Hunter look at me with a evil smile and said "to tell your little boyfriend what you are really. You are just a little whore." Austin started to walk towards him. I said " I am not a whore and second I don't need to hear it from you". I take Austin hand and said" let's go. he not worth it,ok". He look at me and said ok, let's go it is about dark time." we started to walk towards Austin's bike. Hunter said " don't you want to know why she doesn't play and why she is called a whore. Just asked her what happened that night in middle School." Austin looked Hunter and said if she wants to tell me. she will. I don't care what you have to said and her because I like her for her not for some bullshit that happen four years ago". He ask if I was hungry and he stop at a restaurant a few blocks away from my house. he said" What do you want to eat?" I started to cry and I asked if you know the truth will you leave me alone or will you stay with me even if it hurts?" I knew what he was a out to said by the look on his face. he said "I will always be there for you". I said "ok, that night the high schoolers had a game and it was the middle schoolers vs. the high schoolers and the high schoolers los the game. Hunter and l are neighbors so we were walking back to home and the high schoolers was us and stop us. They told Hunter to run home because they hurt him. They were mad because I scored the winning shoot and they beat me so bad that my parents didn't recognize me. They took turns raping me that night. so that is why he called me a whore. I could not stop all of them and he watched those boys do that to me. He didn't ever told anyone that I was still there in the ditch rape and left for death. His parents found me the next morning. They kept me to the hospital.