Mu Yuan took the photos and looked at them. There were three photos in total. They were taken in a small town one year, not far from their military base. Mu Yuan was on vacation and came to look for Jack. When he saw Jack from afar, he pounced over and laid on him like a koala bear.
As it was a satellite photo, it was not very clear, and the people were a little blurry, but mu Yuan knew that it was them. The three photos were all taken in the small town at that time, but Jack was wearing a mask. In the past few years, when they were out, it was either Jack wearing a mask or him wearing a mask to disguise himself as someone else. Unless it was a high-definition photo without any code, there was no need to worry about it being exposed.
Mu Yuan laughed."I really can't tell who it is from such a high-security photo. This person's figure does look a little like me."
Roosevelt laughed."I checked. Major mu Yuan has the entry registration information."