54.16% Killer of MC’s / Chapter 52: The next world

บท 52: The next world

(This is by far my longest chapter so far. I couldn't divide the chapter in two so... I made this into one long chapter)

"Hancock?" The twins entered Hancock's palace, but they noticed how angry she was.

"Tell me, what is this?" Hancock showed them both the news of Alexander kidnapping Luffy.

They looked at it and let out a deep sigh. They did not know that their Saviour did something like this already, but they had expected it to happen.

"Please, tell me if Luffy is alive?" Hancock started to cry rivers of tears.

"Yes, he is still alive… for now." Lili slowly responded.

"For now?"

"It's difficult to explain this, Hancock, but Saviour is going to kill Luffy."

"Kill him? But why?"

"Like I said, it's difficult to explain."

"Nonono. You cannot do this to me! Luffy is the one I love! He cannot die! If he wants to kill somebody then let it be me. Please." Hancock sobbed loudly. She did care for the Lu sisters after what they had done for her, but now her emotions were a wreck.

"Is there any way to save Luffy?"

"Sorry, Hancock. But, Saviour needs to do this. This is something that needs to be done."

"No, please. You two are my friends. At least talk to him!" Hancock pleaded. Even if she could, she would not hurt the sisters, because she really cared for them.

"We will try, and see if there is a way. But, most likely no."

"You two… you knew that this would happen, didn't you?" Hancock asked.

They both took a moment before replying "Yes. We knew."

"I see… please, get out of my sight." Hancock turned her back on them. She did not want to see them at all.



Linlin and Lili looked at each other and left. Leaving Hancock alone to cry.

Hancock gripped her bed sheets tightly as she began to pound madly at her pillows.

"Why him? Why? Why? Why? Why?" She kept repeating to herself.

Lili and Linlin felt bad for her. It was cruel for them to become friends in the first place. It was a sad day for them.

"Sis… I feel bad for Hancock." Lili was a bit depressed, but not as much as Hancock.

"I know, me too."

"But, we will follow Saviour everywhere and respect his decisions no matter what."

"I know."

"Hey! Let me out of here!" There was a cute and small noise that came from Lili's dress pocket.

Upon taking out the source of the noise, it was Mansherry.

"Wait, you're not the scary man?" Mansherry expected to see Alex, but instead saw two beautiful twins.

"Awwww. So cute!" They both said.

"Please, bring me back with Leo." Mansherry thought that they were good people, so that is why she made that request.

"Who is 'Leo'?"

"Leo is… a very important person to me. Please, bring me to him."

"Hmmm… nope. Saviour handed you to us, and now we will take care of you." Linlin said. How can anyone let go of such cuteness?

"Take care of me? But, Leo is waiting for me."

"Too bad. You are just too cute to let go." Lili grabbed her and hugged her tightly between her breasts. They were fairly ample but Mansherry was choking on them.

Back with Madara.

Madara got a small boat and took the family to a safe island that his clones scouted beforehand. He already went through all that trouble to protect this family, and he is going to make sure that they don't die that easily, or everything he did would have been a waste of time.

He rowed the boat all this time. The kids were tired and so was the mother.They had suffered a lot and were weak.

Those three did not split up at all. They hugged each other until Madara reached the island he was going to drop them off. They were all sleeping.

Madara managed to scare away some sea monsters that almost attacked them, that is why they made it without any disturbances on the way.

After rowing continuously, Madara stopped at an island. It wasn't small nor big, but it was safer than most islands he has seen.

"We're here." Madara said.

They woke up to see an island. It was inhabited by people as well There were stores, shops, inns houses. It was a good place to be.

"There, I kept my promise, I brought you three to an island, and now we part ways from here."

The kids got off with their mother. She was weak right now, but it was nothing dangerous.

"Mr. Uchiha. Thank you for saving my children and me. We are forever in your debt." The mother bowed before Madara out of gratitude. What he has done for them is something she will never be able to repay.

"I only did this to face formidable foes. I didn't do this for anyone."

"But, Mr. Madara. Where will you go now?" Robert asked. He has grown fond of Madara during this short period of time.

"Wherever I must go. We will not meet again. And I am glad for that."

"Oh… will we ever see you again?"

"..." Madara. He just said 'we will not meet again' if that wasn't obvious then the kid is just dumb.

"Mr. Uchiha. Thank you." Celia bowed before him as well. She was scared of him at first, but glad that it ended safe for them all, except their father.

"Hm." Madara extended his demonic wings and flew away without saying another word, leaving the family in awe.

"Mom… what do we do now?" Robert kept staring in the direction where Madara flew off.

"Now, son… we will live a normal life. Just like your father wanted."

-Back with Alex.

After finding the One Piece and sinking Raftel to the bottom of the ocean, Alex flew back to see Shanks.

As he got closer to Shank's location, he noticed that the area was covered in dark clouds, was raining heavily, and lightning and thunder kept resounding throughout the sea.

He made it to the island. But, he was surprised to see many large ships. Some from the Revolutionary army, Red-haired pirates and their alliance, as well one ship from the kingdom of Dressrosa.

Some of them were on their ships, while most of them waited on Shank's base. It was a pretty big island, about as big or bigger than Dressrosa.

They were all were waiting for him.

"Man… how long was I gone for?" Alex didn't think he was gone long enough for this many people to show up.

"I told you. You are no match for the Revolutionary army." Sabo laughed a bit. He felt confident that Dragon will defeat anyone no matter how powerful they are.

"Shut up, Sabo." Alex stabbed Sabo in the neck with his finger cladded in haki.

Sabo started to bleed from his neck and started to choke on it as well. He was going to die if somebody does not help him in time.

One again, Luffy was so angry that he was trying even harder than ever to get out of Alex's Chastiefol.


His voice was loud, deep, and carried a might of weight that made everyone who heard him bow before him. It was like hearing the might of a powerful God.

But, that didn't stop Dragon from coming out.

Dragon summoned a cloud of thunder under his feet, and flew to meet Alex eye-to-eye.

"So, the rumours were true, you did have a weather fruit." once he saw that cloud under Dragon's feet, he know knew what kind of fruit Dragon ate.

Dragon just gave him a dark glare. He saw Sabo dead or dying, choking on his own blood. It was a rutheless method of torture and very painful.

"Release them, now!" Dragon demanded. The weather turned darker and lightning started to raging furiously.

"You are going to have to kill me for that to happen." Baldur/Alex said in a deep voice. (GOW 4 reference. Luv that game.)

Dragon conjured a terrible storm and aimed lightning bolts at Alex. But, those lightning bolts did little damage to Alex.

"Please, at least use a power that is more original than lightning bolts." Alex mocked.

{This coming from the one who stole powers from various worlds. This is a case of the pot calling the kettle black.}

"Shut up!"

Dragon was a bit shocked to see Alex take on so many lightning bolts as if they were nothing. So he conjured up various thunder clouds.

It started to hail furiously. Alex felt those hails hitting him, but it felt more like a massage.

"Don't forget about me!" Leo rode on one of Dragon's clouds and stitched Alex's hand behind his back, binding him.

"Look Ma, no hands!" Alex said with his hands stitched behind his back.

Dragon and the others were busy planning a battle strategy, but halfway through was when Alex showed up.

"Where is Mansherry? What have you done to her?!"

"Oh, her? I killed her!" He lied.

Leo was a gullible fellow, and he believed his words. He got so angry at him, it was a rage that he has never felt before. He was even more angry than with Doflamingo.

"DIE!!!" Leo charged at him. He didn't try to kill him at first because he needed to know about Mansherry, but now he doesn't care anymore, as his mind was clouded with rage.

Alex was about to kill him with his other Chastiefol, until someone came and blocked his attack.

"Red-haired. I thought we had come to an agreement?" Alex said.

"I am going back on my word."

"Good. I was hoping that was the case." Alex smiled.

Shanks noticed something abnormal about his body. Looking at his feet, he was slowly turning to stone.

"You went back on your word against me. Now you'll die."

The ice on Luffy's mouth evaporated over time and could finally talk.

"SHANKS! NOO!!!" He saw in horror as Shanks was turning to stone in front of him. He started to cry harder than ever.

"It's alright, Luffy. Don't cry for me. The Pirate King shouldn't cry." Shanks said while smiling.

His entire body was covered in stone. He will not be able to move at all. He was just a statue.

"NOOOO!!! NOT AGAIN!!!" Luffy's rage gave him just enough power to break free of Alex's Chastiefol, and safe Robin and Sabo.

"GEAR FOURTH! GOMU GOMU NO: RHINO SCHIEDER!!!" Luffy readied his feet and kicked Alex in the face. But, Alex covered his forehead in haki and clashed with Luffy's attack.

The clash made Dragon and his clouds back away from the sheer power alone.

Luffy didn't back out and neither did Alex. Their clashes were making the rifts of time and space unstable.

"Impressive, Luffy. As expected of the main character. But it's still not enough to defeat me. You alone are not enough."

"I am not alone!"

"Thunder breed tempo!" Nami summoned out an egg which came out from inside a small thundercloud, but it was getting bigger by the minute.

"Franky radical beam!" Franky shot out a beam which headed towards Alex.

"Pop Green!" Usopp.

"Chills of the underworld." Brook.

"Cola Cannon!" Chopper fired a beam from the Sunny.

Five powerful attacks joined together to make a super attack, and it hit Alex's back side.

Alex merely took a glance behind him. His glance made Chopper and the others more afraid of him than before.

"It's a good thing I am wearing brown pants." Usopp shivered in fear.

"Luffy, let me go." Robin said. Her and Sabo were just slowing him down.

"Okay." Luffy dropped her, but he only did it because he trusted her.

"Cien fleurs: Wings!" Robin made wings pop out of her back made out of flower petals. She also caught Sabo while in the air.

"Let's get you to a hospital quickly."

Robin quickly flew to the island and left Sabo there, barely clinging onto his life.

"Bankai! Fortress Blaze!" Alex trapped the entire island, including the Strawhats in a wall of fire.

"Hey! Don't you dare hurt my friends ever again! KING KONG!" Luffy once again activated his giant fist thing.

Now that Alex was binded behind his arms, he had no way to counter Luffy's attack.

'Well… it's not like I need my arms to defeat him anyways.' Alex thought.

"Lightning strike!" Dragon made a thunder cloud and struck Luffy with a lightning bolt. Since he knew Luffy was made out of rubber, lightning will not affect him. So, instead it could make his attack a little bit more powerful than before.

"CANNON!" Luffy yelled furiously and struck down Alex with his giant fist covered in lightning.

(This is a combination of Luffy's King Kong Gun with lightning "King King Cannon" HA! Take that Oda! I came up with that moveset first!)

"Okay, Luffy, then I will use 2% of my power." Alex kicked Luffy's fist, and actually defeated Luffy with just one kick.

All this time, Alex was merely using 1% of his true power. And with that last kick, it was him using 2% of his power.

Alex had a power of 42M 10% = 4.2M 1% = 420K 2% = 840K

Alex had discovered that most people here were ordinary when it comes to power. Combined with haki and devil fruits, most of them could barely have over 500K of power level.

Alex held back all this time.

But, if he had used the power of The One V3 he would even need to use 0.001% of his power to defeat them, if he was being ruthless.

Not to mention he also had the power to multiply his power level with the help of his transformations.

That is why Alex didn't even bother breaking from Leo's stitches. He was being like Darksied now.

Luffy was heavily damaged and drowned to the ocean. He too was barely clinging to his life.

"ALEX!" Rebecca shouted.

"You have got to be goddamn kidding me!" Alex did not want to see her there. She was so annoying. Maybe it would have been a good idea to kill her back then.

"I warned you, Rebecca. You should not have followed me, and now all of you will die."

But, Dragon launched another attack behind him. Alex was getting tired of Dragon, so he stabbed him in the chest with one of his spears.

"That shit is getting old. You should die now, Dragon."

"This can't be…" Dragon held onto the hole that Alex stabbed him.

"Oh, it is." Alex took his soul and devil fruit out and pushed his body away from the cloud he was standing in, he fell dead upon hitting the ocean.

Everyone watched in horror and shock as the events unfolded in front of them. Alex had killed Dragon, Shanks, and several other strong people too.

No one in this world was a match for him. It was not like they ever stood a chance from the beginning.

"You know, I was going to steal some quotes from Thanos, but I am gonna use those later for something more meaningful. Linlin, Lili!"

"Yes, Saviour?" The twins appeared before Alex in an instant. They were actually in the middle of playing dolls by using Mansherry instead.

"Mansherry!" Leo shouted.

"Leo?!" Mansherry cried out in joy.

"Help me gather the souls of everyone here."

"Kay!" Lili stuffed Mansherry in her pocket, then they began going on a murder spree, by killing everyone present.

There power level increased when they ate those souls from the Celestial Dragons.

((Lu Linlin 1,200,000))

(Lu Lili 1,100,000))

Screams raged on the field, but they got quieter and quieter by the minute.

Alex could have done it himself, but he had something better to do.

Rebecca cried and cried as she saw was was happening to the people around her.

"You… really are worse than Doflamingo." She said to Alex still sobbing. To think that she actually liked him not too long ago.

"I told you, didn't i?"

He was not going to kill her, he let the twins do that for him. He was not the guy who would offer help to every beauty that asked him.

Unless they had done something for him, or were his friends, he was not willing to spare anyone, he didn't even care what they thought about him.

Of course, he wasn't a killing maniac who would kill everyone whenever he wants.

(Meh… he kinda is.)

Alex picked up Luffy from the ocean. He opened his eyelids to show him the horror of everyone he loves die before his own hands. This was so Luffy's soul could be more valuable.

"Watch Luffy. Watch as how your friends scream in pain and agony, dying before your very eyes."

"No… please don't… not them..."

"Too bad, Luffy. If I had a chance, I would have liked us to be friends. But, that cannot happen."

After 20 long minutes, the area had gone silent. There was a stain of blood on the ocean and on the island.

The only survivor, was Luffy. At the end, Luffy's spirit was so broken that he wasn't even awake anymore. It's like the time when Ace died.

"Well Luffy, time to die." Alex was about to stab him, but Lili stopped him.

"Wait, Saviour. I have to ask something."

"What is it?" Lili nor Linlin have ever stopped him before killing an MC. So why was this any different?

"Um… we made a friend, Boa Hancock."

"Aw crap." Alex understood.

"I know that Luffy needs to die, but is there a way that he cannot die?" Lili looked at him with sad puppy eyes.

"You two and your puppy eyes. Blue Screen…"

{No. The only way to leave this world is to kill the MC, in which case it is Monkey D. Luffy. It is also part of the deal with Satan, you have to do it or you will die instead.}

"Hm… I think I have an idea on how to solve this." A bright idea popped into his head.

Alex got out Sugar's devil fruit and ate it. Now, Alex had the ability to touch live things and turn them into toys, all while erasing everyone's memories of that person.

"Bluescreen, will I forget about Monkey D. Luffy if I touch him?"

{Yes, and so will I, including Satan. It is an extremely terrifying ability, similar to Gowther's invasion ability when he used it on Estarossa}

"If I forget, then I won't know he is the MC, and I won't be able to accomplish the mission… Linlin, do you have any paper and something to write with?" Alex asked.

"Yes." Linlin and Lili came prepared, but were running out of space in their storage rings.


Alex jotted down a few notes so he won't forget about Luffy.

{I feel that this is more complicated than it needs to be.}

"True, but Linlin and Lili rarely make a request, and they're important to me. As long as I can accomplish it, then I will do it, no matter how hard or long it takes."

After writing down everything he needs to remember in a piece of paper, he touched Luffy, and he became a monkey toy.

"Wait? What were we doing here?" Alex had forgotten about Luffy the instant he touched him.

{I don't know either}

"Saviour, look at your hand." Lili pointed out.

Alex noticed he had a paper. Upon reading it, he realized something important. This is what he wrote down.

{Read this paper to remember what to do}

{The toy in front of you is alive. Take his soul out to accomplish the main mission}

{You will probably not remember his name, but he is the main character of this world}

{After you handed his soul to the system, continue to the next world}

{P.S. the twins and Hancock are best of friends now that they had forgotten about the MC of this world}

{And also, remove the toy devil fruit form your body as soon as you're done reading this paper.}

"Strange… why would I erase the memories of the MC? Hm… weird," Alex had forgotten completely about Luffy.

But, he took the soul of Luffy and handed it to the system. Afterwards he removed the toy fruit from his body and stuffed it inside his storage space.

{You have completed the main mission}

{You have killed… the MC, forgot his name, of this world}

{You can now teleport to another world}

{Awarded 1M SP}

{Total SP 154M}

"Sweet." Alex said.

"Saviour, are we going to another world?"

"Yes, Lili, we are."

"Okay. Let us say goodbye to our friend Hancock, and we will be on our way. Here are the souls we collected."

And just like that, they left.

"Those girls…"

The twins also handed him the souls from Nanatsu no Taizai, and Naruto along with the people they had just killed.

The amount of souls in his hands was staggering. He didn't know whether to eat them or to sell them.

"How much are all of these souls worth?"

{Calculating… 120M}


{It seems so. You are able to buy the final transformation of your hollow powers}

"There is another transformation?"

{Yes. It's {The Final transformation} It was originally called {The final Getsuga} but the other name makes more sense}

{I didn't let you know because it was very pricey, until now}

{Would you like to buy it?}

"How much?"


"If I sell all of these souls, I can have 270M. SOLD!!!"

{Congrats. You have bought {The final transformation} }

{24M SP total left}

"Going to this world was quite worth is."

{Yes it was}

-Back with Hancock.

"Hancock!" The twins said cutely after arriving at her place.

"Linlin, Lili! Why did you two run away?" Hancock smiled beautifully at the twins. It was clear that even she had forgotten about Luffy.

"We... don't know. But, we have to go. We came to say goodbye."

"Oh… well I ever see you two again?"

"Perhaps. Saviour is a nice guy, so he might let us come back to visit you again."

"You two really like him, don't you?" Hancock felt warm inside. She wanted to have that feeling too, a feeling of loving somebody.

"Yes, we do. Bye, Hancock. We'll miss you." Linlin and Lili hugged her tightly.

Hancock returned their hug by hugging them harder. They were indeed good friends.

And finally, the 10 Commandments showed up together at Mihawk's place.

Alex, Madara, Linlin, Lili and Steven all stood together in a line, looking awesome.

Mihawk noticed them as he had been practicing with his sword all this time.

"Oh yeah, I never introduced you guys." Alex walked up beside Mihawk.

"Everyone, this is Mihawk, the greatest swordsman of this world."

"Nice to meet you." Linlin and Lili bowed to him.

"Neigh." Steven.

"..." Madara.

"How do you do?" Mihawk also bowed before them as a sign of respect. He could tell that they were all extremely powerful.

"Mihawk, these are the twins, Linlin and Lili. The one with the long hair is Madara Uchiha, the strongest ninja of his time, except those few times he got defeated."

Madara clenched his fist. Alex was roasting him. Good thing he doesn't know about what happened in the Holy land.

"And that is Steven, the weird looking horse thing(Pegasus)"


"Wait, are you really leaving?" Perona came up to Mihawk, quite sad that he has to go and leave her.

"Yes. I do."

"Okay… I will be waiting for you, here, when you come back."

"I know. Who else is going to keep the place clean?"

"YOU!" Perona seem flustered. Did he only think of her as a maid?

"Okay… let's get going now. System take us to… actually, I want another system shop instead."

{A system shop? Are you sure? If you chose this the world you will be teleported to will be random}

"I know. But, tell me, which system shop is cheaper, Marvel system shop or Dragon ball system shop?"

{Marvel is cheaper}

{But, are you sure you want that instead of Dragon ball or another system shop?}

"I am sure."

{Very well then. You will receive your Marvel system shop as soon as you enter the portal. But, be warned, not even I know which world you might end up on}

A portal appeared before them.

"Okay, everyone. Let's go!" Alex entered first, followed by Linlin, Lili and the rest.

Perona watched as Mihawk left her. She liked him a lot. Too bad she couldn't express her feelings because she lacked courage.

Alex and the others had arrived to another world. They did not recognize this world at all.

{You are now in the world of 'Martial God Asura'}

{The timeline is exactly at the beginning of the story}


DemonGodHiatus DemonGodHiatus

And I will have to stop right here. Like I mentioned before, I literally have to re-read the entire Martial God Asura light novel.

I know it's the worst way to end the chapter, but... goodbye

*Runs away and never looks back*

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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Stone -- หินพลัง



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