After the commotion and celebrations died down, the crowd slowly begun diserpating.
It appears not all of the government official left with the Governor, two officials and one guard stayed behind to set up a table and chair with paper work soon to be stacked on top of.
Near the fence of the mansion, one of the officials is now seated with a stack of paperwork while the other walked around gathering people in a line while holding a clipboard. The guard was simply standing beside the table performing his guard duties.
"There appears to be slaves amongst the people they are grouping up Aras."
"I see that, I wonder what's happening?"
"Oh look, the slave girl from before is also there. It looks like she hasn't noticed us yet."
"Yeah, why don't we go up to them and see what's going on."
Separating from the now mostly dissipated crowd, we make our way towards the setup at the mansion fence.
"Excuse me sir, what is happening at the moment?"
The official holding the clipboard turns in my direction from my query.
He looks at me up and down before deciding to reply.
"These are the workers and slaves previously owned by Sir Bellado, we are processing them through their contracts and documents."
"I understand, does that mean they will be free after this?"
"Yes, I suppose you can say that, once we are finished with the process, they are left to their own devices."
"I see, thank you very much sir, have a nice day."
Looks like once the government process is completed, our operation is 100% successful.
Daami seems to have gone over to chat with the slave girl already.
"So Aras, how did it go?"
"Well they said they are just processing contracts and documents to basically release everyone officially."
"Oh that's great news! Did you hear that Milia?"
The slave girl nods before speaking.
"Thank you for helping us, my name is Milia, I s-suppose this is the third time we have met, m-master Aras?"
"So we meet again, also no need for master, we are not anyone special, just call me Aras."
"U-uh, ok, I understand."
Ah she's pretty tensed up, or even using the word scared to describe her?
"It's ok Milia, he might look stupid but scary, mean and strict, but he's quite reliable."
"Your big sister Daami here will back you up if he bullies you, hehe."
I grab Daami by her collar,
"Don't worry Milia, let's talk more after you are finished with the release process. It seems Daami has told you some 'good' things about me hm?"
"U-um, ok I understand, I will wait patiently, mast- uhm, Aras and Daami."
"I'll be ok Milia! He won't hurt me! See you soon!"
No no no, you will be in a world of hurt.
As I try to think of ways to punish this stupid idiot, I drag her away from the line by her collar.
Almost an hour has gone by until all the ex staffs and slaves of Sir Bellado were released.
Milia makes her way over to us the moment they were released.
"Oh how did it go Milia?"
"It went smoothly I think, I didn't really understand everything but they handed me back my slave contract with a big red stamp across it and after removing our collers and chains they said we were all free to go. By the way, what happened to Daami?"
After separating from Milia earlier, I had pulled Daami behind a tree and put her in a headlock before giving her a good old 'noogy', a technique I learned from my otherworld knowledge. The victim is put in a headlock and using a hand clutch in a fist, vigorous rubbing to the forehead is performed to induce pain. I did it so well I almost thought I saw smoke searing off her head.
She's now behind me sulking and not making a noise.
"Ah don't worry about her, she accidently tripped,"
I turned towards her as I continued,
"Right Daami?"
With the threatening glare I gave, Daami nods up and down quickly.
"I see…?" Milia looks like she has a question mark hovering on her face.
"Anyways Milia, that's great news! Now you're free to do whatever you want right?"
"Oh um, yes. The other slaves have decided to return to their homes and villages they were take from, some with no homes to return to decided to stay in the city to find a job or become an adventurer as a new free person. But for me I don't have a home or village to return to and …"
She looks a bit gloomy when she got to this point. She looks visibly depressed.
"Is your past perhaps something you don't want to talk about in public?"
Milia agrees with several nods.
"I see, that's no problem, if you want to talk about it, let's go somewhere quiet first."
"Don't worry Milia, we won't force you if you don't want to,"
Oh looks like Daami has decided to join in the conversation now.
"But if you do tell us, we will support you and listen to your story."
"Ok. Thank you Daami, and thank you Aras."
"No problem, let's head to the park and find a nice spot."