62.06% Obra Maestra (DISCONTINUED) / Chapter 18: Chapter 13.2: Back to Seven

บท 18: Chapter 13.2: Back to Seven

Mariano, where are you?

Antoine, what's happening to you? Are you still a seven year old boy there inside?

Hermana Auring, why does it take you forever to attend a mass?

Of all visitors, why the Tres Marias?

Dear God, help me!

My head is spinning with all the questions popping out.

"Good morning, servant girl. We came here to have a little visit." Blonde greeted.

Brunette peeked from her back and waved at me.

"Is Antoine in there?"

"Antoine! Antoine! You've been speaking about him for like 24/7!" Redhair said in a very annoyed tone. "Is Mariano there? She whispered at me.

"They're not here. What made you visit anyway? And how did you know we live here?"

Blonde curtly entered the house and observed. Her two sisters followed.

"Your house is not that bad."

"Hey, you should not come in." I tried to stop them.

"Relax, servant girl. We were just a bit bored in our castle. So we decided to stroll around and do something good."

"Something good? Really?"

She raised an eyebrow and waved her wand. A basket appeared with gold and precious stones brimming from it.

"Our apologies for our bad behavior before. Accept it." She handed the presents to me. I struggled with its weight at it was quite heavy.

"No, give it to someone really needy."

"Just take it!" she hissed.


She proceeded and saw Antoine sitting in the middle of the staircase.

"Brunette, there's your sweetheart."

Brunette was as fast as the wind and climbed the stairs. She gave Antoine a hug.

"Stop. Let him go." I ran after her and tried to pull her away from him but she was too strong.

What can I do against a demon?

"Lady, you're as strong as a man." Antoine said bluntly while cringing from where he is sitting.

Brunette tapped him on the chest with her fan. "That's not the way to greet a lady."

"I'm sorry."

"You're forgiven!" she said with a wink.

Brunette held him by the forehead.

"Are you sick?"

She then looked at me. " Is there a spell on him?"

"Yes...with that child eating kind demon. He now thinks like a seven year old."

"Oh, poor thing. Don't worry I'll take good care of you." She caressed Antoine's hair.

I felt awkward. I could not bear to witness the sweetness between these two.

"Would you like to have a snack? Or stay in the guest room?"

"Guest room is fine. I'm tired." Redhair answered.

At last, Hermana Auring arrived.

"Oh, who are these ladies?" she asked me as she entered the door.

"Friends...Mariano's friends." I lied.

Hermana inhaled deeply and forced a smile.

"Oh, I see, let me lead you to the guest room where you can rest. I'll just put this basket in the kitchen, alright?"

The three sisters nodded in unison.

"Bianca." she gestured for me to follow.

"That's why I do not want him hanging around him with Mariano. A bad influence! First, he went home drunk and disoriented. Then, we have these women from whatever planet they came from."

"Oh, Hermana, I wish I can tell you the whole truth." I thought.

"I'll take care of the house and look after our guests. You should watch Antoine. I do not like the way the brunette one looks at him." She then went out and accompanied the Tres Marias to the guest room.

I came back to the living room and found Antoine still sitting on the staircase. He was leaning on the wall with his eyes closed.

"My head hurts." he said almost in a whisper.

"Come, go back to your room now." I held out my hand to him. He gladly held it and stood up. "Why did you force yourself to stand up anyway."

"To check on you. Aren't those three the bad demons?"

"No, not that bad at all."

"The brunette one frightens me. Won't she eat me?"

"A, hahahaha..hmmm...pfft...no! Antoine, she won't."


"Of course." I assured him.

We heard steps behind us. It was Brunette. She stopped and coyly played with her hair.

"Aren't you supposed to be in the guest room?

"That woman scares me."

Hermana Auring is phenomenal.

She is regarded with respect by all people in the village. Also, the daring Mariano seems to be scared of her. Now, these minor demons are intimidated by her.

"Is that your room?"she excitedly asked.

She squeezed herself between us and opened the door. She jumped on his bed happily.

"Brunette, that's inappropriate." I reprimanded.

"What's appropriate, human?" She turned to her side and rolled off the bed. In a second she was staring at me eye to eye.

Her eyes were so dark.

I gulped, realizing that I am indeed looking at a demon's eyes.

I put my hand around her shoulders.

"Let me start with a makeover." I lead her out of the room and made a gesture for Antoine to close the door.

"Really?" She put her hands on her face. "But I think I look fine."

"You have to adapt a little bit here. Men here do not like much makeup."

"Do you think so? Would he like me even more if I make it less?


"Quick. Let's do this!" She pulled my hand and walked in quick strides. So swift, I felt like I was not stepping on the floor.

I handed her a pair of baro't saya*. She stroked the fabric and smelled it.

(Filipino word for "blouse and skirt")

"It smells like you, strawberries."

I smell like strawberries.


"Antoine smells like sandalwood. So fragrant. So calming." she sighed. She dreamily put the baro't saya on her face and waltzed.

"I'll leave you to change then."

"No need."

She turned around and magically her clothes have been changed. Her face was bare without the terrible makeup. I must say she looks pretty if only her face was not too pale. Her long brunette hair was a bit thick so I suggested that I braid it into two. She graciously obliged.

"See, you look a lot better." I told her as she stood in front of a mirror. She raised an eyebrow and turned around.

"You did well, human." She fixed some loose strands from her hair.

"Can I ask you something?"


"Are you demons born that way?"

Suddenly, her dark eyes turned into red.

"Forget it." I said as my question might have hurt her feelings.

"We've been here a long time ago before you, humans." she started to narrate as she she sat on the bed. I followed her to listen.

"I don't know why we are here. I don't know if the Creator did punish us. I just can't remember my crime." There was a deep sadness in her voice. "We have this instinct to be evil. Then we'll be so remorseful for what we've done and realize that we can't take it all back. The cycle repeats over and over again. But, I tell you. I'm just so tired."

I gave her a gentle stroke on the shoulder.

"I don't know why I'm telling you this, Human."

"It's alright." I assured her. "I am sure that you are doing your best to be good. Wait. Why don't we start doing human stuffs, like cooking? Antoine would greatly appreciate that."

"Oooh! I like that!" she agreed with a squeal.

That night, Antoine's house almost burned to dust, making Hermana Auring's blood level soar its highest record.

Morning came and the Tres Marias have no plan to leave.

I was fixing my hair when a blurr pale face appeared behind me. I was taken aghast.

"That jade comb looks interesting". Brunette said.

I sighed in relief. I turned around and saw her eyes fixated on the comb.

"Brunette, you should at least knock, you can't enter the room without permission." I reminded her.

"Nonsense! I knocked at Antoine's room and he put a demon repellant at the door. I might as well enter any door without knocking."

"Oh, is that so?"

"Can I see it?" She held out her pale hands and gestured for me to give the comb. I hesitated to give it to her but as I do not want to be rude, I handed it to her.

"So pretty, where did you buy it?" She gently trailed with her fingers the detailed designs in it. Her dark black eyes were seemingly mesmerized in an instant.

"It was given to me."

"By whom?"


She glared at me like I did something offensive. I got a bit nervous. Demons are still demons. She then gave a girlish pout.

"Jade combs offer a lifetime of friendship with the one who gives it. You are so lucky!" She then held the comb close to her. "I want this!"

"No. No. I'll give you another." I bargained with her. "Give it back!"

She shook her head.

"I want this one given by Antoine." She ran and jumped out of my window.

"Come back!" I also jumped out of my window and followed her into the backyard. We were like fools running aimlessly in circles.

"Give that back, you demon girl!" I screamed.

"I want this, human girl."

"That's mine!"

"I'll buy it from you. Diamonds? Gold? I got tons of them!"

I saw the window from Antoine's room open. His head tilted in wonder. Then, he also jumped out- from the second floor! Why can't I just be with "normal people"?

He proceeded to where we were running and watched.

"Are you playing?" he asked with childish curiosity.

"No, don't just stand there and watch! She took my jade comb, the one you gave me. Catch her!" I ordered him as I was already losing my breath.

"Sì, Señorita*!" he then gave me a military-like salute and ran in front of Brunette. She dodged and headed towards the fields. As her skirt was too long, she tripped and landed in a puddle of mud.

(Spanish term for "Yes, Miss!")

"Are you hurt? I'm sorry." Antoine assisted her to stand up. I tried to fix her dress and wiped the mud on her face. Her eyes were brimming with crimson tears. This was the first time I saw a demon cry. I felt sorry for her.

"I just want this comb and the friendship with it." she said in between sobs.

"I'll get you one, don't worry."

"You don't understand. We've lived so long and I'm so tired. All I want is to have...real friends, even for a lifetime only."

We went silent with her admission. She might have been wishing to have friends for so long yet her sitiuation as a demon hinders her from having some.

"If you promise to behave, we could be your friends." I told her.

Her eyes beamed. Then, she turned bratty.

"Who told you I wanted to be friends with a human like you?"

I felt my blood boil. I chose to be more patient as being mean might be in her system.

She then turned to Antoine.

"I want us to be more than friends."

He looked at her blankly.

"You don't get it, do you? I'm just talking to a seven year old boy after all!" She stomped her feet like a toddler having tantrums.

"Would you give the comb back to me, please." I interrupted.

"In exchange for what? I'm a demon remember? I make deals." She crossed her arms around her.

"What do you want?" I asked her.

She shyly pointed at Antoine. She bit her finger and blushed.

I gasped in disbelief.

"No way! Take the comb. I can't give him to you!"

"No, silly girl. I just want his shirt. I'll add it to my collections."

"Fine, let's go! We'll gladly give you ten."

"No, I want the one he is wearing. He smells really nice now. Like sandalwood."

Both of us stared at him. He turned his back, kneeled on the grass and played with the pebbles on it. Brunette put the comb in her pocket.

"Just give it." I ordered.

"But it's chilly." he complained.


He continued playing and ignored us.

I winked at Brunette and pretended to cry.

"It's just a shirt..." I began acting.

He turned and looked up to me. I made my crying more believable.

"Do you know how precious that comb is that to me?"


"I thought we were friends..."

"Of course, we are..."

"Oh, you just made her cry." Brunette taunted him.

"Here...here..please don't cry anymore..." He stood up and took off his shirt. Brunette squealed as his abs and muscles flashed before her eyes.

"Dios Mio*!" she put her hands on her mouth. "Just...just...perfect!"

(Spanish term for "My God")

This is another record breaker for my masterpiece. Antoine just made a demon say the name of God. She proceeded towards Antoine with a demonic smile on her face. I quickly grabbed her hand.

"Ouch! Careful!" she screamed.

"Don't even think about it, demon girl. He thinks and acts like a child now, remember?"

"Hey, technically, he's not a child."

"Stay away from him!" I said firmly.

"Alright...but...can I just touch his lean muscle there, and there?" She asked while pointing at his chest down to his navel. "I want to feel how firm those are...ooops...sorry, I'm sinning." She covered her mouth and giggled. "I can't help it. It's your fault Antoine. How could you be so gorgeous! "

My eyes widened with her request. I never expected that she would go that far. I wanted to smack her head right away.

Antoine seemed really scared. He quickly moved behind me for cover. I felt so sorry for him because he looks so lost and unaware of what is going on around him.

Poor boy.

"No! No! And, No! Argh! What are you thinking? Stop it!" I disagreed.

"What a grumpy girl. Hmmph!" she said while rolling her eyes. She snatched the shirt from him and gave me the comb. I quickly hid it in my pocket. She skipped in circles waving the shirt in the air. She happily returned to us with a wide grin on her face.

"Can I also have his pants and..?"

"Stay away from us, you maniac... demon!" I uttered while controlling myself to laugh.

She giggled and ran back to the house.

"Woohoo!" she whooped.

"What a crazy demon! I like her, though. Maybe you two will be good together. You're the silent type. She's the vibrant one. You would compliment each other." I suggested to Antoine. As I turned to him, it was visible that he was eerily quiet and staring blankly.

"Hey, don't take it seriously!" I called his attention.

He still kept his silence.

"Antoine?" I held his shoulder to get any reaction from him.

"Hik!" he was quick to respond. "Hik!"

"Oh my! You're having hiccups, you're still growing up, Kid*!"

(Filiponos have this belief that hicupping makes children grow up)

"Do you think so? Hik! Hik! I don't want to grow up anymore because it hurts!"

"Don't breathe. Count one to ten."

He did as I told him.

"Hik! It won't stop. Hik!"

"Maybe you should swallow rice without breathing. Or, drink water. I'll get you one!"

He leaned on a tree for support. "I feel a bit dizzy." He sat on the ground and held his head low.

"I'll call Hermana, stay here. I'll get help." I panicked. As I was about to leave, he tugged at my skirt. He slowly raised his head and his eyes squinted a bit.

He stood up and asked calmly, " What happened?"

"Antoine, is that really you?" I doubted.

"Yes." He nodded.

His usual calm demeanor is back!

Too happy that he is back to normal, I gave him a bearhug. Even though he was still disoriented with what is going on, he simply embraced me back.

Then, remembering that he is not a seven year old anymore and feeling my hands on his bare skin, I pushed him farther from me.

"Sorry." he apologized. He then crossed his arms around him, looking embarrassed without his shirt on. In fact, he should not be. Brunette, indeed, has high standards.

"A child-eating demon did something bad to me, I can tell."

"Yes, you acted like a seven year old."

"Did I cause you trouble? I'm so sorry. I just can't remember." He looked below and seemed very remorseful.

"You were a good boy." I admitted.

"Never knew you were sweet and playful."

His smiled shyly. He looked at his house and wondered.

"Do we have visitors there? I hear women laughing. Is that the brunette one's voice?"


"Why are they here?"

"Just a visit. Don't worry, they're nice now."

Brunette peered at the window and waved at us. She showed us the shirt and blew a kiss. The other two sisters followed with devilish grins on their faces.

"There's your sweetheart. Wave back." I instructed Antoine.

"Why does she have my...shirt?" He looked at me with questioning eyes.

"It's a long story."

"I'm listening...no matter how long." he was persistent to know. "Didn't you...harrass me? he asked with a gulp.

"Excuse me? No way!" I denied. "Why would I do that, Mister?"

"Then, tell me everything." he begged.

"Ah...I'm a bit exhausted. Can I tell it tomorrow?" I pretended to yawn. "I feel so sleepy too."

"Bianca." he called meekly.

"What?" I replied with a hint of annoyance. "I did not harrass you, OK? Believe it or not, I don't care!"

"I believe you." he took my hand and smiled at me. "Thank you for taking good care of me."

"I should be the one thanking you for being so kind. I know someone who is just like you! But he's long gone."

I stopped, realizing something.


He had this birthmark at the top of his right shoulder.

Antoine had a blurred one.

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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