanji explained, his voice filled with uncertainty as he recalled their harrowing experience.

Xuan Zi nodded. "I see... Well then, what about your names?"

Zhanji looked at his siblings before turning back to Xuan Zi. "I'm Huo Zhanji," he said, indicating himself. "And these are my sisters, Huo Ying, Huo Yin and Huo Shui'er," he gestured to the girl with average features, the one with crimson spiky hair and the one with black hair tied into twin-tails, respectively. "And this is my brother, Huo Chen." he gestured to his brother with yellow eyes.

Xuan Zi's eyes widened. "Huo? Well, that's an interesting family name."

Zhanji tilted his head. "Is it?"

"Yes. I know a great boy with the surname, Huo. In fact, he's right there." Xuan Zi nodded and then turned towards where Huo Yuhao was.

Huo Yuhao could tell what Xuan Zi was doing and wheeled his way into the arena.

As he approached, Huo Yuhao didn't know why but he felt a strange feeling in his heart.


'Brother Skydream?'

'...That boy, those children, I sense a divine presence around them. Not only that, but they have a close connection to you.'



Before Skydream could give him an answer, a little girl ran up to him 

It was Huo Shui'er, she tightly hugged him, surprising everyone.

But the words that came out of her mouth, shocked everyone.



AN: Is this the end? No! There'll be two more chapters of this story in the near future.

❄️Shout out to the great Cultivators of my patreon, may you reach the peak of the heavens and conquer the earth! Pursue immortality and receive enlightenment!



•Nicholas Berenguer

•Swift Arrow





❄️A bigger shout out to the ones who ascended to become a One Above All!! The GOATS! THE MAJESTIES!!

•Adrian Durand

•Joseph Sepulveda

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