After Ye Tingjun and Ye Yifan had left for a while, Zhong Ran passed Shen Qianshu a cup of juice. After drinking the juice, she felt tired, and she fell asleep on the sofa. Tong Hua put Burger down hurriedly.
"Zhong Ran, what have you done!"
"Young Master, don't worry. It's just two sleeping pills. Miss Shen needs rest." After what had happened to Master, she had been tense all day. This would put great stress on her mental health.
Tong Hua glared at Zhong Ran and sat beside Shen Qianshu, feeling sorry for her. Lin Xiaojuan felt sorry for her too. and she touched Shen Qianshu's face softly. "It's okay, Shu. I'll find you some 'Little fresh meat.' You will be well."
Zhong Ran was speechless.
The Great Manager, what did you just say?
I could have heard wrongly. Could you repeat that?