Once the Deputy Director went in, it would be difficult for him to come out. It was all Li can's fault for changing his mind at the last minute. Since he was going to die, he had to drag a few of them down with him. Otherwise, it would be too much of a loss. If he dragged Tong Hua down with him, he would still earn something!
The woman waited for an opportunity to make a move, but she never had a good opportunity. Ah da was very alert and protected Tong Hua very well. The woman could not get close to him, and no one noticed the little woman from the props team.
The woman suddenly had an idea. She put down the props and went up to Tong Hua shyly."Tong Hua, I'm your fan. Can I take a photo with you?"
She revealed the anticipation and excitement of a mother fan.
If the crew members wanted a photo, most celebrities would not refuse.