37.25% A Cheap, OP Brawler / Chapter 76: Chapter 75: Special: The Musings of a Lonely Pussy

บท 76: Chapter 75: Special: The Musings of a Lonely Pussy

[Author's Pre-Chapter Note: Originally set this as an interlude but not sure if I could even call it that with how long it turned out to be. It's more of a filler with some lore so enjoy the second chapter surprise for the day.]

Well, it has certainly been one crazy thing after another today, hm? One minute, you're bored out of your mind when you've gone through everything at your disposal to while away the time. The next? You're keeping watch outside of a room at an inn where two lovey-dovey people of extremely different backgrounds are going at it like beasts in heat. It may be quiet right now due to the [Soundproof] Null Spell but I can tell from the stench that that's what they're doing behind the door at my back right now.

Not to say I'm against two people being together if they love each other. A part of me really wishes for the best for them, but there are times I just wish I'd see those damn lovey-dovey couples burst into flames.

It would be hard to believe that I was once Queen of the Diligence Faction in the Holy Realm, a place where magical beasts would go if they seek peace, prosperity, and order while making an honest living. The Cursed Realm is the Holy Realm's polar opposite … well, I wouldn't say it's the complete opposite. Those who traverse there usually wish to have freedom, to express themselves and have their strengths known and live with their own way of honesty … for better or worse. For the magical beasts who were born into same realm from the beginning, simply dubbed the Magical Beast (MB) Realm, they must choose which of the two other realms to cross over, live, and serve under the Immortals in charge of them.

There are those on both sides who have radical views of each other that are usually not under a good light. Looking down on each other and question their very existences for being there.

I don't have as much qualms with our realms butting heads. I guess that's because I had a few acquaintances who made the choice of moving over there instead of coming with me. I don't believe I made the wrong choice. I considered my options accordingly and put my needs and priorities above anything else. I'm one who doesn't let the opinions of others sway my way of thinking. I even told the one I cared for the most, the one who had watched my back up to the point of our departures what I decided to do ahead of time, and if he chose to come along with me, I would do everything I can to pay back his kindness and support while we worked together as comrades to achieve greatness. I would stay by his side no matter what may happen and I would never betray him.

I know that's what I told him, but in truth … I was in love with him. The bear who now goes by Kenaka, formerly the King of Wrath. If he chose to come along with me, there would be no doubt that I'd jump for joy and pounce him right there before I bare my heart and soul to him. My other friend in our trio, the one who's currently the Queen of Lust, also had feelings for him, and the both of us became aware of the rivalry between us when we realized what paths we wished to take in life. We might've had our squabbles in the past but when the time came, we agreed to not hold hard feelings to each other when our love interest made his choice.

I didn't realize how lonely I'd be when I waited for his arrival that day, only to find out the hard way that that moment would never come.

I panicked for a while as I thought of what may be happening to my former love, for even though I called my rival in romance a 'friend,' I always felt there was something she hid from us, something she didn't want either of us to know about. Yes, all of us have a secret or two we wouldn't want others knowing about, but I knew there are times when those same secrets would intentionally hurt those around them, involving them to the point of being used until they become unneeded in the manipulator's eyes.

I panicked, but then started thinking with a clearer head, about how I shouldn't even worry about the two of them anymore. Kenaka made his choice, he didn't know what he was missing from not choosing me, and so I just needed to work my way to the top and show just how capable I am without depending on my former comrades.

I admit as I look back to those moments that I was just fooling myself. Even so, it gave me something to focus and strive for and I really did want to show my former love how well I've been doing without him, whether out of pride or other I can't even remember anymore.

But then wouldn't you know it, around the same time I became the Jade Cougar Queen of Diligence, they became the Crimson Bear King of Wrath and the Violet Goat Queen of Lust. News spread fast between realms and so I cried myself to sleep the same night I heard of it. I didn't even bother finding another male to move on to as I was mainly occupied with raising my status, so the fact that those two made it there together made me realize how lonesome I felt.

We're able to communicate between realms through a few means. It's especially not as much of a feat for us kings and queens of our factions, but I just couldn't bring myself to contact them and neither of them ever left me with anything, anyway. It seemed like we grew ever more estranged since we heard of each other's accomplishments.

After a while, I've come to a sort of acceptance to the circumstances. Zola, the Goddess of Diligence, helped me come to terms a little when she noticed how depressed I was. How she petted me then was probably the first and last time I received such attention, but I still grew to revere her regardless. I thought that once I started accepting things as they were, I really could move on and maybe find the love of my own for real this time.

But then it happened: news of Kenaka and the goat queen breaking off as mates had everyone in all three realms in an uproar. Not much details were shared aside from the goat queen shutting herself off from the world in her home while Kenaka disappeared, destroying everything in his wake and leaving a mark as the master of his division.

Somehow, the conclusion I came to with that lack of info was that Kenaka left the goat queen without so much of a word, or worse yet, he broke her heart and left in his power-hungry state. It may not be the most absolute conclusion, but I was still furious just from the thought of it. Oh, how I've wanted to run right over to wherever he was then and rip him a new one with my claws and canines. I thought it would be the goat queen that would take advantage of Kenaka, but the circumstances looked like it turned out the other way around and he just got bored with her advances after getting his new position.

For the first time since our parting, I pitied that poor goat. If she was shutting herself off, then she really didn't want to meet with anyone right now. It made me wonder what I even saw in that bear if he had that side of him kept away from both of us.

It's been a long while since their separation. I actually sent the goat queen a message to see how she was doing for the very first time since our departure but she had never gotten back to me. I was still mad at Kenaka, but overall, I was getting melancholy on how far the three of us drifted apart.

It was strange how I prayed for something to occupy my time after I was left with nothing else to do when I felt a powerful presence calling for me. That was when I met the human male who I now serve as his familiar.

I thought that this would be an opportunity to begin a new chapter of my life. While we kings and queens were appointed to such positions to be our Immortals' aides of sorts, it was destined that some unique individuals would summon us and make a pact as master and familiar working together in the Mortal Realm, just as any other magical beast in our own realms would. I admit that Milord may seem like a strange individual even now, something I didn't expect from a Champion, but I still felt a sort of kinship with this man that made me think going with this guy would turn out interesting. So, I decided to give him a chance as I accepted the name granted to me: Mametama.

I thought I was going crazy when that summoning circle disappeared and I was fully connected to the Mortal Realm. At that moment, I could sense a very powerful, but very familiar presence startlingly close by that I stopped myself from going off on my own and make a bad first impression of myself as his familiar.

Lo and behold, there he was. The same bear that Milord seemed to have also made a contract with moments before summoning me. His cub form was unmistakable to miss since I saw him like that when we first met.

Oh, how I wanted to claw that bastard's face, but Milord pretty much forbade us from not getting physical with each other. So instead, I tried to agitate Kenaka at every chance I could get behind Milord's back until he tells me what the hell happened between him and the goat queen.

Over our disputes, I've quickly learned how different Kenaka is now, how he has changed since we parted ways. He didn't make as many snappy comebacks like he used to but instead made subtle threats to silence me if I spoke out of line. Other than those, he ignores me and keeps himself distant from me whether or not I was trying to 'talk' to him.

Honestly, that damn bear's acting so childish in not telling me anything, you wouldn't think he was previously a king … though, thinking back on it, I may not have been as much better trying to prod him for information the way I did.

I'm not going to apologize, though. I should get at least some closure for that bear to leave me that day. If he actually does try to get me back up on that tree then I will most definitely claw his face off. Painful as it might've been, I've moved on from Kenaka as a love interest and I could clearly see after what happened between him and the goat queen that something similar might've happened between us if we were the ones who got together instead.

Maybe I just wasn't cut out for romance from the start. The males back in the Holy Realm never sparked an interest in me, whether or not they were kings of their divisions. There were also the 'dukes' and 'duchesses,' those who directly serve under us kings and queens, but I quickly found out early on how those from the former group are so full of themselves, even if they were from the Holy Realm. It doesn't help that I have no … 'experience' in that department like the goat queen likely had up to her separation with Kenaka. I couldn't imagine how she ever handled the size difference between them, much less be so bold and shameless to get physically affectionate with him from time to time back when the three of us still worked together. Did she even feel good doing that much? It looked that way to me, at least.

The only two people who made me feel good from something similar was Goddess Zola and … Milord, when they petted me, but the latter was admittedly more thorough with his technique that was to my liking.

Honestly, I really wish I was in Lady Umeiyon's place right now with Milord petting me some more. I don't mean to offend but somehow, I just have a feeling being held in that man's arms while in my cub form would be more comforting than in the other girls'. I wouldn't mind sleeping with him in that way either if he wished.

He may look intimidating at first glance for a normal person or magical beast, but I've always had a sort of respect for those who walked the walk while trying to be humble despite their achievements. Milord seems to fit into that characteristic quite nicely, and I find the intense fire in his eyes rather charming. His clothes are unique but I can somehow picture him having a good physique, too.

"… Maybe just a little wouldn't hurt?"

Kapan. Chira



I took a peek inside their room out of curiosity before quickly shutting the door in embarrassment. Goodness, they looked like they really enjoyed themselves, and Milord's physique was actually much more than I had imagined, being the first human male that I've seen in such a state. I wouldn't say no being in his arms like Lady Umeiyon is right now after seeing that. Remembering the discussion involving him earlier, I can now understand how the girls in his harem felt after seeing him like that for the first time.

Would it be wrong to say that I get tingly whenever seeing a male's battle scars? Kenaka's fur covers them now, but I remember a time I couldn't help but stare at his own scars with slight interest. I think the goat queen's influence might've rubbed off on me in this regard.

Lady Umeiyon seems to hold him quite dearly if she's sleeping in his arms so contentedly, too. Exotic, but very warm and wholesome … is this what love should look like? I wonder if Kenaka and the goat queen were like that before they separated.

"Haa … I really do need a male, do I?" I mutter to myself quietly.

I tried telling myself that I didn't need a male to live a good life but I can't deny that getting such attention from someone was something I wanted at least once. Of course, I can't expect Milord to provide that with the way I am now.

There is a way for someone like me to change their appearance that may be to Milord's liking but it would take a magical beast years of training while they're in a pact with their master to make it work. Usually, the master would die of some death before the familiar would even come close to that goal, and the case has become so rare that it's almost a myth among us magical beasts at this point. There is an item that can speed up the process but one would have to have high amounts of LUCK before there's even a possibility to acquire even one of them. Milord may be an interesting individual as well as a Champion and I might be closer to that goal with my strength as the former Queen of Diligence than other magical beasts, but I'd be fooling myself if I think he could actually make it possible.

That said, I'm not going to make the same mistake I made with Kenaka and wait for something that may never come. I will be more honest with myself and my desires from this point on.

{Milord? May I come in?} I ask him through my Familiar Telepathy.

<"Huh?! Oh, Mametama, uh … give me a moment.">

The smell of sex seems to have reduced dramatically while I waited. Was he trying to make himself more decent? Come to think of it, that was the first I've spoken to him through his mind, was it? I would think he's gotten used to it with Nyra speaking in his mind for Zola knows how long. I guess he hasn't gotten used to having servants yet since they usually don't have a place to judge and reprimand their master's current state. In fact, they would politely ask for their pardon for interrupting their 'business,' whether they be someone like a maid, a slave, heck, a familiar is pretty much on the same level as the latter so that counts for those like me, too. I've heard how a few human maids had to report to the nobles they serve while they were in the middle of sex with their mistress, even if it wasn't for a dire emergency.

I may be a former queen but I am a servant of sorts to Milord now, or perhaps something closer to a pet with my current form, he shouldn't need to worry about what I see of him … but I admit the possibility of him seeing me as close to a companion as the girls in his harem made me a little happy.

<"Okay, you can enter,"> he says before I obliged. The barrier that was there moments ago pops like a bubble once I stepped through. Unless the one who cast it is awake, the [Soundproof] Null Spell can be kept up all throughout the night as one may wish so long as no one steps in or out of it. The room doesn't reek of sex as much as it did earlier and Lady Umeiyon is currently under the futon's covers surrounded by another [Soundproof] barrier while Milord is sitting cross-legged next to her, dressed in his clothes except the jacket that's sitting next to the lady's strange outfit.

{Aww, I wanted a better look at his body, though …}

"Is there something going on out there?" Milord asks.

"No, nothing important to report, but … Milord, may I admit something a little shameful?"

"Sure, I don't mind."

"Well … the way you petted me earlier, I've … taken quite a liking to it, and so …" {What are you even doing, Mametama? Getting nervous like this? Just spit it out!}

"You want to be petted again?" Milord asks the question for me instead.

"U-Um … yes." I hang my head in shame.

"All right, then. Come on over here." He lies down on his side next to Lady Umeiyon and pats the open space in front of him.

{Milord, that's not a position just for petting, that's … something for c-cuddling, isn't it?} "I-Is that really all right?" I ask.

"Sure, petting you has been pretty soothing for me, too. I could use some relaxation after the craziness today. You can even change into your adult form if you want to."

"Well, since you've kindly offered, Milord, I'll … humbly accept." I activate my magic and change my appearance to an adult cougar in a puff of smoke. I walk over and lay myself with my back against him while we're both on a futon. Once I got close enough, he gets one arm over my waist and starts scratching my stomach with his hand while petting and massaging my head with the other.

{Ooooh~, I'm afraid of getting addicted to this quickly~,} I think while Milord pets and cuddles me. I'm quickly melting under his embrace.

"How's this?"

"It's … heavenly~."

"I'm glad." The both of us lie just lie there in comfortable silence while Milord spoils me rotten.

{Ah … I wish I was able to do more for Milord when I'm not like this.}

<"Hmmm~, what more would you do for Jinma, I wonder~?">

"?!" I barely managed to restrain myself from jumping up in fright. O-Oh, it's you, Nyra … wait, does Milord …?

<"Don't worry, I'm keeping this talk closed off to only the two of us.">

{… How much do you already know?}

<"I didn't hear anything if that's what you're wondering, but I've sensed your growing emotions outside that door from here for a while now. You're starting to like Jinma as a guy, are you?">

{N-No! Nothing of the sort! That's impossible from someone like me—}

<"Oh, hush, don't even try to lie to yourself. We Pixies may know more of what the other's experiencing than they even realize, but you don't need me to point out what's really going on here, do you?">

I swear, this Pixie's becoming as aggravating as Kenaka just doing nothing in my presence. I've read they're quite the empathetic race with their Psyche Magic assisting them but they could be just as frustratingly so when one has to put up their antics. I can't fathom how Milord had tolerated her up to now.

<"Relax, I won't tell Jinma your feelings but you won't really get anywhere from being his familiar/pet if you keep things like this.">

{… It's not like I have a chance even if I do tell him. Being intimate with a demon is one crazy thing already, but with a magical beast?}

<"Yeaaaah, I didn't see any weird stuff related to this kink in Jinma's memories so your chances of succeeding the way you are now is rather low. Is there a way you can change that to something closer to Ren's appearance, at least?">

Thinking it wouldn't hurt for her to know, I then tell Nyra one possibility along with what could speed up that process.

<"Huh, is that all? Well, that will be easy.">

{Did you not hear what I just said? Just getting a number of those rare items requires the LUCK of a Dragon. The chances for an average human to come across just one is 1 to 500,000.}

<"Those are some odds, and Jinma may have the lowest LUCK anyone has out here in this world, but I'm absolutely sure he can pull it off.">

{How can you be so certain? How long have you been with this man?}

<"Hmm … from the time I made the Weapon's Bond with him, if you don't count our first encounter, I think it's really only been a day and a half.">

{Are you kidding me?!}

<"I just have a feeling that if he's doing it for a good woman, his chances of succeeding will go up by, like, a million percent. You saw it yourself when he was fighting Eugus for Kalline's sake, right? I'm sure he'll figure something out once he puts his mind to it.

<"Plus, even with his LUCK, he managed to summon you and Kenaka, right? I know you just met him and he may not get it right away, but put at least a little faith in your new master. Just between you and me, I told him he doesn't need to worry about it, but I have a little hope that he may find a way to break this curse on me one day.">

{The chances of that happening are even less than him finding the items needed to help me, and yet you still have faith in him?}

<"Well, there's no one else who can hold me and not go crazy from my curse so why not?">

{… I'll consider it.}

<"That's the spirit! In the meantime, just help Jinma out while you can in your current state. I think you're one of the very few who can make him so relaxed as he is—oh, wait, he fell asleep.">

I was so vested in the conversation I didn't realize Milord stopped petting me. Instead, I'm trapped in a sort of hold like a cherished stuffed toy would be in the arms of a child.

Well … he 'did' move around a lot today. If being like this helps him be at ease, then I don't really care if he never finds those items. I'm grateful enough to serve a master who is kind enough to cherish moments like this with someone like me.

{This bond with Milord … I will do everything in my power to not let it break like the one I had with the two of them.} That resolution resides in my mind as I fall asleep alongside my new master.

Orange_Rain Orange_Rain

To pet a pussy after fucking a pussy ... what more would you expect from a harem protagonist?

Also, yes, you've just read how there was a love triangle between a cougar, a bear, and a goat. Already weird enough for Mametama to develop feelings for Jinma so might as well make it weirder, right? I will guarantee, however, that there will be NO straight beastiality in this story whatsoever so there's no need for worry.

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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