40.31% Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken / Chapter 52: Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken Chapter 51

บท 52: Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken Chapter 51

To the Human City

Two weeks have passed since we let Youmu's group in.

The highway plan is continuing smoothly.

Contrary to what you'd think, the frontier garrison members are rather hardworking.

They've also gotten very friendly with the hobgoblin guardians.

The city's monsters are dutifully upholding the rules, and are unexpectedly friendly towards the humans.

I was expecting the guardians and the garrison to look down on each other due to monster-human animosity and all, but I guess I was wrong.

Probably, since they used to be ruffians and hooligans, they are trying to change.

As for Youmu, he might be the kind of person who attracts people.

He has an aura of charisma about him.

So even dividing up the responsibilities he was handed was quite smooth–whether or not his desire to cooperate with us affected his efficiency.

We have goblin riders on guard and lookout duty around the city, but there's simply too many of them.

Therefore, we decided to have ten riders support the frontier garrison when they answered distress calls.

For the humans that assistance was something they wouldn't even dare to ask for, so they happily accepted.

However, they insisted to return to the favor, so they decided to teach us formation tactics, sword skills, and other professions they knew.

Among those was a rather popular survival skills that were bound to increase our food variety.

While it wouldn't lead to abundance, it is something we can be grateful for.

Thus our relationship kept improving.

And once we more or less came to trust each other, the garrison had a proposal… no, a favor to ask.

They asked whether we could maintain their equipment. It seems the fact that our equipment is far superior to theirs has been bothering them.

「In the first place, it's plain cheating for monsters to use high level equipment!」

One of their members said, speaking on behalf of the entire group.

Frankly, I agree.

Since getting the Dwarfs' technological assistance we've been able to create equipment far above what I would consider ideal.

「Fufun! Well, hey. Dwarf armor is the best in the world!」

Kaijin merrily replied,

「No, no… that being so, why is even master Garm in this city? That I find strange!」

Cabal also expressed disbelief.

The elite among the dwarfs–Garm. Kaijin is also a master of his craft, and we also have the expert Kurobee.

Our city's smithy would easily match that of any capital city.

Moreover, we have Gabil bringing raw materials from the cave once in a while; so we have an abundance of high ranking ingredients.

If people learned of this, there would bound to be plenty of buyers; however, we don't plan to sell any.

There are still hobgoblins without a complete set of equipment. Our numbers are so large that we are having hard time meeting demand.

Even with Kurobee's copy skill – the one he got from『Researcher』- it takes a while to finish an item since its not accelerated by『Great Sage』like mine.

It's certainly faster than if making the item by hand, but he's still just a single person.

Thus, he's been employing artisan-wannabees from among the young men and women to become his disciples; and has been producing all items at the factories for them to see.

Perhaps one of these young ones may become a true artisan someday.

So, considering the possibility of future experts, Kurobee's current actions are for the best in the long term.

「Whatever, it's fine–your request! Ask me to look at your equipment any time I'm free!」

Kaijin lightly accepted.

He's probably planning on using them to have his students practice.

He might look like a big softy, but he's actually an extremely prudent old man.

「Uooooooo! As expected of Kaijin-san! Look at him talk!」

「Oi oi, you sure?!」

「In that case, look at mine too!!!」

He was surrounded in other similar joyous shouts.

I guess I should feel relieved at his kindness.


*Dosu, Zusha, Boko, Bokon!*

That was the sound that accompanied our fall.

By "our fall" I mean mine, Benimaru's, Souei's, and Shion's.

「Wahahaha! You suck, you suck, you suck, you suck!!!」

Our opponent exclaimed while laughing loudly. Who? Demon Lord Milim of course.

We had a mock battle with her, four versus one, but that didn't go over well.

And she's even using her dragon knuckles. She always wears them. Once at mealtime I made her take them off causing her to sulk the rest of the day.

I shouldn't have? No, that was clearly a breach of etiquette.

I'm glad I had her wear them this time.

She should always wear them during practice. But that doesn't apply to mealtime.

As if receiving a lesson, I spar daily with Milim.

But she's so strong – to the point that it's funny! – that dueling her is out of the question. So, we decided on this four versus one.

Ridiculous power. A cheat-like ability. Bottomless stamina.

I'm glad we're not enemies.

We also had Hakurou spar with her once. Unfortunately, not even his attacks reach her. However he can put up a fight, which is impressive in itself.

The overwhelming power I felt from the Dwarf King, and the overwhelming power from Milim.

The difference between them is far too great. That much I understood after being beaten down in succession here.

Had I, during the match with the dwarf king, used『Great Sage』battle mode, there's a chance I could have won.

But that kind of thing is meaningless before Milim. It's not a match of skill or trick.

There's various kinds of strength, huh…?

Thus thrice a day. As a result, we've all gotten much stronger compared to two weeks ago.

Hakurou observes the matches. He's perfected his skills, so he won't benefit much from these.

As for us, our skills were so lacking, that we managed to improve greatly these past two weeks.

「You've gotten pretty good! If Rimuru decided to become a demon lord now, I would be totally for it!」

Milim happily exclaimed.

I am not planning on becoming a demon lord!

Besides, we didn't even last twenty minutes today. Complete failures.

Even if I called myself a demon lord, I wouldn't live long enough to see it recorded.

Benimaru, Souei, and Shion return to practice after getting instructions from Hakurou.

What a lively bunch they are.

While watching them spar,

「By the way, Milim, why did you become a demon lord?」

I suddenly got curious and asked,

「Yeaaaah, about that… what was the reason again? There was a bunch of sad things and messed up things, right?」

「Why are you asking me?」

「No reason. Can't remember it well. It's been too long ago; I forgot!」

Milim looked as if she didn't want to remember the grief and horror.

「I see. Well, if you forgot, there's no need to remember!」

Though she looks like a child, she is an ancient demon lord.

From what I heard, the youngest of demon lords is at least 200 years old.

That would be my enemy Leon Cromwell. My prey.

There are other young demon lords; they are around five hundred years old and have experienced the great war.

Milim belongs to the old generation.

In other words, she's been living for an insane amount of time.

Chances are, she doesn't have many friends. She's been living for so long that she must have lost many good friends by now…

「Hey, do you have family or someone who worries about you?

Is it okay to stay here without letting anyone know?」

Suddenly growing worried, I asked her.

When I did,

「Ah!!! I forgot. Right… I'll be right back!

Though this might take a while. But, I'll be gone for 2~3 years at the longest. I'll be back!」

She suddenly exclaimed.

「What? So suddenly. Hey. Right now?」

「Mu, yeah. Well, it's not like we won't meet again!So I'm off!」

She said, and immediately changed into her Gothic Dress.

That's with the Dress Change magic–a very useful skill.

I would have asked her to teach me, but I can do that naturally myself, so there's no need.

It's usually recommended to people with lots of equipment. Though you have to learn〈Spacial Magic〉before this one, and it is far harder to learn.

After she finished changing, she looked at me with a smile,

「Well, be right back!」

She flew off after saying just a few words.

And without making a sound she flew away at a speed faster than the speed of sound.

She left as suddenly as she had arrived.

「Hmm? Has Milim-sama gone off somewhere?」

Shion asked.

「Yeah. She had remembered some unfinished business. She'll be back in 2~3 years at the latest, she said.」

「2~3 years? How easily she went on such an arduous journey, and for such a long time, no?」

「But, to someone with her lifespan, surely it's but 2~3 days?」

「I guess it is!」

「Maybe she's gone off to show off her clothing and dragon knuckles to her friends…」

Shion muttered that last line much to the approval of the other oni.

That just might be the case.

If she went showing off her gifts to her friends around the world, she might just need 2~3 years for that.

Though our imagination was probably just running wild imagining such a scene, we somehow became convinced that she is in fact out boasting to friends.

Solemn expressions don't suit Milim.

And now that she's gone, I'm feeling kind of lonely. We've gotten that close during these two measly weeks.

What a strange demon lord she is.

But there's no time to feel sorry for ourselves.

Her departure is also a chance.

We must go to a human village right now. After checking it out, if there are no problems, I'll take Milim there next time.

Previewing content is important before a public release.

The three idiots were planning to stay for two weeks, secretly gathering monster body parts.

They are using it to fulfill a subjugation request, aren't they? But are they allowed to cheat like that?

Well, it's not really my problem, but I'll have them buy my silence by guiding me to a human city.

「And so, you're showing the way.」

I said in response to their troubled expressions,

「We understand, danna!」

「We shall lead the way! Should we also stop by the royal capital on the way?」

「I know how to get around the back alleys, you know?」

They accepted.

I'll leave it to them.

I decided to leave in two days.

When I had gone to notify Rigurdo of the fact, I found out that he had already prepared the bags for departure. How diligent.

And after using the magic circle to get to the cave, I had Gabil show me to our medium grade medicine stash.

「Oh, Rimuru-sama! We have been waiting!」

「My, Rimuru-dono! I am ecstatic that you let me work in such a wonderful environment!」

While on our way there we ran into Bester's laboratory.

Unlike Kaijin who has to supervise lots of people, Bester can devote himself wholeheartedly to research.

So this must feel like heaven to him.

「You are eating properly, right? Not forgetting to sleep?」

I asked, worried.

「Of course. While the meals are not very diverse, they are very delicious.

So I never miss a meal.

As for sleep: I am frugal with it, but had a bed prepared here.

Besides, it's good for your body not to sleep for a while!」

No it's not…

I thought, but he's doing what he really likes. So I decided to leave him with a "don't over do it" line.

「Oh by the way, between Kurobee copying them and being produced here, which is more efficient?」

I asked,

「We are getting faster here.

Once we get more workers and proper equipment, we'll be able to continue production without relying on Kurobee-dono.」

Is what he said.

Since it takes some time to grow Hipokte grass, we don't need production speed to increase too much.

「In that case, should I have five people or so come as lab members?」

「Hmm… I need to teach them the basics too, so I'd like about ten.

Since I want to be rearing successors as well, you see.」

Current production speed is three hours to dilute one pill. Kurobee can manage the same in a single hour.

I can make one immediately, but I refrain from doing so. They need to be able to make it without my involvement.

Thus, they'll be able to manage without me in emergency situations.

However, they do currently focus on diluting my restorative pills to create twenty medium grade pills. Doing so, using 〈Membrane Creation〉, is Bester's job.

Along that would be very difficult, so he has Gabil's men help him. After evolving into Dragonewts they learned to use some simple magic, it seems.

If three people other than Bester learn to use it, the speed triples.

Working on a single pill every hour. In other words, they'll be able to create twenty medium grade ones. So in a single 8 hour working day, they'll add 160 pills to our stock.

An excellent production line we've made here.

If they fail at growing more, they'll be stuck with other chores while Bester will continue his research. Which makes sense.

Approving of their plans, I left to let Rigurdo know.

Until now Bester has been working without sleep, producing more than eighty pieces a day.

Probably preparing the city for the future. Taking 500 pieces from our stash, I deposited them into my stomach.

These I plan to sell in human city and purchase some magic stones.

We'll figure out the price with Kaijin later.

「Well then, continue as you have. As for Bester-dono, please do not overexert yourself!」

「Please leave it to me! I will work myself to the bone for you!」

「I'll leave the matter about ten people to you!」

They saw me off.

Afterwards, I went to see Kaijin to decide the lowest price we'd sell these at.

Low quality medicine is called potions here and sells for about 3 silver coins a piece.

Which is actually pretty high. It's not hard to imagine one's earnings for the day being spent on medicine.

However, this medicine can treat 20% of most injuries and even grave ones.

In comparison, restorative magic such as〈Heal〉will only restore 10% of injuries and hard to use in emergency situations.

So our medicine is twice as effective. High grade medicine can restore 50%, but I digress. What should we set the price at?

「Listen, danna. Don't set the price twice as high. Sell no lower than 15 silver coins a piece.

This isn't something a beginner would buy. It's meant for B rank and above adventurers.

It's alright to raise the price even more! Aim to sell at about 20 silvers.」

Kaijin fervently explained.

As he says. This medicine is very useful, so we'd be in trouble if we set the price too low and get too large of an order.

If we don't make a profit we can't buy magic stones. So aiming for 20 silvers a piece is smart.

Perhaps I should also sell one or two of my personal pills.

After I acknowledged his words, we ended the meeting.

And thus finished our preparations.

The next day, I met up with the three idiots.

After finishing their preparations, the trio was waiting for me.

If we take the highway we'll run straight into Farmas Kingdom. The Count's domain that Youmu has spoken so much about.

And that would mean meeting the greedy count, so no thanks.

So, we'll be walking through the forest.

We are aiming for the small country Brumund.

To meet with Freedom Association's guild master and decide on a course of action.

A year has passed since I was reincarnated into this world.

And I am finally heading towards a human city.

บท 53: Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken Chapter 52


The Devil Myulan was relieved to finally be able to report.

She had left her best friend and the violent Demon lord Milim behind in the city which they were to monitor, but, this was something completely outside of her expectations.

It surprised her that a weak little slime is the head of the city, furthermore, Milim's behavior was also something she couldn't understand.

The way a demon lord thinks is something an ordinary person will never understand.

Rather, isn't that particular Demon Lord a little, no, relatively eccentric?

On a cultural level, it seems the demon lord has made friends in the city they were monitoring.

What's more, the fact that the head of the town is a slime who can take on the form of a masked person was also being reported.

Just to be safe, the fact that Milim was staying in the city was not reported.

I don't think she'll do anything that will violate the agreement between the demon lords.

But, considering the fact I can't understand what Milim is thinking, I must be very cautious.

We definitely cannot use magic in front of Milim.

I judged that communication magic or magic in general, will instantly be detected by Milim.

If she doesn't know my identity, there is a chance that she might not make a move.

These are the types of things you report.

「I see…I can use this. Good work, please continue to monitor them.」

Clayman said this happily, seemingly having come up with something.

But this has nothing to do with Myulan.

As the garrison's Shaman, she is serving as an officer.

(Stupid humans. I'm a devil, and yet they don't suspect a thing.)

Although she looked down on them, talking to them for some time stirred up strange emotions in her heart.

(I'll let it be for the time being.I wish to enjoy these moments for a little longer.)

She made such a wish subconsciously.

Thus, she went back to work without being too concerned.


The Demon Grucius, now a member of the frontier garrison, followed his platoon as they advanced into the forest.

For a beastman such as he, horse-riding was mere child's play.

As such, he naturally stood out in the team.

Even when he held back his true abilities, he couldn't possibly be inferior to humans.

Therefore, he was offered the role of vice captain for one of the three platoons.

However, he refused stating that a newcomer should not hold such a position even after the platoon commander insisted.

Even though he drew some attention to himself, as long as he maintained his current situation, everything will be fine. That's what he believed.

However, what he is currently interested in is the group of goblin wolf riders that followed them.

The strangely evolved Star wolves and their riders the hobgoblins.

As if they were a skilled team, even their breathing is synchronized. This suggests a high level of proficiency .

Above all, The one known as Gobuta was the best amongst the hobgoblins.

Based on his intuition, the best course of action is to kill him on sight.

Grucius curled his tongue.

Originally, he was only planning to invite the Oni, but in this situation it's very likely there are many other talented individuals.

There are a total of 100 Goblin wolf riders, and every one of them have talents I want by all means.

Amongst them are captain Rigur and vice captain Gobuta.

These two have an overwhelming presence over the others.

There are also others, like the Dragonewts I see time to time. They will also become good warriors with some training.

The Orc Pioneers, they aren't much on their own, but truly shine when together in a group.

I heard they were led by an orc lord called Gerudo, but I haven't seen him around the city.

I heard he's always out transporting goods, but he's most likely a powerful individual.

(What do you know, I'll be darned! This city is crazy! If I make a move, all this war potential will be ours!)

In fact, when I look a closer look at the Oni, they're either my equal or even above me.

Even though he is the weakest amongst the servants of the Beast King, this is still clearly something abnormal.

Well, it's fine isn't it? It's more fun this way!

Having strong comrades is something good. Even if we failed, having powerful enemies is also desirable! That much is true.

We, the Beastmen, are a race that thrives in battle. Strong enemies are something that we welcomed.

Thus, while pondering about how he should invite them, he continued with his Frontier Garrison duties.

* * *

YAHHOO ——- Nice!

I am very satisfied with the feeling of spaciousness after such a long time.

When I was in the city, I had to pay attention to what I say, my mind feels like it's about to burst.

Thus, I left all the problems in the city to the two Oni.

But, Benimaru said this himself:

「Please leave everything regarding the city with us two Oni, we'll be able to accomplish anything!」

That's what he said. I'm sure he'll manage somehow.

Ranga has been on guard the whole time, but no signs of movements were spotted. Now it's Souei's turn to take over guard duty._

He who doesn't sleep, Souei.

By creating clones, he can get some sleep in shifts. Even though it's certainly a useful ability, I don't want to tell him that he must sleep.

From the looks of things, no one's showing their true colors.

To me, even though they don't seem to be related to Milim, they may be acquaintances.

Because this cannot be handled carelessly, we must monitor them carefully.

Unfortunately, they don't seem to have made a move at all.

If that's the case, then all we can do is to continue to be vigilant. Since I can immediately return to the city with 『Shadow Step』, I decided to leave the city for a little while.

Or rather, I speculate that as soon as I'm gone, they're going to start making their move. Milim has also just left, so they must make their move now.

I was on alert whilst thinking about this, but after first day I went out of town nothing happened whatsoever.

After 3 days had passed, I'm starting to think that I may be overly worked up about things.

They also seem to be fairly strong.

"Leave it to me!"

And because he said that I entrusted him to lead the way.

After hearing that, I am now enjoying the spacious feeling after such a long time.

I'm taking this route because roads haven't been developed yet.

After getting off the streets, I followed the animal trail.

Is this really all right?

If that's not enough, we advanced through a variety of different routes. However, there's a veteran here, so I left it to him.

Even though he has a tearful face, lets believe in him.

Besides, it's not like this is the first time he has come by here.

One moment later,

「Oi oi, we're not actually lost are we?」

I said that as a joke.

「Hahaha. There's no way we would have gotten lost here…」

His wording has became strange, everything is fine right?

Referring to the map in my mind, it seems we walked by here just now. I must be imagining things.

「Oi! This is no joke. You're lost, aren't you!"

The 3 looked at each other,


And they apologized.

Anyway, it seems that they have gotten lost trying to take a shortcut. Are these guys really professionals?

Well whatever.

I guided them back onto the road, the one they are familiar with.

We passed by a field of Illusion Flowers in full bloom, that might be the cause of us getting lost. I didn't tell them though.

「How could we have gotten lost in such a place...」

「I may have lost a little self-confidence...」

「I'm overwhelmed, If you professionals paid more respect to the road and followed it then maybe we would not have been lost.」

They looked a little pitiful, so I told them about the Illusion flowers.

「That's a B rank harvesting mission objective!, It's pretty difficult ya know!」

Ellen proclaimed enthusiastically.

In addition to being material for magic items, it's also quite a rare flower.

After a lot of trouble, we returned to pick some. We managed to pick 40, and divided it up to 10 per person. Perhaps, I can understand its uses by storing it in my stomach to analyze.

About a week's worth of time has passed, and we finally arrived at the exit of the forest.

Certainly, but I wonder how much less time would be wasted if I took out the number of days we spent being lost.

Well, there's no need for me to rush for this journey. Rather, long trips are much more fun.

Well, a slime's body can't get tired anyway, but I'll need to remain clean, so I asked Ellen to use〈Cleaning Magic〉.

Because Ellen used〈Cleaning Magic〉, I learned it.

When I tried using it, my magic amplified the effects of the spell, cleaning everyone in the process. Thanks to that, the journey was more pleasant than usual.

Starting a fire was easy, and I stayed up all night as the night-watch.


Ellen exclaimed this emotionally, but as usual, I declined.

If this was before I met anyone, that would have been a good idea, but I'm the head of a city now. I can leave the governing to the others, but I can't leave it uncared for.

Anyways, if someday my presence isn't needed anymore , I'll think about the offer then.

A thought suddenly crossed my mind-Even if I accepted, this will depend on whether or not she's still alive by that time.

I wonder is this how Milim feels? To make an important friend, only to out live them, would I choose loneliness instead?

I don't know.

The current me doesn't have enough experience to determine that.


I shook my sadness away, and we went towards the roads.

Our destination is the small country of Brumund. This particular country is so small that all the nobles are feudal lords of villages. It's really just a country which comprises of its royal capital.

I was being led by the trio to the city which housed Brumund's Freedom Association Branch.

However, the capital is the only large city and in the castle town lies the Brumund's Freedom Association Branch.

We have arrived in the first village earlier than expected, and the carriage left as scheduled.

We arrived at noon, and ate lunch at a restaurant.

Seems like the traffic is not congested as it is a small country, which is always nice.

「Hear me, I am the Mighty Axe, WAARGH~ and with a single swing, I killed this fellow!」

「Wow~ As expected of Biddo san!」

「Big Brother Biddo, this is a strong monster isn't it? You mean you killed it by yourself?」

「More or less, a single horned bear is no match for me!」

When we heard the conversation, we took a peek at the horned bear they were talking about.

The main subject of the story, the horned bear, made me almost spit out all the food in my mouth when I saw it.

It was only the horn of a horned rabbit embedded into the forehead of the bear, laid on the floor as if it was a monster's corpse.

The bear is not a monster but rather, is classified as an animal, but it's hard to tell the difference.

Fortunately I have my analyze ability, without it, I wouldn't have been able to tell the difference.

A clear way to tell the difference is whether a "magic stone" drops or not. Even so, for an ordinary person that's simply just cruel because it's so rare.

Even if it didn't drop a "magic stone" due to it being an animal, who knows how many of them animals would have been killed before people realize that they are animals, not monsters.

Well, even though demonic energy seeps from monsters, it'll still be rather difficult to judge. In the end, due to the high level of my skill , I am able came up with this conclusion.

「Oi, the guys in that corner are all proud about that fake horned bear, aren't they just like ants?」

「Huh? A fake? You saw through the trick?!」

「Of course! It's the horn of a horned rabbit, welded on with magic...」

「As expected, you saw through it?」

「No, Danna. That person's purpose is not to flaunt. If they took this over to the king, they may become this village's hero! They're doing this not to protect the village, but rather to fill their bellies and live in fancy inns.」

I see.

I understand the guild members' explanation. In short, they're scammers. The world has so many different kinds of scammers that It has become a profession.

I was planning to leave after exposing them,

「Oi oi, wait a moment! You just accused me of being a fake! Making a fool out of me, I hope you're prepared for the consequences?」

I wonder, why do all the dumb ones have such good hearing. Furthermore, they even decided to pick a fight when I still idling…

You people even believed in such a fraud…

「Huh, isn't that Cabal-san...」

「Ellen-san's also here!」

「Isn't that person over there Gido!」

After hearing these words, people flooded the dining room immediately

「Wha, what's this...you three are terrible, you should have given me a shout out if you came back!」

「Who are you, have we met before?」

「Oh come on, I may look all rundown and tattered now, but it's me biddo! I was receiving guidance from you in the capital after picking a fight, it's me biddo!」

Well that was unexpected.

This group of 3 (idiots), are unexpectedly famous.

They seem acquainted with the fraud to a certain degree, but the other people seem to respect the three.

It's rather strange that they don't seem all that happy even though they're being respected.

But, the biggest surprise to me was the fact these 3 are actually famous adventurers.

They are mainly famous for their sudden rise in prominence recently.

...Even so, it's because they have brought along monsters from my town with them during missions, that's why they were able to perform so significantly well…

I looked at the 3, and they looked away in a panic.

I'll not press them on this matter.

That's probably something they don't want to mention to the people here.

Even so, even if I don't touch the matter, it's still there.

「Do you get it now?」


Then it's all good.

The trip ended smoothly even after such a thing happened.

Thus, we arrived at the royal capital of the small country of Burmund.

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