59.25% Television show of a bored God / Chapter 15: Richard Stardust

บท 15: Richard Stardust

Blaze had been very clear in his last order. Aurora was not the most knowledgeable in this kind of matters but this she understood perfectly well what was happening and felt utterly disgusted.

They really were making babies together! It was horrible! How could her mother betray her father and herself like that! What was revolting her the most wasn't as much the betrayal itself as the person she was with.

"Hey, stop for a second." Said Hergis. "This is really important it seems, it cannot wait."

They heard some rustling noises and finally Aurora's mom picked up the phone.

"What is it?"

She seemed annoyed. Blaze went straight to the point so that he would not be cut off again.

"I have your daughter with me."


"I need you to bring this phone all the way to your husband and start the video communication. By the way, I am really sorry she had to hear that."

He really was, he was just frustrated, he didn't think this through before he screamed at Hergis.

There was a short pause before they heard her yell.

"Hergis, get out!"

"Yes, right away."

Half a minute later, they heard a door closing and she spoke again.

"Who are you, what do you want?"

"I really don't want to explain all of this more than once. I will wait for everyone to be there. I can tell you though that aside from the disgusted look on her face, she seems to be alright."

Gilly had changed place and was trying to calm Aurora down by gently stroking her hair. It was mostly not working.

"I'll do it, I'll do it." Aurora's mother said in a hurry to comply to the kidnappers.

"Alright, I will call back in a minute to give you some time."

Blaze hung up and felt so refreshed. At last, he was the one to hang up first. No more fooling around! Now the hard part was going to start but first, he needed to calm Aurora down.

She was once again shaking all over from shame, fear and anger. Her parents were married! Why was her mother doing such a thing with that guy! She couldn't stop crying on Gilly's shoulder. She wasn't upset, she was devastated. This was very wrong. One of the person she was loving the most with the person she hated the most, the very monster who beat her.

"You could have been a little less blunt Blaze, look at her." Harshly accused Gilly.

"Well I was pretty angry too. I couldn't help it. Also, we just swore to never lie nor hide the truth like an hour ago. I think the truth is hard to hear but it can only make her stronger."

"How does that kind of truth make her any stronger? It's just disgusting and sad."

"Aye but it's a valuable lesson. Do you want to hear it?"

Aurora felt like she was breaking apart and had a hard time to focus her mind on him but something in his voice and tone reminded her of her father and his important advises. Maybe what he was about to say would help her somehow. She forced herself to look at him through her tears and awaited his words.

Blaze did have something he felt was important to make her understand but as he was saying it, he felt like some kind of cult leader trying to force her to follow him. It felt pretty strange even if he truly did believe in what he was saying.

"She had taken a vow too, a marriage vow. She broke it and it broke your heart. To her, it was only a little inconsequential thing, probably a thing she was doing on a whim fueled by lust. To you it is clearly terrible. Sometimes, it seems really easy to break a vow or a promise but even if you feel like it doesn't matter, you should never break it willingly. You never know what impact it's going to have on the people near your heart."

"And don't cheat on the person you love, love is much more important than lust but much more fragile too. Don't break your happiness for something that will only last you a night." Added Gilly.

"Yes, that's a good one too. Both are very similar and both apply to this situation. Trust and love is hard to get, it takes a long time to gather, don't waste it."

It sounded kind of awkward but she could understand what they meant to say. Someday she would have a boyfriend too and now that she knew how it felt to have her love betrayed, she had to remember to not cause the same feeling to someone else by mistake or accident later. Maybe love was more complicated than she thought it was. Was it not supposed to be something like, the prince charming comes, a couple of special kisses to make babies and everyone lives happily ever after? Maybe her father wasn't the prince charming her mother wanted? Still, how could Hergis ever be mistaken for a prince charming, who would kiss him?

Blaze had also reminded her of the oath they took earlier. Like her father, when Blaze made a deal, it seemed he wanted every party involved to respect it. Also, he invested a lot of points in her, if she betrayed him now, it would be disastrous for him. Using this opportunity, the cunning old/young man wanted her to feel empathy like her father had earlier said. He wanted her to imagine him in her place and her in her mother's place. This is what he would feel like if she broke her promise.

Even a tiny thing for her could be huge for someone else. She had to think about her actions, like her father used to encourage her to do. She was really bad at this kind of thing. Why couldn't things be simple? She understood what they were saying but it didn't make her feel better at all.

(I don't want sisters from him.)

"I don't think it's going to happen, they were probably just seeking pleasure, they don't want babies either I'm sure." Said Gilly.

(I don't understand.)

"That's because-"

"Stop Gilly, don't teach her something weird now, she is only ten!" Blaze interrupted her. "I promise you Aurora, you won't get any siblings from him but you need to be older to learn those things and your parents should be the ones teaching you that not us."

"You just said you wouldn't hide anything from her."

"I am not hiding anything, I am protecting what remains of that girl purity as long as I can. You are the one acting weird here."

Gilly stuck her tongue out to him with a smile and continued to soothe her small friend.

Knowing she wouldn't get any siblings made it a little more bearable for her. Once her biggest fear was cleared, she was left with confusion, worry and disappointment. She couldn't understand what was going on in her mother's head even if she tried. She was worried about what would happen next. Worried about her father's reaction and the place Hergis would have in her future.

They let her cry for a little while longer, Gilly rubbing her back and encouraging her to take deep breaths. After a couple of minutes had passed since his call, Blaze got his p-gear again and notified them he was calling back. Aurora had stopped sobbing now but her tears were still rolling down her cheeks and on Gilly's shoulders where she was resting her head. He understood that a lot of things had happened to her on this day and that she was only ten but he did not have the time to wait for her tears to dry. Anything could happen at any moments.

He first took care in placing himself in a way that the camera for the video call would catch all three of them in the frame. Then, just before imputing the numbers he revised himself and turned himself ninety degree. Exposing their wounded and crying daughter to them was probably a really bad way of introducing himself. That first impression could really damage his chances of getting what they needed.

He dialed the number and he heard the ring tone once, twice, trice before the screen flashed and a man appeared before him. Aside from the color of his eyes and his general facial structure, Mr. Stardust didn't look like his daughter at all. Blaze was only able to recognize him because he had seen him on television before.

The man had sharp brows, perfectly polished black hair, wrinkle at the corner of his eyes and a very angry look accentuated by the deep creases on his forehead. His straight nose distorted by his emotions, nostrils flared and his mouth twisted in a grimace gave the overall feel that he was about to destroy every single piece of furniture in the room he was in.

Behind the man, his wife was standing in worries. Contrary to her husband, Blaze recognized her by her resemblance with her daughter. Long wavy blond hair, delicate nose and heart shaped face, not that tall of a woman either. She was gripping the front of her shirt and peeking at the screen from over the shoulder of her husband. The husband in question didn't waste any time and asked questions in a commanding tone as soon as he picked up the line.

"Who are you and where is my daughter?"

"Hi, good afternoon Mr. Stardust, my name is Blaze Sherwood."


Miss Stardust made a gasp of surprise and fear as the frown of her husband deepened even more.

"Yes, I guess this means you heard of me?"

"What have you done to my princess?"

"Nothing at all, I swear."

Somehow, this really sounded like the line of a movie antagonist.

"I promise you right now, if you touch even a hair on her head there will be nowhere on this planet where you will be able to hide your pathetic existence!"

"Wow, I am not the monster they make me out to be! I rescued her from a bunch of Dragonlaw grunts earlier today."

"Is that how you call kidnapping? Rescue?"

"I wasn't the one who kidnapped her. Anyway, you won't believe me, I should let her explain everything to you."

"You are willing to let us see her?" The stardust father seemed skeptical.

"Of course, that's why I asked for a video call after all. Though I will warn you before you panic, she was injured before we got her, we bandaged her head but it's still swelling a lot."

Blaze turned the phone towards the girls as Aurora wiped her remaining tears with the back of her hand.

"Aurora! What have they done to you! Are you alright?"

She nodded to answer the last question.

"Sherwood! You will pay for that."

Aurora quickly gestured an answer.

(It's not them! I'm sorry, my parents don't understand signs. I cannot talk to them if I cannot write to them.)

"What? Seriously? They can't speak the sign language?"

"You have no rights to judge us Sherwood! Send her back here right now and I may forgive you and your father."

"I really don't care if you forgive my father or not. Still, I need to talk to you and your daughter wants to tell you many things I'm sure. I could translate if you want."

"I'm not about to trust any words you'll say! Give her back her phone so she can talk to us."

Blaze was very sure he was trying to trick him into giving her phone back to her but, he didn't need to. Aurora got her phone out of her pocket to show them she still had it as Blaze told them what he knew.

"I didn't take her phone from her but someone blocked her from contacting you somehow. If you could please check the list of blocked numbers or whatever it is you use to filter out people trying to contact you and unlock her that would make things much easier for everyone."

"What are you talking about?"

"She said she tried to text you already but a guy named Hergis laughed at her saying that he had cut her off."


The poor father seemed absolutely confused.

"Yeah, the guy who betrayed you before beating up your daughter and giving her to Dragonlaw."

"This can't be!" Exclaimed her mother while twisting her shirt with her clenched fists.

"All of this is easy to verify, all you need to do is unlock her." Said Blaze. Leaving it at that should be more than enough for them to understand.

Aurora's father turned his head to his computer and slowly navigated to his security files, skeptical. After a small amount of time, he found what he was looking for. Indeed, the p-gear number of his own daughter had been blacklisted from his system, intercepting any messages sent to him, his computer or his wife.

"How is this possible?"

He removed her from the blacklist and instantly his phone vibrated. He checked his messages, his wife was just as glued to the screen as he was while he read.

<Hergis is lying! I chose the F. of Vanta not Gleanne! He is a liar!>

Her mother continued to look at the message for a while with an empty look as her father gazed back at the camera.

"I... I white listed your number again now, you can speak."

Aurora started furiously typing her heart out. Throwing all her emotions at him even though he had not much to do with anything that had happened to her. A torrent of messages assaulted his phone while Blaze and Gilly stayed silent to let her unwind.

<Why did you not turn around! It wasn't a secret you were crying, I could see your aura trough the chair! If you had turned around you could have stopped him! Hergis laughed at me and he hit me!>

She was furiously hitting the screen with her small fingers, not leaving time for her father to answer.

<I bit his hand but then he hit me so hard I couldn't think anymore! Gilly says he dislocated my jaw and I have to eat with a straw for weeks! And He strangled me and made me wipe my face with my dress and gave me to a dozen big man in black and they laughed at me too! I was so scared, I hate him so much!>

Richard Stardust could hardly deny the messages came from her as he could see her type right in front of him. The only possible trick would be to let her type to oblivion while someone had her real phone and sent those messages outside of the camera's view but in that case, his daughter would notify him from the screen. Those few thoughts passed through his mind as he tried to keep up with her messages.

Aurora interrupted her typing when she heard her mother throw up. She looked up at the screen just as her father turned around to see what was going on, concerned.

"Aurelia? Are you all right? Here, a tissue."

He would have done more but there was nothing close by that could help unless he used his own suit as a towel.

Aurelia was panting, crying too. She could hardly speak her answer.

"This... He said it was an animal."

"What?" Richard could not understand what she was talking about.

"Hergis... I asked about the wound on his hand. He said a small monster who didn't know it's place bit him and he had to correct it."

"That bastard!" Said her father while grinding his teeth and clenching his fists. "Still, calm yourself a little, I know this is hard to see her like that but you should take care of yourself. It's not revolting enough for you to throw up."

Aurora was about to tell him what her mother had done but seeing her like that, she wasn't sure she wanted to do it anymore. She did not need to see her aura to know that she was utterly disgusted of herself and what she had done. She was clearly regretting her choices. She continued to complain about Hergis though.

<When I couldn't breathe, I was so scared of dying. I would have done anything for only a little bit of air. When it came back, it felt like thousands of ants were crawling in my head and my throat was burning. We ate some soup earlier and it was super painful. My mouth felt so bad I wished it wasn't there and my throat felt like a million needles were stabbed in it as I swallowed. Even now, I am not touching anything and it's the most pain I ever felt aside from everything else that happened today.>

She had still a lot more to complain about but her father interrupted her frantic writing with a question.

"I am very sorry that you had to endure this, this isn't supposed to be part of your trial. Those responsible will pay I guaranty you but for now, could you tell me what is going on. What happened after those men took custody of you?"

Of course, he would have listened to his daughter plight for hours if need be but he really felt like some things were more urgent at the moment. For example, why was she not scared of those two terrorist and why were they not stopping her from writing anything she wanted. The girl was just behind his daughter, gently holding her and reading what she was writing from above her while Sherwood just held the phone's camera in place.

<I was so scared, stuck in a car with many big scary man. I was very lucky that Blaze and Gilly found me and rescued me, they aren't at all like everyone says they are. They tricked the scary men, sent the police on their hideout and checked my face to see if I needed to go to a hospital. They gave me back all my things and took the time to answer all my questions. I feel safer now. I can tell they mean me no harm by their aura's.>

Her mother had a very pale face and couldn't seem to get better as she read her daughter story. In her dispirited state, she didn't notice her daughter mention of aura. She had told her to not reveal that power to anyone but in light of what had happened, it all seemed to go through her. When Aurelia confirmed that she was safe, her guilt and feeling of sickness took the lead over her will to protect and save her daughter. She weakly called her husband from her position over the trashcan and told him she was leaving.

"I... I need to go... I'm sorry..."

"It's alright, take your time in the bathroom. I will fix everything, don't worry."

She shot a hollow look at the camera and told Aurora "Be safe". Before shambling out of the room. Mr. stardust looked back at his daughter and asked her.

"Are you sure about their motives? What is their objective? Why are they keeping you in such a dark place if they really intended to rescue you?"

<I am absolutely sure I am safe here.> She answered. <As for their objective, do you mean right now or the long term one?>

"I just want to know what is going on. Did Sherwood have a misunderstanding with his son?"

"Misunderstanding isn't the way I would put it. That asshole of a wife beater tricked me into giving him nuclear launch codes and then used me as a scapegoat. We never had an understanding of each other in the first place."

<Truth> Aurora told her father. As crazy as it sounded, this was what had happened.

"Then why are you keeping my Daughter? What does she have to do with you?"

"At first, we just ran into her by chance and tricked..."

"She already explained all that." Interrupted Gilly who had read her messages.

"Oh... The conclusion is, we wanted to let her go but we had to make sure first she was safe and also that she wouldn't instantly call the cops on us."

"You are saying you will just let her go?"

<He is still saying the truth.>

"At first, this was what we intended. The only reason she is still here is that we reached a much better agreement in the mean time."

"What kind of agreement? What did you put in her head?"

His frown had not receded yet. His daughter had probably been manipulated into a very inconvenient deal.

"Let's be honest, neither I nor Gilly can go into town. We will die. Your daughter also has a problem being that for some unknown reason, my father wants her. We came to the conclusion that we could shield each other. Gilly and me will pose as her bodyguards and protect her as she goes around, in exchange, she will hide us from the eyes of everyone."

"Why would I agree to that? I could hire professionals to do the same." He did not see any benefit in that but his daughter didn't feel the same.

<Father, people hired by money are unreliable, you said it yourself. I do not want another Hergis, those two I trust. Also, people from Dragonlaw think they really are their leader so it would be even easier to get rid of them.>

"Aside from my lack of powerful battle monsters, I do have a gun and I have mastered Newone's marines hand to hand combat. I will even teach her self-defense, survival techniques and train her. I will be able to keep Dragonlaw away easily and it should keep them from your back too since the only way to come at you for my father is to have her and he can't get her back without revealing I am not really the leader. On top of that, I do understand the sign language, you'll have a hard time finding someone more qualified than me I think."

"And what would be required of Aurora in this deal of yours?"

"She would need to stay with us of course but aside from that, I need you to tell people you hired two bodyguards for her and provide us masks to hide our faces."

"That's it?"

"Yes, that alone is already extremely risky for you. If we are discovered, even if you deny that you knew it was us or say that you had no choice since we had your daughter, your business and credibility will probably take a hard hit. I feel like asking for more would be exaggerated."

Her father seemed to ponder for a while before he decided to deepen his understanding of Blaze through a series of questions. He didn't trust the man in front of him at all, that much was obvious.

He needed to understand why his daughter decided to believe them. On top of that, he needed to uncover the true motives behind his actions.

After all, how could he have guessed that the only motive of the man keeping his daughter was that he was coaxed by this very same daughter into protecting her.

"I still can't just entrust my daughter to a wanted criminal now, can I? If you are willing to answer some questions for me, I may consider something."

He would consider how to get rid of them safely.

"I see that the way you phrased it doesn't seem to be related to leaving her to us at all but alright, go ahead. What do you want to know?"

"First of all, do you know what your father is doing or why?"

"No, not at all."


Having his daughter by his side was very practical in this situation but he really would have preferred if she was on his side of the screen right now.

"Since you have not reacted yet, I guess you already know about her?"

"You mean the Aura thing? Yes we know, that and the other powers too. If it can appease you, I have some strange ones myself that she knows about."


"Is that so? would you be willing to share them with me too?"


He looked toward his daughter but the answer wasn't to his satisfaction.

<You don't need to know. It's secret.>

Now wasn't the time to keep petty secrets from him! He yelled in his head.

"Fine then. Let me ask you this instead. What is the definition of power to you?"

Blaze wondered how he was supposed to answer that. What a strange question. Was it knowledge, money, raw strength? After a moment of thinking, he came up with an answer.

"I think it is a combination of many things. If you have only knowledge, you will end up being used by others, money can be lost easily, strength alone goes nowhere. I think power is the combination of every advantage at the disposition of someone, be it companions, physical strength, knowledge, money, strange abilities or anything else.

"And how would you proceed to rule over the world? What would be your plan to get to the very top?"

"I wouldn't try, it seems bothersome, dangerous and pointless."


Looking at him, Blaze thought that Mr. Stardust seemed perplexed by the answer. After thinking for a moment he got to the next question he wanted to ask, seemingly entirely dropping the first line of inquiries.

"What do you view my daughter as?"

The first thing that came to his mind was "A part of us" because of the pact they had just made. Of course, he couldn't answer that or her father would likely rip his head off. How should he answer without lying or upsetting anyone?

"I feel like she is one of my two very important companions."

Aurora saw it wasn't quite right but she understood that the pact would freak out her father so she just wrote <Truth>.

"Since you plan to be her bodyguard. How far are you willing to go to protect her?"

"I would put my life on the line."

That was the truth, he intended to follow his previous words. Aurora confirmed but Mr. Stardust was still unconvinced.

"I won't believe you would risk your life for someone you just met."

"Why not? It is only natural to do so if I expect her to do the same, plus, I can't stand a kid getting hurt in front of me."

Aurora kicked him in the shin with her heel to express her hanger about being called a kid but still typed <Truth>.

On the other side of the screen, her father still seemed unconvinced by that answer. Blaze had to tell him more or he would never understand.

"Look, let me explain it this way. There are only three types of people for me, those that are my enemies, those I don't care about and those I do care about. The moment someone gets into the group I care about, I will do whatever is in my power to help and protect them, including putting my life on the line and even sacrificing unrelated peoples. Aurora is in the very few I do care about."

That sentence about sacrificing innocent peoples felt really scary but.


"I see, everything is very clear cut in your mind, only black and white."

"No, mostly grey, but I don't like grey, it can't choose if it's black or white and it pisses me off."

Gilly explosive laughter ringed in the darkness.

"Again! Why are you always complaining about grey? It's a very useful color that matches with many things."

"I don't care, go with white instead, or black, not both at the same time."

Aurora wasn't quite sure what to tell her father now, they both looked really silly.

<I know they are saying nonsense but there are no lies.>

"But that doesn't explain why you care."

"Do I need a reason?"

"Of course you need a reason, everything has a reason!"

"Would you believe me if I told you Aurora is very persuasive and extremely bold in her requests. It is very hard to go against her. I was almost coerced into it."

Aurora kicked him two more times while her father gave him an understanding look and a half smile. That was something he could believe. His daughter was usually very kind but when she really wanted something, there was not much you could do to stop her aside from physically restraining her.

Gilly attempted to cool her down to stop her from kicking Blaze even though she couldn't put enough strength in them to hurt him.

"It's true you felt a little forceful in your demands but I understand you felt you were in a very difficult situation."

"This does indeed sound like her. When things don't go the way she wants them to, she can be a little... excessive."

<Father!> Aurora typed furiously.

<I don't believe myself to be excessive at all! I would like to ask you to retract your statement and tell that big meanie that it's all because he is way too scary! Also, all my questions were fair! And tell him I'm not a kid too! Almost not I mean.>

Her father let out another sigh. He understood now that it was mostly his daughter being bossy even with worldwide wanted criminals rather than said criminal trying to get something out of her. Did she perhaps misunderstood his lesson about authority? He didn't know what she had told them but they now seemed pretty much under her control.

Alright then, he would try to play along with her plot for now. It would be a valuable lesson for her, he hoped. He could just remove them latter, somehow, if they proved more troublesome than helpful. He ignored the plea of his daughter and went on to his next question. Now that he felt that at least, they didn't mean her harm, he was a little more inclined to help out.

"Then, if you are not helping your father and aren't interested in power, what is it you are after? What is the end goal here?"

"Survive, fix the misunderstanding about me, stop whatever my father is trying to do in order to get revenge for what he dropped on me and then, take it easy."


"That is a pretty lackluster goal."

"What do you mean?"

Blaze really felt like surviving against the entire world and defeating the leader of some world class criminal organisation were high goals to have.

"I mean what I said, nothing more. I feel like... Maybe I shouldn't say that. I guess I will play along for now, since my Aurora seems adamant about it and I couldn't find any fault in your reasoning up until now. Just don't kill random civilians to protect her, that would put me in a bad spot."

"I will try but in the end, I will do what I have to do."

"Blaze! We talked about this already."

Gilly seemed to disagree.

"All right, I will try really hard is this okay? You know it would be easier if they didn't all hate me to the bone right?"

He decided to make up an example to have her understand what he meant.

"Have you ever heard about the mental test where they ask you what you would do in some random situation deciding the life and death of people? If there was a train for example that was about to hit you or Aurora but there was a lever in front of me letting me switch it on a different track were a hundred people are tied up, I would pull the lever ten times over if I had to. I would never let that train reach you."

Gilly didn't seem to know what to answer to that but Mr. Stardust took the bait.

"What if the miss over there is on one of those tracks and Aurora on the other?"

All three people on their side thought the same thing: What a wicked question! Blaze wasn't quite sure how to answer that. Logically speaking, he should aim the train towards Aurora, he cared about Gilly way too much. But, on the other hand, a second jumper was an enormous advantage and long term investment, he would deeply regret letting her die in a hundred years, missing out on thousands of points. On top of that, he had just promised to treat them the same as a part of him. Making a choice here was akin to choosing between cutting his left arm or his right arm. He absolutely needed to save them both, there must be a way to trick the question.

"I would trust that Aurora has many a trick up her sleeves so I would first turn the train towards her. She would have a chance at living even if left on her own, Gilly would not. Then, I would try to destroy the train before it ever reached her, getting on the track myself if I had to."

The girls were impressed by his answer. It may not have been the most realistic possible but still.

<He is saying the truth, he really feel like he would do something so stupid.> Aurora wrote to her father.

"Fine, I will left you off the hook for now. I will do something about finding you both a uniform and something to hide your faces and send them over to Gleanne. I'll call back for the details of the delivery later. Do you still have something you need to talk about?"

Aurora jumped on the occasion.

<Yes, about the staff. The pilot of the plane is a traitor, I want Hergis to be punished and the secretary in the main office of Starfuel is terrible. She refused to transfer our call even if we clearly told her it was a private matter and that it would be dangerous to tell her the reason of our call. I said she would be fired if she didn't transfer us to you but she just laughed and insulted us before hanging up so we had to call mother. I want you to kick her out!>

Her father made a difficult face.

"Sweetheart, I can't fire someone just because she couldn't recognize the voice of my mute daughter over the phone. It's her job after all to hang up on suspect peoples."

Aurora pouted but gave up easily, she wasn't the one she was the most angry at after all. She was about to ask what he planned to do with Hergis when a loud explosive sound was heard from his side, followed by a rumble and the room shaking.

<What was that?> she asked instead.

"I'm not sure, I should/"

"I WILL KILL YOU!" Interrupted an incredibly loud Aurelia somewhere in the mansion.

"I will call back later."

With a pale face, Mr. stardust cut the line. Aurora was surprised by what she had just heard, who was her mother screaming at?

"Probably Hergis." Guessed Blaze seeing the look of Aurora.

"Maybe she is as violent as my mom when something happen to her girl?"

<What do you mean?>

"Once, a guy hit me by accident in the park, I fell and scrapped my knee hard enough to bleed. Do you remember Blaze?"

"Yeah, you went crying to your mom and she broke the arm of the guy."

Aurora shivered.

"Sometimes, mothers are very scary when you hurt their kids."

"No, I think it's just yours, there's something weird about her."

"Don't say that! It's going to be your mother in law soon."

Blaze just shook his head as an answer and Aurora asked <Then you think my mother is fighting against Hergis?>

"Yes, I think it's a winning bet. I don't know who else lives there but I don't think anyone else can anger someone that much."

<I hope she will make him hurt as much as he made me.>

RedSambrood RedSambrood

Next time, Aurelia's chapter.

This means that I spent all my reserves. I had all this written before I even began publishing it. It went up to just after next week chap.

This means that I have to work again and I can't use this to gain some time for BFDG.

This also means that comments I receive will become much more useful. Not that I received a lot of them but still.

Also, no one gave an opinion on the canon characters except ketch117 who wants me to use them. There's still time to answer.

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รีวิวโพสต์สําเร็จ! อ่านรีวิวเพิ่มเติม
โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank 200+ การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone 0 หินพลัง



เข้า สู่ ระบบ

tip ความคิดเห็นย่อย

คุณลักษณะความคิดเห็นย่อหน้าอยู่ในขณะนี้บนเว็บ! เลื่อนเมาส์ไปที่ย่อหน้าใดก็ได้แล้วคลิกไอคอนเพื่อเพิ่มความคิดเห็นของคุณ

นอกจากนี้คุณสามารถปิด / เปิดได้ตลอดเวลาในการตั้งค่า
