31.37% A Cheap, OP Brawler / Chapter 64: Chapter 63: The Awkward Second Summons

บท 64: Chapter 63: The Awkward Second Summons

I panicked as I thought I did something irreversible and told the others what I saw in the notices. They looked at Ren's current state with a rather solemn expression as I practically begged Winny to tell me what I should do to fix this, to get Ren out of this 'regressed' ailment and not force her into being a domesticated pet for the rest of her life.

Thankfully, my worries were unfounded as Winny explained that beast-type races under the 'regressed' ailment just need some time and space away from what's causing the stress. With her current level of the 'Diagnosis' skill, she can see how long those affected by ailments would last. Ren just needed about 10 minutes of space before she gets back to normal, the only downside being that those under the ailment will remember everything they experienced while in that state. It will be highly likely that Ren may want to die from the sheer embarrassment recalling those memories, but I'd take that outcome out of anything else.

Still, that begs the question of how Ren acquired something like a 'Trained [Sex] Pet' title while she was under the 'regressed' ailment. Hell, how would even one's magical aura/pressure be enough to send someone into such a state? I knew Ume warned me before to keep 'Hide Magic' on full power at all times because those around high-powered beings would succumb to various side-effects, but I didn't think they'd be to this degree.

It wasn't just Ren, either. Kalline, a Centaur that's also considered a beast-type race, would've also fallen victim to my magical aura bout with Kenaka earlier if it weren't for her SP. DEF and experience as an adventurer to help her resist it. Instead, she was like a deer in headlights and just stood there frozen, unable to move a muscle. Lili also responded in this regard despite being part of the Insectoid race.

Erizora seemed to have the second-to-worst of it as the sudden overwhelming pressure was too much for her body to handle and she ended up wetting herself. She didn't want to admit it at first before I saw the puddle she was sitting on to keep it from being seen, but the fact that she not only did not look ashamed but was so turned on from having me seeing her in such a humiliating, pitiful state that she wetted herself in a different way. Nyra confirmed that with me from how she sensed Erizora's emotions. While we all know Erizora's still a complete beginner in this kind of play in reality instead of her delusions, seeing her actually getting off to this while on a 'sacred ground' before she practically begged me to punish her appropriately … yeah, she's starting to bud as a masochist.

What's also worrying is that I might also be budding as a sadist for wanting to see her make another accident before my eyes, but I try not to dwell on those thoughts as I shake them off.

After I used [Clean] to clear the mess on Erizora and the courtyard's stone floor, I had her and the others take Ren to the church's sanctuary to rest until she recovers from the 'regressed' ailment while Winny helped me with the second summons from the Holy Realm. Kenaka wants to join them after convincing Ume to let him go as it seems there are some magical beasts from opposing sides that can have quite a feud between them. He didn't wish his presence to hinder any possibility of me getting more capable help, and so I have him watch over Ren for me while they were out. He would let me know through telepathy in case anything happened.

Ren was reluctant to separate from me and even gave me the puppy-dog eyes while asking "[Master doesn't want me here? Will Master leave me?]" Apparently, all the others aside from me and Nyra heard was Ren making that same whining sound dogs would make when they're disheartened, but after assuring her I'd be back as soon as I could and gave her some jerky I had in my MIB, she seemed somewhat satisfied and went off with the others, leaving me, Ume, and Winny still in the courtyard. I made a mental note to visit Ms. Carmen's tent later today, tell her what happened and see what her thoughts are in Ren becoming my 'pet.'

Just so we're clear here, it's not like I want Ren to play my pet after seeing how cute she looked acting like a playful, affectionate dog when she was forced into it under these circumstances. She's a companion first and a slave last with everything else in between them, all right? I want to acknowledge and respect the position she wants to be in when everything is settled in front of her.

However, if she wants to do some pet play from time-to-time as a sort of experiment to see how we can make our sex lives together as a harem more interesting, who am I to refuse her wish to give it a try? I'm totally not using that opportunity to fill the hole of wanting a pet in my life since I was a kid, but couldn't get one because of our financial status and how much animals of any kind seem to hate me while I was growing up.

It's just a coincidence that Ren would be perfect to be doing such foreplay being a Werewolf that likes getting her ears and soft, fluffy, white-headed hair petted, okay? A coincidence.

"Still, for the people around me to have such a reaction just having my 'Hide Magic' off … you weren't kidding when you said there'd be chaos," I say to Ume as Winny starts drawing another magic circle, specifically to summon magical beasts from the Holy Realm.

"I have yet heard what happens when such power is revealed amongst humans and demis. This is just what I've heard from others of my kind when they expose their auras around demons, specifically those who are more magically sensitive, of which I had unfortunately inconvenienced with my presence before I came to Dondegarm and met you. There are those who have high enough magic resistance to be able to keep standing while under such pressure, but just can't move. That said, I must say, Winny, you were barely able to hold your ground when everyone else fell over under such pressure. I thought you were very impressive back there."

"E-Eh?! N-No, it's not really that big of a deal, and besides, it's not like I came out of that unscathed, either …" Winny says shyly with reddened cheeks.

Indeed, Winny was the only one other than Ume who was still able to stand while the magical pressure was on, she only relaxed and collapsed to her knees when my bout with Kenaka ended. Maybe that's to be expected of a black-ranked Priestess adventurer who also helps manages the church as a Holy Bishop.

Though, admittedly, Winny really had to use the toilet before she got to drawing the second magic circle, which meant she almost fell to the same fate as Erizora did. Still, for Ume, a Dragon who specializes in magic, to give Winny such praise, I have a feeling that not a lot of Dragons would give beings 'lower than them' such acknowledgment, so that must really say a lot.

"Even so, being able to stand before Kenaka and Jin together under such pressure is a commendable feat," Ume continues. "In fact, speaking as his primary wife, I wouldn't mind you joining his harem, either."

"Eh?! N-No, I just couldn't! There's still Brother who needs to be looked after and my duties as one of Dondegarm's Holy Bishops of its church!"

"So, if you weren't busy with those things, then you'd join Jin's harem?"

"Th-That's …"

"Sheesh, take it easy, Ume," I intervene. "There's no reason to press her on something like this. I already asked her yesterday if she could join our party and she refused while giving her reasons before we settled with her owing me a favor. I'm not one to be persistent on someone when they've rejected me clear as day. I'm just glad that unlike those who've royally rejected me back home, Winny here's willing to keep in touch with me as a good friend to confide in."

Winny widens her eyes. "Friends? Do you really see me that way? As a friend?"

"Well, yeah? I mean, we already talked quite a bit yesterday, so I don't see why we aren't unless you don't want us to—"

"Not in the slightest!" Winny exclaims, sounding desperate, but pulls back when she realizes how much she surprised us and clears her throat. "I-I mean, yes, if you don't mind someone like me, I would be more than happy to be a friend of yours, Master Jinma, and … would you mind if I rely on you if I need anything in the future?"

"Of course. Putting favors aside, friends help each other out when they need it, right?"

"Y-Yes, of course! Then, I will be in your care, Master Jinma!" she exclaims while bowing.

"Mm. Same here, Winny."

<"She certainly seems happy getting friend-zoned, although … if what I'm sensing right now is correct, maybe 'friends with benefits' might not be too far off~,"> Nyra says as Winny went back to drawing the magic circle.

{You know what it means to be 'friend-zoned?' And seriously, Nyra? 'Friends with benefits?' Did your Psyche Magic tell you that much, too?}

<"Oh, this one's on my female intuition and I'm confident in that to know what girls have in their minds … being one myself along with having my fun with so many of them back in my day. What 'I' want to know is what 'you' think of her as a woman.">

{Well, she's cute, nice, reliable, compassionate, I'd definitely want her in the group having all of that in mind, and yes, as shameful as I might be thinking this way towards a pure-hearted Priestess, I'm definitely curious to see what's under those robes after getting that small feel from her in our short 'embrace' yesterday. Again though, she rejected my advances, and so I don't plan on pursuing her as a man unless something happens.}

<"She rejected joining your 'party,' Jinma. Joining your harem is a whole other game, but I think I'll stop the topic here for today.">

Soon enough, Winny finishes the second magic circle to summon magical beasts from the Holy Realm and I pull out my smartphone with 'Darkness Manipulation' to get a good top-view image of it for reference. From there, Winny instructs me on how to start the summons, which was pretty much the same thing as I did when I summoned Kenaka, only with a few changes of words to fit with the use of my Holy Magic this time around.

"Aside from putting in an offering, is there a way you can get a particular magical beast to make a contract with?" I ask as I get myself in position.

"Hmm … now that I think about it, a lot really don't know what to look for when they first summon a familiar. I know the magic circle won't react at all if you tried to change the chant when you first summon a magical beast, so doing that to specify what you want won't work. It's not often people try to summon more than one, but maybe you could try imagining what kind you're looking for as you put magic into it? Offerings may increase your chances, but it really all comes down to luck with how random the summoning may be."

{With my 'LUCK,' it was incredible I'd even get someone like Kenaka. I probably shouldn't expect something as great to come this time around. Actually, I kind of hope I don't get anything so fantastic.}

<"Never heard of anyone wishing for something 'that' strange. Why do you say that?"> Nyra asks.

{I don't know why, but I feel with my LUCK, something really bad would happen down the line when I come across something awesome by chance around the same time. A lot of craziness happened within the last few days, but I actually started a harem, got to talk with Mom again for a short time, and managed to form a contract with a powerful familiar in my first summon. Whatever happens here, something will come later to even things out. That's what I've noticed from how my life has been up to this point, anyway.}

<"Well, guess we'll have to see, won't we?">

I put my hand on the edge of the circle as I had done yesterday, but take a moment to clarify what kind of familiar I want in my mind before beginning.

{I don't want anything big. I want something small, maybe like a bird similar to Winny's familiar, Plume. It doesn't even have to be great enough to help me in battles, just something to serve as my eye in the skies when I need it. A bird … a bird a bird a bird a bird …}

"I call to thee, Holy, I beseech to you, bring me one who resides in the realm of virtue! Summon!"

The large courtyard is bathed in the yellowish-white light the circle's emanating while some aura of the same color appears on the opposite side of me.

"S-Something's coming!" Winny exclaims.

"Augh, it's too bright! I can't see!" Ume adds.

I squint my eyes while covering as much as I can to see what's coming. I see something of a figure approaching, but can't make out the shape. The gate (?) then becomes brighter that practically blinds us briefly before the lights finally die down. Once my eyes adjusted, I take a clear look at what's inside the circle, and it's …

A feline, more specifically, a cougar-like one with jade-like green fur and white underbelly, bearing a smaller body than Kenaka's, but still rather large overall. What stands out the most though is the bright-yellow eyes that seem to stare into my soul.

"Human with the strained magic, are you the one who called me?" the cougar asks with a mature woman-like tone. Seems the one who came this time is a girl.

"I-Incredible! The Jade Cougar Queen of Diligence! She's of the Seven Holy Beasts of Virtue! To even summon two of these amazing magical beasts, Master Jinma, is there no bound to your prowess?!" Winny asks as I can feel her sparkling eyes staring into me.

"This is …" {the exact 'opposite' of what I was asking foooooor!}

Not only did I not get a bird, but something that likely eats them, and I was kind of hoping for another guy, too …

"You are standing before The Jade Cougar Queen of Diligence of the Seven Holy Beasts of Virtue, yet I can't help but sense you're feeling disappointed. Is my presence not good enough for you, human?"

"No no no! It's not you, I was just, uh … if I speak honestly, can I ask you to not get mad?"

"Bad or good, I am a queen that accepts all honesties, nonetheless. Speak your mind," the cougar says as she takes a seat and curls her tail around.

"Well … I was hoping for a bird or some beast that flies to give me a sort of scout from the skies and I was keeping my expectations really low for this, too, and I just … I don't know how to take this in."

"So … you do not require a great beast with the diligence in the highest caliber of its faction, but a measly bird just to help with your bad sense of direction?"

{… This is awkward.}

Ume then gives me a hard nudge. "Pst! Jin! I hope you're not forgetting that you already got somebody that can fly right next to you!" she whispers with aggravation.

"Yeah, but we can't have you reveal too much of your identity to the public, right?! At this point in time, you're stuck on the ground!"

Ume clicks her tongue at my rebuttal.

"Someone please tell me this is a joke," the cougar says as she prowls around the magic circle. "I came all this way after a great, unique power was calling to me, with nothing to do no less, and then I get told I was not needed?! Me?! The most diligent of all magical beasts in the Holy Realm?! Do you not know how it feels for someone to tell you that you're not wanted?!"

"Uh …"

"What will the others even say when I go back and tell them what happened?! I will be a laughingstock! I didn't work my way up to this position just to be brushed aside, you know?! Heck, I didn't even know what's entailed being the most diligent! I thought I'd get the highest of praises from one of the Immortals themselves as I work alongside them being their partner or something! But nooooo, no 'thanks,' no 'good job, Cougar,' not even a scratch behind the ear, nothing! I just wanted some good attention after doing some honest work! Is that so wrong?! Even when I do want to go back and do the work I used to do, they're like, 'Oh, no, Your Majesty, you've done enough on this end, you should return to the work that's right for your position.' There is nothing. Left. To do!

"I've caught up with everything there is to do, I'm bored out of my mind! I want to do something, but nobody's giving me a chance, and just when I've picked up something of interest to me, I find that I picked up the wrong call! For me to even come this far in my life, making the sacrifices I had to make and grit my teeth on the humiliation I had to occur from time to time, just what have I been doing with my life up to now? I just …" The cougar then collapses and sobs while covering her eyes with her paws.

Aside from the silence between us three—four if you count Nyra in my mind—the courtyard in the back of the church is only filled by the cries of a seemingly neglected cougar who just wanted to feel like she mattered to someone.

<"Whelp, congratulations, Jinma. You just made one of the strongest magical beasts in the Holy Realm cry. How do you feel on this one-of-a-kind accomplishment?">

{… Shit.}

Orange_Rain Orange_Rain

No matter how great a ruler or powerful a governmental figure can be, even they want the luxury to be spoiled from time to time. Jinma will work his fingers to pull this off in the next chapter.

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Stone -- หินพลัง








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