When mu Yuan and the rest went to look for the informer for the second time, the group was furious. The crystal that they had worked so hard to obtain not only allowed them to find Gao Qiao, but they also managed to find the high-ranking officials in the country. They were actually tricked by such an unreliable informer. The informant lived on the poor slope. It was a small dirt slope, but it was better than the slum. Although the houses were low, they were not dilapidated. Each family had a small courtyard with its own door and courtyard, a bit like the homestead in China.
Hu Yang and Jiang Cheng violently kicked the door of the thread starter home open, and the smell of a dead body immediately came out. It was obvious that the person was lying on the bed, and his body was covered with corpse bugs. The stench hit them in the face. Fortunately, they were used to this kind of situation, so no one was surprised.
Half an hour later.