When mu Yuan came out, Reyman and Jack were talking, and it seemed to be coming to an end. He had no intention to eavesdrop on them. When he returned to the room, Reyman asked in confusion,"major, are you planning to let Xie jinghuan off this time?"
"No, it's not!" Jack said calmly,"this was originally an economic case. As it involved the reputation of the anti-terrorism, we assisted in the investigation. The investigation is the business of the economic Department and they will handle it. We have other things to do. There are countless criminals who plan to enter our country to create chaos and kill every day. I don't have time to deal with these economic cases. As long as they don't involve the terrorist organization, we don't need to give excuses. Secondly, we've missed the best time to investigate, and it'll be a waste of time to get involved now. There's no need to do useless things. "
Be it investigating a case or doing things, you have to learn how to cut losses.