Gu Xie was a rather straightforward person. When he said he would reserve a private room, he reserved it in one minute. He booked a big private room for more than 20 people. Gu Xie said calmly, "Our family has more people. He can also call the Ye Family members as he wishes. The wedding date is already fixed. There should be a discussion about the betrothal gift."
Shen Qianshu looked at her brothers' exact same gazes. She could not help herself from supporting her forehead. Alright, alright. Brothers, you all are the biggest. This is where the heart of the struggle is. Will Master come out?
Fifth Brother had seen Ye Ling and was a little worried. "Will he be angry?"
Gu Yuanli smiled coldly. "Angry? Which family's son-in-law is such a big-shot? I'm afraid he doesn't want to get married!"
This is within the country. Is Ghost City's little princess so easy to marry?