"So it is just because of one experiment of that Ranald guy?"
"Yes, it was Dr. Ranald Lovov." Aria explained the reason for the sudden changes. "He theorised it more than 15 years. But the Royal Society rejected his thesis. His theory would have shaken the understanding of the science. So…"
Looking at Rex's confused look Aria smiled and explained in simple term, "To begin with there is no way one could produce fire without fuel and oxygen. But that is according to the basic theory of science. Then he said one could do it if one had the particle name, 'Magion.' Not just fire one could create anything at the expanse of Magion."
"There is no way for something like that to happen, right?"
Aria smiled, "Everybody thought that too. But look outside what Dr. Ranald had theorised is true."
"But how can that happen out of nothing?" Rex might not know much about science but he was sure that there was no way that a particle started to exist just because somebody said it.
"It existed from the dawn of life but what we lack was the catalyst that was needed to energise the Magion. Dr. Ranald had said the key to unlocking it, is called Kakiye. Mana in English."
"So this is just magic?"
Aria shook her head, "The experiment went wrong. And from the look of it, there was a chain reaction and the mana contaminated the…"
*Knock Knock Knock.*
Aria stopped talking and put her hand on Rex's mouth to stop him.
"Open up." The voice was quite dominating.
"What do you want?" Aria asked.
"The director had ordered us to look for the survivors. Open up."
Aria tensed up. Looked around the room one last time before opening the room.
The moment she opened it 3 men forced their way in. Aria stumbled back, was surprised by the action but shouted, "What are you doing?"
"She is such a cherry beauty."
"Let just inform them that, there is no one here. She mu…" He wasn't able to finish his words before he was punched in the face. "She is quite sassy. I like her. Give her to me." The height difference between them was too much and punch wasn't very strong either. The big man held on to her hand as he said.
"Dude you are bleeding." Blood trickled down his nose. But the last one wasn't interested in that. He said with a lusty smile, "I want her too. But you can go first." The big one who was holding on her hand pushed her into the room. Her struggling had little to no effect on him. The other two came in behind and closed the door from inside.
"Honey you have to depend on someone strong as me, otherwise it will hard for you to survive. I am mer…" Another punch stopped him in the middle of the sentence. But it wasn't Aria, but Rex.
He was hiding outside the window, holding on to his temper. The moment they closed the door he moved. The punch wasn't soft. Not just his nose twisted, even his front row teeth were broken. The big guy was angry, was looking for the offender but Rex had already moved from his position. There was one thing that no one could compete with him that was his movement. The moment he landed the punch on the big guy he moved, twisting and dodging the one in the middle and give a hook on the jaw of the last one. His punch wasn't strong but a hit at the weak spot along with the essence of surprise, it was effective.
The last one fall on the floor with his eyes turned white and was foaming from the mouth. The middle one was the first to react but it was already too late. Rex kicked at the back of his knee. He crushed on knees just to receive next kick at the neck. Something that no one had expected happened. The neck snapped, his body slumped on the floor. Never in the dream, Rex had expected something like this to happen. But Rex didn't notice that at the moment he charged towards the big guy who was still in shock from the punch. Next punch was right at his solar plex. No matter how resilient one be it will be hard to stand up after receiving such a punch.
At the end of the day, Rex's punch wasn't that strong and he was staring at Rex with fear.
"This is my sister and you are trying to touch my sister? Who do you think you are?" He kicked at rib of the guy who was already had fallen on the floor. Rex had already lost his sanity, continued kicking him until, Aria cried out, "Stop it brother, please stop."
Only then Rex came back to his senses. The sense in front of him even frightened him. He didn't dare to ask about it.
"Brother!" She called, Rex turned to see that she was looking at his foot. His foot didn't have a single amount of flesh from the knee down. Even if one ignored the blood spot on those it was not something natural. His legs had turned into crystal, brown crystals up to his knee.
Blood had been drained from his brain, he was feeling light-headed. 'Could it be I am turning in those freaks too?' The fear enveloped him. But it was not alone, with fear came determination. 'I can't show it to her.' Rex gave a big smile and said, "Don't worry, I am okay. I can control it. I am still sane you know." He didn't know whether she believed it or not but she nodded her head.
'I have to take her to the home.' Rex sighed, "We have to move now. If others come, it would be a big problem. There is still an hour before the sun rises, we have to move out before that."
She didn't say anything grabbed her sack with a nod and moved. Rex grabbed the doorknob and asked before opening it, "You can do that thing with the wind right?"
She nodded.
"Then use it as a guide" Rex was curious about that thing but this is not the time to ask. "Keep 10 to 20-meters distance between us." seeing her nod he opened the door looked at both sides and moved towards the stairs.
"Go up." The wind whispered. Rex was surprised by the command but did it nonetheless. The moment he climbed it two people walked up. But lucky for them, they went another way. Rex moved down the stairs and continued to follow the command.
"Yelp!" Rex was surprised by the whisper. "Are you ok?" Nobody answered him. Rex turned back without hesitation. But, "I am ok. Go left."
"Are you sure?"
"Left." Rex nodded and moved. The building was too big, it took some time to come down. "Come here quick," Rex said as he reached the wall.
"No, go. I will take a different route."
"I am not leaving without you." Rex was fixated.
"Don't worry she is here." The voice was not too much away from Rex. With the voice, fire lit up around him. There were 8 people. Two fireballs were burning on the hand of one. It was magic. Though there was fire he wasn't like those freaks, the boy was controlling it. Some of them had a weapon, some were bare handed. The one who was talking wasn't as the young one around him, he was actually quite old. But he had some authority.
"Come with us if you want to live. Otherwise, that girl won't…" Similar to the previous situation Rex didn't wait for him to end his sentence. With the crystal leg, his burst of speed was enough to crack the concrete under his feet.
But unlike last time his hand was stopped an inch away from his face. The man staggered back but it was Rex's hand which was bleeding.
"To left." The moment he moved according to the instruction an arrow plunged into the ground. A smile appeared on the face of the old man, seeing the failed attempt he was about to say something but before he could say it Rex had already left his vision. A moment later the whole area plunged into darkness.
The old man realised what just happened but it was too late. He put up his defences again. Every moment a kick or a punch fall on the barrier he can feel it too. But that wasn't all, he could hear Rex was fighting others at the same time. He could hear the wind blew around him also felt that the wind was becoming moist, but he couldn't see a single thing.
On the other side, Rex was in a similar situation but the wind started to whisper the position of other, Rex was attacking one by one while kicking the barrier around the old man. For the first few punches, it hurt but more he did it less pain he had felt. Before long he could feel cool energy was spreading through his body. His speed started to increase with each use and the strength too. There was only one left other than the old man and the girl who was holding Aria.
All of a sudden the wind almost shouted "RUN".
Tough surprised he did it. A huge amount of arrows rained down from the sky went straight through the concrete like butter. The tail of the arrows was burning in blue fire.
Rex looked around in surprise. There was more 20 people were present, now encircling the whole area.
"Even now you couldn't follow the simple command." The voice sounded with authority from the side of the old man. Rex looked into surprised that this was a person he actually knew about. He is one of the top scientists of the nation and also the director of the institute. He was already awarded the highest civilian honour. He never expected him to be here, on top of that in such a getup. He was wearing a hooded rode with a unique design. What was more surprising was that he was holding an orb that was shining in the same blue colour as the tail of the arrows.
"Wow, you are a new type. How did you able to become like that?" The director looked at Rex when he asked. Even Rex didn't notice till now but his body was shining with the blue fire. He could see the reflection of the fire on his own body. His right hand, half of his chest and the bottom half was already turned into crystal. Though he couldn't see the colour under blue fire, it felt brown.
'I don't have much time left. I have to get her out of here before…' His resolution got stronger. He didn't notice but his body was glowing in brown hue as he moved. He moved towards the Aria. But just before he could reach her she vanished.
"Aria, where are you?" He screamed top of his lungs but neither Aria nor the wind answered. He could understand who was behind this. Without hesitation, he moved towards the director but the old man moved to stop the attack. First punch fell on him, the result was same but the old man was surprised.
'Even with Director's aid, he is able to push me back? How strong he actually is?' He put all of his mana to energise the barrier of the front. Rex second punch was even stronger, on the third, the old man coughed up some blood. With the final one, the barrier cracked like glass and the old man was sent flying.
Rex didn't spare a single thought to the old man and moved towards the director. He punched. But there was a bright smile on the director's face.
The punch stopped an inch away again, but there was no barrier. Rex felt the pull was from behind and turned. The blue fire was wrapping his body like a sticky rope. He felt he was chained to the ground.
"You are strong, not something we have seen before. It would have been a shame to put you down now. They would have loved to put you on the table. Alas only if you had chosen your side with more care."
Rex couldn't understand what the man in front of him was talking about. His strength was leaving the body. It was becoming harder for to breath.
'Mayuri was first now Aria too, I failed to save both of them. Forgive your weak brother, Aria.' That was what he wanted to speak out but his lips had already turned into the crystal so did his left eyes. He closed his right eye. Was it regret or in sadness nobody knew but a teardrop tickled down on his crystal face. He turned into a crystal statue.
"Brother."A loud cry broke the silence. The Director looked in surprised to see that he was unable to control the Magion around the area even with a high-grade control orb. The mirage that he had created to hide the girl shattered right in front of his very eyes. The girl was shining in bright white light. Her hairs, her skin, even the veins underneath it was shining in bright white light. It was morning even before the sun rose as a light pillar shot up into the sky.
"How that can even be possible? An Omega!? An omega has appeared on the very first day. I have to inform…" He was murmuring when the pillar of light broke what appeared out of came an angle, with six pairs of wings, hovering in the middle of the air, bathing in the pure white. Even the sun that just appeared behind, was paled in comparison.
Just let me know, how you felt about the chapter.
Eternal darkness enveloped till the distance eyes could see. There was no sky, nor there was any ground, the horizon also got lost in the eternal darkness. There was one man who was lying at its origin.
He opened his eyes, stared at the front and jumped back on his feet. He started walking to the ever moving destination. Nobody was there to see how long he walked, but he stopped. He looked up. The sky spread out from the spot where he was standing. He looked down. The darkness ceased to exist. The lush green valley was under his feet. Ice peak mountains have decorated the horizon.
He looked up, confused, he ran. A statue appeared where he stopped. His eyes were full of love as he caressed it. Cracks appeared on the surface as a maiden came out of it. He took her into the embrace, unwilling to let her go.
"Why are you crying, idiot?"
"Why did you left me?" It was Rex, holding on to the woman with his life.
"Come on, I am not running away." Rex released her and took a look. The faceless head turned into Mayuri. He kissed her without hesitation.
"What are you going to do now?"
"I am going to go with you." Rex Didn't have a single shard of hesitation in his voice.
"What about Aria?"
Rex looked at little distance away. A small stature formed and turned into Aria, behind her was uncle and aunt.
"Brother." She cried for help. Those freaks charged towards them. The elders already fall under their claw without any resistance. The big boy, the old man and the director were the one was assaulting her.
"Brother save me." She was crying looking at Rex. He took the first step but stopped. He looked at Mayuri. She was smiling at him.
"Save her."
"But what about you?"
"What about me?" Rex stood there heartbroken. Mayuri was smiling at him but tears were falling from her eyes without stopping. "I am ok." Her words and expressions didn't match.
"Go." She shouted at one, "Please don't." Pleaded at the next. Her face was changing with each word.
Her right eyes started to bleed, her right hand was extended towards him with long nails. The left was calm and was still beautiful. It didn't stop smiling for a single second.
"Brother please…" Aria's shout cut short with another assault.
"I love you. I always loved you. I won't able to live without you. That is why I died before you."
"What about me?" His tears were flowing too.
"What about them? You were my everything but you have them. You have to live for them."
Rex took a step forward, "But what about you?"
"I will always be here." Her left hand pointed at his heart. The stone right hand moved and grabbed his throat. The right spoke again, "Don't go, come with me. I won't be able to live without you."
Those were the words he wanted to hear but he also knew that there was no way the real Mayuri would say it loud.
Rex closed in and kissed her again. When he released Mayuri had turned stone again with a teardrop under her left eye. Rex sucked in a big breath and moved towards Aria. The whole world engulfed by white light.
"How that can even be possible? An Omega!? An omega has appeared on the very first day. I have to inform…" He was murmuring when the pillar of light broke what appeared out of came an angle, with six pairs of wings, hovering in the middle of the air, bathing in the pure white. Even the sun that just appeared behind, was paled in comparison.
"LET THERE BE LIGHT." It moved its sceptre. Light flowed from it as it was the bright sun.
Blue sphere appeared around the twenty present.
It wasn't effective. Blue mana started to ooze of the blue spheres. Cracks appeared on them. One popped. The one inside looked on disbelief as he was disintegrated in dust in a blink.
Then the second one, then next. Seven more popped before astonishing things took place. The cracks started to recover. But that was not enough as one more popped under the intense light. But the recovery became faster. No matter how much it shined, it couldn't pop any more.
Before long the light started to dim and soon faded into the sunshine. But the blue sphere started to glow brighter and brighter.
A crack appeared on the orb. The blue sphere and the bright light disappeared at the same time. The orb turned into dust leaving behind the burn mark on the director's hand.
"An Omega is an Omega after all. Alas, you were just awakened." The director took out another blue orb from the robe. It was smaller than the last one, "Now what you are going to do?"
The angel came down to the earth. The wings hid behind her back. The faceless face of the Angel started to reveal the face of Aria underneath it. She was tired. She went on her knees. Her eyes were showing longing as she looked at the crystal statue.
"If the body is contaminated by an excess amount of Magiton then it is impossible to survive." The director knocked at the crystal solid body of Rex, "Your brother is dead now. That doesn't mean you have to die too." The director extended his hand to her. "Come with me. You will live your life in riches."
Aria eyes were full of hatred. "I won't."
"Are you sure?" The director touched the orb with both hands. It started to give off a blue hue.
"I will never join you."
The Director shook his head, "I really want you to be on my side. But if you don't want that then there is nothing much I could do about it. You have to…"
Stong vibration shook the blue sphere around the director. The director strumbled and fall on his knee. Before he could look around, Aria shouted, "Brother."
'How can it be?' the director looked in shock. 'They said it will take at least a month before an Omega will appear. Here is one right in front of him, They said it impossible a contaminated being to survive and…'
He wanted to report his discovery to the higher order and gain some rewards but Rex wasn't willing to give him the time.
"Even if you survive the contamination there is no way you will survive the mana barrage." The orb glowed at his highest. Along with that, the remaining 12 attacked at him at the same time. Numerous arrows appeared above the director and rained towards Rex. Rex was no the move. With wind's direction, he was able to escape most of the arrows. Those arrows or the weapon attacks which fall on him had little effect on his crystal skin.
On the other hand, Rex didn't just attack the director rather started to take out the other twelve. His strength was same, didn't increased but the lack was done in by his crystal knuckle. Those who were stupid enough to aim for Aria went down faster.
Even those blue sticky stuff had little effect on him. The last four ran away in fear. The director wasn't one of them. His orb was still bright, so was the blue sphere around him.
No matter how much Rex pounded on it, all of it was without any result.
"No matter how much you try you can't overcome a mana barrier. It is not like those Magion barriers that yo… What are you doing?" The director was shocked.
Rex wasn't punching it any more. He just extended his hand and grabbed the blue sphere. It broke down like a castle of glass as soon as it came into the contact of his hand.
"What are you? Are you a ingester?" Even if he asked that he knew very well that was impossible. The director looked in fear. Others might not understand what was happening, but it was clear in his eyes. The man in front of him is actually absorbing mana. It might not be too pure but the absorption should have been impossible.
The director turned to run. Rex hand different idea, he kicked the ground. The concrete distorted under his feet. Part of it started to come out. The director stumbled and fall.
"You want to kill my sister. Do you think I will let you go." Rex punched. There wasn't a single shard of hesitation when he punched through the director's head. 'No mercy' that is his motto for each and everyone who tries to harm his family. 'The world had changed so I will too.'
The director greeted the recurved the punch with a smiling face. Just as his crystal hand smashed his head huge amount of mana exploded out of the body. A huge blue tower shot to the sky enveloping Rex in it.
"Brother." Only Aria's cry remained in the first morning of the new world.
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