The two of them passed by a seaside town. Upon seeing the beautiful scenery, Ye Chu opened the windows of the car to appreciate it. They passed by a particularly pretty scenic spot. There were mountains along the coasts and fresh flowers blooming across the hills. There were holiday-goers all over the beach. The seagulls flew across the skies, and the light from the sunset shrouded the entire beach, bringing out the lively and beautiful scenery.
Ye Chu loved the sunset, and the sea was a place that was most familiar to her. Mu Yuan stopped the car, and the two of them went to look for a hotel. Mu Yuan had a style of only deciding on where to sleep upon reaching the place. Hence, he did not book any hotels beforehand. Fortunately, they were always lucky and could book a room every time.
However, they were out of luck today. There was only one room left.