60.52% Its just a game. / Chapter 41: The Games Part 1

บท 41: The Games Part 1


Alchemy races are created for various purposes and the Mk alchemy race is a perfect example of an alchemy race designed for war. As they are a fusion between man and machine but what makes them different from cyborgs or a machine race are the facts that they are were a race started from an alchemy table and how if they ever have children they will be born with the metal parts of there race they also aren't made like a machine race. Now I will talk about the 3 different types of the MK race that are most common in circulation before going into how to make your own.

to start it off is the Mk II they were made as someone trying to gain a more versatile version of the original Mk which couldn't fight for prolonged periods of time because their mechanical parts caused them to either run out of power and collapse or die of hunger as what they ate was used as fuel for the mechanical parts. So they made the Mk II with a sword-like appendage which could grow and shrink in size tho growing it in size would cause it to be more pronto breaking as the metal is stretched thinner and thinner. While their other appendage was a gun type which has 3 modes flame thrower, Slime Shells, then the common Metal rounds. The gas thrower uses the gel from a slime spews it out of a spout then ignites it creating a stream of Elemental flame. The Slime shells are made by compressing a bunch of slime into a 1-inch ball then freezing it causing them to explode in an elemental furry when broken. Lastly, the least used weapon the Metal rounds nothing really special about these rounds as they are the same rounds used in dwarven blunder bust small metal balls propelled by an explosion to cause a lot of damage at point of impact.

The Mk Ii core weakness lies in there stomach as that is there storage for the slime cores used as amunition and fuel. But with the addition to the governor system Mk II sacrifice the inventory for an indefinite supply of slime containers which can easily be switched out with the ones i there stomach. But all in all there stomach is still there biggest weakness.

Part 1 of 4

Guide to creating your alchemy Races. Volume 2 Races of War


Cilys walks onto the stage giving the crowd a long glance once he gets to the middle.

"Ok listen up you participating. I don't know why he didn't just say the rules himself since there are only two rules.

First no intentional injuring of other participants. so any we deem accidents won't get you any punishment but will disqualify you and injuring your self is fine as long as it doesn't kill you there are a better time and place for that. Second, no cheating that means no tampering with other display or using a magic Item not made by you for the display."

Cilys once again glance over the crowd before stomping. "LET THE GAMES BEGIN."

As those words leave Cilys mouth two large gates in the arena swing open allowing waves of people to walk forward a lot of different race are appearing we have Goblins, Ogres, Monsters, Orcs, Undead, Dark Elves, Gnomes and even humans which surprised me quite a bit. But not as much as some elves scattered about here and there.

You know I thought Elves looked down on all other races. I should probably stop basing everything off of games and stories.

{Actually they do. Most of your stories and games had some historical relevance about all the other races. Yes, most people that wrote the stories and games didn't know they just based it off an already predetermined normal for an already created race. Just what do you think they were based off. Also, there are abnormalities in every race one that's not like the rest. Take yourself as an example you're a lot different from the rest of the humans who shunned almost all of these races away just because of a predetermined Idea. But I would recommend being wary of them as some might be spies.}

Will do? Ohh, shoot It seems me missed some.

Quickly focusing on the displays below they were all the same very flashy works or very shinny Weapons and Armours. Yes, a lot of them are a marvel to watch at Giant flaming Pheonix or water and stone serpents entwining with one another or Illusions of Nymphs. But none of this drew my attention for long until I came across a small Orc child sitting cross-legged with a small black swirling mass of black with golden lines swirled about in it which is pulling a bunch of object dust and dirt from around him into it before it disappeared dropping a small sand coloured ball and reappeared repeating the process. Looking to where the small ball rolled to it hit a group of three of them making it the fourth. After watching him for a little I moved onto the next after scanning the crowd for a little. What caught my attention next was a woman and man wielding the 4 core element's(Earth, Water Fire and Air) in a beautiful dance without the use of mana or Qi it looked like the elements were trying to copy there movement's while flowing together in a simple but complex dance. The dancers were a dark elf and an elf. Looking at there display they were completely lost in their own world as they rested in each other's arms and completely let the other control there movement's making one solid and fluid motion. After more searching through the crowd I found another interesting one. A man was drawing runes all over his area as I watched him I recognized some of the runes as I learned some simple ones to help with everyday life like Water purify and rub as those three runes overlapped equals clean but he used those a few times in his area drawing them around overtop a few runes I had no clue what they did. As I was watching him draw his runes the hour allocated to this particular event was over ending with A Loud stomp from Cilys amplified with the help of magic Gathering everyone's attention.

"Ok, That is the end of this event for the live performances and we will let the remaining 50% finish up there work. as we will move on to the next event."

(AN. The event will continue later it aint over.)

After Cilys finishes talking the floor to the arena starts sinking until it is 20 feet below where it began and a new floor slid into place covering the hole.

"Before anyone asks they were moved 150 feet below us to make sure they are not injured by any of the following events and the participants already knew about it. Now its time to start the adventure ranking battle we shall start with singles then work our ways to the 50 person fights. (AN. 1-10-25-50 will be talked about at least the semi-finals to the finals with the earlier rounds having lighter commentary. 2-4-5 will be mentioned may be the winners or the finals. 3-4-15 will most likely just be ignored.)

Ok with that said please move to your designated stage."

Out of the doors once again people started to leave the doors and head towards one of the stages set up around the Arena.

Sitting down I look over to the arena. We have assigned people to watch each arena for potential talent to be taught. The ones chosen were personally chosen by Lilith as she promised we can trust them. I did say I could watch a stage but they denied me saying if I were to watch a certain stage everyone would notice and cause unnecessary attention to an arena so I only am supposed to watch the stages which draw my attention and while glancing at the other stages.

Pov ???(AN. Contestant)

Looking at the swarms of people and even monster finding their stages and lining up at them was simply amazing he's different from the other demon lords. He's trying to not discriminate against any races even humans and elves which are practically his sworn enemies.

Looking down at my hands which were made for the sole purpose of being weapons and nothing more I don't even have a single finger just weapons. But at least I will get to showcase what I was made to do.

looking down to my number it was 37-01(AN. First number is the stage you are apart of and last is when you enter the stage.) I guess I should get up there.

Moving to the top of stage a Goblin met me up there it was a goblin champion to say a trapper champion. (AN. Goblin champions are goblins whos evolutions are directly effected by there class making them a perfect fit for there class making them about 1.5 times stronger than a human of the same lvl and class.)

"Diee Quickkly Hueman."

"This is the first time someone called me a human. For that I will make this quick."

"If's not hueman then what you?"

"My races name is Mk II an alchemy race."

"Then yous have my sympathy Fake Hueman."

"You, done setting your traps up."

"Yez fake hueman."

It's amazing how he can set up traps with just standing still and talking but I guess its also a type of magic.

Looking at my arm a few clicking sounds start happening then my other hand and it started to grow and glowed a bright green before leaving behind a large sword-like appendage dripping an acid poison mix.

"Ready Fake hueman."

"I'm ready to go."

Raising my arm half a second later a giant pale blue flame Spewed out of its spout like a geyser that just blew. Obscuring my vision while covering almost my entire front of my body making sure the goblin had nowhere to run.

As I cut the flame A small black bolt came racing through the flames like the light of a small fire in a blizzard you see it but will not be able to reach it before it goes out. Quickly turning to the side to minimize as much damage as I could I noticed 4 more bolts making their way towards me just behind it fanned out to make sure I take some damage. Aiming my Gun arm at the ground it clicked and then a small neon green ball came flying out.

Quickly after the explotion a searing pain flows through my legs. Looking down at my legs there was a green acidic slug all over them slowly eating away at them.

Ahh fuck I should of used normal slime

Looking back up there is a large dust cloud around me. Hopefully I have enough time.

a few more clicks and then I point my gun at my legs a small blue mist came out freezing all of the acidic slime on my legs and frosting my leg.

This should work for now. Getting back up to my feat I move my legs a little while scanning around for the goblin in the dust. I contemplated moving around looking for the goblin but decided agains it as it was a goblin trapper and who knows how trapped this all is.

Aiming my arm at the ground a thick stream of grey came out and once contacting the ground it quickly solidified leaving behind a grey mound of stone which was quickly growing. Continuing this grey mound around me until it was about waste high when a bolt came flying at me through the almost completly disapated dust cloud.

Quickly ducking behind my make shift fortification the bolt wizzed past.

"Found you hueman."

"Well could you of waited on finding me for atleast another 2 mins."

"No hueman trying hide. It wont work, me smart."

the goblin reach into its pouch and I start spewing out a Blue mist from my Gun towards the goblin. Unlike last time I concentrated the spout so that it didn't spread out so much infront of me and traveled further, in a more solid spout instead of a giant cloud that slowly moved forward. As the stream of freezing flame was trailing the goblin that made a full run for it while throwing some small disks out at random.

Watching the goblin run from the flame I jerked my arm ahead of the goblin. freezing the goblin in its path causing it to fall over before bursting into wood shavings.


Turning around and instantly firing a few metal rounds. Bit to my suprise there was no goblin leaping at me nor a suprise attack.

"Kuek Kuek Kuek Hueman It me victory."

At the end of his words Hundreds of sharp burst of pains flowed through out my body. Looking down there was Several bolts sticking through my body. Collapsing over the world was getting blury before focusing on a small trail of slime leading to a pair of green feet infront of me. I can still win. I . .I can win.

Moving my gun arm towards the trail I start the flame thrower. I watched as the flame traveled down to his feet making him jump and stomp his feat leaving only a few small burns. then following the slime to the source of the trail and knowing I truly messed up. Then cracks started appearing all over my body before I blew up in a great fiery explosion.

Opening my eyes what greeted me was the colour of the arena floor and a very sticky and mucosy feeling getting up and looking over my body it looks like a dog sneezed me up. Looking around there is Hundreds of people with there hand stuck into this massive mound of flesh and some almost completly encased in it. But I wasn't the only one awake as there were a few others around wiping mucous off there hands or bodies beforre they realised they would have to restick there hands or bodies into it and started doing it some very hesitant.(AN. Only hand if you had nothing special about you like mechanical parts or a special ability in a body part other wise in you go.)

getting up I stick my hand back in.

After the first round the next few rounds were a breeze in the park most being easyly subdoed whith a quick freezin blast or melted quickly with the acidic spray.

I did lose two more time's to a Earthen Gladiator and a silver wind fox(AN. Earth elemental evolution specializing in one on one and one vs many and utilizing multiple weapons to defeat there opponent in close combat).

at the end I cam in 4th for my stage and would be able to challenge the second or third rank from a different stage to try and get in the second round of eliminations.

The Goblin trapper champion came in first the the earthen gladiator second and a Silver wind fox came in third. goblin trapper champion had won every fight while the earthern gladiator had 1 defeat and 1 tie same with the silver wind fox as they tied with each other and lost to the goblin trapper champion. there spots were decided based on how long they lasted against the Goblin Trapper Champion.

Looking around for any I thought would be the easiest fight that is until I came acrosss a slime it was a giga slime but they are my natural prey I hunted everyday for the past few years until what ever this is happened.

Moving over to the slime I make my challenge.

"We have our first challenge. A Mk II."

She turns to me and the slime "Ahh yes your names please."

The slime shakes and a large bubble floats to the surface.

"Your name please."

That was a name. How was a gass bubble a name. Well what ever I don't really have a name.

"I dont have a name just Mk II is fine."

"Ok, I will call you Rust Bucket. Rust first name and Bucket last."

"Hey wait."

"Ok everyone our challenger is Rust Bucket The Mk II challenging Mirt The Giga Slime. Now would you please make your way to the stage."

Looking around all the small stages have been replaced with one giant stage in the middle. Moving up to the stage I head to one side when the giga slime gets up it makes a large gass bubble causing the announcer lady laugh.

"Ok Ok. Since these two have now made it up to the stage. let the fight begin."

Enlarging my arm to the size of a short sword then it starts dripping green slime. Ponting my gun arm at it I ignite the flame thrower but dont inject any slime into it causing just a burst of sparks to launch out and a small flame at the end of the gun. The sparks land on the sword quickly igniting the ozing slime causing the entire sword to burst into constant flames.

Looking back towards the giga slime after watching the ignition of my arm went alright. It was no where to be seen only a large shadow bolting towards me.

Leaping to the side then rolling to increase the distance covered before getting up and moving towards the edge of the stage while staying low to avoi..

As the Giga Slime crashes into the ground Spikes shoot out of its body like miny torpedoes covering the entire stage and a few meters beyond the stage before retreating back to the core to cover up the exposed core forming the Giga slime once more. The Giga slime started to spin at a rapid pace.

Well this is new and I would rather not find out what gonna happen.

Getting up from my crawling position I ran as fast as I could towards the Giga slime as I got infront of the Giga slime about meter long blades of slime were stretching out of its body and slowly growing. But what made these blades truly dangerous was that they were moving up and down slowly not allowing me to get close.

Ok, plan B. Hurrying back a few meters from the growing blades my arm clicks and then a small blue ball can be seen from the side. Raising my arm I aim it at the core floating in the middle.








After firing 2 Frozen shots and Flamable shots. I switch modes to the gun before Free firing towards the slime core hoping to hit one of the shots as all I need is one to be hit and there goes all of them and the slime along with them.

Opening fire while slowly backing away to keep me and the ever growing blades a safe distance apart. After a few seconds of firing my luck seemed to be shit until it was preparing to jump once again. I knew I won once I saw its body compress and the bullets in it body getting closer and closer until its body exploded sending bits of slime every where and a shattered core in the middle.

"Ohhh ho ho, The winner Is Rust Bucket beating Mirt only with the luck of a god and a few pinches of salt. But Before Rust Bucket leaves the stage is there any challengers or is Rust Bucket free to go."

She looked across the 4th and 5th places with a provoking stair and a smug grin.

"Since theres no challengers Rust Bucket your free to go. Mommy is proud of you"

"Wait, WHAT."

"Well of course im your mommy I named you and you don't have a mommy."

"No lady my names not Rust Bucket its just what your calling me. I dont have a name besides Mk II. I also dont need a mom."

"You don't love mommy any more and don't want to see mommy either."

After saying that she had tears brimming in her eye's before turning around.

"Waaaaaaa"(AN. Yes shes Waluigi. In all honesty thats the only crying sound I got or I have Uwooo.)

Ok thats definitely fake.


Does she really have to be so loud.


"Im just gonna leave."

As I started to leave I heard a single boo that ended in a loud choras of boos and even a few insults being yelled.

Looking up I see large sections of people booing and looking over to god he was even rubbing his temple while looking over here. Just as I was going to go and apologize to get this all over with god got up from where he was sitting and made his way towards us.

"Sorry about her mate shes a little much at times."

Wait did god just apologize to me.

"Noo iiits all good."

"No Its fine if she ended when you corrected her now shes just having fun.

Ay Morg Fun time is over and come over and apologize."

Right after he finishes speaking she gets up the over dramatic crying ends and she turns to look at me.

"Im sorry but your names Rust Bucket right."

"You know what fine my names Rust Bucket now. I don't actually dislike it."

"I won."

She says as she starts prancing around in a circle. The crowd chears at the sign of her happy dance. Why do they even care yes shes hot but she has the mind of a 8 year old.

I barely hear a wisper off to the side.

"Why do they feed her bad habits. I shouldn't of spoiled her so much. Also why does everyone love her so much Like if they cared for her alot but nope its like they are under the affect of a skill. I swear if its that skill." The voice got quiter to the point of an incoherent mumble. It just suprised me was that god was at distress over this.

After she calmed down. Things went back on track. I left the stage and went over to the side of there stage representing the Finalist.

LiquidHatred LiquidHatred

Ok I changed it from semi-finals to one giant final. Also the reason the chapter is late is my own laziness nothing happened in my life I was just lazy and forgot about it.

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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Stone -- หินพลัง



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