Reo rush towards the other side of the car and opens the gate for Alexa.
"Ohh…someone showing the gentleman features in him" Alexa speaks up while giving an eye wink to Reo.
"C'mon I have been bought up with all the good manners, it just we didn't had enough time with each other to show those" Reo replies back while closing the door and walking back to his seat.
Reo starts the engine after tugging his seat belt but holds his legs on accelerator "Thank you once again Alexa for giving me this opportunity. It means a lot"
"It's ok, don't thank me again and again else will take back my words"
"Hahaha…sure. Then this is the last time I am mentioning it" Reo pressed his legs on accelerator making his car to take over on the road.
"Coffee?" Reo questions while riding his car.
"Sure, but where. I am not dressed up properly to visit a high class hotel" Alexa replies in panic voice.
"Hahaha...We do live normal life Alexa. Let me take you to my favorite place. I am sure you will love the coffee there" Reo replies while giving an eye wink.
Reo stops the car in front of a small cafe and walks out of his car before rushing the other side to open it for Alexa.
"Thank you" Alexa replies while getting out of the car.
Alexa scans the place and finds no one except an old man inside the cafe.
"Don't be surprised, it's not the opening time thus you have no one here. Come let's go inside"
Reo stretches his hand and Alexa holds the same after hesitation. Both walks in hand-in-hand.
"Hello Mike, How are you doing today?" Reo walks towards the old man who was busy dusting the cafe.
"Hello my little boy. I am always good and what about you? You are visiting after so many day all good. How is Zoe? And who is this pretty lady beside you. Girlfriend!" Mike welcome him in a friendly hug while replying.
"Wow…So many questions. Let me answer one by one. I am good and so does Zoe. I have been busy with the new concert so wasn't running these days and she is Alexa, my dance partner"
"Hello Mr. Mike" Alexa stretches her hand for a handshake.
"Hello Alexa, how have you been? Hope Reo is not bothering you much. Just call me Mike" he returns the handshake.
"I am doing well and Reo treats me and my crew lot better than expected."
"You two grab a seat and let me get the best coffee in the house for both of you"
Reo grabs Alexa's hand and walks to a table placed in other end of the cafe.
"You know, this is my favorite spot. I visit here every time I take a morning walk' Reo speaks up after taking his seat.
"It's nice, small and cozy place. And even the view from here is so mesmerizing" Alexa replies while looking out of the long window by her side.
"Here comes your coffee. Taste it and let me know how it is" Mike walks up to them with their coffee and places the cups on the table in front of them.
Alexa picks up her cup and takes the first sip. She closes her eyes and small moan comes out, she quickly covers the moan with a fake hiccup. Reo chuckles after watching Alexa's action but stay calm.
"It's so delicious, does it have caramel in it?"
"Yeah, its Reo's favorite? Did you like it?"
"I love it, I love caramel. It's so yum Mike. Thank you for making me taste the best coffee of your cafe. It made my day already I guess."
"Aww…thank you so much for the kind words. I will leave you too then, enjoy your coffee and let me know if you need anything" Mike walks back to his counter.
Alexa moves back to her coffee and takes another sip followed by a moan. "Opss…please ignore me" She excuses herself for not able to control her moan.
Reo chuckles again but this time a bit harder. "It's OK, it's just a man like to hear these type of moan from her women in bed and not in any cafe" Reo winks again and goes back to drinking his coffee.
Alexa on the other hand almost cokes herself after hearing Reo's words.
They both get up after completing their coffee and Reo settles the amount with Mike and then walks out of the cafe along with Alexa after saying goodbye to Mike.
"Thank you for the coffee, it was awesome" Alexa speaks up after grabbing her seat.
"It's my pleasure that you like it, let me drop you to the hotel so that you can freshen up. It's the last day of the practice and I don't want to get you late" Reo replies back while starting the car again.
After twenty minutes, Reo halts the car in front of the hotel and walks out to fetch the car door for Alexa.
"Thank you for the ride" Alexa replies while giving a side hug to Reo.
"Pleasure is all mine sweetheart. Do you want me to pick you up as well" Reo replies with a smile.
"Ahhh…That will be too much I guess. I will come along with my band mates. Let's meet directly on the set. Cya soon" Alexa waves bye to Reo and walks towards the hotel entrance.
"Cya soon then. Bye" Reo starts his car after watching Alexa walks away from his sight.
Alexa grabs her towel and rush for the shower as had very limited time to get ready. She walks out after taking shower and starts getting ready. She picks up blue denim shorts with white oversize t-shirt along with a blue shirt which she tie around her waist. After completing her looks she moves to the mirror and starts making a messy high bun and then a very light makeup as knew will come out due to sweat in practice. After taking all the needed items in her backpack she wears her white sneakers and walks out of her room towards the lift.
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