
บท 17: A Nobles Pride

(Bruce) 'The fight between those two sure has escalated a lot...'

The fight has been ongoing for about 15 minutes now, and most of the spectators have decided to flee due to the danger of stray shock waves or debris possibly hitting them. With the only spectators staying to watch the fight being rank D

- - - - - [I'ma start doing this instead of -----------------]

Jem has done nothing but block and counter attack for most of the fight, only mixing a little bit of offence once and a while to prevent himself from getting cornered. But now he was ready to strike back a bit and go all out

(Jem) "You ready for what happens next, because I won't hold back!"

(Walter) "Just shut up and fight me..."

A wide grin comes over Jems face as he dashes towards Walter at ridiculous speeds. Walter barely had any time to deflect the blade that was mere moments away from causing some serious damage. Showing how much the difference in power between a C- rank like Walter, and a C rank like Jem was [these ranks are based off of their base stats, which is quite impressive in their world]

Even though the sparring match had gone out of control and was getting quite dangerous, both Jem and Walter where both smiling and enjoying themselves to the fullest. As the feeling you get from having a good sparring match is quite enjoyable and addicting

And after 2 minutes of trying to defend from Jems onslaught, Walter sheathes his sword, raises his hands, and admits defeat

(Jem) "See, I haven't gotten rusty one bit"

(Walter) "If that where true it would have taken you only one minute to defeat me... You are rusty"

(Jem) "Oh come on, maybe its just that you've gotten stronger"

(Walter) "Your rusty..."

(Jem) "..."

While Jem and Walter continue to argue. A man wearing fine looking clothing can be seen approaching them. Jem and Walter don't notice until he's close enough for them to feel his majestic and powerful aura

(Jem) "Wait a minute... No way"

Jem stares at the nicely dressed looking man with eyes full of shock and respect

(Walter) "I may have forgotten to tell you that lord Ark is going to be living here from now on..."

This time Jems expression is nothing but pure shock, and for good reason. The mans full name is Alexander Ark, he is a noble of the old Tsunami empire, and is widely respected by everyone for his achievements. The most notable achievement being his status as a B ranked human. Making him more of a force of nature than a man... His personality however is... Interesting

(Alexander) "I know you can't help but stare at me. As I am a very great man, being a noble and all. I can't help but stand out among the commoners"

While Alexander talks he continuously strikes dramatic poses while increasing the intensity of his aura

(Alexander) "My charisma is endless, I don't know what to do with all of it. Every day I ask myself why me, why give me all this power and charisma"

Alexander continues to talk about himself, and starts to flex a little... [He's flexing more than just his muscles...]

- - - - -

(Bruce) 'Hey system, check this out'

(System) '...'

(Large Lime Slime) "*Slurp*"

(Bruce) 'I had 4 lime slimes fuse together, and this was the result'

(Large Lime Slime) "*Sploosh*"

(System) '...'

(Bruce) 'I'm going to keep experimenting with this. I'm going to try aaaaaAAANNNNDDDD WHAT IS THIS OVERWHELMING AURA!!!'

Bruce scans over sandbox for the source of the aura, discovering Alexander as the source

(Bruce) 'APPRAISAL!'


Alexander Ark (Rank B+)

(Bruce) '!!!' (Mentally coughs up blood)

Bruce takes a few seconds to recover before looking at the status again

(Bruce) 'He's human... right...'


Alexander Ark (Rank B+) (Human)

(Bruce) '...'

Bruce looks at Alexander as he talks to Jem and Walter. He's also managed to draw in a large crowd

(Bruce) 'Is he going to keep talking or...'

Alexander has been talking for several minutes now. And it doesn't seem like he's nearly done...

(Bruce) 'I get he's powerful but... He's definitely full of himself...'

(System) '...'

(Bruce) 'Yeah and he... Wait a second. Oh god. He's sparkling, seriously. I'm not joking. He's god damn SPARKLING!'

- - - - -

(Alexander) 'It's hard being someone as noble and great as myself, I know. But someone has to be great, and I may as well embrace who I am' {sparkles brighter...}

Jem has regained his senses for a while now. And is very confused as to where Alexander is going with this conversation

(Jem) "So is he going somewhere with this" *Whisper*

(Walter) "He's almost done... Just wait, then we'll talk" *Whisper*

(Alexander) "So that's... Oh I'm sorry, I've lost track of time. I still need to take a look around the town"

Alexander begins to walk away from Jem and Walter while waving towards them

(Alexander) "I have to make sure everyone's doing well after all, we'll have to continue our conversation another time"

Alexanders walk turns into a jog as he runs off into the town laughing loudly

(Jem) "Okay. Like I was saying, what's with him"

(Walter) "Before you make any assumptions about him, I would like for you to know some very important things about him"

(Jem) "Like?"

(Walter) "For one, he has every right to brag about his status and power"

(Jem) "Can you explain to me why, I know he's powerful and all. But he doesn't have to bring it up every time he talks..."

(Walter) "You have a point about that, but I'll tell you now that even though he may seem self centered... He truly puts everyone else before himself, even if their just some homeless beggar on the street"

- - - - -

Alexander was walking through the town while admiring the various different buildings and shops set up. But stops as he hears some sort of commotion nearby. A crowd can be seen gathered around what can only be the source, so Alexander walks towards the crowd to investigate. Once he's arrived at the crowd, he's able to make out the source of the commotion

(???) "You filthy mongrel, how dare you touch me"

(Woman) "I'm sorry, it was an accident I swear"

- - - - -

(Walter) "And when he's in battle. He's always on the front lines, diving in head first into the most bloody tooth and nail battles out there. And he's seen and experienced things that no normal person could ever stay sane after going through such a living hell"

- - - - -

Alexander starts to head toward the center of the commotion. Discovering that a poor woman was being harassed by a nobleman from another nation

After some questioning, he discovered that the woman's name was Susan. And she was just talking to her friend Amy when the nobleman was passing through with his guards. Susan wasn't aware that he was passing through, so when she was done talking with Amy and started to head back home, she accidentally bumped into the nobleman

(Nobleman) "An accident! Don't make me laugh"

(Susan) "But it was an accident, I swear"

(Nobleman) "LIES!!! You bumped into me on purpose admit it"

- - - - -

(Walter) "He's somehow been able to make it through those types of situations in one piece. Physically, as well as psychologically. His resolve is unbreakable, and he's always done his best to protect as many people as he possibly can from the dangers of the world"

- - - - -

(Nobleman) "You just wanted to get my attention you wench, and now you have it. So why don't you do something useful with your miserable life and go die. It'll spare you the pain and suffering of what'll happen to you and your loved ones if I see your wretched face again"

After hearing such things, Amy tried to defend her friend from the arrogant noble man harassing her

(Amy) "You have no right to say such things, your not in your home country anymore. So your noble status doesn't mean anything here or to us"

(Nobleman) "Your the one without any rights!!! You are of a lower breed than me, I am of nobility and deserve respect. If I tell you to drop dead, you shouldn't hesitate to do so. So why don't I teach you a lesson in order to drill that fact into that thick skull of yours!"

The nobleman raises his fist and lashes out at Amy in a rage

- - - - -

(Walter) "Before the military took over Tsunami, he reformed the nobility in the country, eliminating all of the corruption that had been going on inside of Tsunami's nobility ever since the country was founded in the first place. The country was severely weakened however, as many of the corrupt nobles where purged, creating a massive power gap. Allowing for the head of the military to take over the country. So having discovered this island, he took the survivors of the royal family and all of the countries most trusted nobles and sailed here with us. And with his help, we managed to keep casualties to a minimum on the voyage here"

- - - - -

Amy closed her eyes and braced herself for the impact, but it never came. She opened her eyes to find that a extremely handsome looking man had stopped the nobleman's fist before it had reached her face. This man had the blondest hair she'd ever seen in her life, as well as bright blue eyes that seemed to shine... Not that he wasn't shinning already for some reason...

(Amy) "Um... Thank you very much sir"

(Alexander) "It's alright, there's no need to thank me. As I'm just doing my job as a noble after all. So take your friend and go, as it would be a shame for two young ladies such as yourself to see the violence that's about to unfold"

Hearing that there's going to be a fight, Amy and Susan quickly run back home. Followed by the rest of the surrounding crowd, not wanting to get caught up in the conflict that's about to start

(Alexander) "Now that the commoners are all gone, I can safely deliver justice to the creature in front of me that dares call itself a noble"

The nobleman was both very confused as well as furious... Actually he's not furious, he's absolutely livid right now. He doesn't know who this other noble is, but he won't stand for him insulting his status as a noble

The nobleman draws his golden longsword and points it at Alexander


The nobleman swings his sword in a rage at Alexander, but just as it's about to hit Alexander moves slightly to the side, and the sword just barely misses him

(Alexander) "Your pride as a noble huh..."

Alexanders attitude takes a change as the sparkles and light that seemed to emanate from his body for some reason fade away

The nobleman rapidly swings his sword at Alexander, but no matter how hard he tries, he just can't seem to land a hit on him

(Alexander) "Just as I thought, your weak... You don't deserve the title of noble"

(Nobleman) "DIIIIEEEE!!!!!!!"

The nobleman takes one final swing at Alexander using all of his strength. Even going as far as using all the skills he can to enhance the power and speed of his strike. But instead of dodging this time, Alexander seems to move towards the blade

(Alexander) "Your nothing but a savage beast..."

Alexander strikes the incoming golden blade with nothing but his right pinky finger. But the speed and power of the strike breaks the noblemans blade in two, sending the broken half of the blade flying deep into the stone pavement

The nobleman can only stare at Alexander in disbelief at what he just witnessed. He turns to his guards hoping they'll help him out of this situation

(Nobleman) "Guards!!! Kill him! Kill him now!!!"

The guards step back a bit, as they've just now realized who the man in front of them is. The nobleman is ignorant, so he doesn't know, but the guards sure as hell do as Alexander is basically a living legend to them. So they wouldn't dream of ever challenging him in a fight for all the money in the world

(Nobleman) "What are you doing!!! I said KILL HIM"

Realizing his guards aren't listening to him, the nobleman looks at Alexander in fear as he realizes how badly he's screwed up

(Alexander) "You said something about a nobles pride earlier... I will teach a lowly beast like you what it really is"

Alexander seems to disappear and reappear behind the nobleman. When the nobleman senses that Alexander is behind him, he tries to turn around to face him. Just to find himself falling towards the ground with his legs both broken and shattered. When the noble man hits the ground he starts screaming in agony, as the bones in his legs have been broken and shattered in multiple places

(Alexander) "A true noble wouldn't even make a sound even if all the bones in his body where broken..."

Alexander then proceeds to break the nobles arms, causing him to scream out in even more pain

(Alexander) "A true noble wouldn't dare to raise his sword against commoners, as it is his duty to protect them with his life. As a true noble I would rather die than do something as cowardly as raising my blade against a innocent commoner. As it would be the gravest kind of sin to murder and abuse someone less than your noble self. And the fact that I am greater than the commoners is all the more reason I need to protect them"

Alexander grabs the noble by the hair and lifts his face up to his own so they can look at each other eye to eye

(Alexander) "And as a true noble you must always try and improve the lives of the commoners. As they are your people, and just knowing that a single one of them has been starving for a day should make you feel like you haven't had a bite to eat in months. Just knowing that there's still people in your borders that have to steal and kill to survive as thief's and bandits should make you feel as if all of the despair they've caused is on your hands. And just knowing that the commoners have to deal with vile creatures like you assaulting them should fill you with so much rage that you could face off against the largest and most terrifying monsters without even giving it a second thought, hell you shouldn't even have to think at all"

Alexander tosses the nobleman into the air and watches him fall

(Alexander) "That is what it means to be a true noble, and my pride as a noble will not stand for some creature like you pretending to be one while you assault innocent commoners on the street! The very thought drives me mad!!!"

Alexander jumps towards the nobleman halfway before he hits the ground and kicks him hard enough to send him flying far into the distance towards the scaly forest

(Alexander) "*sigh*"

After taking a deep breath, Alexander turns his head towards the nobleman's guards with a dark look in his eyes

Seeing this, all of the guards prostrate themselves on the ground and beg for forgiveness in unison


Alexander takes a moment to think before answering

(Alexander) "Alright, My noble self will forgive you this time. As long as you behave I'll see to it that you'll be able to live in this town for as long as you like"

(Guards) "THANK YOU SIR!"

(Alexander) "I don't need thanks, as I am only doing my duty as a noble. Anyways... I do need something from you lot. Or more specifically you"

Alexander points at the guard wearing the fanciest looking armor

(Alexander) "I'd like to read that document you have hidden away in your right pocket"

The head guard immediately takes the document out of his pocket and quickly hands it to Alexander. Not even questioning how Alexander knew it was in his pocket to begin with

(Guard) "Here you go sir!!!"

Alexander opens the document and quietly reads it

(Alexander) "Aaah! that explains his behavior"

Alexander starts explaining his findings to the guards even though they are already aware of what they are

(Alexander) "That creature was banished from his nation for misbehaving and misusing the nations funds. So he came here under the false identity of a noble visiting Tsunami for diplomatic purposes, but was attacked and had no other choice but to join our voyage"

Alexander seems proud of his achievement and has begun to sparkle and shine again..... I don't know how it works... It's probably a skill or his aura or something...

After he's done going over his findings. Alexander finds the guards somewhere to stay the night before continuing his tour of the town. Just for a very beat up looking adventurer to come running towards him with a desperate look in his eyes

(Adventurer) "Lord Alexander *Cough Cough* please, we need your *Cough* help"

Once the adventurer gets closer, Alexander can see that his injuries are bad, and that he needs a healer immediately

(Alexander) "Save your strength, we need to get you to a healer or priest right away"

(Adventurer) "There's no time *Cough* We can't defeat it on our *Cough* own"

The adventurer hands a Alexander a note that would explain everything to him once he read it before collapsing. Smoke can also be seen rising in the distance, and a loud roar can be heard as well

(Alexander) "What sort of monster could possibly make such a ruckus"

- - - - -


{Appraisal Results}

Water Drake (Rank A)


BackroundCharacter BackroundCharacter

I hope you all enjoy this good ol 3005 word chapter (I tried my best to make it good)

I also made a discord channel so I can talk to readers about all sorts of stuff. And you guys can talk to each other as well

-Discord: https://discord.gg/jwMSCyB

(I remember when I was first writing this story, I thought 5k views was a lot... Now I have 52.2k views... And it blows my mind how that number just keeps growing every day, so thank you for reading)

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








เขียนรีวิว สถานะการอ่าน: C17
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คะแนนรวม 0.0

รีวิวโพสต์สําเร็จ! อ่านรีวิวเพิ่มเติม
โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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