87.93% The Wish of the Dragon / Chapter 151: Side Chapter 8

บท 151: Side Chapter 8

(AN: Thanks for the donation, Zero. I hope all of you enjoy the chapter!)

"...Are you speaking the truth?"

"Why would I need to lie to you?"

"If what you said is the truth then... We are willing to serve you as our new King."

"Correction, I'm not the one who you should serve as your king but it's my husband."

"Very well... Then we, the Bethmoora Clan accept to be your husband's vassal."

"Good. Then I, Scathach Skadi Hyoudou welcome you to the new world. Since you are of the elvish clan then I assume you would want to live where nature flourishes, yes?"

"Yes, my Queen."

"Fumu, you girls take it from here."

"Hai, Lady Scathach." The maids behind Scathach said in unison.

Scathach then set her attention to the princess of the Bethmoora Clan: "What's your name?"

"It's Nuala, my Queen." The girl who goes by the name Nuala bowed towards her.

"I assume you two are twins?" Scathach said while looking at the man who's standing beside her.

"Yes. My name is Nuada." The man also bowed in respect.

"Nuada and Nuala... Interesting. I can sense that you two are not ordinary twins... A 'linked' twins?" Scathach ponder to herself: "I can sense your hatred towards humanity, Prince Nuada of the Bethmoora Clan. But you better not attack any human you see there. If you're discovered wanting to bring harm to the humanity of my world then you better be prepared for the consequences, do I make myself clear?"

"Yes, my Queen." Nuada said respectfully: "For as long as the humans never cross the line... We too, shall never do any harm towards them. You have my word."

While he despises the human because of their greed, he won't go on his way to harm the supposedly new humanity in their new world to be.

It's been centuries and human greed is unquenchable.

He's about to bring apocalypse upon the humans but it seems that he doesn't need to do that anymore. Because of this Divine Spirit arrival and her offer, they can finally find a new home...

"You can be rest assured, if they're the one who initiates the attack then you're free to retaliate as you see fit. Then I believe we're done here." And with that, Scathach created a spatial opening and disappeared from their sight.


Scathach returned to the Land of the Shadows and took a seat on her throne.

"It's been a while ever since I came here..." She muttered with a light chuckle: "And I only have you to blame, husband."

She was planning to visit the Land of the Shadow recently and she thought that she might as well take a look at one of the worlds along the way. In that world, the world itself is not really in danger but a whole race is in danger.

If the race still has a way to prolong their lives then she won't bother.

"I believe all is well while I was away?"

"Yes, milady. The beasts from the land of the shadow that tried to escape have been taken care of."

"Um, good work. Any new world worth noting about?" Scathach asked the shadow maid who's with her.

Shadow maid is not a being made out of shadow or something like that. It's just a maid that consists of different races that possess a strong <Darkness> attribute.

Some are of the human race, some are of the demon race, and so on.

"How about this world, milady?" The maid presented a holographic of another world. In this world, she can see Gods and other races living inside it, and unsurprisingly, humanity is also present.

"This world seems balanced enough. And the humanity also has its own guardian already... I don't see why we should pay this world a visit." Scathach concluded.

On the screen, she can see a man wearing a robot-like suit, a rampaging giant green man, a demigod who seems to rule over lightning, and so on... While they're currently in a battle facing a large group of robotic enemies, it seems that they have everything under control.

Well... Maybe not completely. One of them is about to die under the barrage of an airplane that is currently being controlled by one of the robots. The man is currently protecting a child within his embrace.

Scathach inscribed some magic runes in front of her and the rune launched themselves shaped like a streak of red lightning destroying the airplane and the robot inside.

All the inhabitants of that world saw are a bolt of red lightning coming from the sky...

"Thanks, bud." The one who just got saved said his thanks to the demigod who just arrived at his side.

"...That wasn't me." The demigod of thunder said dazedly while looking towards the sky.

"Ignore this world. There's no need to lend them a hand." Scathach said dismissively.


Scathach stretched her body before she made a call: "Hello, Mikumo? Where's your father now?"


"What? He dares leave me behind when he's having fun with the others? Hoho, you got guts, bakadeshi(stupid disciple/stupid husband)." She laughed menacingly.

The shadow maids at the side smiled wryly at their mistress resentment. Mistress, it's not that the King forgot about you... But at the time, you were too busy training your daughters and he didn't want to bother your bonding time with your daughters.


Kizaru and Akainu arrived within half an hour and landed on the archipelago immediately meeting up with several marine officers who were already there.

"Where are they?" Akainu asked them.

"Th-They're last seen at Grove 13, sir!"

"Damn... to think that 2 admirals would show up." One of the pirates who were watching from the distance said direly. What's a relief is that they don't seem to be interested in the other pirates.

"But this should be very interesting. The daughters of the two emperors... Their mother is not with them. Does that mean that they're confident in their daughter's strength?"

"If the admirals were to win then... Will they use them just like how they use Firefist Ace to lure Whitebeard out?"

"Even for me that's considered stupid, you know? Whitebeard alone would've made their hands full... If the rumored two strongest emperors were to join the fray then the result would be..."

"Catastrophic? Then again, there's really nothing the marines could do since their daughter kicked a <Tenryuubito> ass... Looks like the apple doesn't fall far from the tree indeed. Well, let's just see what happens for now."

They decided to watch the show from the sideline regardless of the risk. A fight between the <Eternal Crimson Pirates> and 2 admirals of the marines is too good to pass up.

And even though it's not the captain themselves, the fact that they're the daughters of those two is more than enough to catch their interest.

Many pirates and even marines felt heartbroken after knowing that the two emperors already had a child... Just who is the lucky bastard that manages to score those two beauties!? They wanted to strangle him to death!

"C-Captain! Where are you going?!"

"Shuddup! I can't just stand by and let the daughters of my benefactor be!"

"Huh? What is she doing?" The other pirates look at the female captain with dark pink hair dashing towards Grove 13.

Back at Froleytia's side, despite the numerous marines surrounding them, they still look calm. Whereas the straw hat pirate crew had various reactions. Some felt nervous, some felt fear, some felt excited...

"Oh, looks like they're finally here." Froleytia grinned while still holding her smoking pipe.

Akainu and Kizaru finally arrived in front of the bar.

"Oh, Sentoumaru? You're already here?" Kizaru said towards a large man that's dressed like a sumo wrestler.

"I've been here from the start, uncle." The man groaned.

"Oooh, good work... And I believe those two young ladies are our target~?" Kizaru said while assessing the two young girls.

The first one seems excited seeing them while the smaller one seems indifferent.

"How terrifying indeed... Here we are, two admirals standing before them alongside hundreds of marines and the Pacifistas but why is it that it feels that we're the one on the losing side, I wonder?" He mused: "And we kept hearing that you're here on this island, Dark King Rayleigh... But to think that you're actually here. Are you helping them perhaps?"

Akainu who's standing beside him didn't say anything. He clenched his fists until it made a crackling sound... The humiliation on that day... He will wash it with their daughter's blood!

They ignored the straw hats crew who's on the scene. They have a bigger target in their front.

"Oh no no, I'm only an innocent bystander." Rayleigh smiled: "And these two young ladies didn't need my help at all."

"That's right. Stay out of this old man. Don't get it in my way. You too, Hiyuki." warned Froleytia.

"I know... It still baffles me just why you and the others like fighting so much, big sis... I rather play with father rather than fighting all the time." Hiyuki pouted.

"It's because you're still too young. I agree spending time with dad is more fun though."

"I'm already 12, and you're only 14 big sis..." Hiyuki deadpanned.

"Well well, confident, aren't we?" Kizaru gives his iconic smile seeing that they're being ignored: "I guess you two won't surrender yourself calmly?"

"What do you think?" Froleytia smirked.

"Indeed... That would be impossible. Then..." Before he even finishes his words, Kizaru disappeared from his spot and reappeared beside Froleytia: "<Yata no Kagami>."

He raised his right leg which is imbued by <Armament Haki> and swung it down at Froleytia's head.

"Heh." Froleytia scoffed before using her left hand to block his leg.


There's a red and black lightning streak on their clash.

Using the timing where Froleytia seems occupied, Akainu also dashed forward and used his fist which turned into magma to attack her: "<Dai Funka>!"

Terrible heat waves spread in all directions, many Marines were shocked by this attack.

And just like how she blocked Kizaru's attack with her left hand, she used her right hand to block Akainu's punch.

But their clash didn't cause the same result, because the moment that his magma fist touched Froleytia's palm, the blazing magma from before seems to disappear. Making Akainu's fist return to normal.

"...Huh?" Akainu let out a confused sound while Kizaru also becomes stupefied.

"Hehehe, an elemental attack won't be of use against big sis, you know?" Hiyuki who's at the side giggled.

After all, Froleytia is Ramius's firstborn daughter. She completely inherited her mother's anti elemental body.

"My turn." Froleytia's smile widened.

She gripped Kizaru's leg and Akainu's now normal fist in a vice-like grip. She pulled them both to the front and clashed their body against each other.

"Ugh!" The two admirals groaned in pain.

But she didn't stop there, she treated them both like a ragdoll and repeatedly smashed them to the ground.

"Gahhh!! Bastard!" Akainu and Kizaru tried to use their attacks once again only to be ignored by Froleytia.

Their <Devil Fruit> power is completely useless against her. Even when they used their <Haki> it's still of no use. Her <Haki> is far stronger than theirs and it felt like they are hitting a steel plate rather than a human flesh!

"H-Help them!" Sentoumaru commanded.

The Pacifistas launched an array of laser beam attacks towards Froleytia. Some came from their mouth and some came from their palm.


A large explosion occurs at impact. Using the chance where Froleytia is a little 'distracted', both admirals manage to free themselves from her clutch.

The moment their body doesn't come in contact with hers, they could transform their bodies once again. Kizaru's body seems to be made of light while Akainu is magma.

"Haah, haah..." Akainu heaved a heavy sigh. It felt like his organs have been crushed from the inside out.

"That was dangerous," Kizaru said solemnly.

Their eyes are still set towards the front where a giant cloud of smoke obstructing their view.

"Hehe, that's an interesting toys you got there." Froleytia's voice resounded from within the smoke.

"Tsk, what a monster." Sentoumaru flinched at her sight. She's completely unharmed! Not even her clothes are ruffled from that explosion just now!

When the dust settled, they can see that the explosion beam the Pacifistas shot seems to be split in the middle with Froleytia at the center. Which results in the curved shaped crater.

"Their mother is a monster and their daughter is also one, huh..." Kizaru muttered in a cold sweat: "This is going to be a hard fight..."

"A-Amazing..." The straw hat pirates said in awe.

The other pirates that are watching in the distance are also in awe.

"Oi oi... Are you kidding me? The two admirals don't seem to stand a chance against her..." The red-haired man who spoke with Froleytia before said in a daze.

"The other girl also didn't make any move, you know?"

"As expected of the daughters of the rumored strongest emperors..."

"I think it's not a rumor anymore... Even their daughter is capable of facing off against two admirals at once! Gahahahaha! I wonder if the 'execution' could still advance if the two admirals were to lose their lives here!"

"The probability of the marines to win against those two... is unknown." Said a man while looking at the cards laid before him: "But... From what I've seen with my own eyes... The odds are almost zero."

"H-Hahahaha! I was worried for nothing... Of course those 'three' children are not simple!" The dark pink-haired woman who was planning to help Froleytia and Hiyuki before laughed in relief.

"You seem to know their parents quite well, Jewelry Boney." The red-haired man remarked.

"Of course I do. I was saved by them in the past after all." She scoffed.

"And what do you mean by 'three'? Is there another crew member of the <Eternal Crimson Pirates> that we don't know about... Was it the rumored 'masked man' perhaps? Is he their father?"

"Who knows?" She grinned.


"Now then... Shall we continue our dance?" Froleytia said with a grin.


"Hey, wake up! It's already morning!"

Hajime woke up to the sound of a chirping sound belonging to a girl.

He opened his eyes to see a group of small girls with fairy wings. They are in fact, house fairies that have been designated by Arte to take proper care of the 'house'. Their height is around the height of an 8 years old child.

"Hurry and eat your breakfast. We are told to wake you up by Arte-sama." The house fairy said towards Hajime.

Hajime is still feeling a little awkward at their sight. Yesterday night, the moment he entered this house, he is greeted by them.

They took care of his needs to a certain extent. Prepared his bath and so on... And the bed he's currently using is way too comfortable. Then again, she is the daughter of a king so he guesses that it's not weird for her to own such luxurious place.

"Got it, thanks," Hajime said his gratitude towards the house fairies.

When he arrived at the dining room, he saw Arte seated on the dining table tapping at something that looks like a holographic device. He can see the image of the bear and the other monsters he killed yesterday alongside other monsters he has never seen before.

"Oh, you're finally awake," Arte said towards Hajime who just walked down the stairs: "Feel free to eat anything you want. These meals are from the meat of the beasts situated inside the dungeon. Mind you that it's only the meat from the beasts on the same floor. If you want a higher leveled meat then you must take them down on your own."

"O-Oh..." Hajime nodded feeling speechless.

"There's rice, miso soup, curry, and other things from Japan, you must've missed eating it considering what you've been through."

Hajime who heard her words felt like a jolt of electricity just went through his entire body. He wastes no time before he immediately took a seat and started stuffing his mouth with the food on the table.

"D-Delicious!" He groaned: "It's been a while ever since I had rice! And this miso soup... Stupendous!"

"Hehe, the food prepared by the house fairies is not bad. Even though they didn't come close to the food that my father prepared, it's still delicious. Ah, no offense everyone." Arte added at the end with an apologetic smile.

"None taken, Arte-sama!" The house fairies said with a smile: "We know that the King's cooking is one of a kind. Even though we won't be able to reach his level, being able to receive your praise is more than enough for us."

"Yep yep!" The other fairies nodded.

"Here you go, Arte-sama. This is the newest product from Lady Colpis farm." The fairy served a glass of hot milk to Arte.

"Oh, thank you." Arte smiles gratefully at them.

Hajime dazedly looks at the smiling Arte. So beautiful... He thought to himself.

"Hm? What's wrong, Nagumo Hajime? Is there something on my face?" Arte asked after sensing his gaze on her.

"N-No, it's nothing." Hajime hurriedly averted his gaze and focused on eating once again.

Arte tilted her head confusedly before shrugging it away. She took a sip of the hot milk that the fairies served.

"Mm, this milk is really delicious. It's so thick, and creamy~! Not to mention that the smell is also quite intoxicating." Arte moaned while licking her lips.

Hajime who heard her words and saw the way her licking her lips had his body slouched forward. A succubus... She's definitely a succubus! Hajime repeated inside his mind. His already reddened cheeks reddened even further...

"I will pay Colpis nee-san a visit and inform her about my opinion later. You should try it too, Nagumo Hajime," said Arte.

"O-Ou..." Hajime nodded while forcing his gaze downwards. It would be very embarrassing for him if she were to notice his current state.

Okita Alter who saw this from the void sighed to herself... Looks like their daughters are also a bit dense just like their father...

"Did you find anything, Millet?" Okita Alter asked the other chocolate skinned beauty.

"I did." Millet who's with her said: "Looks like the 'God' of this world is nothing but an insect who's afraid of death." She said in disdain.

"Oh? Will there be any danger for our daughter?"

"None whatsoever. He's considered 'God' by this world's inhabitants but in truth, he could only be considered a Demigod at most. And even then, he could only rely on his vessel... Most likely, the reason why he summoned those children here is to find a suitable vessel for himself." Millet narrated.

"Hmm, then we should just let Arte handle this then. Don't tell her any of this."

"I know." Millet nodded.

"So how's Morgiana?" Okita Alter asked.

"She's doing great. She just finished her training with elder sister Scathach recently. Now she's onto her next expedition." Millet said proudly. She's proud of her daughter's achievements so far.

"Is that so?" Okita Alter smiled: "Our daughters are really dedicated, aren't they?"

"Indeed," Millet said feeling gratified.

"Do you have any news about Master, by the way?" inquired Okita Alter.

"Milord seems to be in a parallel world of himself with the others."

"A parallel world? So that means there's another Master? Just like myself and Okita case?"


"Hmm, I see... But I highly doubt that the other Master could compare with our Master."

"Agreed. There will be only one Lord. Our Lord." Millet said decisively.

"Hehehe, right."

The two of them giggled at each other.

After finishing his breakfast, Arte and Hajime continue their journey deeper into the dungeon...

Arte used time magic on the dungeon, making it so only a day will pass on the outside while a month will pass inside.

If she didn't do this then perhaps his friends would be worried about him, especially that girl who cried begging for help.

Hajime is also grateful for what Arte did but more than that, he becomes further speechless at her capabilities. To think that she could slow down time itself...

They had advanced 48 levels deeper in less than a week.

"You know..." Arte muttered after Hajime killed the monster that jumped at her from the ceiling. Looks like Arte knows that Hajime would kill that monster hence why she doesn't bother killing it herself.

"Hm?" Hajime hummed at her mutter. His gaze softened by a lot when he looks at her.

"I find it weird that this place would be the 'beginner' area. According to my estimation so far... Taking that foolish boy as an example since he's the strongest out of all of you back then... even if he were to spend a whole month inside this dungeon, he won't be able to come close to our current progress."

"...So those old farts are planning something after all?" Hajime scoffed.

"I already said so in the past, right? That he's lying to all of you." Arte nodded: "I don't know about their 'God' yet since he seems to be in hiding. But one thing for sure is that... that old fart of a priest wanted to make use of you in the pretext of 'saving' them from the Demon race invasion or whatever but in fact, he probably wanted to make use of you as a tool for war. So he most likely put all of you in this place is because he's getting impatient and restless, he wanted all of you to grow stronger as quickly as possible even if it would kill some of you in the process... It's probably also got something to do with me though." Arte scratched her cheek while giving a wry smile.

"So you're basically saying that he really thought that you are from the Demon race and after seeing your display of strength, he got intimidated hence why his impatience?" Hajime concluded.

Hajime knows that the old fart is putting more hope on Kouki who has the Hero class. And he probably wanted to make use of the weaker class as a stepping stone for him to grow rapidly.

"Uh huh. And at the bottom of this dungeon, I can sense a stronger monster lies in waiting. With your current pace, it would take you another month or maybe more to be able to face off against it."

"I see... So I simply need to get stronger, right."


"Very well." Hajime nodded in determination.

"You don't really need to grow stronger, you know? I can just send you back, remember?" Arte reminded.

"I know... It's just that..." Hajime took a glance at the clueless Arte. She most likely didn't understand why he said that he wanted to get stronger even though his objective before was to go home... But now... he has a second objective in mind and it has something to do with the devilish beauty before him...

"Hm? Just what?" Arte repeated.

"...Nevermind." Hajime finally sighed.

"Well, if you say so then." Arte shrugged.


"By the way, gramps." Erza H. said towards Makarov.

"Hm? Is something the matter, Miss Hyoudou?" Makarov responded.

"You're keeping something a little interesting under this place, aren't you?" She gives a faint smirk.

Makarov's face froze almost instantly.

"...What do you mean?" He tried feigning ignorance while his back is drenched in a cold sweat.

"Oh, you don't need to worry. I have no intention of taking it for myself or anything like that... It is slightly interesting but it is still too weak for my taste." She chuckled: "Let's see..." She closed her eyes and used her <Clairvoyance> magic.

"Oh hoo, it's your physical body?" Erza H. asked Mavis who happens to be present as well.

"..." Mavis and Makarov body froze once again but this time they know they can't feign ignorance any longer.

"Humm, no wonder your spirit is still here. You're not really dead, huh... But I can sense a curse on your body, why is that, I wonder?"

"You can tell that my body is cursed?!" Mavis said in shock.

"Of course I can. And... this curse should be a curse that makes you immortal and causes you to uncontrollably exude a black miasma that instantaneously kills all life it touches, right?"

"H-How did you!"

"How did I know? It's quite simple, really... You see, one of my mothers are the True Goddess of Death." Erza H. smirked: "And while I'm not that proficient with <Death> attribute magic-related stuff, I can tell a thing or two about it."

The two of them become further shocked at her words.

"Wait wait... there are too many things that I need to point out at once..." Mavis said in exasperation. She took a deep breath before continues speaking: "...Are you saying that your mother, or one of your mothers is Ankhseram?"

"What? Who the hell is that?" Erza H. is the one who becomes confused now.

"Huh? Ankhseram is the one who cast this curse on me though? The God worshiped in Mildian who rules over life and death." Mavis said confusedly.

"Rules over life and death? Hahahaha!" Erza H. laughed boisterously at Mavis's words: "No no no, that Ankhseram must be only a lower class God. Whereas my mother that I told you about is the highest-ranked God, a True God, second only to my father."

"..." Their mouth becomes wide agape at this revelation.

"Her name is Semiramis. Previously known as Lady Death by many but my father gave her a new name to which she goes by now."

"Semiramis? Lady Death?" They never really heard this name before but considering that Erza H. came from another world then it's not really that surprising.

"...For some reason, rather than clearing up the confusion, we got more questions pops up in our head..." Mavis and Makarov muttered bitterly. There's so many mind-blowing information! Is it even okay for them to hear any of this!?

"Nevermind all that... But... May I ask if you're capable of removing my curse?" Mavis asked hopefully.

"Remove your curse? Well, I could try but I'm not really sure... If I made a mistake then you could really die this time you know." She could forcefully remove the curse with her power but it might cause a backlash on Mavis.

Erza H. paused for a bit: "But if it's my mother Semiramis herself or maybe her daughters then yeah, they could easily remove this measly curse of yours, guaranteed. Heck, it's not even that powerful in my opinion. A simple slap from my father is stronger than it." She laughed once again in the end.

"I-I see..." Their face started twitching furiously. What the heck? A simple slap from her father is stronger than the curse?! That's a curse from a God! Not some magic from a toddler!

"Th-Then could you please ask them to remove it?" Mavis set aside her thoughts and requested: "A-And if not then I'm fine with just you. Even if I died then it's still fine! I won't blame you for it!"

"F-First Master..." Makarov said worriedly but soon he steeled himself: "Please help us!"

"Eeiii... No need to get so worked up. It's not like it's the end of the world." Erza H. waved carelessly: "Let me see if any of them are free or not..."

She took out her communication device...

"Hello, mom? Is Semiramis okaa-sama, Ai, or Hiyuki free at the moment?" Emilia, Semiramis's third daughter is still 5 years old so she can't be really of any use here.

[Hn? Why are you looking for them?] Irene's voice can be heard from the device.

"It's like this..." Erza H. explained briefly.

[Humm, I see... Hiyuki is currently away with Froleytia and your Semiramis kaa-sama is also away at the moment. But Ai should be free... Although, if you want to break a simple curse then using your <Divide> combined with your <Boost> should be enough.] Irene said.

There's also <Delete> other than <Divide> and that's too overkill for a simple curse. <Divide> itself is not really meant to be used to break a curse but with the combination of <Boost> then it will be more than enough.

While <Delete> is basically just like the name implies, deleting stuff or erasing stuff. But if she were to use this, then Mavis's whole existence might cease to exist altogether.

A curse from a God, no matter how weak it is, still need a proper way to handle it. While they could use brute force to break the curse, it might cause a backlash to the victim just like Erza said before.

As for why Erza has <Divide> ability which belongs to Albion is very simple. In the past, when Issei fought Vali, he absorbed one of his <Divine Dividing> crystal after all.

"Will it be fine though? I'm afraid that I might use too much force which might end up erasing her magic altogether." Mavis and Makarov's body stiffened at this. But if that's the price they need to pay then it's actually quite lenient compared to paying with their lives...

[It's fine. As long as you don't use the <Infinite Boost>/<Boost of the Infinite> that is. A simple <Boost> should do the trick]

"Okay then. Thanks, mom, love you."

[I love you too.] Irene chuckled. Then Erza H. ended the call.

"And there you have it." Erza H. said towards the waiting duo.

Their eyes shone brightly at her words.

"But maybe we should do this at a later date, the ride should've arrived already and we don't want to rush things right?" Erza H. said after hearing the commotion outside the guild

"Of course! We can wait until then!" Mavis smiles brightly.



"Uwaaah! Idiot, go away if you want to puke!"

Finally, the <Fairy Tail> magicians arrived at the capital city, <Crocus>.

After a long training session with Erza H. the day where the Grand Magic Games finally starting is finally here.

Tomorrow, was the day of the Grand Magic Games officially begin.

"What's wrong with them?" Erza H. asked cluelessly seeing the <Dragon Slayers> group puking on the ground with the exception of Wendy Marvell.

"I don't really know... For some reason, whenever Natsu and the others ride transportation-related stuff such as magicar, they would immediately get motion sickness." Erza S. explained.

"Weird..." Erza H. mused to herself: "After the training we've done, their Dragon scent also grows stronger. They're obviously not a Dragon... Oh well, you guys go register yourself first. I will tour the city."

"Un, be careful, nee-san." Erza S. nodded.

Erza H. walked around the street before she disappeared on the spot. She reappeared on a building in a distance.

"You're here."

"Mhm, long time no see, mum."

"Aww, to think that you're still willing to call me that."

"Well... I still find it a little weird though seeing that you're basically mom's twin." Erza H. scratched her head at the woman before her.

Irene Belserion Scarlet. The current Empress of Earth Land.

"Now give me a hug!" Irene S. said gleefully.

Erza H. awkwardly give her a hug.

"You're already all grown up... To think that you're only 14 this year." Irene S. said while pinching Erza H. cheeks: "You put your sister to shame... She was so lazy, you know?"

"Y-Yeah, I can see that... To think that some lizard wannabe king could defeat her so easily..."

"That's right that's right, thankfully you're here already, Er-chan. If not, I don't know what to do with that child." Irene S. said with a sigh.

"Well, for starter, maybe you should focus on her more..." Erza H. pointed out.

"You know why I don't do that." Irene S. said mischievously: "I have a promise to fulfill after all~"

"Uh huh... Tell me about it." Erza H. shook her head helplessly.

"Now come, let's do some catch-up. And tell me how's your father doing these days~" Irene S. then dragged Erza H. along with her while humming happily.

Leixein Leixein

ww w.p4treon.com/Leixein

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








เขียนรีวิว สถานะการอ่าน: C151
ไม่สามารถโพสต์ได้ กรุณาลองใหม่อีกครั้ง
  • คุณภาพงานเขียน
  • ความเสถียรของการอัปเดต
  • การดำเนินเรื่อง
  • กาสร้างตัวละคร
  • พื้นหลังโลก

คะแนนรวม 0.0

รีวิวโพสต์สําเร็จ! อ่านรีวิวเพิ่มเติม
โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



เข้า สู่ ระบบ