During the age of Virtual Reality and synchronization, almost nothing is imposibble. Players of the Alternate World are able to learn some skills and some are able to learn a bit of magic after awakening their latent power which is pretty awesome, however, it is not to the devastating effect where everyone can actually use the actual skill. Its only to the part where they can control water in a limited time and can light up a cigarette without using any match or lighter. The most beneficial thing that everyone can learn is to learn physical skills that is totally beneficial for the health.
Meditation is one of the best way to easily learn the skills that can be learned in the real world. It might sound ridiculous but actually it is not. It tempers the focus of the energy towards different parts of the body which is rare and most of the time only occurs in novels.
Since I came in the past, I already know the beneficial effects of the meditation. Since it is the summer vacation, I have no class and has time except for playing the game, I have the time to participate the free meditation session without anyone or anything to stop me.
After jogging from my house to the park, the sweat are drenching my black hoodie shirt but since it is black, the sweat is not that obvious except the sweat running down my face. There are a few people around the plaza doing some stretching. Most of them are around 40 to 50 years old and I don't see anyone the same age as me. However, that is fine. I don't care if there are no people the same age as me doing the meditation session.
I approach the leader of the meditation session. Her name is Miki Suzuhara. She is a 40 year old woman who is a housewife and a mother of three children. She is also one of my neighbors who are in good terms with me in the past and helped me a great deal to learn my abilities that time.
"Good Morning, Ma'am Suzuhara," I greeted her.
"Oh, Manato-kun! What a rare sight! What are you doing here? Did you just jog here?" Ma'am Suzuhara smiled and tapped my shoulder since she is much taller than me.
"Yeah, and I just passed by but after seeing that you all are doing something, I can't help get curious," I said to her. I lied about saying I am curious since I already know what they are about to do.
"Oh, that's rare for young people this days. Well, you are free to join! We are holding a free meditation class here," Ma'am Suzuhara said and led me to the area where everyone is stretching.
"Stretch there for about five minutes before we will start," She said and goes to the center and do her own stretching.
I already know the proper way to do the stretching so that my body won't get burdened later on. I made a few stretches and a bit of non exaggerated stretching. Stretching too much makes your limbs get too fatigued and will hurt after. I did my own stretching for five minutes and after that, I regulated my breathing normally.
"Okay, everyone. Let's start by doing some deep breathing. However, try your breathing a bit different. Use the air that accumulate from your lungs slowly towards your dantian. It is hard but you can do it slowly. Do not get too hasty or you will damage your own body by doing so, follow what I am doing," Ma'am Suzuhara did the meditation immediately.
Apparently, I have mastered it already and the way of her meditation is to awaken your latent magic power that is sleeping in the dantian of the humans. The dantian is the point where energy gathers everywhere and this place should be tempered a lot to slowly awaken the ability to use your inner mana.
I quickly regulated my breathing similar to Ma'am Suzuhara. I have difficulty at first but I got to quickly adapt my body to the way of breathing. I can feel my dantian gets a bit warmer than usual which means that the air is slowly accumulating in my dantian.
"Okay, if you feel that your dantian is getting warmer, follow my movements. Those who are not yet able to do it should focus on doing so. Do not jump immediately to this if you have not regulated the air in your body towards your dantian. You will injure your body," She said as she begins some movements thst involves the whole body.
I also followed Ma'am Suzuhara's movements with a smooth flow and the warm current being stored in my dantian felt like it flows into the different parts of my body. I noticed that only a few of us made it and followed her movements and most are still trying to do it.
The session continued for 20 minutes before the session stopped. I can feel my body getting lighter and easy to move to. If I keep on doing this, I can perform the basic water control and body temporary defense tempering skills usually known in the game. Ma'am Suzuhara smiled as she can feel the aura I emitted.
"Great work, Manato-kun! I never expected that you will grasp it immediately!" Ma'am Suzuhara nodded.
I smiled. Apparently, I already knew it and I have more advantage. I can do it inside my house but I prefer to do it with an instructor. There are bound to be accidents and having someone to instruct you on your wrongs and your faults, is much better than doing alone.
After saying goodbye to Ma'am Suzuhara, I look at the watch. Its already 12:20 P.M. Its lunchtime, no wonder I feel tired. I quickly move towards the nearby eatery. Since I don't have enough money to waste, this eatery is much better.
I ordered a few meals. I look around the place and seeing only one table available, I quickly took it with me before anyone can take it and luckily, nobody competed with me for the chair.
Since I have no way to pass my time before my meal arrive, I regulated the energy in my dantian. As I finished a set of the routine, the meal I ordered has arrived. I happily accept the tray from the server which leave her startled. Of course, I am starving and I can't wait to dig in!
Before I can even take a bite from my meal, someone interrupted me and asked me.
"Is this seat taken?" it is a sound of a girl.
Since I am hungry I did not even bother looking who it is and just nodded to her, saying that it is available. I don't know what is her reaction since I am busy. I did not even bother trying to find out if she is pretty or not. I am starving and nobody can blame either since you are just reading this. The only thing I know is that she take an order and just sat there quietly.
I did not raise my head even once due to hunger I felt. This is a side effect for using the meditation technique. Intense hunger, for the love of food. I may be rude to the person before me but I don't care. We are not acquaintances and we are not even friends. We are just sharing a table.
The girl seems to be asking for my attention, so this time I look up, still gobbling the spoon and got startled on the person before me. This girl is the girl who got the Reality Verse Nexus with me. She was the one who helped the creator of the Reality Verse and luckily got a free one. But for the love of, why is she here? This eatery is a bit cheap and only normal people usually eat here and I have not seen any rich people try to enter and eat this place. So it is a mystery on how come she was eating here!
sorry for the short chapter, got a busy day and I can't seem to get a good time to type.