56.03% Pokemon: Arceus' Champion / Chapter 116: Battle of Monsters

บท 116: Battle of Monsters

After King Onix declared that there would be a battle between his generals and my pokemon, all of the surrounding mountain pokemon began to move as they crowded around a raised rocky section that was obviously an arena. May, Lucario and I also moved to stand on our section as the opponents, she with her camera that was still streaming onto Pokevision all the while.

As we got into place though, I also noticed a certain group of pokemon move to the opposite end, all of which were significantly more powerful than the others around us. Among them was a large Golem, Kangaskhan, Primape, Machamp, Magmar, and a large Fearow.

As I quickly swapped out some of my pokemon for the coming battles though, the Machamp on the other side stepped forward and flexed it's muscles intimidatingly.

The Machamp was a powerful and impressive specimen, covered in numerous scars that depicted the numerous battles and hardships it must have gone through to get where it is now. But then it surprised me as it looked at all of the pokemon surrounding us, and did something unexpected.






Following it's lead, all of the other pokemon began to follow along, stomping their feet or hitting their fists against the ground before clapping their hands. Soon the entire mountain was shaking and shuddering in time with the beat, triggering numerous rockslides and minor earthquakes with the force being created by all of the pokemon.

If it were anyone else in my place then they probably would've been terrified, but I felt my heart rate increase with each passing second that they continued.

"W-what are they doing?" May uttered in a small squeak that I barely heard over the thundering rumbles of their beat, her earlier excitment from my challenge seemingly vanished.

"It's an intimidation tactic." I told her, but it was obvious I was far from intimidated. In fact, the only reason I wasn't singing the lyrics that went with this beat was because no one would even be able to hear them.

Instead I had a massive smile on my face as I began to stomp and clap along with all of the pokemon, surprising them this time when it was apparent I wasn't intimidated by the display.


Supernerd765: Am I the only one that thinks this beat slaps? 🎶👏

MuscleGurl345: Some of these pokemon have definitely been in professional fights.



The beat continued until the Machamp that started it roared out, and they all fell completely silent now that everyone was in their places. May, Lucario and I on one end of the arena, the generals on the other, and King Onix to the side as the officiator.

"Groooooooooa!" King Onix declared, commanding that the combatants for the first round to come forward.

I waited to see who my first opponent would be as the massive Golem stepped up onto the arena, slamming it's feet down and taking a stance like a sumo wrestler as it did so.

"GOOOOOOOOOOOOOL!" It roared challengingly, while I automatically grabbed one of the Pokeballs on my belt. I knew EXACTLY who I was going to use for this round.

"Go, Wartortle!"


With a cry, wartortle appeared before the Golem appearing equally ready to battle as he stood to his full height of almost six feet. I could tell he was especially ready to go as he recalled the battle against Brock's Golem, which was why I chose to send him out for this round.

"Ready for a rematch?" I asked him, though this wasn't the same Golem.

"Wartortle!" He cried, acting so serious he wasn't even doing his usual bully Maguire dance.

For a moment the two pokemon glared at one another, ready to move at a moment's notice, before another roar from King Onix signaled the start of the match.

"GOLEM!" With a cry, Golem immediately summoned a powerful Sandstorm that swept throughout the entire arena.

'Raindance, and then Hydro Pump.' I ordered Wartortle through telepathy, briefly surprising him when he heard my voice in his head. But to Wartortle's credit he didn't let that distract him too much as he did as I ordered.

Quickly performing his bully Maguire dance, the vortex of sand was replace by fat raindrops that began to pour down on top of all of us, revealing where Golem was within the Sandstorm perfectly so that Wartortle could follow up with his Hydro Pump.

Opening his mouth wide, Wartortle shot out a blast of water that slammed into Golem with enough force that it was pushed back a few inches, before it dug it's feet into the ground to brace against the water.


I clicked my tongue when it was apparent that Golem wasn't taking much damage from the attack, combined with the water from the rain. That must've meant that it had the Sturdy ability, which of course worked differently from the games.

Originally Sturdy was an ability that prevented one hit KOs on the pokemon that possessed it, leaving them with just one health point. In this world however, Sturdy increased the pokemon's defensive capabilities to allow it to take significantly less damage from attacks, especially ones that it would be weak to.

But that didn't mean that the Golem was unbeatable.

Even as Wartortle kept up the Hydro Pump, Golem tucked it's arms and legs in close and started rotating it's body at high speed, carving a trench through the hard stone underfoot as it used Rollout.

'Aqua Jet!'

Wartortle quickly closed his mouth to cancel the Hydro Pump and shot forward as well, water coating his entire body as his speed picked up.

For a moment all we could see was a rocky cannonball, and a bullet of water hurtling towards one another, before they clashed in the middle of the arena. Water and rocks exploded outwards from the point of collision, forcing me to throw up a wall of aura to protect May and I, as well as her camera, while Lucario proceeded to simply deflect them with his paw.

Along with all of the water and rock shards, both Golem and Wartortle were similarly blasted back from the collision thanks to the strength of their respective attacks. I had to admit, I was fairly proud of my not-so-little turtle for going head-to-head with a Golem in terms of strength.

Wartortle managed to twist in midair and land squarely on his feet, sliding back a bit further before coming to a stop. Golem meanwhile tumbled to the ground before using it's momentum to roll back to it's feet as well.

Then, without missing a beat, it reached down and ripped a large chunk of stone out of the ground that rivaled it in size, and threw it at Wartortle.

'Use Aqua Tail to smash it apart!'


With a cry, Wartortle leapt up as water type energy gathered on his tail, which he swung down in a flip to slam against the rock. The water type energy washed over the rock, weakening it before the rock shattered from the applied force of Wartortle's tail.

No sooner had he landed on his feet did Golem shoot forward to grab onto Wartortle, who reacted just in time to lock hands with it before Golem pushed him all the way to the edge of the arena.

"Hold on Wartortle!" I cried out loud to him. "Use Hydro Pump!"

"WAR!" He cried out in frustration, but, instead of doing as I commanded, something else happened.

Wartortle's entire body was enveloped in light before his figure began to grow, and grow, and GROW. And once the light faded, standing there was my newly evolved Blastoise.

He stood nearly ten feet tall, his shell and body both a darker brown and blue respectively, and now there was a pair of cannons that protruded from his shoulders.

I didn't even realize the smile that had formed on my face until my cheeks started to hurt, and even then I didn't stop smiling. Now I had TWO fully evolved starters, both of which were alphas!

And as if to demonstrate just how good of a thing that was, Blastoise then proceeded to firmly plant his feet at the edge of the arena, and start lifting Golem upwards.

"GOL!?!" Golem exclaimed in disbelief as Blastoise lifted it into the air using the strength developed from our training, before thowing it up high.

"NOW! Hydro Pump!"


Roaring in affirmation, Blastoise aimed it's dual cannons and fired twin blasts of water that put his earlier Hydro Pump to shame. The attack was so powerful, that it blasted Golem clear out of bounds and into one of the surrounding cliff-sides, disqualifying it.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhn!" King Onix roared out, confirming Blastoise's victory over Golem.


HardasOnix: DUDE! That Blastoise is a monster!

PunchingreignsSUPREME: Go! Go! Master! Kick their asses!

IloveCleffa: Yay! Yay! Lets go May!


With our first victory confirmed, Blastoise shuffled back over to me with a proud smile on his face as he stopped right in front of me.

"That was amazing buddy." I told him with pride, patting one of his arms as I did so.

"Blaaast." He rumbled happily from the praise, before I returned him to his Pokeball for some rest.

This was turning out to be a great side-stop! Even if I didn't end up capturing King Onix this was all already worth it.

I then turned my attention back to the arena as the next general stepped forward, a massive Kangaskhan that stood over ten feet tall.

"KHAAAAAAAAAAN!" She roared challengingly at me, stomping her feet as she did so.

"Oh? You think size matters?" I asked with a smirk, already knowing which pokemon I was going to use next.

"Go, PARASECT!" I cried while throwing the Pokeball out, before it opened to reveal a MASSIVE living mushroom that made the ground shudder with each of it's movements.

"SEEEEEEEECT!" It roared in response to the Kangaskhan's challenge, standing at nearly twice her height.

It was followed by another groan from King Onix, and the second match began.

"Khan!" Kangaskhan roared again as she charged Parasect while amassing power to deliver a devestating Giga Impact. It was an exceptionally powerful physical move on par with Hyper Beam, but would render the user unable to move for a brief time afterwards due to the extreme amount of power it used.

But who said I had any intention of letting it hit Parasect?

'Use Bullet Seed!'

"Sect!" Parasect roared as it complied with my command, firing it's massive seeds at the incoming Kangaskhan.

Each one was about the size of cannonballs, and carried enough force that Kangaskhan was blasted backwards when they impacted her. What was normally a devestating attack to begin with was positively horrendous when you considered how much harder those seeds hit with the momntum Kangaskhan had already built up.

The pokemon general hit the ground hard and rolled to the edge of the arena, leaving her battered and bruised as she tried to pick herself up.

"Finish it." I commanded it, and Parasect complied as it unleashed a massive torrent of draconic energy from it's mouth, Dragon Breath.

Still injured, Kangaskhan was unable to avoid the attack as the draconic energy washed over her body completely. And by the time Parasect as finished the attack, Kangaskhan was completely unconscious.


Stunned silence met the end of the battle, with none of the surrounding pokemon, let along King Onix, knowing what to do or say.


VibrantDaisy: There's that monster of a Parasect...

ImaSnorlax: Is that thing even a pokemon anymore!?!?!?!?!?

ConfusedCorphish: Dude's got an army of monsters in the making!


"Nice job Parasect." I commended my pokemon while returning it to it's pokeball, which gave a quick jerk of affirmation in my hand before I returned it to my belt.

By this point the surrounding pokemon were stupified at how my team had won TWO matches against their generals, and they were starting to get antsy for a win themselves.

"CHAMP CHAMP!" Cried out the Machamp from earlier as it stepped onto the arena this time, flexing all four of it's arms as it did so to show off.

"Want me to wrap this up partner?" Lucario asked as he made to step forward.

"Sorry, but not this time." I told him, wanting to give some of my other pokemon a chance.

"Go Grovyle!"

"GroVYLE!" Grvyle declared to his opponent while flexing his body as well.

'It's got you beat in terms of both strength and exerience, so you have to win through speed.' I communicated to Grovyle via telepathy. He too was confused momentarily from hearing my voice in his head, but focused on the opponent before him.

And with another roar from King Onix, the battle began.

'Agility, and then Leaf Blade.' I commanded through telepathy.


Grovyle affirmed my commands through a silent nod, before following the former as his body lightened considerably, and then following the latter as he disappeared and reappeared behind Machamp.


Grovyle cried as he swung the blades made of grass type energy down at Machamp's exposed backside.

"Champ." Machamp smirked as two of his arms moved to block the attack without it even needing to look back.


I could feel Grovyle's irritation from being blocked like that, prompting him to open his mouth to spray Machamp in the back of the head with a Bullet Seed. But all that accomplished was making Machamp swing it's arms back, sending Grovyle flying back before he landed gracefully on his feet.

No sooner than when he'd looked up was Grovyle jumping back yet again as Machamp lunged at him to strike, one hand covered in flames for Fire Punch, another in frost for Ice Punch, another crackling from the Thunder Punch, and the fourth one with a metallic sheen from Bullet Punch.

"Move!" I shouted at Grovyle as Machamp threw a Fire Punch at him, before following it with a Ice Punch, and then Bullet Punch.

Grovyle was moving entirely on the defensive with Detect as Machamp pressed it's attack relentlessly, never giving him a moments respite as he had to dodge attack after attack.

Maybe I SHOULD have sent Lucario in instead?

But now wasn't the time to worry about that, as I had to focus on keeping Grovyle from getting hit while also finding an opening for him to counterattack. Detect doesn't last forever, and with each attack Grovyle avoided the higher the chance it wouldn't work the next.

'Try and get some distance with Quick Attack!'


Grovyle silently complied as he pushed his body to move faster to avoid the next attack, and dart around Machamp to try and get away. Unfortunately, Machamp appeared to be waiting for that moment as it swung one of it's fists around at him, and caught Grovyle in the side.

Thankfully it was just the Bullet Punch, which wasn't super effective like the Ice and Fire Punch would've been, but it was still a devestating hit that sent Grovyle flying across the arena to the other side.

"Grovyle!" I exclaimed worriedly.

"Gro..." He groaned painfully while trying to himself up, one of his hands on his side where he had been hit.

"Get out of the way!"



Immediately after I tried to warn him, Machamp jumped through the air with all four of it's fists lit with flames to bring them down onto grovyle. Thankfully Grovyle managed to roll out of the way in time, only for Machamp to cave that entire area of the arena in through it's brute strength.

Just as I was relieved that Grovyle managed to avoid the attack, he hit the ground hard again and rolled several times before coming to a stop, allowing me to see the scorch marks on one side of his face. Apparently only three of Machamp's fists hit the ground, while the fourth had swung up to slap Grovyle as he tried to get away.

"Damn it..." I swore as my mind raced to try and figure out how to turn the tables. That Machamp was just too outrageous.

"Get up!" I roared at Grovyle, lest that Machamp try to attack him again.

Thankfully though the Machamp seemed to be taking it's time as it approached Grovyle, having seemingly already won with how one-sided the match had been so far.

"Gro...." Grovyle groaned as he struggled to his feet, refusing to stay down. As he rose though, his entire body suddenly began to shimmer with a green light as his aura started to skyrocket.

"Overgrow..." I uttered as a small hope kindled that we might be able to reverse the situation.

Overgrow was the ability that all grass type starters possessed, which would increase their strength, particularly their grass type moves, significantly when they were close to being defeated. But the surprises didn't stop there.


With a roar unlike anything I had ever heard from Grovyle before, there was suddenly a massive amount of energy being sucked out of Machamp that filled Grovyle's reserves and then some.

"Giga Drain..." I uttered once again, dumbfounded at the new move that he had learned.

While in the game Giga Drain was just a stronger version of Absorb and Mega Drain, in reality it was a move on par with Solar Beam as far as grass type mastery. Though not as powerful, Giga Drain was a double threat in that it not only sapped energy from whatever it was used on, but it also refueled the user's energy and even healed some of their wounds.

We all watched as the scorch marks on Grovyle's face began to rapidly fade, along with the injuries on his side. But the changes didn't stop there.

As the Giga Drain continued, and Grovyle absorbed more and more energy from Machamp, his body was soon engulfed in another brilliant glow that matched that of the glow Blastoise experienced earlier.

We watched as Grovyle grew several feet taller, and a large leafy tail sprouted from his backside, until the glow faded to reveal an entirely different form.


Crying out while flexing his arms, Sceptile took a stance to once again enter the fray with his newfound strength.

"Champ." Machamp growled in irritation after having it's energy stolen from it, before tensing it's muscles in preparation for the next round.

"Alright! Lets go Sceptile!" I cried out in excitment from having yet ANOTHER one of my starter pokemon evolve. Now I had a fully evolved fire, water, AND grass type.

But I would have to wait until later to celebrate as I mentally ordered Sceptile to use Agility yet again. With how high his specs were after evolving, combined with the lingering affects of Overgrow, he should be quite the speed demon by now.

And I wasn't wrong as Sceptile vanished from his place and reappeared behind Machamp, delivering a powerful double Leaf Blade to it's exposed backside.

"Fuck yeah!" I exclaimed from FINALLY getting a real hit in on the Machamp, before Sceptile darted away while using Bullet Seed to pepper it from afar.

After that though, Sceptile used Quick Attack to move in close before Machamp could react and used Leaf Blade yet again, before doing the same a third time.

As I told him at the start of the match, he was using his speed to employ hit and run tactics without giving Machamp the chance to fight back. It also helped that Machamp had a large amoutn of energy taken from it thanks to Sceptile's Overgrow empowered Giga Drain.

But I could tell this match was far from over. The scars decorating Machamp weren't just for show, they depicted the MANY battles it had been in over the course of it's life. Some of them looked as if they even could have been life threatening.

'Don't let up, and don't let it catch you.' I mentally warned Sceptile, while using my aura to help him determine which direction Machamp's attention was focus when he attacked.

For a moment it looked as if we might actually win, which was unbelievable after how one-sided the battle had been earlier.

But then came the next shift.

Right as Sceptile darted into Machamp's blind spot for his next attack, he suddenly lost all of his momentum as two of Machamp's arms grasped him in a hold.

"Huh?" I uttered in surprise as Sceptile suddenly stopped, before trepidation filled me.

"Get out of there Sceptile!" I tried to order him, but Machamp's grip was too strong as Sceptile tried, and failed, to fight it.

Meanwhile Machamp's energy suddenly began to spike as it prepared to deal the finishing blow against my grass starter, and I realized what it had been doing for all this time.

While Sceptile and I had been focusing both of our attentions on the direction it was focusing to make sure Sceptile didn't get hit, Machamp had been purposely letting him attack it while building up energy for a single powerful attack, Revenge.

"MACHAMP!" The fighting type pokemon roared as it swung Sceptile up over it's head so that he was in front of him, before cocking back it's remaining two arms.

I could only watch helplessly as Machamp proceeded to lay into Sceptile with a series of punches that made use of all the energy it had built up from the numerous attacks Sceptile had dealt to it, dealing double the damage it had received in the past few minutes.

When the chain of attacks finally came to and end, Machamp released Sceptile's arms to deliver the last blow, sending him flying across the rings before coming to a stop at my feet. And once there Sceptile did not move.

"CHAMP!" It cried out victoriously, triggering an uproar amongst the pokemon around us as they celebrated their first victory over me and my pokemon. While they celebrated, I quickly let Chansey out so that she could tend to Sceptile's wounds until we could get him back to Joy.

"Take care of him Chansey." I told her seriously.

"Chansey Chansey!" She declared in an equally serious tone, promising to do just that.

"Now is it my turn?" Lucario asked as the Machamp stepped out of the arena, only to be replaced by the Primeape.

"No." I answered him, before proceeding to rip the cast off of my arm as I flexed my hand experimentally.

"It's my turn."

Harry_Dresden Harry_Dresden

Thanks for reading!

บท 117: Man Versus Beast


SuperSlowbro: Dude thinks he's a pokemon!

FantasticFearow: He is going to get his ass beat...

Sovereignkicker: Kick that punching pansy's ass, master!


I could hear numerous notifications going off from May's pokenav behind me as my declaration of fighting the Primeape was streamed live, but I didn't care.

Instead, I busied myself with stripping off my upper wear, including my jacket, shirt, and weighted vest. Then it was followed by the wristband on my left wrist, and then finally my weighted boots and socks.

By this point the notifications from the stream had gone silent, probably in disbelief from all the weight I was wearing, while I focused on stretching and loosening up my muscles before stepping up to face my opponent.

"Prime!" The Primeape declared as I stepped up, telling to get back down before I hurt myself.

"You sure about this partner? What about your hand?" Lucario asked me from the sideline.

"Yeah, I'm sure. Plus I doubt that this Primeape is as hard-headed as a Legendary." I told him without looking back, not caring about the storm my comment was probably about to create. After all, it's not like I stated WHICH Legendary I had punched.

Primeape and I glared at one another as silence descended upon the area, the confusion radiating from the surrounding pokemon almost palpable at the current situation. I bet they had never seen a human battle a pokemon before.

Though it took him a minute to register this was happening as well, King Onix finally roared out that the battle had begun, and Primeape immediately lunged at me.

Right hook.

Reading his intentions through his aura, I deftly dodged the attack by leaning back just far enough that the punch went right by me. I then followed up by immediately leaping forward while bringing my knee up, smashing it into Primeape's nose before it could recover from the miss.



Stunned silence permeated the arena as Primeape recoiled from the hit, and squealed in pain due to the sensitivity of it's nose.

But the pain only seemed to last for a second before it turned it's attention towards me, a vein throbing noticeably in it's forehead. I could feel it's aura spiking outrageously in response to it's anger from getting hit, increasing it's strength significantly as the ability Anger Point activated.

Anger Point worked by increasing their offensive output whenever they take a particularly bad hit, like on the nose. But it also worked in my favor, as the tradeoff was that they became significantly less intelligent as a result. Making it a mindless berserker.


With a berserk squeal, Primeape rushed me while it's fist began glowing with ghostly energy, Rage Fist.

"I don't think so!" I exclaimed as I ducked out of the path of the attack, letting it sail right over me before I shot back up to hit it again. This time with my fist as I channeled my aura through it.

Like I had said before, even in an enraged state the Primeape was nowhere near as hard to hit as Zapdos. With no guard I easily landed my blow in the space directly under Primeape's left arm, before ducking away as it tried to hit me yet again.

Unfortunately it appeared as if my attack had no affect on Primeape as it charged to attack me yet again, but then again it WAS in a berserk state right now. Even if it wasn't acknowledging the damage it was taking, it was still there.

Scratch that, it DID affect the Primeape.

It was even more pissed off now.


With it's increased rage, it's stats also increased as it threw another wild punch at me.


Despite being able to read what kind of attack it was going to do through it's aura, I had barely managed to avoid it while a painful stinging sensation flared up on my cheek.

Taking a slight distance from Primeape, I reached up and ran my thumb along my cheek where it was burning, only for it to come away slightly red.

"Alright then, you're on." I growled while channeling my psychic powers.



Lucario cocked his head as he felt a strange energy emanating from his partner accompanying his aura. Normally Ace's eyes would glow with an amber color when he used his aura, but now his entire body had gained a soft reddish glow.

"Woah! Since when could Ace's aura do THAT?" May exclaimed in awe.

"Thats not aura..." Lucario replied, making her look at him questioningly.

Before May could ask WHAT it was if not aura, the entire gallery became stunned as Primeape lunged at Ace yet again to attack, only to be halted in place with the same reddish glow surrounding it's body.

"BUKEEEEEEE!" It squealed in fury from not being able to move, rather than concern, before it was slowly lifted up into the air. When that happened, both Lucario and May realized what it was Ace was using.

"When did Ace get psychic powers!?!"

"I KNEW there was something off about him since yesterday!"

Declaring such at the same time, both watched in awe as Ace lifted Primeape up into the air via telekinesis, before throwing it across the arena. It didn't go out of course, but Ace did earn himself a few scant seconds to recover from the intense psychic exertion.

Lucario frowned when it became apparent that that maneuver had come with a cost, as he could feel his partner now experiencing another headache like the one yesterday, while a few drops of blood dripped from his nose.

"He must not be too proficient with it yet." He said to May, who was radiating concern beside him with her camera all but forgotten by this point.

Headache or not, Ace was given no respite after a few seconds, as primeape swiftly leapt to it's feet and angrily charged him yet again with another squeal to deliver a devestating series of attacks. In response, the glow around Ace sharpened as he deftly dodged Primeape's attack by shifting his weight to one side to avoid the first before doing the same for the second, then the third and fourth.

Again and again Primeape attacked Ace while growing increasingly irritated that none of it's attacks connected, while Ace easily dodged them over and over. But this could not last, as Lucario could tell Ace's headache was increasing with each passing second that he used his psychic powers, along with the amount of blood coming from his nose.

But then it appeared that Ace's chance had come as Primeape over extended on a desperate swing, giving him an opening.

Swapping from psychic to aura, Ace proceeded to lay into Primeape with his own flurry of savage attacks into the pokemon's body. Unlike the berserk Primeape though, each one of Ace's hits connected in the places where they could do the most damage, regardless of if Primeape felt it or not.

Soon he was the one pushing Primeape back as the damage he was dealing began to stack up, getting to the point where Primeape could not ignore it anymore when it became more of a struggle to lift it's arms, or move it's legs. But the more it was driven into a corner, the more angry Primeape was getting.

Ace was barely able to cross his arms in front of himself in time before Primeape hit him, sending him flying back and allowing it to regain the momentum as it charged him yet again. Instead of dodging this time, Ace conjured a small aura barrier that blocked Primeape's attack in it's tracks.

"Have a taste of this!"

With his declaration, Lucario felt Ace channel all of his remaining aura into his legs before he leapt upwards a second time to drive his knee into Primeape's nose yet again.


Apparently Primeape felt THAT as it recoiled from the attack, making space as Ace continued flying upwards above it before angling himself back downwards.

"And now the finisher!" He declared with his fist cocked back, elctricity crackling up his entire arm as he channeled the power of Zapdos.



Thunder clapped as lightning flashed, engulfing Primeape as Ace's Thunder Fist connected. And once the ringing in everyone's ears cleared, there was merely silence as they beheld the result of the battle.

"Ooooooooohn!" King Onix declared, announcing Ace's victory as he stood tall over Primeape, who was now laying unconscious and charred from the power of the lightning.


HyperHypno: Did that just happen!?!?!!?!?!


StrongasOak: FAKE AND GAY!


My blood thundered in my ears and my lungs burned as I tried to fill them with fresh air, even as my head throbbed from the intense headache and blood poured from my nose.

But despite all that, my smile was wide in the wake of my victory over Primeape.

A glance around me showed all of the pokemon stunned at the result, but I ignored them as I raised a fist up and looked directly at King Onix.


My voice echoed off of the surrounding mountain faces, before I turned and walked back to where Lucario and May were waiting.

"Are you ok?!" May asked me immediately.

"Other than my head feeling like a Machamp's punching bag, I'm just tired." I said truthfully while fighting the urge to collapse right then and there. Thankfully Chansey quickly came over and started using Heal Pulse on me, easing up the majority of my aches. Specifically my head.

While she did that, Lucario hurriedly dug out the bento that Joy had made for me before we left this morning, which I hurriedly scarfed down while May tried to wipe the blood from my face.

"So when did you plan on telling us you were psychic?" Lucario asked while I ate.

'I only realized while I was asleep last night, and I planned to tell you guys when I had a better grasp on my abilities.' I mentally told them while still eating my food, surprising both May and Lucario from hearing my voice within their heads.

"Thats weird..." May uttered, even as she dug out her own bento as well. But instead of eating it, she offered it to me as I finished off my own.

"Thank you." I said out loud this time, before finishing hers off as well. Even then I still felt ravenous due to how much energy I had to use.

But by the time I had finished eating my headache had lessened a lot, and May had managed to clean up most of the blood from my face so that I was somewhat presentable. After that I looked over at King Onix, who nodded his head in affirmation.

I had completed his challenge of defeating three of his generals, so it was his turn to battle now.

"OOOOOOOOOOOOOHN!" He roared out to get the attention of all the surrounding pokemon, before moving to the arena himself. I also made my way to my place at the other end, noticing as I did so that none of the surrounding pokemon were looking at me with hostility anymore. Instead, it appeared I had earned some respect from them by beating Primeape myself, who was still unconscious.

Though part of my ego swelled at that, I ignored all of that while focusing on beating King Onix. As they liked to say, pride cometh before the fall.

This time the Machamp from before stepped forward to officiate the match, pointing to King Onix questioningly, before pointing to me when my oppoenent answered that he was ready.

"Ready." I answered while grabbing the pokeball I intended to use for this match from my belt. Yes, I didn't intend to use Lucario for this match either.

He may be a sure bet, but none of my pokemon would ever grow if I didn't push them to take risks. Instead of doubting them, I planned to trust in them to secure the win for all of US.



The air itself seemed to vibrate as I let out my bull Gyarados, who immediately roared at King Onix as if to say 'you ain't shit!' Which was funny considering that King Onix was more than twice the length of my Gyarados, and likely outwieghed him by several hundred pounds.

But that was ok. Gyarados was ALL muscle, and it was time for him to show it.


With a cry, Machamp began the match.

"Gyarados, HURRICANE!"

In response to my first command, powerful winds began to whip and rage around Gyarados with such intensity that they even began to lift him from the ground.

"OHN!" King Onix roared at my pokemon, before his entire tail gained a metallic sheen as he jabbed it at Gyarados.

Unfortunately for him, while using Hurricane to fly, Gyarados was just as agile in the air as he was in the sea. It made me excited for the day he was able to fly without using the move.

Gyarados flowed around the attacking tail with a grace that matched neither his size nor his intimidating features, before his own tail began to radiate water type energy as it was covered in it's own liquid layer.




King Onix roared irritably as Gyarados' Aqua Tail slammed into his face with the force of a watery torpedo, sending him reeling from the four time weakness to water, which in turn washed all over him from the attack. But a king would not go down so easily.

Despite the water washing over his body, King Onix swiftly retaliated by swinging the upper half of his body back at Gyarados for a full weight Slam.

"GYAAAAAAAA!" Gyarados roared as he was sent crashing to the ground despite the winds that carried him thus far, the same winds that Onix seized control of as he used them to trigger a powerful Sand Tomb.

Gyarados was instantly trapped within a swirling vortex of sand and dirt, blinding him while the rough sand also began rubbing his scales raw.


I clicked my tongue as my mind raced with ideas to free Gyarados from the vicious Sand Tomb he was trapped within. Unlike the usual Sandstorm, Sand Tomb was significantly more dangerous since it was far more intense than the former, and was entirely focused on the target instead of the full arena.

The strongest moves Gyarados knew were Hurricane, Hydro Pump and Aqua Tail, moves that would be useless to help him out of his current predicament. The former would only empower the Sand Tomb even more, while the latter two were focused attacks that wouldn't help in breaking out of the swirling vortex of sand.

Plus, naturally King Onix would not let this chance go.


With a roar, he slammed his tail against the ground with enough force that the entire arena began to shake, triggering a powerful Earthquake that did even more damage to Gyarados.

"Damn it... Try to gather as much water type energy as you can, and unleash it all at once!" I quickly ordered Gyarados, clinging to one move in particular that might help him break free. I then projected the image of what I wanted him to do based on television footage of battle that Ash and I had watched as kids.

"Think you can do that?" I asked him.


Gyarados roared his confirmation at my question, and began doing as I ordered him despite the continuous Earthquake that was being powered by King Onix.

I could feel him gathering energy within himself in an attempt to recreate the move I just showed him, which he had never even tried to use before. But both of us had no other option, especially when King Onix began chucking large boulders at Gyarados for a Rock Tomb on top of the Sand Tomb. It was obvious he intended to fully seal Gyarados' movements.

'Now! Gather all of that energy into your mouth!' I mentally commanded him, lest King Onix realize what it was we were planning.

'Now release it!'

"GYARADOOOOOOOOOOOS!" He roared as he relased the water in the way I had shown him from before, creating a massive wave that swept through the arena to wash away the Sand Tomb, the Rock Tomb, and to buffet King Onix's entire body.

"OOOOOOOOHN!" King Onix groaned from the exceptional damge he took from the Surf attack.

"Don't let up! He won't go down with just that!" I told Gyarados. He was battered, bruised, tired, and definitely needed a break. But, if we let this chance go then we can kiss any chance of victory goodbye.

Gyarados was on the same page apparently, as he readily charged forward to deliver another powerful Aqua Tail on King Onix, followed by another, and then another.

King Onix was soon completely soaked while the entire section of the arena around him had turned into a thick sludge of mud, weakening him and hindering HIS movements this time.

However, even after the serious of devestating attacks that he was four times weaker towards, and the change in terrain, King Onix was still up as he roared once more before swinging his own tail at Gyarados as it gained a metallic sheen. Despite taking the Iron Tail this time though, Gyarados just roared back as he delivered another Aqua Tail before getting hit again himself.

Soon the duo entered a slug match as they repeatedly delivered their own tail attacks onto one another, while also refusing to go down. And everyone watching loved it.

All around us the pokemon were cheering their king on, while I could also hear May's pokenav continuously going off as the comments poured in. May herself was even cheering alongside Combusken, while Lucario watched the battle silently as he awaited the outcome.

While everyone else was cheering and watching the match, I was directing Gyarados to any openings King Onix had to take full advantage of them, as well as any incoming attacks for him to block or avoid.

'To the left.'

'Now the right, and then up the middle.'

'Go for the head!'

I lost track of time as the match continued between Gyarados and King Onix, not knowing if seconds, minutes, or even hours had passed as I focused on keeping Gyarados up and in the match. But it was getting to the point where it was becoming truly dangerous.

King Onix wasn't a king for no reason, as any other Onix in his position would have gone down by this point. Especially with my Gyarados as their opponent.

But not only had King Onix held out this long against an opponent he was significantly weaker to type-wise, it also looked as if he might actually win.

I grit my teeth as the slug match continued, but it was evident that both pokemon were beginning to slow down as the exhaustion and the damage they had suffered started catching up to them.

"Gyarados!" I eventually cried out loud.





A stunned silence filled the arena at what just happened.

Right as I was about to forfeit the match for Gyarados and King Onix's sakes, the great and mighty king collapsed to the ground unconscious.

The king had fallen.

Harry_Dresden Harry_Dresden

Thanks for reading!

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