"Whoa whoa, back up, I'm seeing an inconsistency," Nyra said, "Sue said the Kurokichi Clan was formed in the country of Tipon, on Raiza. Was there another one formed in Jinma's country, Japan, on Earth?"
"I should probably clarify things first," Obina said, "There is indeed a country called Tipon in a continent to the far east of Padimon overseas, and there are some similarities in that country from Earth's Japan. The story Sue was told by her father is based on some truths, but the original creation of the Kurokichi Clan was in Japan after the founder, Sango Kurokichi, summoned a Devil from Raiza to his home country on Earth and formed a contract with her."
"I knew it …" I trailed off, still reeling in the shock of the news. I do remember Obina telling me there are ways of going back to Earth after dying there once, but it seemed like there was a great cost in doing so and I was better off living my new life on Raiza. Still, to think there was such a great traversal between worlds involved to form a yakuza, of all things.
"But how was being summoned from Raiza to Earth even possible? People from Earth are transported to Raiza as Champions after dying on the former, right?" Nyra asked.
"That is correct," Obina confirmed, "In fact, it shouldn't even be possible for Sango and that witch to summon the Devil. Why they were still able to do it despite that … is due to a mistake on our part."
"A mistake?" I asked.
"We had … an unruly Immortal among us a long time ago," Obina explained, sounding solemn, "It was while we were all working on an important long-term project. As part of some prank, Zalius, the God of Time, thought it would be funny to provide some of Raiza's knowledge of magic, Devil summoning, and forming contracts with them to numerous humans throughout time on Earth. Because it affected many lives throughout a large span of time there, we had to condemn Zalius for his foolishness while cleaning after his mess. Honestly, if it weren't for him, you and all the other Champions wouldn't be here, Jinma."
If the concept of demons has existed for so long on Earth, maybe even further back than recorded history, then Zalius really screwed up Earth's progression with his antics. That begs the question, though, is the Kurokichi Clan not the first set of D-Humans that appeared on Earth? The thought shook me up a little. {No wonder Palonitus was so careful in releasing what information was released.}
"I think I remember a story relating to this from one of the humans I possessed," Nyra said, looking down in thought, "'Zalius, the Trickster', I believe it was called. It was told to children to teach good behavior. To think that guy was actually real, and an Immortal at that …"
"So, Zalius messed things up on Earth, our Gods who looked after it were pissed, and I guess you all came to an agreement on how to resolve it? Were the first Champions sent to Raiza victims of Zalius' prank?" I asked.
Obina nodded, "And since the concept of magic had spread so far throughout time, we had to make adjustments to our arrangements so Raiza isn't overpopulated with OP individuals. As you can guess, Sango and all members of the Kurokichi Clan were included among them. The Shirogechi Clan also ended up like that, too, as they were seeking someone who could help them get the same power their rival clan gained."
"The Shirogechi Clan also found a witch to summon a Devil for them?" I asked with shock. {Sue never mentioned that part of the story. Did she leave that out on purpose? Or was it her father, the one who told the story to her, that left such a detail unmentioned?}
Obina nodded in confirmation, "And, as you can guess, the yakuza war between them extended to Raiza after they died on Earth. Nothing big like that is going on now, but the remnants of the clans still walk on Raiza today, living their lives for their own motivations, be they for the benefits of the clans they serve or not."
{That sounds like a pain. Mom wasn't kidding about the yakuza bringing trouble wherever they go} … my thoughts trailed off before I remembered something significant.
"Wait, so, how much does Mom know about this? Was she keeping me distant from her family all this time because … they're involved with the yakuza? The Kurokichi Clan?" I asked.
Obina sighed, "All I can say is she only did what she thought was best for your growth as a person. She never wanted to get you pulled into something outside of your control, as well as hers. The less you know, the better, was her thought process. Alas, she could distance you and herself as far away from her family as she wants, but no matter where you both go, the curse from the contract will still follow you, even over here in another world."
"And … what is this curse that plagued the Kurokichi Clan? How much did this affect all our lives?" I asked out of worry.
"The curse that dwells in you have multiple effects that differs from person-to-person," Obina explained, "A few things that those who possess the [Devil Eyes] have in common, though, can be revealed in their abilities once they can open up their statuses here. You wouldn't have seen them unless you were aware of possessing the curse, so I will assist in revealing them to you now, just … let me apologize in advance for what you're about to see."
Before I asked what she was talking about, Obina snapped fingers, opening my status screen and automatically scrolling down to my list of abilities without me doing anything. All of those that I've earned since I came here were shifted down before new words appeared in the opened space. The characters came in ethereal gold at first, but then turned into an ominous purple before settling into the same font color as the rest. What's more, two of the abilities I already have, 'Violently Tempting Challenger' and 'Black Charisma', had the same light show as the other one, except some words were taken out and replaced with new ones. My newly discovered—and apparently edited—abilities were described as follows:
[[Target of Hostility (Formerly 'Violently Tempting Challenger'): A cursed ability that affects the user's aura and presence, scaring away those who are weak of heart, but taunts strong foes into fighting the user. The user is a target of hostility to almost everyone around them, all the same.]]
[[Black Charisma (New info added): A cursed ability that affects the user's Charm. At the first meeting, the user's unique charisma can give off attractions and influences that are substantially more positive to D-Humans and those who are considered strange, unique, and out-of-place from the norm for regular humans. At the same time and levels, negative attractions and influences affect regular humans who are in the norm, as well as oppressors, competitors, and thugs of all kinds. Effects vary between males and females.]]
[[Great Misfortune (REVEALED!): A cursed ability that affects the user's LUCK. No matter what number the user's LUCK stat is, they are more likely to lose in chance-related games and events. The times when the user wins big in chance-related games and events will be signs of an ill omen.]]
"'Black Charisma' didn't change much, but this 'Great Misfortune', so not only am I more likely to lose by chance, but 'winning' could mean the world is ending?" I asked in confusion.
"And what's this about Jinma's 'Violently Tempting Challenger' changing to 'Target of Hostility'?" Nyra asked, "Not only does this sound morbid, but shouldn't this be something he should have known before he came here?"
"Jinma's mother made it very clear—and quite threateningly—on her request that he wouldn't know about the curse, yet warn him enough of the dangers that came with it when he arrived here. The best Palonitus could do is change the ability's name and description to make it sound cooler than it was originally written. It wouldn't change much, though, since Jinma has been in many fights with odds against him throughout his life."
Obina had a point. Most of the fights I've been in were either me versus many, me versus someone stronger than most, or a little of both. This has happened both in Raiza and Earth, so whether or not I knew the curse wouldn't change how things went for me. {Getting prepared for a fight at any time is almost second-nature to me at this point, but if I knew I had a curse like this from the start, I may have questioned what point there was to live if everyone was going to be this hostile to me. So, really, it was a change of perspective to make this ability more epic than depressing.}
With that thought, I remembered something that went against this, "Hold on, the ability said 'almost' everyone would get hostile towards me, and this has been with me since I was born?"
Obina nodded, "That is correct."
"Then, how do you explain me having a harem with Ume, Ren, and the others? With Lili, Raize, Carmen, Tephalia, and Winny? Hell, even back on Earth, I got along great with my aunts, Aneki and her friends, and even my best friends, Hyo-chan and Komi. I think it goes without saying that Mom loves me, and from what I remember, my great grandmother seemed to like me, too.
"The only ones I'm unsure of what they think of me includes Sue, who's hiding a lot more from me than she appears, especially the reason why she wiped mine and Nyra's memories from last night," I said while holding up a finger, starting to count them off, "There was an idol back home, Fina, who despite having a haughty attitude outside the stage and meet-up events, was mellower towards me and kept requesting me as a bodyguard through her talent agency's contract with Heaven's Cerberus. Then there's my former senpai, Kazumi Shinka, who I have no idea of whatever goes on in his mind, especially when he initially warned me of my former employer coming after my life after I quitted. And then there's … Koyuki Jikan. The office lady from my former employer who I seemed to have got along with well enough until she stabbed me, then asked me to help her before I somehow threw her off, my death following after that.
"If that uncertain group is the same as the one with my harem and the rest, then what makes all of them so different from the majority who would just hate me at first sight? Are they even affected by my curse, at all?" I asked.
Obina lowered her eyes while thinning her lips, seeming uncertain in how to answer that loaded question. After taking a drink of water, she looked back at me, "Before I answer, what is your stance on people keeping secrets from each other? Friends, family, lovers, etc.? Whatever you'll answer won't change what I'll tell you."
I looked to the side and thought, "Well, I understand that we have our reasons for keeping secrets, even from those close to us. If their secret involves someone in the long-term, though, possibly even hurting them, I think they have a right to be filled in on it, or it could get ugly for both of them down the line."
{Much like how Sue's may pull me and my party into trouble later … Wonder if it's okay to give her a piece of my mind when everything's settled?} I thought.
Obina nodded in understanding, looking satisfied with my answer, "Well, to answer your question … I will say part of their involvement with you has to do with your 'Black Charisma' ability."
I pulled 'Black Charisma's description up and reread it. "Going by the description … are you saying everyone who hasn't been hostile toward me is abnormal?" I asked, "How is that even evaluated?"
"Well, it's agreed that nobody's perfect," Obina explained, "Everyone has a past, secret, or something that shapes them into the people they become, for better or worse. Most of them are too ashamed to speak of these to anyone else. Even if there are some who are brave and unashamed enough to reveal these things, there's a good chance they'll be judged and discriminated against. Some people may not be aware of holding such things until an outside force triggers it, and what happens after that is left to chance. Whatever the case, people will likely not be able to see such things from each other on the surface. Some of the more fortunate-looking individuals are likely to hold such secrets and have gotten by in life because they've learned how to hide them well. Even some of the most normal-looking people have a side of themselves that no one wants to know, a side that makes them so abnormal that many wouldn't want to accept them after learning it.
"Your ability, 'Black Charisma', gives off an 'abnormal air', a presence that alerts everyone around you that you're not normal at first sight, someone that they're either better off not approaching, or want to get rid of," Obina continued, sounding serious before her tone changed to a lighter one, "At the same time, those who are abnormal are drawn to you immediately, for better or worse."
"What do you mean by that?" I asked, sounding slightly worried.
Obina gestured a hand, holding nothing, "Well, on one hand, their 'abnormality' can be the obsession to be dominated and ridiculed, living wild and on the edge while ignoring their own safety, or being someone totally different in sexuality, identity, and species like the Demon-Kin."
Erizora and Julius are the first that come to mind with 'being dominated' and 'different sexuality', respectively. I guess Kazumi could fit in the 'wild and on edge' trait if his experience with women said anything.
"The other side of the 'abnormal spectrum' includes people who like getting into fights, seeking stronger opponents for the thrill without worrying about winning or losing, even if their lives are on the line," Obina continued, "Thugs and bullies who get off on oppressing the weak are also included. Then there are the worst kinds of people, such as serial killers and those who have a more radical way of thinking that fall in line with a dictator's. One way or another, for numerous reasons, you will attract everyone who falls under this 'abnormal spectrum'. The more radical they are, the more likely they'll notice you. This is a common curse that all D-Humans share, whether or not they possess [Devil Eyes], but the ones who don't tend to attract certain types of abnormals from others."
As I listened to Obina's explanation, thinking of who may be affected by my family's curse and how it worked, a certain memory came to mind. More specifically, a memory within a dream that Nyra showed me a few nights before. It was the one that took place in the hospital where me, Hyo-chan, and presumably Komi were kids with the old man speaking to us.
{"The majority of them will look at you with sneers, questioning why such a 'creature' is living among them, and no matter what good you'll do for them, their opinion of you will never change … I did not anticipate things to ever go this far when I made that contract so long ago."}
{"Seeing the three of you here together in this day and age, I can't even imagine how much you've all suffered from my own mistake."}
{"Whatever grudge you may have out of being put in this situation, you may direct your hate and frustrations at me instead of your immediate parents. Just like the three of you, they are also victims of my foolish blunder. For that, I must apologize to you three, especially you, Jinma Kotori, from man to man sharing the same blood, the same 'curse' that lives on no matter how many times it has passed down between generations."}
Recalling that old man's words, my body stiffened as my mind quickly made some unsettling connections. My hands that were fondling Nyra's chest moved to hug around her waist, my vision going down and growing fuzzy out of rising anxiety.
"Jinma?" Nyra asked out of confusion.
"... Obina, can you tell me whether my friends, Hyoko Ishima and Komiwa Karuga, are D-Humans? Are they … connected to the Kurokichi Clan?" I asked shakily, not making eye contact.
Obina stayed silent.
"The reason why Hyo-chan and Komi had caught the bastards' eyes from school, the hostile glares and backtalk from the girls in the hallways, and the carnal stares of the sleaziest adult men from the streets, all because they were D-Humans who inherited the clan's curse?" I asked, growing anxious and angry all the while.
"Uh, Jinma? You're holding me a little tight …" Nyra muttered, but I hardly registered it.
Again, Obina was quiet.
"Answer me, you bimbo Goddess!" I yelled while making eye contact with her, my rage seething. I felt like I was going to blow up at any moment, but something was holding me back. I couldn't register what it was, but it seemed familiar, like I had experienced this restraint when I interrogated Sue this morning. Unlike her, though, Obina was calm and composed, her eyes were soft with sympathy despite being under my pressure.
"J-Jinma! You're … crushing, me!"
Nyra's cry of pain made me snap out of my anger, remembering I was still holding her in my arms. I was probably crushing her under my vice. I quickly let up my grip, lifted the Arch Pixie from my lap, and set her beside me in a panic. She coughed out the air that was trying to escape from her suffocating lungs.
"A-Are you okay, Nyra? Wait, what happened to your wings?! Did I crush them to pieces?!" I exclaimed, switching from anger to anxiety.
"Calm down," Nyra said with a scratchy throat, holding up a palm to stop me before taking a moment to compose herself, "Haa, I'm okay, don't worry. My wings are also fine, I just remembered I could retract them into me, so I did that to make myself more comfortable."
"Sorry for hurting you like that …" I trailed off before remembering what I said to Obina. Filled with more guilt, I stood up from the bean bag couch and bowed deeply to her, "O-Obina, I'm so sorry for—"
"Save it," Obina interrupted, stopping me, "I understand your anger and no one would blame you for feeling that way. Your [Devil Eyes] were coming out, too, so just take a moment to breathe and collect yourself."
"Seriously …" I sighed as I straightened up and paced around the room, running my fingers over my hair, "Am I gonna get like this every time I'm angry now? I feel like I'm getting angry more often lately. Is that bad? What the fuck am I talking about, it is bad! I just lashed out at a Goddess, for crying out loud! I feel like I was going to attack her at any moment!"
"You have no need to worry over my safety, Jinma. I may not look like it, but if you did attack me, I have my ways of making you heel," Obina assured before I heard a snap of fingers and a flash of light.
I turned to the source and my eyes almost popped out of my head from seeing Obina changed from her ethereal skimpy dancer outfit to a dominatrix getup. Black leather thigh-high-heel boots, black leather short shorts, a black leather crop jacket with a generous underboob exposed, even her blonde hair, luscious lips, and other cosmetics changed to match the set while sporting a leather cap. In her matching gloved hands was a spiked collar attached to a leather leash, a flick of her arms snapped the strap onto itself, making a loud crack that made me flinch as it echoed in the bed chambers.
"Now, are you gonna be a good boy and let me speak at my own pace, or am I gonna have to teach you some discipline?" Obina asked, her tone now rough and hardened like steel.
"I am at your mercy, my queen!" Nyra exclaimed while jumping up from her seat and immediately going into dogeza, rubbing her head against the floor while her ass was exposed.
And just like that, I was totally drained of emotion, left with nothing but fear and a slight hint of arousal. I think my inner 'M' was debating whether to follow Obina's demands or risk acting out to see what happens.
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