The powerful wind broke through and pushed as if there was a change in the air pressure creating the strong penetration of the wind. The Kraken had calmed down when the force field was deployed as it blocked the wind itself. But now, the wind of Hermes pushed inside and created a strange wind field around them.
"How arrogant!" The Emperor roared angrily.
"Don't do anything yet. Let them have their fun."
The Emperor contained his anger and relented to making a devastating attack.
"The others will soon find ways as the battle inside will become more and more chaotic. Once they're all gathered, I'll Invoke it. The world will once more remember why we are called Emperors!" The Empress declared.
A twister of air made landfall on the surface of the Kraken. The twister started to grow larger and larger. Right in the center of the twister stood six figures.
"Let's get this party started! Four Winds! Move!" Hermes ordered.
I'll just need to remind you that more guys will be joining this battle. So don't get surprised as you suddenly see more people with disgusting abilities like Grant Hermes.
Btw, this Skil of Grant in becoming the best of who he is is inspired by one of my best friends. He basically lives to ad-lib/ improvise.
He has no plans, frustrates everyone around him with his insane, often unconventional, and borderline rude actions and is a very lax and often insensitive. And what is more annoying is despite this "as the Spirit leads" attitude, he usually pulls off a great job that I who wanted to prepare and layout everything would grit my teeth in anger. (Especially if it was some school work and we were secretly competing with each other)
I guess some people just work better without a plan...
Next chapter on Friday.