Mu Yuan never thought that he could escape in the hands of Lin Songye. "Lin Songye, where are you bringing me?"
He was like someone who was about to go home. He was not concerned about what was going to happen to him. He only cared about the direction that they were going, what they were going to do, and what he had to do to pass the information on.
On the island, a plane was preparing for take-off.
However, Jack was stopped by someone. He was his subordinate. "Major, you cannot go personally. I can rescue Major Mu Yuan on your behalf. You cannot take this risk alone."
Mu Yuan belonged to the allied forces. However, the allied forces were now fragmented, and everyone had their own take on things. The NATO did not offer any reinforcements, and they were still measuring Mu Yuan's worth. They were planning to pass this issue back to China. They could not mobilize large numbers of men to rescue Mu Yuan.