"Is it because you didn't like them?" Jiang Yuyan asked innocently.
"No!" He paused with a thoughtful expression and questioned, "Why? Do you regret that things didn't go further with Lu Qiang?"
To say she was scandalized would be an understatement. "No way!" she protested. "But how did you know? Did you watch us until the end?"
He laughed. "No, I didn't. Lu Qiang came back within ten minutes of my return and looked unbothered. So, I figured…"
"Your analytic power is amazing." Jiang Yuyan commented.
"That's my job as I am a doctor," Jiang Yang boasted. "By the way… how did you feel when you were with him?"
"Like I will go crazy if I am with him again," she said, annoyance clear in her voice.
"I like essays, not short summaries, Yuyan," he reminded.
She thought for a moment and explained.